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“二次房改”建议者认为,目前保障性住房制度基本满足了低收入家庭的住房需求,商品住房制度满足了高收入家庭的住房需求,但中等收入家庭的住房供给却是空白。据此,他们提出了“三三制”的建议,主要内容是:针对三个居民阶层,实行“三种住房制度、三类供地方式、三支队伍参与”。建议还围绕中等收入家庭提出了“四定两竞公共住房”,即非营利公益性建房机构和建筑开发商以“定地价、定建房标准、定税费率、定5%利润率,竞房价、竞建设方案, 相似文献
1980年4月2日邓小平同志关于住房问题的讲话,启动了中国的房改。到今年4月2日,中国房改已经风雨兼程地走过了30年。一、房改的过程 第一阶段:从1980年至1988年,也称为房改的准备阶段。 相似文献
正建设住房需要大量的资金,因而在1988年颁发23号文以前的历次房改文件中,都把理顺住房资金(含建房与购房资金),作为一个重要的问题提出来。其中重要的理念有二:一是,住房资金由政府、単位和居民共同负担;二是,房改前供应住房资金的渠道在房改后不要改变。在酝酿起草23号文送审稿时,情况有了一个较大的变化,就是23号文做出了实行住房分类供应制度的决定,资金供应理应做相应的改变。当时的分 相似文献
在北京两会期间,有不少人大代表对现在住房制度改革有失人心的问题提出二次房改的建议。本文不作建议内容的评析,就二次房改的提法予以商榷。 相似文献
限于政府的经济实力,只能由低到高逐步地去解决住房问题,近一段时间的工作重点之一,是解决好中等偏下收入者的保障房问题,即大力推行公租房。 相似文献
当前,我们正在大力推行大比重地(70%以上)建设中小户型、中低价位住房,并认定它是解决好住房领域诸多问题.也包括解决好中低收入者住房问题的关键。同时,正在考虑对住房分类供应做如下调整,即:对最低收入者供应廉租屋;对低收入者供应经济适用住房;对中等收入者供应中小户型、中低价位住房。这一改变,可能更加适应我国的国情。 相似文献
"冻结"房产市场的投资属性、放弃"稳定房价"的政策目标,并且伴随着住房保障化制度的大规模成形,以及在全国的强制性推进,这不仅仅只是一次针对房价的调控!西南气候异常的同时,中国还有一片同样异常的领域,就是房地产市场。 相似文献
新闻背景:2008年6月,二次房改第一次被提出。二次房改提法的最早建议者——国家发改委专家刘会勇提出:企事业单位应自建廉租房,租给单位职工居住作为过渡房,建房资金可以来自房改售房款。2009年4月,清华大学教授李稻葵建议:二次房改’应该由政府主导提供房屋住房服务,平租房等由政府提供的房子应该占到50%,将目前未纳入政策性住房的中等收入群体纳入其中。 相似文献
正近年来,不止一次地听到有人建议进行第二次住房制度改革。我这个长期研究住房问题的工作者听了很高兴,因为提出如此重大的改革建议,肯定能提出许多份量重的新鲜理念供我研讨。但因无法看到建议的具体内容,也就无法进行研讨。2013年10月,有一刊物登出一篇应尽快进行第二次住房制度改革的文章(以下简称改文),提出了20条建议,使我能得悉建议的全部内容。我国城镇住房制度改革(以下简称房改)的涵义是:在城镇中停止旧的住房制度,推行新的住房制度。1998年国务院23号文决定,在我国城镇停止推行了 相似文献
广州、佛山、成都……在一个个时代样本的背后,是旧城改造的几大强有力的"法宝":规划、法制、民本、市场、保护、创新。 相似文献
James Nixon 《Economic Outlook》1993,18(2):1-4
In the run up to the key Christmas period the talk is again of renewed weakness in consumer spending. Last month saw the volume of retail sales rise by only 0.1 per cent, and the annual rate of growth has now slowed to a shade over 3 per cent, down from its peak of 4.4 per cent back in July this summer. This weakness in consumer demand is also clearly being reflected in retail prices; with retailers discounting their prices to boost sales, headline inflation fell to 1.4per cent in October, while the underlying rate dropped to its lowest level for 25 years. This forecast release looks at the wider determinants of consumer spending, especially developments in the housing market. We argue that the slowdown in high street sales is a forbear of sluggish growth to come and that lower interest rates, if they materialise, are unlikely to have much of an impact. While consumer spending has been the driving force out of recession, for the recovery to be sustained, requires that exports and investment spending now take up the running. 相似文献
Clare Romanik Raymond J. Struyk 《Review of urban and regional development studies : RURDS : journal of the Applied Regional Conference》1995,7(2):97-118
Under the dwelling purchase certificate program a retired or demobilized Russian officer returning from the "near abroad" is given a certificate which he can use to purchase a new housing unit in the market. The certificate is priced at estimated market price of dwellings, and prices vary by unit size and location (region). There was great uncertainty when the program was launched as to whether officers would find units available for purchase. In fact, most officers succeeded in using their certificate and most contacted several sellers in searching for housing. 相似文献
Jonathan Morris 《Economic Affairs》1993,13(2):30-31
What hope is there of a recovery in the housing market in the rest of 1993? Jonathan Morris, of economic consultant Lombard Street Research, analyses the influences that will affect the housing market. 相似文献
Robert Whelan 《Economic Affairs》2008,28(2):5-10
Housing for the poor was a thriving part of the voluntary sector in the nineteenth century, providing thousands of homes through hundreds of societies without subsidy. It was undermined by state action which has effectively driven other providers from the field. 相似文献
Frank Vibert 《Economic Affairs》2006,26(2):17-21
The regulatory impact assessment (RIA) may seem like a good mechanism for holding EU regulators to account as it requires them to compute costs and benefits of regulations before implementing them. However, it is too easy to use the RIAs to justify preconceived opinions. To achieve deregulation in the EU it is necessary to have a commitment to liberal markets and the concept of regulatory competition. 相似文献
Raymond Struyk Jeffrey Telgarsky 《Review of urban and regional development studies : RURDS : journal of the Applied Regional Conference》1992,4(1):102-118
This paper focuses on the part of the housing sector proving most difficult to reform in Eastern Europe-State-owned rentals—which typically constitute about 20 percent on the housing stock overall and half of the units in the largest cities. The paper argues that two objectives must be pursued simultaneously: (1) selling units at or near market prices to tenants or other households willing to purchase them; and (2) integrating the remaining state-owned rentals with the nascent but expanding rental market. The six elements of a strategy for achieving these objectives are described. 相似文献
Yukun Wang 《Review of urban and regional development studies : RURDS : journal of the Applied Regional Conference》1991,3(1):103-116
Inexhaustible, strong demand for housing, which is generated from the current low rents and the work-unit-distribution housing system, has caused permanent housing shortages in China's urban sector. It is also one of the main sources of China's cost-push inflation. The transition from public to private saving, which is included in current housing reform, is the only way to solve the housing problems facing the country. Calculation of the size of housing subsidies is the very foundation of any housing reform program. Based on my estimates, the annual housing subsidy per woker expanded 8.6 limes during the period from 1978 to 1988, increasing at an anual rate of 24.1%. Total housing subsidies expanded 12.4 times, rising at an annual rate of 28.6%. Relative to GNP, the housing subsidies grew from 1.3% to 4.2% during the period. The rapid expansion of housing subsidies has several significant policy implications for China's economy. These include the need for reappraising real worker income identifying the enlarged portion of revenue in kind, and recalculating housing consumption. 相似文献