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美国前总统科技顾问基沃斯博士:“至少有50%从事高新技术的中小企业在其发展过程中得到了创业投资的帮助。”  相似文献   

一个创业者着手创业时,有众多的问题需要解决,但其中只有几个是至为关键的问题。创业者应该学会分辨哪些问题更重要,并学会解决这些问题的方式。  相似文献   

公司价值评估理论在股票定价、兼并收购价格确定,以及公司发展战略确定方面发挥重大作用。公司价值评估理论,对于投资者树立正确科学的投资理念,促进我国证券市场的健康发展,确保我国国民经济的持续增长,有着重要的意义。本文通过对国内外上市企业估值理论体系的梳理以及现状分析,为我国资本市场的多层次发展提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

很多创业者拿到VC的钱了,就以为成功了,开始享受生活了。其实,在VC没有实现退出之前,创业者还没有创业成功,还没有资格享受生活,需要做的事情还很多  相似文献   

项目的价值评估是投资活动中一个永恒的话题。作为一个投资人,我不止一次被问到:早期项目如何估值?现在投资行业转暖,不少投资人惊呼:项目太贵了,看不懂。至于创业者,也常常抱怨:我与某某项目相比,价格实在是太低了。有的投资人形容创业者:不过是多融点钱,少让点股罢了。  相似文献   

随着国家对于大众创业的支持力度增加,中国的创业公司逐渐成为投资者价值投资和机构投资者股权投资的对象。对于创业公司的估值涉及企业收购,上市和融资等重要行为。在现有的估值理论和方法的基础上,对于不同方法的适用性和优缺点做对比;同时对估值的问题和成因进行研究,通过完善估值模型和制度来提升估值的合理性和指导性。  相似文献   

对于创业者来说,向VC融资一次,相当于经历一次磨难,要花费大量的时间、精力和资金。一旦能够抓住一次融资机会,企业还是要把估值尽量抬高一些,尽量多要一些钱,省得以后还要受一次罪  相似文献   

众所周知,证券市场的价格不仅受到市场供需因素的影响,从长期看,更重要的是由上市公司价值表现所决定。对公司价值的研判是广大投资者和市场各方对证券价格走势分析的基础。本文试图通过对公司估  相似文献   

乘数估值法在证券市场股权估值中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乘数估值法是在成熟的资本市场上最常使用的对公司股权进行估值的方法.本文的讨论涵盖了乘数估值法的内涵、主要的估值乘数及其应用、可比对象的选择、特点及其应用等相关问题,力图从理论和实践两个方面对乘数估值法进行较为深入的研究.  相似文献   

创业融资选择的影响因素分析及其策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于自身条件和外部环境等因素的限制,创业者在创业融资的选择上存在诸多问题,影响了融资的顺利进行,不利于创业成功的实现。创业者只有通过对不同融资方式及其特征的了解和认识,并基于对影响创业融资选择的因素的考虑和分析,从而采取适当的融资策略,才可能在更大程度上提高创业融资的可能性和合理性,最终增加创业成功的几率。  相似文献   

新东方教育科技集团创始人之一和董事.真格天使投资基金创立人徐小平在某论坛上发表演讲说:不要用兄弟情谊来追求共同利益,这个不长久.一定要用共同利益追求兄弟情谊。他说:创业第一件事是要找合伙人,联合创始人比你的商业方向更加重要。这一点,一般人理解不了。我在多年工作、创业、投资的过程中遇到过无穷无尽的经验智慧。  相似文献   

2007年,江苏省委选拔1000余名高校毕业生到苏北五市经济薄弱村任职,逐渐成为社会主义新农村建设的中坚力量。目前越来越多的大学毕业生已加入到这支队  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2013,50(6):20020A-20020A

《Africa Research Bulletin》2014,51(9):20578A-20578A

We study how early‐stage new ideas are turned into successful businesses. Even promising ideas can be unprofitable if they fail on one dimension, such as technical feasibility, correspondence to market demand, legality, or patentability. To screen good ideas, the entrepreneur needs to hire experts who evaluate the idea along their dimensions of expertise. Sharing the idea, however, creates the risk that the expert would steal it. Yet, the idea‐thief cannot contact any other expert, lest he should in turn steal the idea. Thus, stealing leads to incomplete screening and is unattractive if the information of the other expert is critical and highly complementary. In such cases, the entrepreneur can form a partnership with the experts, thus granting them the advantage of accessing each other's information. Yet, very valuable ideas cannot be shared because it is too tempting to steal them.  相似文献   

Financial Contracting with Optimistic Entrepreneurs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optimistic beliefs are a source of nonpecuniary benefits forentrepreneurs that can explain the "Private Equity Puzzle."This paper looks at the effects of entrepreneurial optimismon financial contracting. When the contract space is restrictedto debt, we show the existence of a separating equilibrium inwhich optimists self-select into short-term debt and realistsinto long-term debt. Long-term debt is optimal for a realistentrepreneur as it smooths payoffs across states of nature.Short-term debt is optimal for optimists for two reasons: (i)"bridging the gap in beliefs" by letting the entrepreneur takea bet on his project’s success, and (ii) letting the investorimpose adaptation decisions in bad states. We test our theory on a large data set of French entrepreneurs.First, in agreement with the psychology literature, we findthat biases in beliefs may be (partly) explained by individualcharacteristics and tend to persist over time. Second, as predictedby our model, we find that short-term debt is robustly correlatedwith "optimistic" expectation errors, even controlling for firmrisk and other potential determinants of short-term leverage.  相似文献   

周程 《国际融资》2005,(1):28-31
一年前资深业内人士还在就"世界500强离我们还多远"的主题侃侃而谈,半年之后,主题却变成了中国企业怎样在宏观调控中生存,最近大家谈论的基调基本上又变成了中国企业如何应对全球化竞争以及中国优势何在?短短一年时间,企业家的思维就有如此巨大的波动,是怎样一股力量让每个人总处于徘徊不定呢?于是就企业战略方面的问题,本刊记者采访长江商学院EMBA学术主任,企业战略知名学者曾鸣教授  相似文献   

This paper summarizes interviews from 1998 with 590 individuals trying to create a business centered around five questions: “Who are you?”, “What are you trying to accomplish?”, “What have you and others put into the business?”, “What have you accomplished?”, “What remains to be done?” These Nascent Entrepreneurs are remarkably similar to the general population. Most have already made personally significant investments of time and money in their firms. For about half of them, these investments have yielded a fully specified product. Their most substantial sources of seed money are their own savings and loans from family and friends. A small minority of Nascent Entrepreneurs have applied for formal business loans, and only half of those applications have been approved.  相似文献   

In almost all cases of successful economic development, small-scale entrepreneurs have played a prominent role. In parts of east Asia over the past 40 years, for example, investments by entrepreneurs have resulted in a dynamic small-scale business sector that not only provides suppliers and subcontractors' for larger firms but also exports,  相似文献   

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