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The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on previous research that deals with the implications of alternative housing concepts for the estimation of the welfare effects of housing programs. We compare one housing concept, which defines housing in terms of a composite good housing services with an alternative in which housing is treated as a bundle of attributes. We extend the analysis in the literature by concentrating on welfare measures that are applicable to a much broader class of government programs than those that have been discussed before. We focus in the Hicksian surplus measures which are particularly suited to handle structure in which constraints on quantity are impused. In the theoretical sections we rigorously show that the Hicksian surplus measures of welfare change based on the composite good housing services will be biased whenever a housing program imposes restrictions on the consumption of attributes. The direction of the bias depends on the nature of the program. Empirical work confirms the predictions of the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

Forecasting welfare caseloads has grown in importance in Japan because of their recent rapid increase. Given that the forecasting literature on welfare caseloads only focuses on US cases and utilizes limited classes of forecasting models, this study employs multiple alternative methods in order to forecast Japanese welfare caseloads and compare forecasting performances. In pseudo real-time forecasting, VAR and forecast combinations tend to outperform the other methods investigated. In real-time forecasting, however, a simple version of forecast combinations seems to perform better than the remaining models, predicting that welfare caseloads in Japan will surpass 1.7 million by the beginning of 2016, an approximately 20% increase in five years from the beginning of 2011.  相似文献   

Hedonic regressions with house value as the dependent variable are widely used to study public services and neighborhood amenities. This paper builds on the theory of household bidding and sorting across communities to derive bid-function envelopes, which provide a form for these regressions. This approach allows for household heterogeneity and multiple amenities, yields estimates of the price elasticity of amenity demand directly from the hedonic without a Rosen two-step procedure, and provides tests of hypotheses about sorting. An application to Cleveland area data from 2000 yields price elasticities for school quality and neighborhood ethnic composition and supports the sorting hypotheses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to establish the complexity of alternative versions of the weak axiom of revealed preference (warp) for collective consumption models. In contrast to the unitary consumption model, these collective models explicitly take the multi-member nature of the household into account. We consider the three collective settings that are most often considered in the literature. We start with the private setting in which all goods are privately consumed by the household members. Next, we consider the public setting in which all goods are publicly consumed inside the household. Finally, we also consider the general setting where no information on the (private or public) nature of goods consumed in the household is available. We prove that the collective version of warp is np-hard to test for both the private and public settings. Surprisingly, we also find for the general setting that the collective version of warp is easy to test for two-member households.  相似文献   

伦敦的"交通收费"及其福利经济学解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王冰  王国华 《城市问题》2006,(2):80-84,96
2003年2月17日起,伦敦市采取对进入市中心的车辆收取5镑进入费的做法来缓解交通堵塞.对这一政策的运行方式、政策效果及反对意见进行了评价,并从福利经济学的角度作出了解释.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider consumption sectors of individuals who's demand functions are homogeneous of degree zero in prices and income. All individuals hold the same income and satisfy the corresponding budget identity and the weak axiom of revealed preference. It is shown that on any compact set of strictly positive prices and incomes this setup does not impose any restrictions on the class of mean demand functions other than the budget identity, provided the individual consumption sets are unbounded. If they are bounded below the result holds locally.  相似文献   

We study the impact of anticipated fiscal policy changes in a Ramsey economy where agents form long-horizon expectations using adaptive learning. We extend the existing framework by introducing distortionary taxes as well as elastic labor supply, which makes agents’ decisions non-predetermined but more realistic. We detect that the dynamic responses to anticipated tax changes under learning have oscillatory behavior that can be interpreted as self-fulfilling waves of optimism and pessimism emerging from systematic forecast errors. Moreover, we demonstrate that these waves can have important implications for the welfare consequences of fiscal reforms.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes the determinants of utility charges using a panel data set for a sample of Norwegian local governments. There is strong evidence of revenue substitution in the sense that local governments increase their utility charges when other sources of revenue (lump-sum grants and regulated tax revenue) become more restricted. Moreover, local political institutions are shown to be important: a high share of socialist representatives in the local council leads to high utility charges, whereas a strong political leadership is able to keep utility charges low.  相似文献   

We examine the asymptotic behavior of two strategyproof mechanisms discussed by Moulin for public goods – the conservative equal costs rule (CER) and the serial cost sharing rule (SCSR) – and compare their performance to that of the pivotal mechanism (PM) from the Clarke–Groves family. Allowing the individuals’ valuations for an excludable public project to be random variables, we show under very general assumptions that expected welfare loss generated by the CER, as the size of the population increases, becomes arbitrarily large. However, all moments of the SCSR’s random welfare loss asymptotically converge to zero. The PM does better than the SCSR, with its welfare loss converging even more rapidly to zero.  相似文献   

"This paper demonstrates that jobs and wages are considerably more important than location-specific amenities in explaining net metropolitan migration of employed persons [in the United States]. These results, which are derived mainly from a unique set of annual migration data, differ considerably from the earlier findings of P. E. Graves...that show amenities to be powerful contributors to the analysis of net metropolitan migration. Several hypotheses are offered and tested to explain the appreciable difference between Grave's results and those of the present study, but the importance of economic factors as opposed to amenities persists."  相似文献   

公交优先的内涵与措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈阳 《城市问题》2001,(5):64-67
城市作为一个地区乃至国家的政治、经济、文化中心 ,具有人口密集、活动频繁、设施集中、用地紧张等特点 ,反映在交通上则表现为人多地少、车多路少 ,“求”大于“供”的基本矛盾突出。近几十年来 ,随着都市化进程的加快 ,使这一矛盾日益尖锐 ,成为世界各大城市普遍存在的交通问题。城市交通问题的表现及其原因对不同国家或城市可能有所侧重或区别 ,但国内外长期的交通实践与研究表明 :城市自身的性质及所固有的基本矛盾是造成城市交通问题的根本原因 ,也是城市交通问题的本质所在 ,由此决定了提高客运效率、用有限道路面积承担尽可能多的出…  相似文献   

Nowadays, monitoring and evaluation of social welfare are of profound import in many countries. This study sought to shed some light on the impact of industrial development on the Iranian social welfare. The Iranian Social Welfare Composite Index (SWCI) and Sen Welfare index (SEN) considered as proxies of Iranian social welfare. To gauge the impact of industrialization on social welfare, Autoregressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) bound testing was utilized. The econometric models estimated using annual data from 1967 to 2015 and presented in terms of long-run and short-run dynamic relationships. The results indicate that industrial development had a significant impact on the Iranian social welfare and this impact has been stronger in the long run. In addition, oil revenues, inflation, unemployment and the Iraq-Iran War have had a significant impact on the Iranian social welfare during the period under review. Despite the contradictory impact of industrialization on the various dimensions of welfare, the results show that the industrial development has had a positive impact on the social welfare in Iran. So, the government can boost the effects of industrialization on social welfare by controlling its negative effects.  相似文献   

To the extent that alternative medicine offers a substitute for mainstream physician services, physicians’ incomes are reduced by the incursion of alternative providers into the medical marketplace. State regulations restricting the practice of alternative medicine create rents for physicians whose incomes are protected from competition with alternative providers. Focusing on homeopathy as representative of an alternative therapeutic that potentially substitutes for conventional medicine, a cross-state empirical analysis reveals that mainstream physicians’ incomes are higher in states with more restrictive regulations governing the practice of homeopathy. This finding suggests that regulatory barriers to alternative medicine are motivated more by the interests of orthodox physicians in seeking protection from competition than by the interests of consumers in quality assurance.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of fixed effects production functions vis-à-vis stochastic production frontiers on technical efficiency measures. An unbalanced panel consisting of 96 Vermont dairy farmers for the 1971–1984 period was used in the analysis. The models examined incorporated both time-variant and time-invariant technical efficiency. The major source of variation in efficiency levels across models stemmed from the assumption made concerning the distribution of the one-sided term in the stochastic frontiers. In general, the fixed effects technique was found superior to the stochastic production frontier methodology. Despite the fact that the results of various statistical tests revealed the superiority of some specifications over others, the overall conclusion of the study is that the efficiency analysis was fairly consistent throughout all the models considered.  相似文献   

Public procurement partnerships represent a new approach to conducting government acquisition. These partnerships are predicated on the notion that governments today simply lack the requisite knowledge, skills and financing to provide core public services and acquire sophisticated services, IT and knowledge development by themselves. Instead, governments need to enlist the collective energies of the governmental, business and non-profit (third) sectors. This research looks at the concept of public procurement partnerships in the United States and the major trends promoting their use. Two case examples of public procurement partnerships are presented; one from the perspective of a government partner, the other from the perspective of a private (third) sector partner.  相似文献   

The provision of adequate public services to their urban populations within the constraints of financial resources is a major problem of most developing countries. The fact that the few available facilities are unevenly distributed in the urban areas suggests a need for efficient physical planning of public services. This paper suggests a conceptual framework for the provision of public services in Nigerian urban areas. The paper identifies the supply and demand factors which should govern the distribution of public services in the urban areas of the country.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concepts of optimal capital structure and investment in an economy where government’s role is the provision of a public good. That public good is financed through current tax revenues and the sale of government securities. Absent such complications, traditional finance theory has established the equivalence among (competitive) value maximization, unanimity, and Pareto optimality. In the setting of this paper, however, the market value of government securities is not determined by the value of public good production, and the correspondence between value maximization, Parto optimality, and unanimity will not generally hold without significant restrictions on the tax structure. Otherwise, value maximization is neither an optimal nor unanimously supported objective for the firm.  相似文献   

The government's Green Paper proposes reducing state pension costs whilst encouraging private sector provision. The success of the proposed ‘stakeholder pension schemes’ depends on regulation. However, regulation can penalise those it is intended to protect. This is a sensitive issue, since stakeholder pension schemes are expected to attract financially vulnerable, lower paid, employees. Whilst the flat rate accrual of the state second pension confers some benefit, certain groups are put in a difficult position by the retention of means-tested benefits.  相似文献   

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