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Two decades of research on wage differentials by sexual orientation uses data-sets that do not ask respondents about their own sexual orientation, even though sexual identity is key to theories that explain why a wage differential might exist. We show that many women who claim a lesbian identity for themselves are not classified as lesbian by researchers using the behavioral proxies typically available in the data. Conversely, many women who describe themselves as heterosexual are classified as lesbian because they report sexual experiences with women. Misclassification may lead to erroneous conclusions about changes in labor market outcomes. The results highlight the need to develop robust methods for collecting data on sexual identity and for more research on the interrelationship between sexual identity and behavior, especially occupational choice.  相似文献   

Abstract. We provide the first evidence on sexual orientation and economic outcomes in Canada using confidential data that ask adults a direct question about their sexual orientation. Gay men have 12% lower personal incomes and lesbians have 15% higher personal incomes than otherwise similar heterosexual men and women, respectively. Different labour force patterns can account for some of the income differentials. We also document large differences in educational attainment, childrearing, and urbanicity that generally mirror patterns found in the US. Finally, we show that applying couples‐based approaches common in this literature greatly overstates the magnitudes of gay/straight income gaps.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a study of sexual prejudice and differentials in labor market outcomes due to sexual orientation. It uses data from a nationwide Swedish survey on public attitudes toward homosexuals, conducted in 1999, and combines them with register data for 2007, which include information about sexual orientation, employment status, and yearly earnings for the total population in Sweden. It finds that prejudice against homosexuals negatively affects the relative employment and relative earnings of gay men. Lesbians are affected negatively by prejudice against homosexuals in terms of employment, but the relationship is less clear in regard to earnings. Discrimination against homosexuals, as well as social norms, occupational sorting and self-selection in, geographic mobility are presented as explanations for the results.  相似文献   

Nick Drydakis 《Applied economics》2013,45(20):2653-2665
We use data from the 2008–2009 Athens Area Study (AAS) to provide the first evidence on the relationship between men's sexual orientation and wages in the Greek capital, Athens. Gay and bisexual men are found to receive significantly lower monthly wages than heterosexual male workers after accounting for demographic and occupational characteristics. The estimations reveal that educated gay and bisexual workers face lower wage differentials than less-educated gay and bisexual workers, which is consistent with the statistical theory of discrimination. However, wage gaps are significant at all educational attainment levels, suggesting that these workers face strong prejudices in the Athenian labour market. The same pattern holds also across all occupations and sectors. Furthermore, to better understand the determinants of the wage gaps, we compare gay/bisexual men with both married and unmarried heterosexual men. By making these comparisons, we are able to disentangle the penalty associated with being unmarried from other human-capital explanations for the wage gap.  相似文献   

Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The links between income, sexual behavior and reported happiness are studied using recent data on a sample of 16,000 adult Americans. The paper finds that sexual activity enters strongly positively in happiness equations. Higher income does not buy more sex or more sexual partners. Married people have more sex than those who are single, divorced, widowed or separated. The happiness‐maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous year is calculated to be 1. Highly educated females tend to have fewer sexual partners. Homosexuality has no statistically significant effect on happiness.  相似文献   

Survey-based research concerning sexual behaviour almost inevitably confronts the simultaneous problems of misreporting and non-response. These problems lead to disparities among estimates of the number and characteristics of those who engage in same-sex sexual behaviour. This paper proposes a statistical model to consistently estimate the frequency of same-sex sexual behaviour in the presence of non-ignorable misreporting and non-response. The model is fitted using 1991–2000 General Social Survey data. Frequency estimates corrected for simultaneous misreporting and non-response are reported. According to the model, 7.1% of US males and 4.1% of females – 15.8 million individuals – are not exclusively heterosexual. Allowing for misreporting and non-response increases the estimated same-sex frequency by more than four million. The model reveals new patterns between misreporting and non-response probabilities and standard demographic variables such as age and income.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the 1988 to 2006 General Social Survey (GSS) to examine the effects of sexual orientation on earnings. Previous research using the GSS has found that lesbians earn 18%–23% more than similarly qualified heterosexual women and that wage penalties for gay men are slightly larger than the premia for lesbians. Using behavioral definitions of sexual orientation based on the previous year and the previous 5 yr of sexual activity, we find the familiar wage premia/penalties for lesbian/gay workers in our ordinary least squares estimations, but we find that these wage differences are falling over time. Furthermore, in contrast to the earlier results, for our regressions over the entire sample period, correcting for differential selection into full-time work reduces the estimated penalties for unmarried gay men and eliminates the entire wage premium for all lesbians. There is now a sizeable, though imprecisely measured, penalty for some lesbians. ( JEL J1, J3, J7)  相似文献   

This is the first study that examines the association between sexual orientation and labor force participation in Chile and Uruguay. Using information on heads of households and their partners from recent census data, it applies a simple econometric methodology to measure the relationship of sexual orientation and labor participation, juxtaposing individuals who are part of straight and same-sex couples, while determining any difference in this association according to gender. The study finds that partnered gay men are up to 5.0 percentage points less likely to participate in the workforce compared to married straight men. In addition, lesbians are up to 32.7 percentage points more likely to participate in the labor force compared to married straight women. Trends between the two countries are similar, but the likelihood of participating in the labor force differs significantly. Conservatism in the cultural context and legal frameworks of each country arises as a possible explanation.  相似文献   

New Evidence on Gay and Lesbian Household Incomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Using independent data from the Centers for Disease Control, the author tests a key assumption of previous research on gay and lesbian incomes: that same-sex unmarried partner households are, indeed, gay or lesbian. The author shows that this independent data suffers from less severe underreporting of same-sex unmarried partner households than the 1990 Decennial Census. Furthermore, individual level information on sexual behavior and family planning is used to show that these households exhibit sexual behavior that is systematically different from married and different-sex couples and that is consistent with a large body of public health and HIV literature on gay men and lesbians. Finally, the author replicates, confirms, and extends previously published Census-based results on the household income penalty faced by gay male couples, showing that these results are not an artifact of deficient data. He finds similar results for lesbian couples. (JEL J1 , J3 )  相似文献   

This paper extends previous empirical studies of racial and sexual wage differentials in the federal government by analyzing the role of promotions in the creation of these wage differentials. It is found that in the subsample of federal workers analyzed, differences in promotion rates are a significant factor leading to wage differences by race and sex.  相似文献   

This research sheds light on the analysis of the impact of corruption and political orientation on income distribution in Latin America. Although it has been theoretically demonstrated that corruption worsens the income distribution, the empirical evidence has yielded ambiguous results based on biased estimates not considering a measurement error in the estimation of inequality. This article fills this gap by correcting the previous measurement error bias in the fixed-effects estimation. Additionally, political orientation and its relationship with income inequality are also investigated. The sample covers 18 Latin American countries between 1996 and 2012. Results reveal that corruption increases income inequality.  相似文献   

This study examines aspects of sex differentials in mortality in India. "The general question of sex bias and excess female mortality is first discussed.... Subsequently the reasons for the regional contrast in sex ratios are explored.... We then focus on the interesting exception to the Indian trend and attempt an explanation for the unusual sexual profile that Kerala displays.... The paper ends...with an attempt to draw some tentative conclusions from the Kerala experience with an eye towards more general issues concerning women and the development process."  相似文献   

Compensating Wage Differentials with Unemployment: Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We estimate the economic value of mortality risk in China using the compensating-wage-differential method. We find a positive and statistically significant correlation between wages and occupational fatality risk. The estimated effect is largest for unskilled workers. Unemployment reduces compensation for risk, which suggests that some of the assumptions under which compensating wage differentials can be interpreted as measures of workers’ preferences for risk and income are invalid when unemployment is high. Workers may be unwilling to quit high-risk jobs when alternative employment is difficult to obtain, violating the assumption of perfect mobility, or some workers (e.g., new migrants) may be poorly informed about between-job differences in risk, violating the assumption of perfect information. These factors suggest our estimates of the value per statistical life (VSL) in China, which range from approximately US$30,000 to US$100,000, may be biased downward. Alternative estimates adjust for heterogeneity of risk within industry by assuming that risk is concentrated among low-skill workers. These estimates, which are likely to be biased downward, range from US$7,000 to US$20,000.   相似文献   

中国城镇贫困的变化趋势和模式:1988—2002   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用中国家庭收入项目(CHIP)调查数据,估计了1988—2002年中国城镇绝对贫困的变化趋势。根据CHIP调查数据所绘制的贫困发生曲线表明,不论把绝对贫困线确定在哪里,在该时期内中国城镇贫困都在显著减少。1988—1995年,收入分配不平等加剧,但此后基本保持稳定。分析收入和贫困决定因素的多元回归模型显示,教育、性别和中共党员等特征扩大了收入差异。来自政府反贫困措施的生活困难救助对减少城镇贫困影响很小。城镇贫困的缓解几乎完全归因于经济增长而非收入再分配。  相似文献   

利用2007年6-7月对江苏某市一大型娱乐中心489名未婚从业人员匿名问卷调查的资料,了解他们的性行为现状,分析其"不安全性行为"相关因素。娱乐场所未婚从业人员的婚前性行为比例远高于其他人群,安全套使用比例不高,存在诸多"不安全性行为",他们的"不安全性行为"与流动状况相关,是否使用安全套和有多个性伙伴与艾滋病相关知识和态度不显著相关。  相似文献   

Poverty is a widely researched topic in economics. However, despite growing research on the economic lives of lesbians and gay men in the United States since the mid 1990s, very little is known about poverty in same-sex couple households. This study uses American Community Survey data from 2010 to 2014 to calculate poverty rates for households headed by different-sex versus same-sex couples. Comparing households with similar characteristics, the results show that those headed by same-sex couples are more likely to be in poverty than those headed by different-sex married couples. Despite that overall disadvantage, a decomposition of the poverty risk shows that same-sex couples are protected from poverty by their higher levels of education and labor force participation, and their lower probability of having a child in the home. Lastly, the role of gender – above and beyond sexual orientation – is clear in the greater vulnerability to poverty for lesbian couples.  相似文献   

The disappearing gay income penalty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1995, labor economists have reported on the income disparities between individuals who engage in same-sex behavior and those that do not. Many of these papers report a significant wage penalty, while others find no effect, but few look at the trend over time. We find, using National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES) data from 1988 to 2007, that the income gap has reversed over time from a penalty to a premium.  相似文献   

In spite of increased awareness of HIV/AIDS, unprotected casual sex is still widespread in many HIV‐infected countries. In this paper, a two‐period model for sexual decisions under uncertainty is developed. The results suggest that, for individuals with limited access to HIV treatment, the uncertainty about their future health could be an important factor driving unsafe sexual practices. The results support the empirical finding of a weak link in poor countries between sexual behavior, HIV frequency, and HIV knowledge. Therefore, this suggests that an AIDS policy needs to be calibrated in order to fit within different social contexts.  相似文献   

Econometric theory now provides various techiniques for estimating the variance of a variable for which only a single. Observation is available at each sample point. This paper compares the autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (ARCH) and linear moment (LM) estimated of the variance of disposable labour income as measures of income uncertainty. Consumer theory postulates a negative relationship between uncertainty about future income and current consumption. Using quarterly post-world war II data with income modelled as a random walk with drift, both ARCH and LM estimates of the variance of income are included in a standard specification of the consumption function. It is found that while noth the ARCH and LM estimates of income uncertainty provide essentially the same predicted reduction in consumption growth as uncertainty increases the LM estimates yield a statistically significant influence on consumption while the ARCH estimated do not. However, both uncertainty measures provide a statistically significant imporvement in the specification of the consumption function relative to estimating the equation in the absence on an uncertainty measure. Thus, recent advances in estimation techniques, for post-world waf II data, show that the uncertainty theorists of over two decades ago were correct, that is estimation of a consumption function in the absence of an uncertainty measure relults in an equation with a biased estimate of the marginal propensity to consume as well as biased estimates of coefficients for all other included variables (see e.g. Leland, 1968, PP. 470-472).  相似文献   

Contingent — rather than secure — provisioning is the core of the institutions of capitalism. This differential access to means of life is a method of prodding labor force participation, considered “coercion” by “old” institutional economists and “freedom” by neoliberal thinkers. Status differentials, which are based on pay hierarchies and branded consumer goods, help reinforce the individual competition for differential rewards. Reform would require reconstituting the labor market, as well as financial institutions, and restructuring the rationales for income distribution.  相似文献   

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