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社会保障税与社会保障制度优化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李绍光 《经济研究》2004,39(8):48-56
社会保障税是指定用于社会保障的工薪税。本文分析了工薪税的税收归宿和劳动供给弹性的影响。当劳动供给弹性较小时 ,税收主要由劳动力负担 ,而且可能会增加就业压力 ;工薪税在劳动同质程度较高时可以取得较好的再分配效应。本文还描述了社会保障制度优化的理论过程。社会保障制度优化是指现收现付计划和强制储蓄计划的最优搭配 ,它以“黄金律”条件下的隔代帕累托改进为标准。就同代收入再分配而言 ,将收入再分配计划的目标定为提高受益人的受教育水平 ,而不是直接为其提供免费的社会福利 ,将有助于缓解收入再分配的代价。  相似文献   

本文使用一个世代交叠模型揭示了公共教育与社会保障调节收入分布的作用机制。研究发现,公共教育能够有效地缩小家庭教育投资差距,从而降低收入差异;社会保障则通过减少低收入家庭的劳动供给、增加其有效家庭教育时间来降低收入差异。本文的数值模拟结果显示,在同样的支出水平下公共教育调节收入差异的能力比社会保障更强。并且当存在财政预算约束时,从降低收入差异的角度来看,若财政预算规模较低则应当将资金优先用于公共教育;若财政预算规模较高则应当在公共教育与社会保障之间保持平衡。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze a majority voting process on the earnings-related part of pension benefits in a Social Security system with flexible retirement. We show that the aging of the population may make it easier to implement one of the proposed reforms to achieve a delay in the average retirement age of workers, to reinforce the link between contributions and pensions.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the interaction between social security and retirement behavior in Austria in the decades up to the on-going reform process. The key question is, how much of the retirement behavior can be attributed to incentive effects of the pension system. We describe the labor market and retirement behavior of the elderly in Austria, survey the key features of the public pension system and finally present the results of a series of simulations aimed at assessing the retirement incentives generated by the pension system. We compute levels and accrual rates of social security wealth and implicit tax rates on continued work according to the method portrayed in Gruber and Wise [Gruber J, Wise D (1999) Social security and retirement around the world. University of Chicago Press, Chicago London]. To some extent, the sharp drop in labor force participation among the elderly must be attributed to major disincentives of the Austrian pension system; the system turns out to provide significant incentives to retire early. Past reforms have reduced the disincentives. Our results, however, show the need to further reform the public pension scheme and to reorient it stronger towards the principle of actuarial fairness.  相似文献   

中国省级社会保障公共支出存在着类型化的可能。通过选取"社会保障公共支出水平"、"经济发展水平"和"政府力量"三个变量作为分类框架和指标,利用2005—2008年度截面数据测算,可以将各省份区分为东中西三大类型区域。统计分析发现,这三类区域不仅在省级社会保障公共支出相对比重之间存在着显著的差异,而且各区域也形成了不同的社会保障发展机制。  相似文献   

In this paper, I exploit Social Security legislation changes to identify the causal effect of Social Security income on out‐of‐pocket medical expenditures of the elderly. Using the 1986–1994 Consumer Expenditure Survey and an instrumental variables strategy, the empirical results show that health care expenditures are responsive to changes in Social Security income for elderly individuals with less than a high‐school education. The estimated income elasticities are between 1.41 and 3.47, depending on the outcome measures, and are statistically significant at conventional levels. The findings are in contrast to existing studies that find a small income elasticity at the individual/household level.  相似文献   

社会保障权是现代社会公民的一项基本权利,为公民提供社会保障是现代政府的当然职责,但公民社会保障权的实现,需要消耗巨额公共资源。广义上讲,公民社会保障权的实施成本,主要包括直接支付成本、管理成本与转制成本。其中,社会保障权实施的管理成本应属于社会保障制度建设的基础问题,本文在对社会保障权实施的管理成本影响因素进行实证分析的基础上,提出了降低公民社会保障权实施成本的基本思路与政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper incorporates home production into a dynamic general equilibrium model of overlapping generations with endogenous retirement to study Social Security reforms. Specifically, home production takes housing, home input, and home hours as inputs and produces a good that is substitutable with market good. As such, the model differentiates both consumption goods and labor effort according to their respective roles in home production and market activities. Using a calibrated model, we conduct a policy experiment where we eliminate the current pay-as-you-go Social Security system. We find that the experiment has important implications for labor supply as well as consumption decisions and that these decisions are influenced by the presence of the home production technology. More importantly, comparing our economy to a one-good economy without home production, the welfare gains of eliminating Social Security are magnified significantly especially in the long run. The reasons are twofold and related to the general aspects of home production. First, home production implies a more elastic labor supply rendering the payroll labor tax more distortionary. Second, home production introduces insurance possibilities that are not present when only market-produced goods are available and, thus, reduces the need for government redistributive policies.  相似文献   

边际改革与结构性改革是社会保障领域中两类重要的改革方式.本文以美国社会保障"私有化"争论为例,通过分析这场争论的缘由与实质,以及社会保障制度边际改革和结构性改革的作用机理,指出社会保障制度改革的路径选择是多支柱模式的结构性改革方式,这是主流趋势;边际改革与结构性改革不是非此即彼关系,而是互补关系.  相似文献   

城市化过程中的流动人口,农村内部农地调整以及农用土地非农化问题是现阶段中国转轨与经济发展过程中面临的重大问题。这三方面问题具有非常紧密的关联,需要一个整体思路来进行分析,更需要在此基础上给出系统、具操作性的解决方案。本文在对这些问题及其政策关联性进行剖析的基础上,揭示了中国户籍制度与农地制度改革在一个大国的转轨与经济发展过程中的特殊性,并提出一个政策组合,试图在改革现有土地征用制度的同时,通过给予农民在土地和城镇社会保障之间的自由选择权建立起一种良性的城市化机制,从而实现户籍制度和农地制度改革的突破。  相似文献   

论社会保障的生命周期及中国的周期阶段   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
王诚 《经济研究》2004,39(3):98-106
从国家保障、福利国家、强制储蓄和社会保险等主要的社会保障模式中 ,可以看到由产生、成长、高峰、衰退和消亡等阶段组成的社会保障体制的生命周期。中国的新社会保障体制在其生命周期上已经完成产生阶段 ,正处于成长阶段的中期 ,经过另外三十年左右的努力 ,将可以进入高峰阶段。为此 ,中国需要在社会保障体制的改革和建设中对农村保障、养老保障、失业保障和医疗保障诸方面 ,付出一系列特殊而具体的努力  相似文献   

根据最新统计资料,就某些发达国家和中国的人口老龄化对社会保障的影响问题作了研究。人口老龄化的社会经济影响主要体现在社会保障的问题上,由于人口老龄化,特别是正规职业人口的老龄化导致退休金、医疗保障和老年人的服务问题成为普遍性的社会问题,解决这些问题成为我国社会保障制度建设重点所在。  相似文献   

We develop a three-period overlapping-generations model in which individual decisions about education are the engine of growth. In this setting, we investigate the normative role of education subsidies and old age pensions. Calibrating this model on empirical data, it is shown that the case for positive pension benefits is rather weak on the optimal path. An important part of education subsidies should be financed by lump-sum taxes on retirees. We also examine how these transfers should be adjusted in the presence of a baby boom-baby bust demographic shock. It turns out that an appropriate policy could be to increase education when the baby-boom generation is at work. Labor productivity will then be higher when aging peaks so that the pension bill can be financed without reducing welfare for the baby-bust generations.
JEL classification : O 41; J 24; E 62  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss the role a progressive income taxsystem and a redistributive pay as you go (PAYGO) social securitysystem can play in insuring and reallocating idiosyncratic aswell as aggregate risk. I also argue that the underlying sourceof market failures generating such a role for government interventionmay be crucial when determining the normative consequences ofsuch social insurance. (JEL Classifications: E62, H21, H24,H55).  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, the lifecycle hypothesis has been the dominantexplanation for the ‘inverse U’ in household wealthaccumulation. This paper advances an alternative explanation,rooted in the ideas of Veblen, that emphasises the role of lifestyleconformity: Because people tend to adopt lifestyles common totheir social group and modify them in standard ways as theyage, lifecycle norms impart a certain order to the accumulationof assets and liabilities, which enables people to ‘do’lifecycle saving via habitual thinking. After laying out theargument conceptually, the paper provides empirical evidenceon the role of conformity in lifecycle saving and discussesits contribution to the current low saving rate in the USA.  相似文献   

笔者使用中国省际面板数据,运用Granger就财政支出对社会稳定的影响进行非因果性检验发现公共安全财政支出是社会稳定的单向Granger原因,表明以公共安全财政支出变量变化预测社会稳定形势具有显著的统计学意义。鉴于此,公共安全财政支出安排应参照社会稳定形势变化进行动态调整,使其契合中国社会对公共安全保障要求。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether individuals might voluntarily join and remain members of a state in which high levels of social insurance are provided. That is to say, are there plausible circumstances in which a social welfare state can be regarded as “liberal” in the sense that it has the universal support of its citizens?As a point of departure, the paper demonstrates that risk-averse individuals in a setting of substantial income or health uncertainty will voluntarily join private income-security clubs. Private income-security clubs, however, cannot be entirely voluntary because they must solve the problem of adverse selection, as with entry or exit fees. The paper demonstrates that individuals may opt for governmental provision of income security services, when there is uncertainty about the quality of private club services, because naturally high exit costs allow national governments to economically address the problem of adverse selection. The analysis also suggests that liberal income security programs may have constitutional or quasi-constitutional status because of the nature of the long-term nature of the insurance contract.  相似文献   

In this paper, we modify the Djajić [Djajić, S., 1987. “Government Spending and the Optimal Rates of Consumption and Capital Accumulation,” Canadian Journal of Economics 20, 544–554.] model in such a way that government consumption expenditure provides utility to households via the total stock of government services rather than the government consumption flow alone. By using such a framework, we show that the optimality condition for the public service capital stock is the marginal rate of substitution between public service capital and consumption that equals the intertemporal marginal rate of transformation between the two goods. In addition, we show that the relationship between private consumption and public service capital in a household's utility plays an important role in determining the transitional behavior of relevant variables. We also examine the second-best government consumption expenditure policy. By contrast, in the standard flow specification, e.g., Turnovsky and Brock [Turnovsky, S.J. and Brock, W.A., 1980. “Time Consistency and Optimal Government Policies in Perfect Foresight Equilibrium,” Journal of Public Economics 13, 183–212.], Ihori [Ihori, T., 1990. “Government Spending and Private Consumption,” Canadian Journal of Economics 23, 60–69.], and Turnovsky and Fisher [Turnovsky, S.J. and Fisher, W.H., 1995. “The Composition of Government Expenditure and its Consequences for Macroeconomic Performance,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 19, 747–786.], the second-best government consumption expenditure is decided on the basis that the marginal utility of consumption is equal to the discounted sum of the marginal utility of the government's flow spending.  相似文献   

This article models the elasticity of consumption taxation faced with changes in disposable income. Its calculation makes clear the importance of the design of the personal income tax and of the changes caused to the consumption of taxpayers. The modelling is performed for both individual taxpayers and the population as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the income distribution of the Dutch elderly using a microsimulation model. Microsimulation models allow for detailed estimates of the income distribution. Our model deviates from traditional models by explicitly considering the persistency and heteroskedasticity of real income shocks. In this way, modeling all underlying processes influencing household income becomes less necessary, which can improve the trade‐off between refinement and tractability of microsimulation models. We show the results of three model specifications with different levels of refinement. The results are in line and indicate that between 2008 and 2020, the highest predicted annual growth among the elderly is for median‐income households (about 1.2 percent). High‐income households have a somewhat lower predicted growth (about 1.0 percent) and low‐income households only have a predicted annual growth of 0.5 percent. Inequality therefore seems to increase in the lower part of the distribution, while it will probably decline in the upper part of the distribution.  相似文献   

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