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日本财产保险业发展现状与特点一、日本财产保险业发展现状2009年,日本产险业原保险保费收入为7.78万亿日元,赔款支出4.37万亿日元,产险业总资产为31.5万亿日元,净资产为5.54万亿元;产险业保险承保收益为543亿日元;赔付率和费用率分别为68.1%和35%。截至2009年7月,日本国内财产保险公司共计30家,在日外国产险公司21家。产险公司代理店为21.8万家,产险从业人员近220万人。  相似文献   

中国经济增速已经连续5年下行,在经济下行过程中,很多行业都出现了产能过剩和经营困难,但保险业从财务数据看仍然是一枝独秀,保费、投资收益和利润都大幅增长。从产险业来看,2015年我国产险业务原保险保费收入7994.97亿元,同比增长10.99%;产险业务赔款4194.17亿元,同比增长10.72%。  相似文献   

尚保 《上海保险》2005,(12):1-1
截至2005年10月底,上海市产险业共有保险公司25家,累计保费收入75.4亿元,同比增加11亿元,增幅为17.1%,占上海总保费收入的27.7%。累计赔款和给付共计29.5亿元,同比增加4.5亿元,增幅18%。一、市场特点2005年前十个月上海市财产险市场的特点主要有以下三个方面:一是,保费收入增长  相似文献   

<正>保险公司是金融市场的四大支柱之一,它所积累的可用于中长期投资的巨额保险资金使之成为了资本市场的主要机构投资者。并且随着保险业的迅速发展,保险资金的运用也逐步成为保险公司的主要利润来源。保险资金的运用能够使承保业务和融资业务相互渗透、互动发展,不仅促使保险业务成为聚积资金的手段、实现组织经济补偿的目的,还能缓解保险费率与利润之间的矛盾,推动保险公司积极地开发寿险业务。因此,保险资金的运用在整个金融业中至关重要。一、我国保险资金运用现状及存在问题(一)保险资金投资规模大幅增大十几年来,我国保险资金规模高速增长,虽然近些年增速有所放缓,但保费收入的绝对数仍是大幅增加的态势。据统计,我国2012年保险市场全年保费收入1.55万亿元,同比增长8%。其中,产险业  相似文献   

为严格规范车险兼业代理市场,1月21日,在南京保监办组织召开的江苏省车险兼业代理会议上,全省申报的3000多家车行中,仅有76家汽车经销商获得了代理资格,比例为40:1,其中南京14家。 据了解,截止2002年底,江苏省保险兼业代理机构共有4714家,其代理保费收入为38.8亿元,其中产险兼业代理保费收入13.3亿元,占产险保费收入的23.85%。据江苏省保险行  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济快速发展,机动车保有量不断增加,财产保险公司业务也随之壮大。据中国保监会网站"2016年保险统计数据报告",产险公司原保险保费收入9266.17亿元,同比增长10.01%;产险业务赔款4726.18亿元,同比增长12.68%。  相似文献   

<正>2021年,为了更有效地应对外部不利环境的冲击,要加强保险科技运用,推动保险业数字化转型2020年,新冠肺炎疫情对保险业的运行产生了深刻的影响,短期内保费收入增速明显下滑。随着疫情被有效控制以及市场主体加大线上化经营的力度,保费收入增速逐步恢复,但行业仍然面临较大的成长压力。长期利率下行给保险资金投资带来挑战。产险业部分险种风险显现,承保利润大幅下降。同时,市场化改革继续推进,保险业发展的政策环境进一步优化。  相似文献   

投资渠道变窄,却给保险公司带来了红利.保监会统计数据显示,2017年1~3月原保险保费收入15866.02亿元,同比增长32.45%.其中,产险公司原保险保费收入2635.20亿元,同比增长12.69%;寿险公司原保险保费收入13230.80亿元,同比增长37.24%.  相似文献   

赵桂芹 《金融研究》2009,(12):175-187
提高资本投入效率是保险公司资本管理的重要目标之一。本文利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,计算2002~2007年间我国产险业的经营效率,考察决定公司资本投入程度的重要影响因素,及实际资本投入对最优资本投入的偏离程度对公司经营绩效的影响。研究发现,样本期间产险业投入要素人员和资本均呈现投入过度,资本的投入过度程度在2006和2007年间有所降低。业务集中度、公司规模对资本投入程度的影响显著为正。资本投入过度对公司的权益报酬率和收入效率均产生了显著负向影响,资本投入不足对经营绩效的影响不显著,这说明,尽管产险业近几年大量增加资本,但由于资本投入的无效率,对公司的权益报酬率和收入效率反而产生了显著的负向影响。因此,产险业在增加资本满足偿付能力监管要求的同时,还应该努力提高资本投入效率,实现经营绩效的提升。  相似文献   

截至2005年12月末,全国产险公司应收保费81亿元,同比增长34.94%,高于同期保费收入增幅20.91个百分点。《中国保险业发展蓝皮书(2004-2005)》指出,应收保费增幅较高的问题已成为目前保险业界亟需关注的重要风险点之一。应收保费的高速增长不仅增加了保险公司的税费负担和管理成本,加大了经营风险,而且容易引发道德风险,埋藏隐患。应收保费的快速增长及由此引发的一些问题是产险公司当前发展中面临的一个难题,如不着力解决,问题和矛盾会越积越多,不但成本付出更大,而且对保险公司持续健康发展带来灾难性影响。因此,如何加强应收保费管理,防范化解经营风险就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

This article considers the decision to purchase insurance against possible losses of a property or wealth. The decision involves a standard economic trade‐off between the benefit of protection against loss and the cost of insurance premium. The premium is paid out of the income and decreases the consumption of other goods and services, rather than out of wealth and decreases the property or wealth. The demand for insurance depends mainly on the income and preferences. As a result, unlike in the standard model, a fair premium is neither necessary nor sufficient for the optimality of full coverage insurance. Rather, the individuals with higher incomes purchase full coverage insurance even at unfair prices of insurance while the individuals with lower income purchase partial coverage insurance at a fair price.  相似文献   

This paper uses national time series data for the United States to investigate whether changes in the premium or loading fee offer a better explanation for variations in the percentage of the population with private health insurance from 1960 to 2004. The empirical results suggest that premium provides a better measure of price when estimating the demand for health insurance at the extensive margin. The empirical analysis also indicates that the aggregate short-run price and income elasticities of demand for health insurance are fairly close at ?0.19 and 0.27, respectively. One implication is that the percentage of the population with private health insurance in the United States should continue to decline in the future if real premiums persistently grow significantly faster than the overall economy.  相似文献   

本文通过实证分析得出东、中、西部保险在区域保费收入、保险密度、保险深度、区域保费增长数量及速度、保费收入的GDP弹性、潜在保源转化率上有较大差距,而在保险结构、保险经营、保险法律、保险监管等方面呈现出趋同性,没有多大的差别和明显的区域保险特色.因此,应从区域保险实际出发,充分发挥东部保险的带动和辐射作用,制定中、西部保险发展的差异化扶持政策,实施区域保险经营行为差异化,以促进区域保险协同发展.  相似文献   

This paper studies an optimal insurance and reinsurance design problem among three agents: policyholder, insurer, and reinsurer. We assume that the preferences of the parties are given by distortion risk measures, which are equivalent to dual utilities. By maximizing the dual utility of the insurer and jointly solving the optimal insurance and reinsurance contracts, it is found that a layering insurance is optimal, with every layer being borne by one of the three agents. We also show that reinsurance encourages more insurance, and is welfare improving for the economy. Furthermore, it is optimal for the insurer to charge the maximum acceptable insurance premium to the policyholder. This paper also considers three other variants of the optimal insurance/reinsurance models. The first two variants impose a limit on the reinsurance premium so as to prevent insurer to reinsure all its risk. An optimal solution is still layering insurance, though the insurer will have to retain higher risk. Finally, we study the effect of competition by permitting the policyholder to insure its risk with an insurer, a reinsurer, or both. The competition from the reinsurer dampens the price at which an insurer could charge to the policyholder, although the optimal indemnities remain the same as the baseline model. The reinsurer will however not trade with the policyholder in this optimal solution.  相似文献   

在传统保险产品定价方法研究基础上,以随机利率为研究前提,对保险公司在一段时间内的投保过程服从Poisson过程的保费收支情况进行了分析,分别讨论了保险公司收入和支出的精算现值,得到保险公司在一段时间内的保费计算模型。  相似文献   

钟凡 《保险研究》2009,(8):33-38
中国寿险业的垄断型市场结构并没有造成垄断企业控制市场以获得超额利润的情况。本文选取中国人寿、泰康人寿、新华人寿三家企业1998年~2007年间的面板数据作为样本数据,分析了我国寿险公司绩效的影响因素,认为在中国寿险业日益激烈的市场竞争下,寿险企业的利润主要来自投资收益,经营效率高的企业虽然不能因为技术效率和规模效率而获得高利润,但是可以在竞争中占有更多的市场份额。  相似文献   

费率市场化对车险市场影响的经济学模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决车险市场长期以来高回扣、高代理费的混乱局面,我国在2003年1月1日推行费率市场化,但随之而来的是,不仅各保险公司仍然采用高代理费争夺市场,而且还出现了过低费率的非理性定价以及费率的频繁调整。本文将以事实为基础,通过分析代理人的经营情况和保险公司保费收入最大化的行为模式,建立一个保险需求函数的模型,来解释费率改革如何影响车险市场,并提出了反思和建议。  相似文献   

如果只从市场集中度判定市场竞争的程度,难以客观地反映出真实状况,本文使用Bresnahan与Lau提出的BL模型,利用非结构的方法使用更多信息分析我国财产保险市场。在财险公司追求利润最大化的假设下建立模型,采用2002年至2009年数据,对模型参数进行估计,从而分析我国财险市场竞争情况。研究发现,我国市场属于高度竞争的...  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of group health insurance plan choice on insurance unit price. The empirical findings suggest that the unit price of insurance, as measured by the ratio of the premium to expected indemnity benefits, is lower in group plans that offer employees a choice of different insurance options and require a premium contribution than it is in plans lacking at least one of these two features. The analyses suggest that lower unit prices are related to an increase in indemnity benefits and that the reduction in the unit price is greater for lower risks. The findings indicate that although subsidization of high risks by low risks occurs with group health insurance, the degree of subsidization is less when employees are offered a choice of health insurance plans.  相似文献   

In recent years, farmers have had high participation rate in the rural social endowment insurance in China, for which personal contribution and government subsidy are the main funding source. There have been increasingly more farmers participating into the program. However, their enthusiasm for high premium payment was rather low as most of them selected the minimum premium for insurance. In this article, the discounted utility theory from behavioral economics was adopted to analyze insurance selection behaviors of farmers; in addition, a discounted incremental utility model with a hyperbolic discounting function was also further constructed to describe their insurance decision-making processes. Based on the investigation of time preferences of farmers, their insurance participation behaviors of diverse natures were simulated. The corresponding results indicated that active insurance participation and low insurance premium payment were rational choices for most farmers; in comparison, for the elders with higher income, different choices can be made. Therefore, policy makers could formulate differentiated subsidy policies directing at farmers from different groups, so as to stimulate their enthusiasm for premium payment.  相似文献   

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