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This article provides an assessment of the contribution of exports to the Mexican economy during the first globalisation. This implies revisiting conventional explanations based on the tradition of structuralism and dependency theory, using a new, complete set of data on Mexico's foreign trade, and evaluating the direct contribution as well as the indirect benefits provided by export activities, through mechanisms that linked foreign trade to the rest of the economy. The most important among these were positive externalities, spillovers, and backward and forward linkages.  相似文献   

In the pre-1914 era Australia did not develop an ocean-going merchant navy. The problem is well recognised in previous studies that assumed that it was high Australian wages that made the operational cost of deep-sea vessels uncompetitive on a global scale. This article reconstructs historical shifts in the Australian market for a seagoing workforce and demonstrates there was low recruitment of Australian labour. Drawing on new sources and inspired by efficiency wage theory the article argues that it was this shortage of a domestic labour supply that constrained the development of a national deep-sea shipping industry.  相似文献   


In the last two decades, migration as 3. phenomenon has been studied intensively and scientifically. Apart from migration in general, Scandinavian scholars have taken a special interest in the great flood of emigration during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A large number of dissertations and other studies have described and analysed the phenomenon. Samson's work on emigration and mobility must be seen in this context, having started as a dissertation within the project ‘Sweden and America after 1860’, commonly referred to as the Emigration Research Project.1  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(1):55-65
Based on a nationwide survey, this article addresses the contribution of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) to employment, national income, and household income in Kenya. One-third of all working persons are employed in MSEs and the sector contributes 13% to national income. Despite their large contribution as a whole, returns to individual MSEs vary tremendously. Among those MSEs that represent the sole source of income for the household, 72% make less than the absolute poverty line in urban areas and none of the MSEs in rural areas make above the absolute poverty line. Comparing hourly MSE returns to average earnings in the private sector, the majority make below the average earnings while a minority make significantly higher earnings.  相似文献   

The research carried out so far has explained the Great Famine of 1696–1697 in the Baltic provinces as a result of the total crop failures in 1695–1696 and an inadequate Swedish economic policy that emptied all the stocks in the provinces through massive grain exports to Finland and Sweden. However, both these views are not consistent with the closer study of the grain exports from the major ports of the Baltic provinces during the famine years. The analysis of Tallinn's customs books shows that the grain exports occurred only on a small scale compared to the normal years, due to the strict ban on grain exports to foreign markets. Furthermore, there is no proof that the markets in the bigger towns lacked available grain in those years. It can also be concluded that the volume of the grain exports was hardly enough to alleviate the famine crisis in Finland or Sweden.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of a rich literature on Chinese partial household division, there is still limited evidence of its effect on land and capital accumulation and well-being. In this study, contrary to the dominant view, we find that household property size peaked around 1800s–1830s, suggesting that equal-share system did not necessarily lead to land fragmentation. We find evidence that this rise in farm sizes is related to the opposing forces of increased well-being and increased inequality.  相似文献   

This speech introduces O’Brien’s research approach to the divergence debate and presents the fiscal capacities of the states as the key condition for ushering in modern economic growth in the pre-industrialization West. The concerns of pre-modern European states (1415–1839) were not with economic development, but with external security and internal stability of their kingdoms. Mercantilism prepared European states for capitalist industrialization. Historical evidence supports the hypothesis that effective command and control over sovereign revenues were what gave Britain and other European states the advantage over their oriental counterparts in providing public goods of external security and internal stability, which made the divergence in economic development inevitable.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on globalization and the great divergence with a comprehensive analysis of the integration of Asia in the world market from 1800 to the eve of World War II. We examine the patterns of convergence in prices for a wide range of commodities between Europe and the main Asian countries (India, Indonesia, Japan and China) and we compare them with convergence between Europe and the East Coast of the United States, hitherto the yardstick for the 19th century. Most price convergence occurred before 1870, mainly as a consequence of the abolition of the European trading monopolies with Asia, and, to a lesser extent, the repeal of duties on Atlantic trade. After 1870, price differentials continued to decline thanks to falling freights and to better communication after the lay-out of telegraph cables. There was only little disintegration in the inter-war years.  相似文献   

What was the role of energy in shaping modern economies and fuelling the transition to sustained economic growth? In the historiography on the industrial revolution, the transition to fossil energy carriers plays a central role. Despite recent efforts to gather new empirical evidence, long-term comparative studies on energy transitions and their economic impact before and during the first industrial revolution remain rare. As a contribution to this literature, this article presents new quantitative data on energy consumption from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries in the Low Countries. To explore differences in the chronology and impact of energy transitions, we compare the total levels of energy consumption, the energy mix, and the prices of fuels between two cities in the northern and southern Low Countries: Leiden and Ghent. This analysis enables us to explore more clearly which factors played a key role in the interaction between energy, economic growth, and industrialisation. The transition towards a cheap-energy economy in Holland was associated with economic growth, but not with mechanisation. On the other hand, the rapid mechanisation process in Ghent was associated not with a cheap-energy economy (relative to that of Leiden), but more specifically with a cheap-coal economy.  相似文献   


In the recently published third volume of Fagerstabrukens Historic, Professor E. F. Söderlund has given a detailed and penetrating account of the formation in 1927 of the Fagersta concern, resulting from the amalgamation of five leading Swedish iron works. 1 Cf. Professor B. Boëthius' article above. pp. 174. His analysis offers a most useful background for a discussion of certain general problems of industrial finance and ownership, and of banking, in Sweden during the First World War and the 1920s. To provide such a discussion is the purpose of this article, and to that end it will be necessary to summarise Professor Söderlund's narrative. As, however, the story is in all essential respects the same for each of the works, a brief resume of the main facts in the history of one of them, Fagersta Bruk, will suffice.  相似文献   

This article explores the widening ownership of stocks and shares in Great Britain between 1870 and 1935. It demonstrates the extent of that growth and the increasing number of small investors. Women became more important in terms of the number of shareholders and value of holdings. Factors that encouraged this trend included the issue of less risky types of investments, and legal changes relating to married women's property. We examine the ‘deepening’ importance of stocks and shares for wealth holders, arguing that the growing significance of these kinds of financial assets was as important as the growth in the investor population.  相似文献   


This article examines a specific case, the national development strategy of a small peripheral economy, that of Finland, in the inter-war period of crisis and disintegration in Europe. Unlike the East-European agrarian latecomers, Finland, still a producer of raw-materials, was lifting herself closer to the relatively prosperous West-European level. It is shown that among the factors contributing to the rapid economic growth and forest-based industrial progress of Finland, the most important one was the successful set of means consisting of government action coloured by agrarian interests, the establishment of state-owned industrial corporations inspired by economic nationalism and entrepreneurial enthusiasm, and intensive cartellization, led by the private family firms of the export sector.  相似文献   

In this contribution, we study the founding of large charities for the elderly during the Dutch Republic, demonstrating their number and nature, with an emphasis on how almshouses for the elderly were intricately bound up with the concern to preserve honour. Personal honour, being tied to community honour, formed a vital part of the processes of patronage and corporatism that defined early modern Dutch society. Through almshouse foundations the religious and civic communities to which patrons and clients belonged were strengthened. Within the fragmented religious landscape of the Dutch Republic these charities played an important role in strengthening both mainstream and dissenter communities, while providing a decent old age to Dutch citizens.  相似文献   

The main focus of this article is the connection between the social hierarchies and charities like almshouses in Danish urban society between 1700 and 1850. The almshouses and a whole range of other charities were exclusively targeted at those of the upper and middle classes who had fallen on hard times and could not be supported by their families. They were offered better material conditions than the poor of the lower classes. Thus, this kind of charity was both based on, and reinforced, a division of society in distinct social layers. At the same time, the exclusion of the lower-class poor shows that almshouses played an important role in shoring up social boundaries as well as social markers.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the importance of military factionalism in a nonconsolidated democracy: the Spanish Republic (1931–9). It builds a new micro-dataset for over 11,000 officers during the Spanish Civil War (1936–9) to study how professional and economic interests created divisions within the military and influenced officers’ allegiances during the war. Results confirm that distributional conflicts influenced officers’ decisions in Republican-controlled territories: officers who gained from military reforms in the years before the civil war and those with more rapid promotions in the months predating the war were more likely to remain loyal to the government. This article also explores the behavioural determinants of officers’ propensity to rebel and finds that hierarchy mattered, as senior officers influenced subordinates’ choices of side.  相似文献   

This article explores political conflicts about the organisation of public services in Sweden c. 1900–1920. The authors argue that political decisions play a vital role in shaping the political economy of public services. The case studies analysed are the political debates about the communalisation of the tramway system in Stockholm, and the nationalisation of Sweden’s last private telephone company. In both cases, the transfer of the service to public organisation was a lengthy process, ending in the late 1910s. This is explained using the concept of publicness. Drawing on three discursive chains, the argument is that the political development was affected by the politicians conception of the political community, the form of organisation and by perceptions of values such as equal access and modernity. In the case of the tramways, public organisation was seen as the best option to defend the public against corruption and self-interest. In the case of the telephones, free market competition was seen as a guarantee for an efficient and cost-effective service. The reason for this difference, is argued, was that the debate on the tramways articulated a clearer notion of publicness, where equal access and public opinion carried larger weight.  相似文献   

Interpretation of historic grain price data may be hazardous owing to systematic grain quality variation — both cross sectionally and over varying time horizons (intra-year, inter-year, long run). We use the English wheat market, 1750–1914, as an example to quantify this issue. First, we show that bushel weight approximates grain quality. Then we show that cross sectional and intra-year variation are substantial and problematic, generating erroneous inference regarding market integration. Long run variation is significant, due to sharply declining international quality differentials, and this impacts estimated cost of living changes. By contrast, inter-year variation is smaller and controlled for more easily.  相似文献   

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