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商业银行客户服务与金融创新   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
商业银行的客户服务目前已经成为社会关注的焦点.改善并不断提高服务质量是商业银行的基本职责和保持长期盈利的需要.客户服务是产品功能通过业务流程来实现的,功能的适用性和流程的便捷性是客户服务质量的两个最基本特征.本文在分析了商业银行在客户服务方面所存在的问题及其原因的基础上,指出在观念、产品、流程和组织等方面进行金融创新,从而提高服务供给能力是改善商业银行客户服务的根本出路.服务改善是一项具备基础性、全局性、长期性和艰巨性的任务,商业银行经营活动中没有任何其他事务比客户服务的改善更为困难、所需时间更为长久,从而也更需要资源的投入.  相似文献   

Development of advanced mobile Internet services requires flexible service platforms. Every service offering needs generic functionalities like security, billing and customer data management. Such functionalities used to be integrated in the mobile network infrastructure but are now offered by competing service platforms. Future service platforms might be offered by operators but can also be embedded in the mobile phone or at the systems of the service providers. Studying flexibility of service platforms requires technological as well as strategic analysis, and should take into account the perspective of multiple stakeholders. Where to locate service platforms is not just a technological matter as it greatly influences flexibility of both service providers and end-users. This paper analyzes how various service platform technologies that are located at operators, mobile phone and service providers influence flexibility. We find that no single service platform offers superior flexibility to both service providers and end-users.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model and provides considerations for implementing a service excellence initiative in the highly competitive financial services industry. This model identifies and defines service culture, desired employee service behaviours, operational standards and service outcomes necessary to enhance and sustain service excellence. When managed collectively, these components provide the organisational environment necessary to harness employee service-related activities for the purpose of creating value and enhancing performance. Implementation of this model resulted in a 20 per cent increase in service quality scores across select areas in the sample organisation over a two-year period.  相似文献   

商业银行拓展金融资产服务的国际借鉴与路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快金融资产服务拓展步伐,积极培育资本节约型金融资产服务核心竞争力,是国内商业银行发展转型的必然选择。无论是以专业经营模式开展金融资产服务的纽约梅隆银行,还是以综合经营模式开展金融资产服务的加拿大皇家银行,其金融资产服务运营的相关经验都值得深入探讨与分析。为了拓展金融资产服务,国内商业银行需要尽快构建以"客户"为中心、以"服务"为导向的业务拓展模式,从产品创新、服务便捷等层面提升金融资产服务的人性化、个性化程度,加快国际化步伐、完善全球服务网络、提升全球资产配置与全球服务供给能力。  相似文献   

美国商业银行开展理财业务的经验及对国内银行的启示   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
乔晋声  徐小育 《金融论坛》2006,11(10):53-60
近年来,随着国内经济的快速发展和银行业全面开放的日益临近,国内各大商业银行越来越重视发展理财业务,以期在同业竞争中取得优势。本文从美国商业银行开展理财业务所依托的组织架构、产品和服务、采取的模式以及建立的流程等入手,分析了国内理财业务的现状和前景及工商银行在开展理财业务时面临的主要问题。据此,作者提出以下建议:提高对发展理财业务重要性的认识构建顺畅的前中后台营;销服务体系;加快产品和服务创新,努力发展交叉性金融业务;完善理财业务流程,打造理财品牌;加大科技投入,提高客户服务和风险控制能力;建立核心人才队伍,完善考核和激励机制。  相似文献   

随着内蒙古经济的快速发展和自治区对交通基础设施投资力度的不断加大,内蒙古的高速公路建设取得了长足发展,作为高速公路重要组成部分的高速公路服务区也获得了难得的发展机遇。高速公路服务区是高速公路的配套设施,直接向司乘人员提供生活和工作服务,对高速公路服务区营销对策研究与提高高速公路服务区的服务质量和整体形象具有重要意义。本文首先介绍了内蒙古高速公路服务区的概况,分析了服务区现阶段营销中存在的主要问题,并在此基础上从发展物流园区、创建服务品牌、构建营销联盟、开展服务营销等四个方面提出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

乔梁 《保险研究》2009,(7):98-105
本文把验证保险公司的服务质量的标准归纳为有形展示、服务可靠、服务响应、服务保证及人本服务五个方面,通过实证分析的方法检验了这五个方面测量内容的可信度,并利用从客户问卷调查结果得到的数据进行统计分析,证明这五个方面反映出的服务质量与公司品牌形象有正相关性,其中服务可靠对于寿险企业品牌形象影响最大,其他依次为服务响应、人本服务、服务保证和有形展示。  相似文献   

This paper makes a detailed comparison of two major financial services in Singapore: life insurance and stockbrokerage. Relationships of perceptions and expectations of service quality, mean service adequacy (MSA) and mean service superiority (MSS) with service satisfaction and loyaltyare examined. Results indicate that the reliability aspect of service quality is strongly related to satisfaction and loyalty in the stockbrokerage industry, while the assurance aspect of service quality enjoyed a similar status in the life insurance industry. Results also confirm that whileMSA and MSS both drive satisfaction and loyalty, perceptions of actual service have the strongest correlations with those behavioural outcomes. The findings of this paper present some interesting managerial implications.  相似文献   

Markets globalization and the strong competitiveness in the industrial sector, have made the fulfillment of clients’ needs a strategic target for companies that compete for a market segment. In order to acquire this, a solid competitiveness is required in reference to service differentiation. It is important to remark that most of the time the client has a single opportunity to assess a service in terms of quality and satisfaction; in that sense, many organizations have developed mechanisms to evaluate quality service as a component of continuous enhancement. The present study proposes using a 15-item standard questionnaire by applying the Servperf model (Service Performance) proposed by Cronin and Taylor (1992), which collects client’s impression of the quality of the service received. The investigation covered the five offices of Telcel’s service centers in Hermosillo, Sonora. The purpose was to determine the factors that characterize client’s satisfaction through quality service, applying the Servperf model to show if there is a positive relation between the service and the client’s satisfaction.  相似文献   

面向用户的高校图书馆学科化服务的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开展学科化服务不仅是高校学科建设的需要,是高校图书馆在新形势下深化服务内容、进行服务创新的需要,本文首先对学科化服务进行了概述,然后阐述了学科化服务的内容、并提出了实施学科化服务的措施,最后阐述了在学科化服务中应思考的问题。  相似文献   

顾客价值导向的服务品牌构建路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾客价值需求是服务品牌构建的源点,服务品牌中的价值感知、传播、让渡和传递等关键维度应与顾客价值需求密切相关,基于顾客价值的服务品牌构建的路径包括:确立以品牌为核心的企业愿景和价值;从顾客视角出发进行品牌规划;建立服务品牌战略;360度服务品牌整合营销传播计划与执行;完善服务品牌资产评估系统;持续投资服务品牌。  相似文献   

多中心治理的公共卫生服务供给机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于我国公共卫生服务供给与需求的统计数据,分析了公共卫生服务资源配置现状,提出了公共卫生服务供给中需要解决供给不足、城乡发展不均衡和医疗服务可及性差等问题。同时,从多中心治理理论出发,研究了多中心治理的公共卫生服务供给模式,并进一步探讨了公共卫生服务的多中心供给实施机制。  相似文献   

李豪 《金融电子化》2020,(4):54-55,M0003
2020年伊始,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,打乱了人们正常生产生活节奏,一场“居家隔离”的“抗疫战”在全国掀起。疫情发生以来,交行认真学习习近平总书记系列重要讲话和指示批示精神,深入贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,按照监管部门政策指引,统筹推进疫情防控和金融服务工作,努力实现疫情防控和经营管理“双胜利”  相似文献   

大学生村官作为基层干部队伍的重要组成部分,也是一个代表公共利益的政治团体,为广大的农民群众提供高质量的公共服务是国家赋予大学生村官的责任和义务.随着政府职能转变和服务型政府建设的推进,加强大学生村官公共服务能力建设是保证基层政府公共服务职能实现的重要性因素.本文在综合分析大学生村官与公共服务能力内涵的基础上,深入考察了目前大学生村官公共服务能力建设进程中存在的问题并提出了加强大学生村官公共服务能力建设的对策.  相似文献   

创建"服务型机关"——高校机关作风建设的问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创建"服务型机关"主要是以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,树立和落实科学发展观.以转变观念为前提,增强服务意识;以提高素质为基础,提高服务能力;以提高效率为主线,提高服务质量;以争创先进为动力,创新服务载体;以建章立制为保证,强化服务效果,将高校机关建设成为基层服务、为教学科研服务、为师生员工服务的"服务型机关".  相似文献   

Apps on smart devices such as phones and tablets have enabled financial services firms not only to provide greater convenience and flexibility to customers, but also to get them to do a lot of the work entailed in these services. This has changed the character of service in many ways, including the nature of service quality where service is no longer delivered by people, but by means of technology. The study reported here used an amended version of the SERVQUAL instrument to assess consumers’ perception of the quality of the service delivered by the apps of their financial services providers. Three dimensions of app service quality emerge: reliability, personal and visibles. Generally, consumers are reasonable satisfied with the quality of service provided by their financial apps and prefer them to visits to service providers physical locations and rate them as highly as online service provision on PCs or laptops. Limitations are acknowledged, managerial implications drawn and avenues for future research are identified.  相似文献   

随着数字化转型浪潮的勃发,以信息技术为代表的新一轮科技革命和产业变革不断迭代发展.互联网、大数据、人工智能、云计算等新技术同各产业深度融合,将构建一批各具特色、优势互补、结构合理的战略性新兴产业增长引擎,实现数字化转型已经成为经济社会发展的重要推动力.加快数字化转型发展,推进数字产业化和产业数字化,推动数字经济和实体经...  相似文献   

生活照料及长期护理已成为老年残疾人的最大和最迫切的需求。然而,我国老年残疾人生活照料服务体系建设方面还存在着老年残疾人福利机构供需缺口大、残疾人社区服务覆盖面小、服务项目少、城乡之间、区域之间发展很不平衡等突出问题,大部分老年残疾人的生活照料需求未能得到满足,仍以家庭照料为主。加快包括家庭照料、社区照顾、机构照料在内的老年残疾人照护服务体系建设,完善对老年残疾人的社会服务,使老年残疾人有尊严的生活,是构建和谐社会的应有之义。  相似文献   

上海提出以服务经济为主体的产业发展方向,但现代服务业发展与建立在传统服务业基础上的营业税正发生着制度性碰撞,需要消除服务业税收制度性障碍,才能推进上海服务经济转型。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of financial institutions' ability to rationalise their service ranges in today's competitive environment, the area of financial service elimination decision making is one of the least researched in the literature on services marketing. This paper reports preliminary empirical research into the objectives that British financial institutions pursue by eliminating financial services, as well as into the problem situations that make financial services candidates for elimination. The findings suggest that there is a wide array of service elimination objectives and problem situations. It is also suggested that there is a need for financial institutions to distinguish between what is their service elimination objective and what is the problem situation that makes them examine a financial service for possible elimination. The practical and theoretical implications that are discussed at the end of this paper point to the need for more empirical research, if the body of knowledge on service elimination is to grow.  相似文献   

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