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王涛 《民营科技》2009,(4):178-178,177
线路工程的特点是测区大、线路长、沿线地形复杂多样。现主要介绍了中线测量交点与转点的测设方法,供大家参考。  相似文献   

本研究目的是编写反算分析程序来讨论所选择路面试验路段的反算结果。由于路面材料的应力和应变关系为非线性,所以反算分析将采用非线性材料模型,再将反算得到的材料性质与非线性有限元素法结合。本研究将应用Data Pave网站所取得的试验路段FWD数据的方法来进行选取及反算分析,并利用分析所得的结果,求出此路段路面材料性质的统计参数。  相似文献   

公路工程建设中,为了使公路顺利通过既有线路、水系而不妨碍交通,或排除地表水流,通常会设置涵洞、通道桥,因受地形限制,此类构造物形式多样,结构复杂,测量人员在进行内业图纸复核时,往往通过坐标正算原理,根据中桩坐标和切线方位角进行坐标计算,面对斜交类构造物复核时较为困难,本文通过测量坐标反算原理,逆向计算复核,通过构造物和道路设计边线的几何关系,求出相交点的里程、偏距和设计高程,再来三算构造物的长度和横坡,该方法易于理解,计算准确,满足现场施工测量放样的精度要求。  相似文献   

介绍空间直线的测量方法,建立空间直线方程,利用向量投影数学模式解算空间交叉直线的最短间距。  相似文献   

文章结合广梧高速四标施工测量的实际情况,对线路中边桩任意里程坐标正反程序的基本思路、基本原理作简单的论述,并对该程序的优缺点、精度作具体的阐述,对测量人员有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

文章提出了线路测量中正反算问题的新概念,给出正反算问题的统一数学解算模型和计算器程序代码。  相似文献   

落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)是目前国内外应用最为广泛的无损式路面弯沉检测设备,应用FWD测定路面弯沉具有省时、省力、测定结果精度高的优点。通过FWD测定的各测点在冲击荷载作用下的动态弯沉峰值和弯沉盆数据,可以反算路面各结构层的模量,从而对道路施工质量和使用情况做出评价,这是其它弯沉测定方法所无法比拟的。[第一段]  相似文献   

在全井筒的罐道梁安装过程中,通常采用大线卡板控制下部罐道梁安装,文章通过湖南辰州矿业2号明竖井井筒永久装备的测量控制,提出了如何布置大线,校正罐道的测量方法。在井筒装备中有良好效果。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,线路工程如高等级公路、油气管线等的建设越来越多。在公路控制测量中,为了满足施工放样中的变形达到测量规范的规定,就需要选择一个合适的投影面和投影带,亦即合理地确立工程平面控制网的坐标系。文章论述了投影面和投影带的选择方法。分带投影法、分区抵偿法、边长约束法等方法较好地控制长距离线路工程控制网测量中的投影长度变形值,为工程施工提供可靠保障。  相似文献   

We consider an N-period planning horizon with known demands Dt ordering cost At, procurement cost, Ct and holding cost Ht in period t. The dynamic lot-sizing problem is one of scheduling procurement Qt in each period in order to meet demand and minimize cost.The Wagner-Whitin algorithm for dynamic lot sizing has often been misunderstood as requiring inordinate computational time and storage requirements. We present an efficient computer implementation of the algorithm which requires low core storage, thus enabling it to be potentially useful on microcomputers.The recursive computations can be stated as follows:
Mjk=Aj+CjQj+k?1t=j Htkr=t+1Dr
Fk= min1?j?k[Fj+Mjk];F0=0
where Mjk is the cost incurred by procuring in period j for all periods j through k, and Fk is the minimal cost for periods 1 through k. Our implementation relies on the following observations regarding these computations:
Using this recursive relationship, the number of computations can be greatly reduced. Specifically, 32N2 ? 12N2 additions and 12N2 + 12N multiplications are required. This is insensitive to the data.A FORTRAN implementation on an Amdahl 470 yielded computation times (in 10?3 seconds) of T = ?.249 + .0239N + .00446N2. Problems with N = 500 were solved in under two seconds.  相似文献   

改进菱形运动估计算法研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前菱形运动估计搜索算法存在的问题,对不同宏块采用相同的搜索策略,而不能根据视频序列的特性,迅速缩小搜索的范围,造成搜索冗余。文章分析了运动矢量的分布相关性,提出了基于起点预测的改进菱形运动估计算法。该算法结合提前中止准则,能改进菱形算法的搜索流程。仿真结果表明,该算法在降低计算复杂度的同时,还可有效地保证搜索精度。  相似文献   

For Poisson inverse Gaussian regression models, it is very complicated to obtain the influence measures based on the traditional method, because the associated likelihood function involves intractable expressions, such as the modified Bessel function. In this paper, the EM algorithm is employed as a basis to derive diagnostic measures for the models by treating them as a mixed Poisson regression with the weights from the inverse Gaussian distributions. Several diagnostic measures are obtained in both case-deletion model and local influence analysis, based on the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function in the EM algorithm. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

高效卷烟分拣系统在秦皇岛市卷烟物流中心的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛市卷烟物流中心规划年销量11万箱,面向全市卷烟零售点进行配送.普天物流技术有限公司作为河北省烟草公司卷烟物流中心的物流系统集成商,承担了秦皇岛市卷烟物流中心工艺设备的建设与集成工作.目前,新建设的秦皇岛市卷烟物流中心已经运行超过半年,实现了全部业务向新物流中心的成功转移,并实现了全市销售卷烟统一分拣到户、统一配送的目标.  相似文献   

Human resource management (HRM) research has documented the importance of high performance work practices (HPWPs) to organizations, and recent efforts have argued for increasing attention to the role of line manager implementation of HPWPs. To date, research in this area has focused largely on the organizational or employee implications of HPWP implementation, ignoring the process through which implementation affects outcomes. In this article, we use theory on impression formation to describe the perceptual process through which line manager implementation of HPWPs facilitates the formation of different employee impressions of manager leadership styles. We argue that this process is contingent upon employee attributions of implementation intent, which are influenced by the interaction of employee affective and attributional tendencies with line manager implementation style (i.e., political skill). Our conceptualization of this process contributes to HRM research by demonstrating the benefits of integrating it with leadership theory, as well as identifying the role of interpersonal perceptual processes in the effects of HPWPs.  相似文献   

本设计以程控增益放大器AD603为核心,通过单片机STC89C52控制各模块,实现了输入信号及环境噪声幅度自动调节音量的自动增益控制音响放大器。文章重点介绍了程控放大模块、噪声采集模块、有效值检测模块等主要电路模块。系统从mp3或信号源输入音频(100 Hz~10 k Hz)信号给程控增益放大器AD603,将信号放大输...  相似文献   

文章研究并总结了多个远程监控系统车载终端的原理和实现方法,介绍了三一重工研发的应用于工程机械的远程GPS监控终端,对该终端的硬件和软件原理进行了说明,最后对终端进一步的改进提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

Exploring a unitarist and pluralist Human Resource Management (HRM) perspective, we propose a more nuanced view on Bowen and Ostroff's (2004) concept of strong HRM processes. More specifically, we investigate whether strong HRM processes contribute positively or negatively to line managers' effective HRM implementation. The results of a multi‐level model with data from 125 line managers and 899 employees of five organisations show a complex picture. In line with unitarist thinking, we find a positive indirect effect of strong HRM processes on HRM implementation effectiveness via line managers' ability. In accordance with pluralist thinking, we find a negative direct relationship between strong HRM processes and HRM implementation effectiveness. We discuss the tensions in HRM that might explain these ambiguous findings.  相似文献   

Reel ID的应用包括实物流和信息流两方面内容,也是Reel ID应用的两个基本点,是决定其可否善终的关键.  相似文献   

The implementation of human resource (HR) practices (HRPs) is increasingly regarded as a cornerstone in the achievement of overall HRM effectiveness. This article addresses the role of the HR department in contributing to line managers' (LMs) effective implementation of HRPs. It does so by comparing the actions of HR departments in both effective and ineffective implementation processes in different firms. Its findings reveal that HR departments can make a difference by taking initiatives that foster LMs' implementation abilities, motivation and opportunities, such as deploying in‐the‐field HR specialists, framing practices in appealing ways, involving LMs in the development of HRPs and seeking CEO support, among others. By fleshing out these HR initiatives and linking them to the AMO framework, we build an inductive model that offers a more nuanced view of what HR departments can do to have their proposals effectively implemented by LMs.  相似文献   

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