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香港经济一直在寻求转型的方向,随着内地贸易开放程度加深和香港产业结构变化,作为支柱产业的物流,其发展前景也倍受关注.当前,影响香港物流发展的外部因素是周边地区迅速发展,货源竞争日趋激烈.从内部深层次原因看,导致香港物流业萎缩的症结是香港制造业外移,境内物流环节减少.应充分利用香港海港和空港的基础设施,利用自身高效率优势,提供高质量、多功能、差异化的港口服务,承接内地企业对高端港口物流的需求,为香港物流业的持续发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

The question whether optimal competition policy depends on the size of an economy has recently received considerable attention. In particular it has been argued that markets in small economies are often highly concentrated and protected by substantial entry barriers. Market forces may therefore not be strong enough to correct inefficient economic behaviour, i.e. inefficiencies may endure in small economies. This paper applies the theory of small economies and competition policy to the case of Switzerland. It finds that Switzerland cannot be rated as the prototype of a small economy as pertaining to competition policy. It further assesses whether the Swiss Cartel Act accounts for the potential efficiency problems of small economies and reveals that there is scope for a more efficiency enhancing legal competition framework within Switzerland.  相似文献   

李盾 《国际贸易问题》2005,3(8):110-117
目前,世界经济正处于后工业经济向知识经济转型的重要时期。在这一关键时期,如何最大程度地发挥工业在国民经济中的作用,对各国的经济发展与产业转型都具有决定性的影响,而工业经济的发展在很大程度上取决于一国工业政策的方向和内容。本文以20世纪80年代以来香港工业政策的变迁为例,探讨了工业政策在香港经济转型中的静态和动态影响,并通过对香港工业政策变迁经验的探讨,对我国珠江三角洲地区工业政策的未来发展方向和重心提出自己的几点看法。  相似文献   

香港码头运营成本过高,特别是码头处理费(THC)全球最高,一直是困扰香港物流业运作的主要问题.如果THC问题不能尽快妥善解决,必将对香港的转口贸易、航运业产生严重影响,削弱CEPA实施的效益,拖慢香港的经济复苏步伐。为提高香港航运业的竞争力,特区政府有必要改革航运政策机制,考虑兴建新码头,并引入新营运商。  相似文献   

When the Pearls in Pearl River Delta (PRD) is mentioned, Hong Kong will also naturally jump to people's mind. It must not only due to PRD's proximity with Hong Kong, but also due to Hong Kong's special role in the development of this region. Admittedly, Hong Kong really provided strong drive for the takeoff of the PRD Economic Zone. But with the prosperity of PRD, the nearly tailored combinations and complementarity have taken shape between Hong Kong and PRD, pushing the economy in the two areas to grow far more rapidly than otherwise.  相似文献   

会展业是现代经济中一颗耀眼的明星,具有极强的经济和社会带动力。随着经济全球化、区域化进一步向深度、广度发展,世界会展业面临的竞争更加激烈。穗港澳会展产业互补性强,三地合作发展会展业大势所趋。穗港澳合作发展会展业具有经济实力雄厚,有丰富的展会经验及客户资源、环境优良、互补性强等优势。同时,也存在重复办展,展馆重复建设,人才短缺等劣势。面对中国加入WTO、国内、国外给中国会展业带来的威胁,穗港澳应抓住国际会展中心由欧美向亚太地区转移、CEPA签署的契机等进行三地优势互补,联手参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

This paper sets up a trade theoretic model to explain the output, price and welfare consequences of the outward investment from Hong Kong to the Pearl River Delta. A four-good trade theoretic model is set up to incorporate some special features of the Hong Kong Economy. We assume that the economy produces four goods: an exportable good, an importable good and two non-traded goods. A special feature of the model is that one of the non-traded goods (locally produced) is also consumed by foreigners and produced under the assumption of non-competitive market framework. As tourist or business-centre trade is of great significance to Hong Kong, this model allows us to capture this phenomenon. First, precise conditions are derived regarding the decline in manufacturing output in Hong Kong. Second, it is shown that, in spite of the supply side determination of the relative price of non-traded goods, income effects in this market are of great significance in both income (welfare) and output movements. These income effects cannot be captured in industrial organization type applied work. Third, it is shown how outflow of capital affects labour productivity. A surprising result obtained for this part of the analysis is that a fall in productivity (outflow of capital and de-industrialization) creates a favourable terms-of-trade effect in the monopolized sector. The welfare effect consists of four terms: (1) a terms-of trade effect via the price of non-traded goods consumed by tourists/foreigners; (2) the loss (gain) in productivity due to an outflow of capital; (3) repatriation payments; and (4) the gains from exporting from the Special Economic Zones as well as other Pearl River Delta cities. Our decomposition has two very important features in contrast to traditional models: a terms-of-trade effect from the consumption of services and productivity gains or losses. The last point is exceedingly important for policy makers specifically if outward flow of capital affects productivity negatively.  相似文献   

台商大陆投资规模扩张与地域转变、两岸贸易高速增长与非均衡发展以及两岸经贸人员往来规模持续增长对香港产生了重要影响,香港不仅获得了更多的发展机会,也面临着诸多挑战.香港应积极采取有效措施,提升服务水平与综合竞争力,不仅要充分利用背靠泛珠三角的地缘条件,依靠自身优势,在泛珠三角地区积极与其它各方开展合作,还要充分利用在两岸经贸交流中的中介地位,深化与台湾的经贸合作,从多层面促进经济的持续发展.  相似文献   

In this contribution, the post-war economic development of Hong Kong is considered from a complexity theory perspective. It is argued that over the last 50 years Hong Kong has displayed many of the signature qualities of a complex adaptive system in its transformation from dusty entrepot port to the secondwealthiest Asian economy. Insights from theories of complexity are used to shed light on a range of empirical phenomena. In contrast with the orthodox laissez faire account of Hong Kong's ascendancy, a complexity based explanation can be used to account for the presence of endogenously induced systemic disruptions and does not discount the role of external intervention in those areas of the economy prone to escalating feedback.  相似文献   

Chinese mainland business managers assigned to Hong Kong responded to a mail survey exploring issues on career management. The group of mainland managers was compared with a sample of Western expatriates, mostly from the US, France, and Britain. It was found that the Chinese expatriates had a significantly lower score than their Western counterparts on all the studied individual level career management variables: expatriate career preferences, meeting career goals within the corporation, career development fit, and right career move. Of the corporate level policy variables, corporate expatriate pool and separate expatriate careers also had lower scores for the Chinese than the Western managers. These findings support the behavioral process model of internationalization claiming that internationalization is a matter of learning. Implications of these results for internationalizing Chinese corporations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the investment flows in the Greater Pearl River Delta region (Hong Kong‐PRD) in China and its impacts on industrial restructuring at the firm‐level using a business survey with the Hong Kong‐PRD entity acted as a core‐periphery economy. The critical effects of gravity distance on transaction costs in the determination of investment flows are examined statistically by a gravity model by incorporating a hypothetical infrastructural construction project. Survey findings show that the evolution of the cross‐border operations at the main core has directed the outward FDI flows and the subsequent industrial structural adjustments of the core‐periphery economy. This paper has presented a typical illustrative case for further studies of investment flows and its impacts upon industrial adjustments and performance in other regions in China especially after the WTO accession. Its implication on regional economic growth is also discussed.  相似文献   

The economy of Hong Kong has developed a mix of adaptation mechanisms which has yielded spectacular performance. In one part of the mix, small Chinese family businesses provide an ‘entrepreneurial’ adaptation mechanism which reacts quickly to price signals. Elsewhere ‘peak organizations’ with deep hierarchies have coordinated activities which involve scale and scope. This has led to the development of a particular and restricted set of organizational capabilities which are ill suited to the ‘technological upgrading’ strategies that are frequently recommended for Hong Kong manufacturing. It is unlikely that such upgrading will take place, or that Hong Kong will become a technological development centre for manufacturing industry in the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

The management of human resources has emerged as a critical factor in creating and maintaining the competitive edge of a business. The HR manger should be a business partner who plays the role as a diagnostician and a strategist in the company. Hong Kong HR practitioners are known to be poorly equipped to play such a part since professional HRM training in Hong Kong have largely neglected strategic aspects. At the time of the study, Hong Kong experienced its worst economic downturn since 1984 where bankruptcy and unemployment are at an all time high. This study aimed to provide updated views on the competency needed for future HR leaders in Hong Kong in face of the challenges ahead. Against the background of a literature review, a survey contrasted the views of CEOs and HR executives regarding the required level of competencies of future HR leaders in Hong Kong. The findings establish an empirical basis for a framework guiding the direction and content of the future development of HR practitioners in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

珠三角地区是香港、广州、深圳、澳门、珠海五大机场的市场“交集”与市场腹地:各机场间既存在着此消彼长的“零和”竞争,又共享增长,是珠三角地域机场的一部分:五大机场根据自身条件,定位于不同的枢纽层级和市场分工,分层、分市场开展竞争与合作是五大机场获得共赢的基础,也是提高珠三角航空运输业整体竞争力的基础,  相似文献   

It is generally understood that firm strategy is linked to both internal firm resources and external, competitive industry forces. More recently, studies have suggested that firm strategy is also influenced by the formal and informal institutions of the institutional environment. Culture and commercial conventions represent important informal institutions – the norms and values shared by a group of individuals – whereas more formal institutions include the regulatory, economic, and political forces in the environment. We explore the effects of formal and informal institutions on strategic alliance partner preferences in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Although the three share a broad lineage, their institutional development differs in some respects. Utilizing a policy capturing study, we explore alliance preferences of senior managers from each of the three economies to demonstrate how similarities and differences in the institutional environment can produce variation in alliance partner preferences. This paper contributes empirically by comparing alliance partner preferences in three different ethnic Chinese communities in East Asia. We add to the nascent but growing literature on institutions and strategy, with practical implications for understanding alliance partner preferences of managers in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, which represent major centers of strategic alliance activity.  相似文献   

This paper adopts the context-embedded approach to examine the marketing practices of 307 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the People’’s Republic of China by comparing the survey findings with that of Hong Kong and Guangdong SMEs. Chinese SMEs focus on regional markets to avoid direct competition with Hong Kong SMEs in the international markets and also their Guangdong counterparts in the turbulent nationwide market. To market their own brands, Chinese SMEs have to analyze the market and use superior marketing strategies in the competitive markets. Chinese SMEs do not attain the superior competitive positions as that of their Guangdong counterparts, but they use customer satisfaction surveys and claims investigation to help develop excellence in product performance. Also, Chinese SMEs have to provide value-added products and services and also a well-rounded marketing competitive strategy to gain market shares. The traditional state-owned enterprise structure in China facilitates the development of hierarchical organizational structure and joint decision making process. Thus, care should be taken in assuming that marketing tools and techniques are equally applicable across all places, even in similar cultural contexts. Socio-cultural influences and mediating environmental factors should be considered when attempting to understand the marketing practices of Chinese small firms, specifically when China is in transition to a socialist market economy.  相似文献   

CEPA及其补充协议的实施改善了粤港两地经贸关系,港资服务业的进入如火如荼。文章通过分析CEPA签订前后粤港珠区域核心城市的服务功能及粤珠地区制造业优势的变动情况来探讨香港服务业扩散对广东及珠三角地区产业结构演进的影响,进而从泛珠区域合作角度提出对粤港产业转移与产业升级的相关政策思考。  相似文献   

随着深圳物流业的崛起,深圳与香港物流业竞争力的比较越来越受到业界的关注。通过在生产要素成本、组织成本和要素质量三个方面对深圳和香港物流业的竞争力的实证分析,表明深圳的要素成本比香港有明显的优势,但是深圳的制度成本比香港要高。在生产要素质量方面,深圳与香港的“硬要素”差距不大,“软要素”差距比较大。深圳中低端物流业务的竞争力正在接近甚至超越香港,将促使原本在香港境内的此类业务向深圳、珠江三角洲等地区转移。  相似文献   

基于文献内容分析与展览馆视角的单项指标测评,以展览业发达的珠三角和香港区域为实证研究,分别衡量其区域影响力与竞争力,构建了珠港展览业竞争与开发潜力战略分析的四象限法图,提出了包括一个战略布局、三个核心板块、一个保障体系的一三一珠港展览业竞争力提升模式,为珠港展览业竞争力优化与提升的实践提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

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