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We develop a flexible and analytically tractable framework which unifies the valuation of corporate liabilities, credit derivatives, and equity derivatives. We assume that the stock price follows a diffusion, punctuated by a possible jump to zero (default). To capture the positive link between default and equity volatility, we assume that the hazard rate of default is an increasing affine function of the instantaneous variance of returns on the underlying stock. To capture the negative link between volatility and stock price, we assume a constant elasticity of variance (CEV) specification for the instantaneous stock volatility prior to default. We show that deterministic changes of time and scale reduce our stock price process to a standard Bessel process with killing. This reduction permits the development of completely explicit closed form solutions for risk-neutral survival probabilities, CDS spreads, corporate bond values, and European-style equity options. Furthermore, our valuation model is sufficiently flexible so that it can be calibrated to exactly match arbitrarily given term structures of CDS spreads, interest rates, dividend yields, and at-the-money implied volatilities.  相似文献   

Equity returns predict carry trade profits from shorting low interest rate currencies. Commodity price changes predict profits from longing high interest rate currencies. The gradual information diffusion hypothesis (Hong & Stein, 1999) provides a ready explanation for these predictability results. These results cannot be explained by time-varying risk premia as stock returns and commodity price changes significantly predict negative carry trade profits. The predictability is one-directional, from commodities to high interest rate currencies, from commodities to stocks and from stocks to low interest rate currencies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate existence of long-run equilibrium relationships among the aggregate stock price, industrial production, real exchange rate, interest rate, and inflation in the United States. Applying Johansen's cointegration analysis to monthly data for the 1974:01-1998:12 period, we find that the S&P 500 stock price is positively related to the industrial production but negatively to the real exchange rate, interest rate, and inflation. Analysis of error correction mechanism reveals that the stock price, industrial production, and inflation adjust to correct disequilibrium among the five variables, while variance decompositions indicate that the stock price is driven to a considerable extent by innovations in the interest rate. Structural stability tests show that the parameters of the cointegrating system and the error correction term are stationary.  相似文献   

从现代市场经济的视角看,股票作为一种能够为投资者带来一定收入的资本所有权证书,是最典型的虚拟资本形式。作为虚拟资本的股票价格不外乎是一种与利息率相关的股息收入的资本化。由于利息率是股票价格一个决定性因素,致使股票价格与利息率相关性极强,而与其净资产的高低相关性较弱。因此,在证券市场上,股票价格往往高于其真实价格(每股净资产价值),从而具有了“虚拟”成分。这样,股票价格虚拟运动便成为一种独特的经济范畴。为此,只有注重对股票价格虚拟的合理范围的判断,确定出股票价格可投资的界限,才能以价值投资的理念,引导市场的投资行为,促进中国股市健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the return–liquidity relationship on one Middle East and North Africa frontier market, the Tunisian Stock Exchange (TSE). The findings provide evidence that there is a significant and positive premium for companies with high price impact and low trading frequency. However, Tunisian investors appreciate more low spread stocks. We show, also, a non-linear relation between potential delays of execution and stock returns. In addition, we find that Tunisian investors require a premium to compensate past cumulative illiquidity risk (high price impact, low turnover and high potential delay of execution) over the prior three to 12 months and to compensate past cumulative spread over 12 months. We point out also that these effects are seasonal.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on the relation between stock returns and inflationary expectations for nine countries over the period 1971–80. The Fisherian assumption that real returns are independent of inflationary expectations is soundly rejected for each major stock market of the world. Using interest rates as a proxy for expected inflation, our data provide consistent support for the Geske and Roll model whose basic hypothesis is that stock price movements signal (negative) revisions in inflationary expectations. Finally, a weak real interest rate effect was found for some of these countries.  相似文献   

Numerous stock market regulators around the world impose daily price limits on individual stock price movements. We derive a simple model that shows that price limits may deter stock market manipulators. Based on our model's implications, we predict that regulators impose price limit rules for markets where the likelihood of manipulation is high. We present empirical evidence consistent with this hypothesis. Our study is the first to formally propose a manipulation‐based rationale for the existence of price limits in stock markets.  相似文献   

We test how the use of financial derivatives affects banks’ informational structure and future stock performance based on a sample of large bank holding companies in the US. Using banks’ use of financial derivatives as a proxy for opacity, we find that high level use of interest rate and foreign exchange derivatives are associated with an increase in the synchronicity (R2) of stock price movements with the market index, which indicates less revelation of bank-specific information to the market. This finding is consistent with the prediction of the model developed by Wagner (2007). We document that superior corporate governance tempers these effects. Finally, we find that an increase in the opacity is significantly and positively related to an increase in banks’ future stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

宏观经济变量对股票价格的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股票价格不仅仅受其内在价值的影响,还和宏观经济因素有密切的关系.运用向量自回归方法,就宏观经济对股票价格的影响进行实证分析.研究结果表明,股票价格指数的短期波动受通货膨胀率、利率、储蓄的短期变化的影响;但是中国股票市场的走势与实体经济发展也存在背离,工业增加值与货币供给量的变化对股票价格指数的影响较小.  相似文献   

经典持有成本模型在非随机利率假设无法满足的条件下仅仅是远期合约而非期货的定价模型。本文采用拟合SHIBOR曲线的方法生成无风险纯折现债券模拟价格序列,对沪深300指数期货价格的随机利率效应进行了实证检验。研究结果表明,由于利率管制、股指期货市场和货币市场发展不成熟等因素的共同作用,沪深300指数期货价格中不含随机利率效应,指数远期和期货理论价格相等;如果持有成本模型其他假设条件也得到满足,则该模型可以用于沪深300指数期货定价。  相似文献   

Assuming that the macroeconomic environment can be transformed into a two-district system, that is, the path of financial asset prices is uncertain, we track and study the motion of stocks and other asset price process under the conditional Black-Scholes model, and give the economical explanation of the mathematical formula. Further, we derive and analyze an option pricing formula for the Black-Scholes asset model under the condition that the risk-free interest rate is regime-switching too. The method in this article is applied to model the log rate of return of the Tencent stock in a two-district market environment. And the obtained parameter values are used to calculate the option price. In narrowing the gap with actual option prices, our method outperforms the classical option pricing model point by point. Compared with the general and pure mathematical model derived work and the empirical study work, our study does more work on the economic characteristics analysis and interpretation of the mathematical models, and plays a certain role in linking the results of mathematical models with empirical research.  相似文献   

Equity default swaps (EDS) are hybrid credit-equity products that provide a bridge from credit default swaps (CDS) to equity derivatives with barriers. This paper develops an analytical solution to the EDS pricing problem under the jump-to-default extended constant elasticity of variance model (JDCEV) of Carr and Linetsky. Mathematically, we obtain an analytical solution to the first passage time problem for the JDCEV diffusion process with killing. In particular, we obtain analytical results for the present values of the protection payoff at the triggering event, periodic premium payments up to the triggering event, and the interest accrued from the previous periodic premium payment up to the triggering event, and we determine arbitrage-free equity default swap rates and compare them with CDS rates. Generally, the EDS rate is strictly greater than the corresponding CDS rate. However, when the triggering barrier is set to be a low percentage of the initial stock price and the volatility of the underlying firm’s stock price is moderate, the EDS and CDS rates are quite close. Given the current movement to list CDS contracts on organized derivatives exchanges to alleviate the problems with the counterparty risk and the opacity of over-the-counter CDS trading, we argue that EDS contracts with low triggering barriers may prove to be an interesting alternative to CDS contracts, offering some advantages due to the unambiguity, and transparency of the triggering event based on the observable stock price.  相似文献   

When the consumption growth rate is measured based upon fourth quarter data, it tracks predictable variation in future excess stock returns. Low fourth quarter consumption growth rates predict high future excess stock returns such that expected returns are high at business cycle troughs and low at business cycle peaks. The consumption growth rate loses predictive power when it is measured based upon other quarters. This is consistent with the insight of Jagannathan and Wang [2007. Journal of Finance 62, 1623–1661] that investors tend to review their consumption and investment plans during the end of each calendar year, and at possibly random times in between. The consumption growth rate measured based upon fourth quarter data is a much stronger predictive variable than benchmark predictive variables such as the dividend–price ratio, the term spread, and the default spread.  相似文献   

We analyse the components of the bid‐ask spread in the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE), which was recently characterised as a developed market. For large and medium capitalisation stocks, we estimate the adverse selection and the order handling component of the spreads as well as the probability of a trade continuation on the same side of either the bid or the ask price, using the Madhavan et al. (1997) model. We extend it by incorporating the traded volume and we find that the adverse selection component exhibits U‐shape patterns, while the cost component pattern depends on the stock price. For high priced stocks, the usual U‐shape applies, while for low‐priced ones, it is an increasing function of time, mainly due to the order handling spread component. Furthermore, the expected price change and the liquidity adjustment to Value‐at‐Risk that is needed are higher in the low capitalisation stocks, while the most liquid stocks are the high priced ones. Moreover, by estimating the Madhavan et al. (1997) model for two distinct periods we explain why there are differences in the components of the bid‐ask spread.  相似文献   

随着中国资本市场改革的深化,市场间的互动关系逐步回归市场化关联。本文运用协整检验、Granger因果检验、多元GARCH模型研究了汇率与股价的互动关系。研究结果表明:在长期联动性方面,汇率与股价存在稳定的长期均衡关系;在价格溢出方面,只存在汇率到股价的单向引导关系;波动溢出方面,汇市的波动冲击会影响股市,而股市的波动对汇市无明显影响。进一步的研究中,本文估算了汇率波动对股市开盘价及收盘价的影响大小。  相似文献   

We report three new findings that rely upon the high-low price range as an estimate of stock return variance. The predictability of variance is associated with persistence in high prices and with correlated shocks to high and low prices. Excess stock returns are positively related to anticipated variance and inversely related to unanticipated variance. Lagged squared residuals in GARCH(1,1) models have no incremental explanatory power in the presence of forecasts of conditional volatility generated from high-low price spread models.  相似文献   

This study examines the difference in stock price crash risk between zero-leverage and non-zero-leverage firms. We find that zero-leverage firms have a significantly higher future stock price crash risk than non-zero-leverage firms. Next, we find that the positive relation between zero-leverage policy and future stock price crash risk is more pronounced when firms have higher controlling shareholders' ownership and foreign ownership. We also find that the positive relation is more pronounced for firms with low cash holdings than for those with high cash holdings. Further, we find that the positive relation is stronger for dividend-paying firms than non-dividend-paying firms. Our results are robust to alternative estimation specifications and endogeneity concerns. Overall, our findings shed light on the extent to which extreme corporate financial policy has an impact on future stock price crash risk. Our empirical evidence also provides meaningful implications for how stakeholders (especially investors) predict stock price crash risk in the context of extremely conservative capital structure.  相似文献   

Option prices tend to be correlated to past stock market returns due to market imperfections. We unprecedentedly examine this issue on the SSE 50 ETF option in the Chinese derivatives market. To measure the price pressure in the options market, we construct an implied volatility spread based on pairs of the SSE 50 ETF option with identical expiration dates and strike prices. By regressing the implied volatility spread on past stock returns, we find that past stock returns exert a strong influence on the pricing of index options. Specifically, we find that SSE 50 ETF calls are significantly overvalued relative to SSE 50 ETF puts after stock price increases and the reverse is also true after the stock price decreases. Moreover, we validate the momentum effects in the underlying stock market to be responsible for the price pressure. These findings are both economically and statistically significant and have important implications.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of monetary policy announcements in Thailand, which is one of emerging market countries in Asia, on stock prices at the firm level. We find that the expected change, rather than the unexpected change, in interest rates affects stock prices. The stock price response to the interest rate announcement is asymmetric. For instance, the relation between interest rate surprises and stock prices is conditional on the direction of the interest rate change. In general, macroeconomic conditions and firm characteristics cannot explain the stock price reaction to the announcement. In addition, stock prices of firms in different industries appear to react heterogeneously to the interest rate announcement.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper presents a model linking two financial markets (stocks and bonds) with real business cycle, in the framework of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model with Generalized Isoelastic Preferences. Besides interest rate term spread, the model includes a new variable to forecast economic activity: stock market term spread. This is the slope of expected stock market returns. The empirical evidence documented in this paper suggests systematic relationships between business cycle's state and the shapes of two yield curves (interest rates and expected stock returns). Results are robust to changes in measures of economic growth, stock prices, interest rates and expectations generating mechanisms.  相似文献   

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