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Teaching science through designing technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a review of the literature related to teaching science through designing technology. The premise of this method is that designing technology presents the students with the context through which they can apply the science concepts they learned and thus enhancing their understanding of these concepts. Despite the promise of this method, teachers attempting it were faced by many challenges such as: (1) teachers did not have a grasp of the complex relationship between science and technology and assumed that technology was simply applied science, (2) the students were not able to transfer their learning of science to designing technology, (3) teachers did not have a deep understanding of the design process and tried to teach it as a linear, context-free process without regard to the context of the problem. The purpose of this paper is to extract from the literature a better understanding of teaching science through designing technology and the elements that teachers need to satisfy in order to increase their chances of successfully implementing this method in the classroom.  相似文献   

Logistics outsourcing has been at the top of the management agenda during recent decades. Through this approach companies have been able to improve logistics performance. However, several studies point out severe problems with outcome and it is even claimed that in some cases “logistics outsourcing has become a source of corporate failure and disappointment” [Boyson, S., Corsi, T., Dresner, M. and Rabinovich, E. (1999). Managing effective third-party logistics relationships: What does it take? Journal of Business Logistics, 20 (1), 73-100.]. Previous research shows that many companies have taken outsourced functions back in-house. The aim of this paper is to explore the reasons behind the problems in logistics outsourcing. Our analysis is based on an extensive literature survey. This examination indicates that outsourcing decisions require a holistic perspective. We apply the industrial network model [Håkansson, H. and Snehota, I. (1995). Developing relationships in business networks. Routledge, London.] for the analysis of potential consequences of logistics outsourcing. The main conclusion of the paper is that increasing interaction between buyer and provider would be beneficial to the outcome of outsourcing.  相似文献   

工程项目的国际化与大型化对工程项目管理提出了高的要求,项目管理与信息技术的结合已是不可阻挡的趋势。文章分析了信息技术与项目管理结合的诸多原因,论述了项目管理中信息技术的发展及信息技术在项目管理中实现的问题。  相似文献   

The emerging paradigm of network competition is increasingly in evidence across many industrial sectors and provides further support for the idea that ‘supply chains compete, not companies’. It can be argued that network competition requires a much greater focus on managing the interfaces that connect the individual players in that network and exchanging and leveraging knowledge across the network. This paper sets out to establish a framework whereby the critical interfaces and the knowledge sharing benefits can be identified and how the strength of the relationships at those interfaces can become the basis for building organisational reputation and create an environment more conducive to co-operation and knowledge sharing. Finally, the paper analyses the potential impact of reputational risks in influencing the perception of stakeholders about the organisation.Whilst the idea of value-adding networks based on closely connected providers of capabilities and resources is appealing, it should be recognised that, if not properly managed, the actions of the stakeholders in those networks can impact the risk profile of the business significantly—particularly reputational risk. The more that organisations become part of complex global networks, the more dependent they become upon the other network members for knowledge and other resources. Because of this dependency there is always the danger that the reputation of the focal firm can be damaged by the actions of other network members, hence reducing the likelihood of future collaborative working and knowledge exploitation.Using examples drawn from a variety of industries, the paper highlights the potential for reputational risk if the critical network interfaces are not closely managed. It will be argued that by actively managing relationships with stakeholders in the network the risk to the organisation's reputation can be mitigated and the sharing of knowledge simultaneously enhanced.  相似文献   

Third generation management of technology intelligence processes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
How have the technology intelligence approaches of large technology‐intensive companies changed in the last 30 years? This paper aims to answer this question through case study research in 26 leading European and North American companies in the pharmaceutical, telecommunication equipment and automobile/machinery industries. The empirical results show that technology intelligence approaches have closely followed the changes in R&D organization, project selection and technology planning. Three generations of technology intelligence management can be distinguished. Furthermore, the contingency factors for the location of technology intelligence within technology intensive companies are identified.  相似文献   

Product architecture decisions regarding, for example, product modularity, component commonality, and design re-use, are important for balancing costs, responsiveness, quality, and other important business objectives. Firms are challenged with complex tradeoffs between competing design priorities, face the need to facilitate communication between functional silos, and want to learn from past experiences. In this paper, we present a qualitative approach for systematically evaluating the product architecture of a product family, comparing the original architecture objectives and actual experiences.
The intended contribution of our research is threefold: (1) to present a framework that brings together a diverse set of product architecture-related decisions and business performance; (2) to provide a set of metrics that operationalise the variables in the framework, and (3) to provide a workshop protocol that is based on the framework and the metrics. This workshop aims to improve cross-functional communication about the product architecture of an existing product family, and it results in practical improvement actions for future architecture design projects. Experiences with this approach are reported in pilots with Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care, and Philips Consumer Electronics.  相似文献   

文章主要阐述了在煤气工程施工中各种管理工作的重要性.  相似文献   

阐述机电技术在煤炭企业生产中的作用和地位,介绍大雁矿业集团公司机电技术管理及装备的发展和进步过程,并对集团公司未来机电技术应用及管理发展进行展望。  相似文献   

Literature has widely recognised the importance of key account management (KAM) in building long-term customer relationships. Although KAM grounds significantly on the relationship marketing theory, most empirical studies focus on the financial impact a KAM programme can produce. Hence, only normative work can advise practitioners on the implications from adopting a relational approach in managing their business with customers who can help the supplier realise a broader set of strategic objectives. Drawing from 304 cases of different suppliers, this article seeks to start filling this gap in the literature and offer empirical evidence regarding the structural and relational implications from a KAM programme. In summary, the findings suggest that adopting a relational perspective through the development of key account management orientation (KAMO) will result in certain, necessary, structural reformation while allowing for specific relational skills to develop. Consequently, supplier's performance also improves. Moreover, this chain of effects remains strong independently of resources available to the supplier, suggesting that KAM can be a significant basis for developing a competitive advantage irrespectively of the supplier's size.  相似文献   

Here the author explores the dynamics of workplace control in the provincial newspaper industry, and argues that direct input technology has led to structural changes that shift the locus of control from the printers (typesetters/compositors) to the journalists (sub-editors) by increasing the latter group's influence over strategic contingencies in the production process.  相似文献   

秦乐乐  刘卫 《河北工业科技》2010,27(4):213-215,235
基于.NET技术成功开发了考试综合管理信息系统,针对考试管理工作面临的问题,提出了相应的解决方案,并以此为依据介绍了该系统开发过程中的自动编排算法、安全策略等关键技术。该系统已成功运用,并解决了高校日益复杂的考务管理工作。  相似文献   

Competition in the industries that develop complex products (such as aircraft engines and radar) depends on the integration of organizational systems as well as the pace of technological change.
Companies in these industries can be regarded as 'system companies'. A framework and taxonomy are developed to indicate the characteristics and types of companies and to understand how organizational learning and integration take place. This makes it easier for companies to anticipate strategic change and some implications of this kind are described.  相似文献   

阐述了在项目投资建设中,技术、经济、管理三者相互依存、相互渗透、密不可分的关系。要控制建设项目投资,降低工程造价,提高经济效益,必须正确处理好三者之间关系。并利用水利水电工程建设中坝型选择、料场规划、坝体填筑等技术、经济、管理三者的交叉点,论述了三者在控制工程建设投资中的作用及其相互关系。  相似文献   

包装企业的产品绝大多数为专用包装件,这一特征使得包装企业的生产具有较强的计划性,其基本点是要求包装企业某种包装 产量必须要与客户产品的产量相匹配,供货时间也要中户的要求相吻合,就包装企业内部而言,这种计一要求其生产能够有序,稳定地进行,同时,包装企业的生产过程具有连续性较强的特点,如纸箱厂的生产应包括瓦楞纸复合,模切,印刷和订箱等多道生产工序,每道工序都需要相应的设备来完成,要想使生产的计划性和生产过程的连续性得以良好的体现,其首要前提就是要保证其设备系统能够稳定,正常地运和, 着包装企业的逐渐发展,所用设备日趋多样化,精密化,大型化和专业化,这些都对包装企业的设备管理提出了更高的要求,因此,加强设备的维护保养和计划检修工作,尽量减少设备故障(特别是突发)的发生,是包装企业设备管理工作的主要任务之一,设备在运行过程中,其物质运动的连续进行不可避免地会造成有形磨损,有形磨损的累积必然导致设备故障的发生,理想的状况是将设备的故障隐患消灭在“萌芽”之中,运用现代监测技术对设备进行有目的状态监测,并根据结果对设备进行“诊断”,从中发现潜在的设备故障隐患,适时地采取修理等技术措施予以排除,对于保证包装企业生产正常,有序地进行是非常必要的。  相似文献   

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