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《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物申报管理规定》第18条规定:经海关批准,进出口货物的收发货人、受委托的报关企业可以在取得提(运)单或载货清单(舱单)数据后,向海关提前申报,并按照海关的要求交验有关随附单证、进出口货物批准文件及其他需提供的证明文件。  相似文献   

苏镁怡 《中国海关》2010,(12):67-67
应税物品进境有限量 旅客如在境外购买了名表、名包、化妆品、电子产品等应税物品,携带进境时应主动向海关申报。  相似文献   

放眼望去.4月2O日到5月20日这轻时间国际国内的经济形势颇有点像一句歌词所唱——五月的鲜花开满了原野。  相似文献   

<正> 平地起高楼,对于刚刚从象牙塔里探出头来的大学生来说,创业实在是一个艰辛而又复杂的过程。哪怕只是开一个小店,其过程也往往会让他们一头雾水,找不着北,更别说办一家公司。较之那些要不要鼓励大学生创业的讨论和清谈,也许他们更需要实实在在的帮助,特别是在一般创业流程不可避免的几个重要环节中。  相似文献   

也谈商务谈判技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谈判既是一门科学,又是一门艺术。在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,谈判已经发展成集社会学、语言学、心理学、逻辑学、行为学、传播学、公关关系学等诸多学科为一体的综合性现代科学。对于现代企业的经理人,如果不能在商务活动中把握谈判的技巧和艺术,就不可能做好经理,获得成功。  相似文献   

Researchers believe that personality affects both the negotiation process and outcomes, but have yet to provide reliable evidence. Using a culturally balanced personality scale SAPPS, we explore the impact of personality on negotiation within a collectivist context–China. Hypothesized relationships based on a buyer/seller model are supported that assertive negotiators are more likely to behave competitively, which leads to better economic outcomes, and open-minded negotiators are more likely to use an integrative approach, which leads to higher satisfaction. This result, similar to those obtained in North America, suggests a universal model of negotiation might exist. Our study also indicates, however, that personality only accounts for a small portion of variance in negotiation behaviors. More research from other perspectives is needed for further exploration.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a parametric theory of negotiation as a basis forshedding light on negotiation support system possibilities. Previously, thetheory has been used to analyze prior research accomplishments in the area ofnegotiation support systems. Here, we discuss implications of the theory thatare relevant for future research and development of negotiation supportsystems. The implications are concerned with three topics: a high-levelgeneric characterization of these systems, an identification of theirpossible support functions, and a taxonomy for classifying suchsystems.  相似文献   

Logrolling Procedure for Multi-Issue Negotiation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to better deal with the complexity in multi-issue negotiation, a quantitative method which produces Pareto optimal solutions through jointly improving exchange of issues is proposed. The trade-off process is modelled using logrolling, in which loss in some issues is traded for gain in others, resulting in overall gain for all parties. This mutual gain approach is designed based on the integrative negotiation strategy. The objective of the logrolling method is in negotiation support by providing a structure and systematic analysis for ill-defined multi-issue negotiation problems. This study presents a formal representation of logrolling, the sequential logrolling procedure that is based on the exchange of two issues, and the general properties of the efficient frontier produced by logrolling under a linear preference assumption. The study also includes some discussion on implementation aspects of the logrolling method.  相似文献   


This study examined the impact of deceptive advertising on the abnormal stock returns of firms. Using an event study analysis with 101 cases from the FTC database over the period 1987–2005, the FTC rulings on deceptive advertising were found to have the negative effects on the abnormal stock returns of firms. Among the firm-specific factors examined in this study, the amount of advertising expenditures played a role in alleviating the impact of deceptive advertising on the abnormal stock returns, and the firms charged with consent agreements alone were found to lose less firm value than those charged with additional actions by the FTC. Results also showed that the negative effects on the abnormal stock returns created by the FTC actions did not quickly disappear afterwards. These results imply that marketing managers should exercise caution in designing advertising messages that may or may not intend to violate the FTC rules and regulations on deceptive advertising.  相似文献   

Decision Support for Air Warfare: Detection of Deceptive Threats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article describes an empirical study of the effectiveness of a decision support system called TADMUS. TADMUS is an acronym for Tactical Decision-Making Under Stress. The TADMUS DSS was developed at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego.The TADMUS HCI was designed to mitigate the limitations of human cognition in the following 3 areas: perception, attention, and memory. We expected that decision makers would be better able to recognize deceptive threats if they used a compensatory decision aid that mitigated the effects of their cognitive limitations.Our participants were 90 US Navy officers who were enrolled at the Surface Warfare Officer's School. The participants were formed into 15 teams of six to perform the experimental task. Each team performed a total of three 25-minute threat detection scenarios. Eight of the teams had the aid of the TADMUS DSS, and 7 teams used the current US Navy training system called TASWIT.Teams performed significantly better at detection of deceptive threats when using the TADMUS DSS. We concluded that the design approach was successful.  相似文献   

Many advertising practitioners and academicians do not know or understand the bask decision steps involved in an FTC deceptive advertising matter. The steps are 1) is the ad in tact deceptive, 2) is an injunction appropriate, 3) are corrective efforts appropriate, 4) should a cease and desist order be issued and 5) what industry-wide action should be taken. A knowledge and appreciation of the considerations at each step in the process helps the practitioner prepare a defense strategy rebutting a complaint and provides the advertising professor with an orderly framework for teaching about government regulation of false and deceptive advertising.  相似文献   

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