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A Comparison of Two Quadratic Approaches to Hedging in Incomplete Markets   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper provides comparative theoretical and numerical results on risks, values, and hedging strategies for local risk-minimization versus mean-variance hedging in a class of stochastic volatility models. We explain the theory for both hedging approaches in a general framework, specialize to a Markovian situation, and analyze in detail variants of the well-known Heston (1993) and Stein and Stein (1991) stochastic volatility models. Numerical results are obtained mainly by PDE and simulation methods. In addition, we take special care to check that all of our examples do satisfy the conditions required by the general theory.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate a group decision making problem with incomplete multiplicative linguistic preference relations. We first define the concept of an incomplete multiplicative linguistic preference relation, and then develop a simple algorithm to extend each incomplete multiplicative linguistic preference relation to a complete multiplicative linguistic preference relation. Finally, we develop a practical procedure for group decision making under incomplete multiplicative linguistic preference relations, and give a numerical example to illustrate the developed procedure.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the hedging decisions for firms facing price and basis risk. Two conditions assumed in most models on optimal hedging are relaxed. Hence, (i) the spot price is not necessarily linear in both the settlement price and the basis risk and (ii) futures contracts and options on futures at different strike prices are available. The design of the first‐best hedging instrument is first derived and then it is used to examine the optimal hedging strategy in futures and options markets. The role of options as useful hedging tools is highlighted from the shape of the first‐best solution. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:59–72, 2002  相似文献   

We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for an H1-martingale to be representable with respect to a collection, of local martingales. M H1( P ) is representable if and only if M is a local martingale under all p.m.'s Q which are "uniformly equivalent" to P and which make all the elements of local martingales (Theorem 1.1). We then give necessary and sufficient conditions which are easier to verify, and only involve expectations (Theorem 1.2). We go on to apply these results to the problem of pricing claims in an incomplete financial market-establishing two conjectures of Harrison and Pliska(1981).  相似文献   

We consider a general semimartingale model of a currency market with transaction costs. Assuming that the price process is continuous and the solvency cone is proper we prove a hedging theorem describing the set of initial endowments that allows the investor to hedge a contingent claim in various currencies by a self‐financing portfolio.  相似文献   

Hedging and Portfolio Optimization in Financial Markets with a Large Trader   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce a general continuous-time model for an illiquid financial market where the trades of a single large investor can move market prices. The model is specified in terms of parameter-dependent semimartingales, and its mathematical analysis relies on the nonlinear integration theory of such semimartingale families. The Itô–Wentzell formula is used to prove absence of arbitrage for the large investor, and, using approximation results for stochastic integrals, we characterize the set of approximately attainable claims. We furthermore show how to compute superreplication prices and discuss the large investor's utility maximization problem.  相似文献   

李红霞  傅强  袁晨 《财贸研究》2012,23(3):85-92
通过构建VAR-DCC-MVGARCH模型,检验2008—2011年中国黄金期货与现货市场的相关性,并分析最小化资产组合风险的最优套期保值率及其绩效,结果表明:黄金市场仅存在着现货收益率对期货收益率的单向影响;收益率的波动间具有高度正相关的时变特征;动态套期保值组合能够有效地规避黄金现货的投资风险。  相似文献   

The concept of relevant markets is fundamental to antitrust analysis, particularly to those relating to mergers. However, defining relevant markets is sometimes difficult ot operationalize. This has triggered a substantial literature in which price tests have been used to define both economic and antitrust markets. This paper reviews some price tests and applies them in order to define relevant geographic markets in wholesale gasoline in Canada. We find that relevant geographic markets can be larger than cities but smaller than East and West Canada.JEL classification: L490, L810The views expressed here are solely thoseof the authors and are not purpoted to be those of the Commissioner of Competition, the Competition Bureau, or Finance Canada.  相似文献   

Let χ be a family of stochastic processes on a given filtered probability space (Ω, F, (Ft)tT, P) with T?R+. Under the assumption that the set Me of equivalent martingale measures for χ is not empty, we give sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique equivalent martingale measure that minimizes the relative entropy, with respect to P, in the class of martingale measures. We then provide the characterization of the density of the minimal entropy martingale measure, which suggests the equivalence between the maximization of expected exponential utility and the minimization of the relative entropy.  相似文献   

An optimal Strategy for Hedging with Short-Term Futures Contracts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The search for an optimal strategy to reduce the running risk in hedging a long-term supply commitment with short-dated futures contracts leads to a class of intrinsic optimization problems. We give an explicit analytic solution for this optimization problem if the market price of the commodity is based on a simple Gaussian model, thereby replacing previously used incomplete approximations to the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

We use a martingale approach to study optimal intertemporal consumption and portfolio policies in a general discrete-time, discrete-state-space securities market with dynamically incomplete markets and short-sale constraints. We characterize the set of feasible consumption bundles as the budget-feasible set defined by constraints formed using the extreme points of the closure of the set of Arrow-Debreu state prices consistent with no arbitrage, and then establish a relationship between the original problem and a dual minimization problem.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to compute the quadratic error of a discrete time-hedging strategy in a complete multidimensional model. This result extends that of Gobet and Temam (2001) and Zhang (1999) . More precisely, our basic assumption is that the asset prices satisfy the d -dimensional stochastic differential equation   dXit = Xit ( bi ( Xt ) dt +σ i , j ( Xt ) dWjt )  . We precisely describe the risk of this strategy with respect to n , the number of rebalancing times. The rates of convergence obtained are     for any options with Lipschitz payoff and  1/ n 1/4  for options with irregular payoff.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of on-the-job search activities of Italian workers. Using several waves of the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW), a Probit model is used to estimate how individual socio-demographic characteristics and economic variables affect the probability of on-the-job search. We find that the probability of being engaged in job search activities is higher for low wage earners, for workers with low tenure and higher levels of education, for males, and for residents in large cities. Moreover, we find significant differences in the determinants of on-the-job search activities across sectors. Public sector employees show a considerably lower probability of on-the-job search compared to private sector workers. White collar workers and teachers search much less than blue collar workers. Results suggest that, even controlling for wage levels, the attractiveness of jobs varies considerably.  相似文献   

钢材期货套期保值实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
期货价格与现货价格的走势具有趋同性与趋合性的特征,使期货套期保值交易能够对冲现货市场价格波动风险,钢材套期保值者可根据钢材价格的基差变化进行相应的买入或卖出交易,以锁定成本甚至获利.但在实际操作中,套期保值者还必须考虑运输、吊装等费用以及不同市场的价格贴水情况,确定一种合理基差.同时,本文认为决定套期保值效果的唯一因素是套期保值开始和套期保值结束时的基差变化,选择最理想的基差时机进行套期保值,能够实现预期的套期保值效果.  相似文献   

Competition in Markets and Competition for Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper builds on a distinction that is sometimes made between competition in a market and competition for a market. Competition for a market refers to the struggle to create a new market, or to erect a new standard, and it is usually associated with the process of innovation that brings new displacing technologies to market. Competition in a market is the conventional view of competition, and concentrates on the actions of incumbents and imitative entrants in well-established markets. The paper reviews some of the issues that competition for markets raises for anti-trust policy makers, and then asks whether competition for a market is a perfect substitute for competition in a market.  相似文献   

Dual distribution in franchising is addressed from an incomplete contracting perspective. We explicitly model cooperative (dual distribution) franchising as an organizational form, next to wholly-owned, wholly-franchised, and dual distribution franchise systems. Key conclusions of the model are: (1) dual distribution as an efficient governance mechanism does not depend on heterogeneous downstream outlets, and (2) whether dual distribution or some other organizational form is efficient depends on the size of the benefits to dual distribution relative to the parties’ costs of investing.  相似文献   

Davis, Panas, and Zariphopoulou (1993) and Hodges and Neuberger (1989) have presented a very appealing model for pricing European options in the presence of rehedging transaction costs. In their papers the 'maximization of utility' leads to a hedging strategy and an option value. The latter is different from the Black–Scholes fair value and is given by the solution of a three–dimensional free boundary problem. This problem is computationally very time–consuming. In this paper we analyze this problem in the realistic case of small transaction costs, applying simple ideas of asymptotic analysis. The problem is then reduced to an inhomogeneous diffusion equation in only two independent variables, the asset price and time. The advantages of this approach are to increase the speed at which the optimal hedging strategy is calculated and to add insight generally. Indeed, we find a very simple analytical expression for the hedging strategy involving the option's gamma.  相似文献   

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