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This study explores the main and interaction effects of framing messages and cause-related marketing on backing intentions by manipulating frame types, frame valences, and cause-related marketing in the message narratives of crowdfunding projects. We conduct an online experiment for a crowdfunding campaign and analyze data using independent-samples t-test and ANOVA. This study's findings show that negative messages lead to higher backing intentions than positive ones regarding attribute and goal framing messages. Narratives with cause-related marketing in crowdfunding projects had a more significant effect on increasing backing intentions than those without cause-related marketing. Positive attribute framing messages combined with cause-related marketing had significantly higher backing intentions than messages without cause-related marketing; for negative attribute framing, there was no significant difference between with and without cause-related marketing. This study theoretically advances the literature on reward-based crowdfunding, which provides scholars with insight into the effects of the written narrative design of crowdfunding projects on backing intentions and extends to the applications of framing effect theory and cause-related marketing. Practically, this study provides project initiators and crowdfunding platform operators with new perspectives on proposal copywriting content design and project operation.  相似文献   

The emerging field of sustainable business has its roots in both science and economics—in particular the fields of environmental science and the economics of sustainability. This article provides an overview to the latter field with application to environmental damage due to climate change. The aim is to provide an economic context for the papers in this special issue. The article outlines four essential elements in what has become a vast literature in the economics of sustainability in the context of climate change. First is the dilemma in valuing the distant future which concerns the vexed issue of discounting outcomes that are expected to occur over a very long time horizon. The second is the related characteristics of uncertainty and irreversibility that create an option value in taking action. The third element is the peculiarities of natural capital (arising from the natural environment) compared with reproducible capital (things we make that are used to produce goods and services). The post-neoclassical notions of social capital and knowledge capital are also briefly mentioned. The fourth element is how to manage the global “commons”, the prime example of which is the climate. This article is written for the general business reader with an understanding of basic economic concepts and therefore avoids mathematics. References to more technical treatments are provided.  相似文献   

Faith in others (FIO; governments and businesses) can be seen as society's predisposition to handle environmental problems. The article examines whether women, who undertake a large majority of household purchases, can influence change in consumption practices so as to contribute to sustainability initiatives. Understanding women's character in this manner is informative, it helps us to consider how a women's role as a household purchasing agent is an important nexus to environmental sustainability. The study found that FIO has an influence on women's purchasing decisions. The study provides additional support to strengthen women's role in environmental matters. Not all women were found to be sustainability‐minded. In the challenges faced by women with respect to their influence, evidence from this research suggests that if women have more faith in governments and businesses it would make them more eco‐savvy to act as agents of change for transforming the environmental sustainability landscape.  相似文献   


This paper investigated the current levels of environmental sustainability in restaurants across the U.S. to determine whether a restaurant’s proclivity for environmental sustainability depended on its characteristics such as chain affiliation or restaurant type.

A web-based survey was administered to 2,500 top-level restaurant managers, from which a total of 218 responses were judged as usable. The data were analyzed using independent

sample t-tests and ANOVA. This study presents an in-depth account of the environmental sustainability in restaurants across the U.S. based on an evaluation of top-level managers. This study also highlights the differences in restaurant environmental sustainability across different restaurant segments.  相似文献   

Prior research indicates that ad–self‐congruency effects are significant only when participants are not motivated to process ad messages, as when they are in a positive rather than negative affective state (Chang, 2002a). In line with this reasoning, it was expected that ad tactics such as ad framing that can evoke emotional responses would determine reliance on ad–self‐congruency for making judgments. As expected, when positive emotions were evoked by positive ad framing, participants formed brand evaluations based on ad–self‐congruency, generating more positive responses to self‐congruent ad messages than to self‐incongruent messages. In contrast, when negative emotions were elicited by negative ad framing, responses to self‐congruent ad messages and self‐incongruent messages were not significantly different. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the COVID-19 threat and consumer evaluation of a product with authenticity appeals in advertisements. We propose that threatening situations like COVID-19 motivate consumers to lower their uncertainty and increase their preference for products with authentic advertising messages. Because individuals react differently to threatening environments according to their early-life experiences, commonly reflected in childhood socioeconomic status, we examined whether childhood socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between threat and consumer evaluation of authenticity in advertisements. First, secondary data from Google Trends provided empirical support for our predictions. In additional experimental studies, participants evaluated different target products in four studies that either manipulated (Studies 2 and 3) or measured (Studies 4 and 5) COVID-19 threat. Our results provide converging evidence that consumers positively evaluate products with authentic advertising messages under the COVID-19 threat. Consumers' motivation to lower their uncertainty underlies the effect of COVID-19 threat on their evaluation of authentic messages (Study 3). This attempt to reduce uncertainty is more likely to occur for consumers with relatively higher childhood socioeconomic status (Studies 4 and 5). These findings suggest that using authenticity appeals during a pandemic could effectively reduce consumers' perceived uncertainty and generate positive consumer evaluations.  相似文献   

Intergenerational research on sustainable consumption remains scarce, particularly in relation to which factors may affect the level of intergenerational similarity and the direction of intergenerational transmission. The present study addresses these gaps and adds to the growing body of literature in environmental consumer socialization by examining intergenerational influence on sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors in a sample of 146 dyads comprised of mothers and college-age daughters. In the domain of intergenerational influence, we study two potential moderating factors suggested in past consumer research: communication effectiveness and peer conformity. Using the co-orientational model and nominal dyad method, we reveal the existence of intergenerational similarity in dyads' sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors—after accounting for nominal effects— and show that stronger parent–child communication between mother–daughter pairs leads to greater intergenerational similarity, whereas stronger peer influence on daughters reduces intergenerational agreement. Our analysis further suggests the presence of reverse environmental socialization, in which intergenerational influence predominantly occurs from daughter to mother. Dyads' subjective knowledge regarding sustainable consumption provides empirical insights for this co-orientational model finding on reverse intergenerational transfer. Overall, outcomes of this study encourage marketing managers to leverage young-adult offspring in the process of communicating sustainable marketing strategies.  相似文献   

At the outset, the article compares the EC directives in the field of consumer protection and the corresponding German transposition acts which are the core of German consumer law. This is followed by a discussion on the Act against Unfair Competition (UWG) and the Standard Contract Terms Act (AGBG). Although these were not designed as consumer protection acts, they are of great importance for consumer protection, as both include the right for consumer organizations to take action.The legislator does not transpose EC directives to sections of the Civil Code (BGB), not even if there are relevant provisions in the BGB, nor does he incorporate relevant case law into transposition acts. Case law plays a very important role in consumer protection. This makes German consumer law very confusing. In a given case not only is the transposition act applicable, but also the relevant judge-made law which is based on the BGB and its general clauses and may have a different scope of application.For many years, the German legislator has not passed any bills to protect consumers apart from the transpositions of EC directives. So good news for consumers in legal matters stem only from the EC and from the courts.
Der europäische Einflu\ auf das deutsche Verbraucherrecht
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag geht von einer Gegenüberstellung der einschlägigen EG-Richtlinien und ihrer Umsetzung in deutsches Recht aus. Sie sind das Kernstück des deutschen Verbraucherrechts. Für den rechtlichen Verbraucherschutz sind darüber hinaus zwei Gesetze von gro\er Bedeutung, die nicht als spezifische Verbraucherschutzgesetze konzipiert sind, das UWG und das AGBG, die beide eine Verbandsklagebefugnis enthalten, die auch für Verbraucherverbände gilt.Der Gesetzgeber übernimmt Richtlinien regelmä\ig nicht ins BGB, auch wenn einschlägige Materien dort enthalten sind, und inkorporiert auch nicht von der Rechtsprechung entwickelte Regeln in die Umsetzungsgesetze. Dadurch wird das Verbraucherrecht unübersichtlich, weil neben den Umsetzungsgesetzen jeweils auch die Rechtsprechung zu beachten ist, die auf den Vorschriften des BGB und seinen Generalklauseln beruht und z.T. einen abweichenden Anwendungsbereich hat.Der deutsche Gesetzgeber verzichtet seit vielen Jahren auf eigene Anstö\e zum rechtlichen Verbraucherschutz und überlä\t dies der EG sowie den Gerichten.

This research demonstrates that consumers react differently to donations emphasizing a company's effort invested in charitable actions, as opposed to those highlighting its ability to carry out those actions. Our results show that consumers rate the brands that adopt an effort-oriented donation strategy more favorably than those that use an ability-oriented strategy (study 1). Further, this effect is moderated by consumers' perceived psychological distance (made salient by construal level priming or donation proximity). The findings converge to show that congruency between donation framing and primed psychological distance leads to more favorable brand evaluations and greater purchase intentions. Findings of this research contribute to the corporate social responsibility literature and have important marketing research and managerial implications.  相似文献   

在互联网不断发展的大背景下,网络直播的影响力逐渐扩展到各个领域,深入到人们生活的各个方面,其中对消费者行为的影响最为显著。为充分了解网络直播对消费者行为的影响,本文将对消费者选择、购买和使用三个方面的行为进行分析并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic review of extant research on the effects of scent on consumer behaviour for readers of the International Journal of Consumer Studies. Although many articles have been published on this topic in recent years, there is a need for a comprehensive summary of up‐to‐date findings in this area of research. A systematic literature review is conducted with selected Chartered Association of Business Schools‐ranked journals in the fields of marketing and psychology, covering the period between 1980 and 2015. Thematic areas include the impact of scent on consumers’ cognitive and affective responses, attitudes and perceptions, as well as memory and behaviours. Relevant mediators and moderators of the effects of scent on these variables include affect, cognition, awareness and individual or environmental stimuli. Gaps for future research are identified and include the role of consumer awareness of scent and its influence on behaviour. Although this article provides a systematic review of the literature within the fields of psychology and marketing, it acknowledges that a large body of research regarding human responses to odours exists within other disciplinary fields such as neuroscience. The potential for, as well as the ethical caveats of, using scent stimuli for marketing purposes are also considered. This article makes a significant contribution to the consumer behaviour literature given its systematic article selection and review process, encompassing the most up‐to‐date research and focusing on all key thematic areas related to scent and consumption.  相似文献   

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1142-1150
This study explores how the scope of managerial environmental scanning changes after an environmental shift. Using the context of deregulation in airline industry, I examined both within- and across-sector scanning embodied in the presidents' letters in the annual reports between 1973 and 1986. The results indicate that: 1) top management teams (TMTs) who experienced large turnover in membership tended to have broader scope of environmental scanning, both within and across different sectors; 2) TMT demographic heterogeneity positively moderated such linkage between executive turnover and environmental scanning; and 3) output-orientation in top team members' functional background had a positive main effect on the scope of environmental scanning. The results of this study offer a new insight on the effects of executive turnover and the subsequent changes in TMT composition on environmental scanning.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study about the use of credit by Australian consumers between 1980 and 1996. Considerable growth in the use of credit by consumers was coupled with an increasing reliance on credit to finance purchase transactions as consumers’ other sources of purchase finance became depleted. An increasing number of consumers were found to be experiencing difficulty meeting their debt‐ servicing commitments. These results suggest that the growth in use of consumer credit that has occurred in Australia may not be in the long‐term interest of consumers or the economy.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to fill one of the gaps in the literature about ethical consumption, in particular about ethical purchasing of clothes. By using grounded theory and sampling University students, this study proposes a model to explain the influence of information about labour abuses on consumer behaviour when buying clothes. The model is built upon a core category labelled ambivalence. This category explains the differences in cognition, motivation and behaviour among participants. The ambivalence arises due to the interdependent relationship of three factors: should (ethical obligation), want (conflicting identities), and can (personal action to change).  相似文献   

Technological advances have enabled firms to automate customer service by employing artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots. Despite their many potential benefits, interactions with chatbots may still feel machine-like and cold. The current study proposes the use of humour by chatbots as a gateway to humanizing them and thereby enhancing the customer experience. Across three experimental studies, the results reveal that (i) the use of humour enhances service satisfaction when it is used by a chatbot but not when it is used by a human agent, (ii) this chatbot humour effect is serially mediated by enhanced perceptions of anthropomorphism and interestingness of the interactions with the chatbot, and (iii) whilst both positively and negatively valenced chatbot humour may enhance the interestingness of the interactions, socially appropriate (i.e., affiliative) humour as opposed to inappropriate (i.e., aggressive) humour leads to enhanced service satisfaction. This study extends the understanding of the humanization processes of chatbots and provides guidelines for how firms should use chatbot humour to positively influence consumers' service satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study proposes that when feeling nostalgic, consumers are more likely to choose the option that the majority of others prefer. Four studies consistently demonstrate that nostalgia can enhance consumers' social connectedness, which motivates them to maintain the feelings of connection to the group and thereby increases their preference for majority-endorsed options in the subsequent product choices. Moreover, the strength of social ties between consumers and others moderates the mediation effect of social connectedness. In the weak social ties condition, social connectedness mediates the effect of nostalgia on preference for majority-endorsed products. In the strong social ties condition, the mediation effect of social connectedness diminishes. These findings complement previous work on how nostalgia influences consumer behavior.  相似文献   

In recent decades sustainability and dual-route retailing have been adopted by many big industries. Companies are now bound to maintain such strategies that fulfill the sustainable goals developed by the United Nations. Industries face a huge penalty if carbon emissions exceed a certain boundary. Moreover, factories should maintain sufficient flow in retail chains and product quality. This paper demonstrates 3-pillar sustainability in dual channel retailing, empowering firms to integrate the financial-economic pillar with the non-financial (environmental, social, and ethical) pillar. The core product is made available through the traditional channel and customized products are through online channels. The model is enabling the customers with customization provisions where they can influence the products. Thus, as a novel approach, the article incorporates a presumed threshold limit on the product's (standard and customized) selling price difference. Due to customization, a new product is developed which needs extensive quality checks. The study introduces an investment in checking the quality of the customized product which reduces the probability of customization defects exponentially. Additionally, current research adapts the carbon emission cost, penalties charged to a firm for overshooting the limit, and social costs in a smart supply chain. It also exemplifies that production is directly proportional to financial investments in meeting sustainability objectives. The numerical analysis reflects that as production increases, penalty costs decrease at a significant rate but after reaching optimal production penalty cost again starts to increase. It is observed that the downfall of penalty is 20% more for the single-channel than dual. Adaptation of the customization policy makes the retailing strategy more cost-effective. The model exemplifies that it is more economical to adopt dual-channel retailing compared to single-channel as there is approximately a 14.0625% reduction in total cost in dual-channel retailing. Moreover, an 80% improved quality is observed with a financial investment, which improves consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

A service orientation aims to provide professional and comprehensive service items to consumers in a sale or a non-sale situation, while an interaction orientation has the goal of creating good interaction ability with individual customers in order to maintain long-term, profitable customer relationships, and in the process obtaining valuable information about individual customers. These orientations build customer-centric operations and develop competitive advantages, thus enhancing firm performance and customer value. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relative and collective contributions of different strategic orientations on a firm's performance, with a focus on consumer–company identification. The structural equation model results indicate that (1) both service orientation and interaction orientation positively influence consumer–company identification and (2) interaction orientation results in higher perceived consumer identification.  相似文献   

The Asian disease problem (ADP), as a demonstration of the framing effect, revealed a preference reversal between options perceived as risky and those perceived as certain. This research identifies individuals' involvement level as a moderator of the framing effect. The framing effect in the ADP consisted of emotional choice outcomes regarding human lives. Two studies in this paper demonstrate that when based on emotional choices, the framing effect in high involvement conditions increases in size. Interestingly, this influence of involvement reverses when the framing effect is based on rational choices. The studies reveal that the negativity invoked by the certain loss option is instrumental in the underlying mechanism of the risky choice framing effect, such as that demonstrated by the ADP. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study investigates consumers' responses to global positioning in advertising from the perspective of self. It is suggested that consumers' attitudes toward the brand advertised through global positioning are influenced by their ideal selves and cosmopolitan orientations and these influences are moderated by one's self-esteem level. Study 1 shows that attitudes toward the globally positioned brand are more positive for those with ideal selves that are more congruent with personal traits associated with globally positioned brands, but only for those with high self-esteem. Interview results from study 2 suggest that low self-esteem informants make use of the global brands associated with ‘Western’ as a means of signaling their social selves in order to obtain social approval and that high self-esteem informants attend to ad content, whether the ad employs global or local positioning.  相似文献   

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