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In this research, we empirically explore the effects of various design elements of email newsletters on consumers' email responses and their purchases. We capture the consumers' email responses using three metrics, namely email open, email click, and email reopen. We operationalize consumers' purchases as their spending on product items that are featured in email newsletters. Using a novel email marketing database, first, we model the influence of design elements of email newsletter on consumers' email responses at the individual consumer level. The email design elements constitute several email attributes, situational factors, and integrated marketing communication. Second, we quantify the effects of these three email responses, open, click, and reopen, on consumers' purchases. Our empirical results suggest a significant influence of email attributes, situational factors, and marketing communications on consumers' email responses. Furthermore, among open, click, and reopen, we find clicks tend to have the highest impact on consumers’ purchase, followed by email reopening and opening. However, email newsletters with higher opening probability are more effective in influencing purchases than those email newsletters with higher reopening probability. Furthermore, consumers who indulge in all three email responses, namely opening, clicking, and reopening, tend to purchase the most. Results from our study offer several critical insights for email marketing strategy helping managers improving the effectiveness of email campaigns by careful consideration for the design elements of email newsletters.  相似文献   


The study examined whether various types of cause-related marketing (CRM) appeals (informational, emotional, or a combination of the two) influenced visual attention, as captured by eye fixation, and perceptions of the company and the ad, thus, leading to purchase intentions. The results suggest that a combined appeal generates more favorable responses to the ad. An eye-tracking experiment showed that an informational ad led to longer visual attention, and that visual attention was affected by the level of consumers' cause involvement. Visual attention had a negative impact on company credibility. Company credibility mediated the relationship between visual attention and CRM ad attitudes.  相似文献   


This article investigates the influence of brand esthetics on consumer response to cause-related marketing campaigns. Drawing on brand visual identity and advertising research, a processing fluency perspective is explored in the relationship between stimulus characteristics and consumer judgment. Processing fluency suggests color enhances the ease with which consumers recognize and process brand elements, and more broadly, cause-related marketing campaigns. Brand logos were recolored to enhance the perceptual fluency of the two entities. Its joint effect with conceptual congruence (e.g., fit) indicate that both low and high fit brands benefit from enhanced processing fluency, with a more robust outcome for high fit brands. These effects were mediated by logo evaluation, leading to a new path of fit perceptions in CRM initiatives.  相似文献   

马新宏 《中国市场》2008,(36):90-91
本文立足于营销渠道的角度,采用了综合评价的方法,阐述了对市场营销活动的效果进行评价的重要性,并结合理论知识和实践需求,建立了一套科学的、系统的、可行的市场营销效果评价指标体系,并通过实例分析得到了验证。  相似文献   


Ads with visual metaphors are commonplace in advertising, but are characterized by varying degrees of incongruity. Across two experiments, this article presents the first empirical evidence that incongruity in a visual metaphor (VM) ad has an inverted-U (nonlinear) effect on attitude toward the ad. We find that a moderate level of incongruity in a VM ad produces maximal processing pleasure, which in turn yields the most positive attitude toward the ad. The findings confirm that processing pleasure mediates the effects of incongruity on ad attitude. Consequently, when creating ads, advertisers should choose advertising elements to obtain moderate levels of incongruity in the visual figures.  相似文献   


Will customers' intention to return to a restaurant increase with coupon promotion? To answer this question, this study examines the hypothetical effects of coupon promotion on return visits to restaurants. Based on a literature review, three hypotheses were developed to test the effect of a coupon, its face value, and a patron's prior dining experience on return intention. The authors found that neither coupon use nor coupon face value contributed to explaining respondents' return intentions. However, repeat customers have a greater likelihood of returning to the restaurant than new customers. The study also showed that the quality of food and service were key indicators of return intention.  相似文献   

The relationship between repatriations risk and modes of entry continues to interest researchers and practitioners alike. Frequently the structure of functions necessary to develop an efficient and effective international organization are determined by the mode of entry used. Repatriations risk in less developed countries (LDCs) is still a reality especially in light of their increasing debt burden. The objective of this study was to determine whether U.S. manufacturing firms used exporting instead of licensing as a hedge against repatriations risk in developing country markets. Using time-series (1973-86) and cross-sectional data (20 nations), the findings suggest that exporting was used to hedge against repatriations risk in LDCs.  相似文献   

Literature has reported that store-level information is crucial in determining consumer engagement with green stores. This study examines the effects of in-store (green) information quality on consumer engagement behaviours and mediating effects of store credibility. Moreover, the study reveals whether consumer passion for the environment moderates the effect of in-store (green) information quality on store credibility. Statistical analyses of useable data from 763 respondents examined the relationships. Credibility emerged as a key mechanism to enhance the effects of information quality on consumer engagement. Thus, this study extends theoretical discussions on information quality, consumer passion, and consumer engagement for green retailing.  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下,虽然中国利用FDI的数量近两年来一直领先,但是利用FDI的结构却是不合理的。由于FDI的各种结构效应表明外资加剧了本不合理的经济结构,所以在利用外资时,必须从结构入手,按照合理的结构来引进外资。  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that consumers will reward firms for their support of social programs, many organizations have adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. Drawing on social identity theory, a model of influence of CSR on loyalty is developed and tested using a sample of real consumers. Results demonstrate that CSR initiatives are linked to stronger loyalty both because the consumer develops a more positive company evaluation, and because one identifies more strongly with the company. Moreover, identity salience is shown to play a crucial role in the influence of CSR initiatives on consumer loyalty when this influence occurs through consumer-company identification. A strong identifier is not necessarily in a constant state of salience, but activating identity salience of a particular consumer social identity (a company) will affect consumer reactions to product stimuli, increasing consumer loyalty.  相似文献   

This study explores the main and interaction effects of framing messages and cause-related marketing on backing intentions by manipulating frame types, frame valences, and cause-related marketing in the message narratives of crowdfunding projects. We conduct an online experiment for a crowdfunding campaign and analyze data using independent-samples t-test and ANOVA. This study's findings show that negative messages lead to higher backing intentions than positive ones regarding attribute and goal framing messages. Narratives with cause-related marketing in crowdfunding projects had a more significant effect on increasing backing intentions than those without cause-related marketing. Positive attribute framing messages combined with cause-related marketing had significantly higher backing intentions than messages without cause-related marketing; for negative attribute framing, there was no significant difference between with and without cause-related marketing. This study theoretically advances the literature on reward-based crowdfunding, which provides scholars with insight into the effects of the written narrative design of crowdfunding projects on backing intentions and extends to the applications of framing effect theory and cause-related marketing. Practically, this study provides project initiators and crowdfunding platform operators with new perspectives on proposal copywriting content design and project operation.  相似文献   

Although Iran is one of the top 10 countries in the world that produce tomatoes, the level that they are exported into the global market is low. This issue may have resulted from a major problem within tomatoes’ supply chain management. This paper aims to develop an empirical model of the supply chain management (SCM) of tomato companies. Throughout the reviewed literature, a SCM construct with different six indicators has been developed, including information sharing, long-term relationship, cooperation, quality, flexibility, and delivery. In this study, the influence of the SCM components on tomato export was identified through the use of empirical data that were collected from 20 different tomato companies in Northeast Iran. Using structural equation modeling, the major elements of SCM were found to have significant impacts on the export of tomatoes. The results also showed that information sharing, cooperation, flexibility, quality, and delivery had significant positive effects on the export of tomatoes.  相似文献   

本文以新古典投资理论为基础,利用广东省1979-2004年的数据,并结合经济运行的实际情况,对外商直接投资对广东省内投资的挤入挤出效应进行了实证分析,结果表明:广东省的外商直接投资对广东省的省内投资产生了挤出效应。在实证分析的基础上,对产生挤出效应的原因做了进一步的分析。  相似文献   

文章运用广州市32个工业部门的面板数据,对行业内FDI的技术外溢效应的实证分析结果表明:外资对内资的技术外溢效应总体上是非常微弱,相反,竞争效应则能对内资企业提高生产率起到更大的正向作用。按照行业不同的技术密集程度,文章将这些行业分为高技术行业、中高技术行业、中低技术行业和低技术行业分别予以检验,结果发现,技术差距越大,越不利于FDI技术外溢效应的发挥,而竞争效应所起的作用越大;人力资本流动效应的发挥只有在吸收能力的水平达到一定程度之后才会有积极意义。  相似文献   


The traditional formulation of customer value is a trade off of benefits and sacrifices, with intrinsic quality typically being the primary benefit, and price typically being the primary sacrifice. While additional sacrifices have been proposed in the literature (e.g., time and effort), we explore three additional benefits, the extrinsic attributes of industry leadership, innovation, and customer focus and their effects on a hierarchical quality-value-intention system. Data gathered from two distinct business-to-business domains, one goods and one services, showed that extrinsic attributes impacted elements of the quality-value-intention system. It was also found that quality and customer focus (an extrinsic attribute) differed in their effects across goods and services contexts. Managerial implications are discussed for creating customer perceived value in goods and services industries.  相似文献   

服务业跨国公司在华直接投资的经济效应分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着中国加入WTO后服务业市场的进一步开放,近几年服务业正成为我国吸引外商直接投资的重点领域.文章重点研究服务业跨国公司在华投资的经济效应,通过分析服务业跨国公司在华投资对我国服务业内部结构的影响,以及服务业跨国公司在华投资的产业价值链效应、就业效应及对我国出口竞争力的影响,得出我国必须有步骤地开放国内市场,健全体制,才能更好地承接服务业国际转移,发展我国服务业.  相似文献   

当前我国利用外商直接投资的负效应问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何龙斌 《商业研究》2007,(9):126-129
当前由于我国利用外资的环境发生变化,使得我国利用外商直接投资的负效应凸显,主要表现为冲击了民族工业发展、减少了国家财政收入、造成国有资产的流失、隐藏国际收支风险、降低了我国工业结构整体效益以及导致我国环境污染加剧。因此,必须调整引资优惠政策,健全与实施跨国并购的法律保障,发展和完善外商引资产业政策,提高反避税能力和资本管制的效率,以消除这些负效应。  相似文献   

This study tests the effects of social information cues on ad responses and consumer decision making processes in the domain of unfamiliar product adoption. The findings show that participants having a huge size of the social network are particularly responsive to social information cues featured in the ads, showing an inverted U-shape pattern of purchasing intentions as the number of prior product purchasers increased. Findings suggest targeting and marketing strategies on social network service platforms.  相似文献   

The continuing rise of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is leading to catastrophic damage in many parts of the world over the coming decades unless GHG emissions can be controlled quickly. The objective of reducing GHG emissions can only be accomplished when all the sectors contributing to GHG emission act responsibly. The contribution of the household to GHG emission was 19.6% in the European Union (EU) in 2013. The energy consumption for laundry washing in the EU, estimated at 24.2 TWh/year, is a substantial share of household energy use. As the use phase of the washing machine is the dominant stage where the environmental impact occurs, this paper addresses some of the EU consumers’ washing and drying behaviour in the laundry process. Information on consumers’ behaviour regarding the laundry process was collected by a semi‐representative survey in eleven EU countries in 2015, including more than 5,000 participants. The main outcome of the study is that consumers’ behaviour regarding the laundry process differs substantially between the EU countries. Moreover, socio‐demographic characteristics of households affect the overall sustainability profile of the laundry process.  相似文献   

选取1996~2006年中国大陆7个台资比较聚集的省市的面板数据,实证考察了台商投资中国大陆对大陆就业的影响.对1996~2006年的整体样本估计结果表明,20世纪90年代中期以来,台资的进入对大陆的就业起到了显著的促进作用.通过分阶段估计发现,1996~2000年期间,台资对大陆就业促进效应是显著的;然而,2001~2006年期间台资对大陆就业的促进效应则不显著.  相似文献   

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