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This contribution investigates whether the introduction of Khul, Islamic unilateral divorce rights for women, helps to explain recent dramatic increases in women's labor supply in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries over the 1980–2008 period. It shows, using data for eighteen countries, that Khul reform increased the labor force participation of women relative to men. Furthermore, we find evidence that the effect of Khul is larger for younger women (ages 24–34) compared to older women (ages 35–55). Younger women increased their labor force participation by 6 percent, which accounts for about 10 percent of the increase in their labor force participation from 1980 to 2008.  相似文献   

Based on the cost and content of individual calorie intake, I find evidence of son preference in food distribution in rural Bangladesh but not in the rural Philippines, which is consistent with the contrasting cultural norms of these two agrarian societies. Unlike in the Philippines, few females in Bangladesh, a male‐dominated patriarchal society with the strong presence of dowry and purdah systems, seem to participate in the labor market. Gender differences in wage rates appear to be prominent in Bangladesh as well, and the transfer at marriage from a bride's family seems to exceed that from a groom's family. In Bangladesh, the village wage rate of adult females is positively associated with a girl's allocation from the animal food group, while village wage rates of adult males are negatively associated. However, no such association is observed in the Philippines, which is characterized by egalitarian values between the sexes. In recent marriages in Bangladesh, a village's average value of transfers from grooms' families is also positively associated with a girl's allocation. While higher birth order children fare worse than lower birth order children in both economies, in Bangladesh a higher birth order girl does worse than a higher birth order boy, whereas this is not the case in the Philippines. The son preference does not seem to be associated with scarcity, as it is prominent in non‐poor Bangladeshi households but not in poor ones; the preference does not appear in either category in the Philippines. A Bangladeshi village's access to television, which I use as a proxy for liberal values, is positively associated with girls' calorie allocations.  相似文献   

An empirical evaluation is presented of two competing flexible labour supply models. The first is a standard unitary model, while the second is based on the collective approach to household behaviour. The evaluation focuses on the testing of the model’s? theoretical implications and on their ability to identify structural information, like preferences and the intrahousehold allocation process. Models are applied to Dutch microdata from the DNB Household Survey. The unitary model cannot be rejected for male and female singles, while it is rejected for a sample of couples. The alternative collective model cannot be rejected for the same sample, allowing identification of individual preferences and an intrahousehold sharing rule that can be used as a basis for welfare economic policy evaluations.  相似文献   

This study considers the factors that influence women's work behavior in Kenya. In particular, it examines whether gender attitudes and certain types of social institution influence the probability of employment or type of employment for women. Using data from the Demographic and Health Survey of 2008–9, it finds that religion and ethnicity are significant determinants of women's employment in Kenya. While personal experience of female genital mutilation is insignificant, spousal age and education differences, as well as marital status (which reflect attitudes both in women's natal and marital families), are significant determinants of women's employment choices.  相似文献   

This research creates a unique internet-based measure of awareness about state-level whistleblower laws and provisions to examine their effects on observed corruption in the United States. Are whistleblower laws complementary or substitutes for other, more direct, corruption control measures? Placing the analysis within the corruption literature, the findings show that greater whistleblower awareness results in more observed corruption and this finding holds across specifications. Internet awareness about whistleblower laws seems relatively more effective at exposing corruption than the quantity and quality of state whistleblower laws themselves.  相似文献   


This study uses individual-level survey data from women and men in Uganda and South Africa to examine coupled women's joint ownership of land and housing. It compares women's control over and benefits from jointly held land and housing with those of coupled women not owning land or housing at all and coupled women owning them solely. The lack of a clear and consistent advantage of joint ownership potentially arises from frequent disagreement within couples about whether the land or house is jointly owned. The study serves as a reminder of the complexities of joint ownership in practice, particularly within families, that need to be considered in order for coupled women to benefit from joint asset ownership. Efforts promoting joint ownership, for example, joint titling and marital property laws supporting joint ownership, should not only consider these complexities but also establish and communicate clear and enforceable rules for joint ownership.  相似文献   


Recent research in the United States has found that wives' absolute earnings level is more important than their earnings relative to their spouses in determining time spent on housework. Utilizing data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, this article examines whether women's housework time in Australia is associated with relative or absolute earnings and extends previous work by examining possible mechanisms linking women's earnings with their time on housework, outsourcing through the use of paid domestic help, and unmeasured heterogeneity among women. The research finds that women's housework time is more strongly affected by women's relative earnings than by their absolute earnings, and neither outsourcing nor unobserved heterogeneity can explain the relationship between women's earnings and their housework time in Australia. These results indicate that Australia has a strong male-breadwinner institutional framework that continues to hinder gender equality in paid and unpaid work.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the importance of marriage for interstate risk sharing in the US. We find that US federal states in which married couples account for a higher share of the population are less exposed to state‐specific output shocks. Thus, in addition to improving the allocation of risk at the individual level, marriage also has implications for risk sharing at the more aggregated state level. Quantitatively, the impact of marriage on interstate risk sharing varies over divorce regimes.  相似文献   

鉴于机动车数量的日益增加及其对空气质量和人类健康所造成的严重危害,各国政府普遍重视对机动车排放污染的治理,美国在这方面处于世界领先地位。借助相对完善的法律体系和有力的执行机构,通过实施系统的机动车排放污染治理项目,在政府、厂商、公众多主体的共同参与下,美国的机动车排放污染治理取得了显著成就,也为我国提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

We consider, both theoretically and empirically, the allocation of time and money within the household. The research question is whether a married person who enjoys more leisure than their partner also receives more consumption (which seems to indicate the outcome of power within the household) or receives less consumption (which seems to indicate differing intrahousehold preferences). We develop a simple parametric structural model with household production that is tested on survey data. We find that relative wages have an impact on power. For leisure, this effect is dominated by a conventional wage effect, in which the partner who has the higher wage takes less leisure.  相似文献   

美国转基因生物安全行政监管特点分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国的转基因生物安全行政监管主要由农业部、环保署及食品药品管理局负责,部门之间分工明确,且建立了高效的协调机制和良好的公众参与制度;监管部门均设有下属专业的管理单位,强调检测评价报告以科学为依据,在管制方法上,以研究者为核心,以公司财产为担保,采用"自律"管制.这些特点的产生主要依赖于较完善的法律体系以及相当稳定的社会规范.根据我国转基因生物安全监管的现状,美国的监管体系值得我们借鉴:管理机构问的高度协调机制、专家知识的充分利用与信息共享,以及良好的公众参与制度.  相似文献   

The components of social costsincluded in the supply analysis are cashoutlays and opportunity costs associated withharvest and alternative residue uses, potentialenvironmental damage that is avoided byexcluding unsuitable land, and costs in movingresidues from farms to processing plants. Regional estimates account for the growingconditions and crops of the main agriculturalareas of the United States. Estimates includethe main U.S. field crops with potential forresidue harvest: corn, wheat, sorghum, oats,barley, rice and cane sugar. The potentialcontribution of residues to U.S. energy needsis discussed.  相似文献   

The article is about implementing obligations under Article 27.3(b) of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS). However, concerned with the fragmentation of international law in a globalised world, the article uses Kenya as a case study to interrogate the apparent choice and latitude in Article 27.3(b). At the TRIPS Council, Kenya has sought to locate Article 27.3(b) within a wider frame by adroitly norm-borrowing, and it canvassed for integrating norms and principles from other multilateral agreements into TRIPS. Yet, when introducing plant breeders' rights into domestic law, Kenya fails to either explore the apparent latitude or deliver on its rhetoric in Geneva. I explain this decoupling between Geneva rhetoric (ritual) and domestic law (behaviour) as another symptom of what Steinberg [(2002), ‘In the Shadow of Law or Power? Consensus-Based Bargaining and Outcomes in the GATT/WTO’, International Organization, 56 (2), pp. 339–74)] characterises as ‘organised hypocrisy’ of the World Trade Organisation. In demonstrating that fragmentation in global legal architecture may not automatically emerge in domestic law, the article draws out the significance of attending to a domestic political economy of law-making.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dissemination of access to home Internet among Whites and Blacks in the US, the inequalities observed between the groups (known as the digital divide), the trends exhibited by the two groups in the acquisition of Internet access, and the factors contributing to these disparities. The study focuses on the large and growing digital divide observed among Whites and Blacks in the period 1997–2007. Both the standard and a variant of the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition techniques are employed to identify and quantify the factors that contribute to this gap. In all decompositions, differences in education, family income, household composition, and access to the Internet outside the home are found to be the primary factors that explain the racial digital gap.  相似文献   

本文在纳什议价模型基础上,使用来自中国9个省的双收入家庭的调查数据,检验了议价能力变化对家务劳动时间配置的影响。结果发现,议价能力提高将减少本人的家务劳动时间和家务分担比例,并使本人家务劳动时间和家务分担比例对其他因素的弹性增大。议价能力的影响存在明显的性别差异,对男性的效果强于对女性的效果。本文拓展了已有的关于家庭内部时间配置的研究成果,对议价能力的定义和衡量方法做了探讨,并通过实证分析显示出议价能力在家务劳动时间配置上起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

Location and happiness in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of living in a less urban area on the probability of being happy is estimated. It is shown that less urban areas are associated with higher levels of happiness. Further, it is shown that respondents in the north region are less happy. Data from the National Opinion Research Center’s “General Social Survey” are used.  相似文献   

The mainstream blames the global savings glut for causing the 2008 global financial crisis and proposes currency realignment to restore balance. However, this view fails to provide solid theoretical and empirical support to the claim that net inflows of foreign savings reduced U.S. long-term real interest rates and inflated asset prices. It also ignores the role of the global financial system in shaping the development strategy and macroeconomic imbalances in emerging Asian economies. Furthermore, forcing currency revaluation in China and other surplus countries may risk reducing global demand instead of shifting demand from the United States to surplus countries. The paper argues that an overhaul of the defunct global financial system lies at the root of global rebalancing; whereas in the short run, the United States should actively pursue demand-enhancing policies to strengthen global economic recovery.  相似文献   

The two largest minorities in the United States, African Americans and people of Hispanic origin, show official poverty rates at least twice as high as those of non-Hispanic Whites. These similarly high poverty rates between the two minorities are, however, the result of different combinations of factors related to the specific characteristics of these two groups. In this article, we analyse the role of demographic and labour-related variables in the current differential of poverty rates among racial and ethnic groups in the United States and its recent evolution. Our results show, first, that these differentials are largely explained by differing family characteristics of the ethnic groups. Furthermore, we show that while labour market activity of family members and a preponderance of single mothers play a more significant role in the higher poverty rates of Blacks, a larger number of dependent children is closely associated with higher poverty among Latinos, who also suffer from a larger educational attainment gap and higher immigration rates.  相似文献   

We calculate the welfare costs of distortionary taxation (including inflation) in models calibrated for the United States and Sweden. The welfare costs are calculated using comparative steady state as well as dynamic analysis, where we take the costs of transition from the distorted to the optimal steady state into account. We also calculate the welfare costs of adding stochastic fluctuations. Our main finding is that the total welfare costs of the distortionary taxes including the distortionary effects of inflation are about five times higher in Sweden than in the United States. Meanwhile, stochastic fluctuations in policy turn out to have a relatively small impact on welfare.  相似文献   

Income inequality and crime in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jongmook Choe   《Economics Letters》2008,101(1):31-33
This paper investigates the relationship between income inequality and crime. Results show that there is a strong and robust effect of relative income inequality on burglary. Effect on robbery is also strong and robust in most cases.  相似文献   

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