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吕博 《广告大观》2008,(11):66-67
2008年8月18日11时55分,刘翔因伤退出奥运会男子110米栏比赛,他的意外离开不仅令错愕与惋惜瞬间在北京鸟巢内的9万名观众间弥漫开来,而且还震惊了数十家刘翔的代言公司包括耐克、可口可乐、安利、交通银行、联想、中国移动等。刘翔作为国内外企业一掷千金的奥运营销的最后王牌,却在现场演绎了一个英雄式人物的突然转身,让等待爆发的赞助企业在一片嘘声中,  相似文献   


How is positive deviance utilised by the news media in the destigmatisation of a consumption practice? I study this question in the context of veganism through critically informed frame analysis of a major British newspaper, the Daily Mail. This context is ideal for such an analysis as the image of veganism has been transformed in the recent years from a stigmatised lifestyle to a normalised, healthy diet. Furthermore, this transformation has particularly taken place through celebrities, who are conceptualised as positive deviants. I then develop a discursive framing perspective of the role of media in the destigmatisation process of a consumption practice. The resulting framework shows how media can use positive deviance in destigmatisation by managing both the boundaries of the stigmatised practice and the dynamics of positive deviancy. Moreover, this framework contextualises the different frames in terms of the organisational, institutional, and national context as well as macro-level ideologies.  相似文献   

Using economic data, this paper recreates a previously published service industry classification scheme that was derived using discursive data from interviews with industry experts. It triangulates the earlier results using a different methodology, and extends earlier classification schemes in a comprehensive, objective way. A principal component analysis of six sector parameter sets from a regression analysis of a productivity data set covering 14 countries produces three sector factors, the ‘capital type’, the ‘innovation type’ and the ‘quality type’, which form the basis of the classification scheme. A high degree of conformity is found between this and the previously published discursive-based scheme.  相似文献   

非营利组织产生财务危机的原因是多方面的,既可能是组织经营者决策失误,也可能是管理失控,还可能是外部环境恶化等。应建立非营利组织财务预警系统,对组织的财务运营过程进行跟踪、监控,及早地发现财务危机信号,着手应变,以避免或减少对组织的破坏,促进非营利组织的健康发展。从而为我国实现全面建设小康社会、“和谐社会”的战略目标提供支持。  相似文献   

During the last decade, there has been a significant bias towards bond financing on emerging markets, with private investors relying on a bail-out of bonds by the international community. This bias has been a main cause of the recent excessive fragility of international capital markets. The following paper shows how collective action clauses in bonds contracts help to involve the private sector in risk-sharing. It argues that such clauses, as a market-based instrument, will raise the spreads for emerging market debt and so help to correct a market failure towards excessive bond finance. Recent pressure by the IMF to involve the private sector faces a conflict between the principle of honouring existing contracts and that of equal treatment of bondholders.  相似文献   

Charity brands have been found to assist income generation by enhancing donor understanding of an organization and what it stands for. Despite an increasing interest in this topic few studies have addressed the dimensions of such brands and sought to explore the link (if any) with donor behaviour. In this paper, we focus on the personality traits of non-profit brands and begin by exploring how these may be structured. Reporting the findings of a series of nine focus groups, we conclude that dimensions of personality apply at the sector, causal and organizational levels and that the perception of specific categories of trait may be linked to individual giving behaviour.  相似文献   

The Federal Republic of Germany had only just recovered from the shock of the oil crisis when the stoppage of US uranium deliveries came as a forceful reminder of the dependence of its energy sector upon supplies from abroad. Fears have been voiced that the nuclear power stations may one day be faced with supply difficulties.  相似文献   

The agricultural sector has to a large extent remained on the fringes of the process of trade liberalisation that has been going on for the last 25 years. The rules of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) cover agricultural trade, but countries have found it expedient both to ask for derogations to protect their own domestic agicultural interests and also to be less rigorous in the enforcement of such rules even when derogations have not been requested.  相似文献   

自组织理论视野下我国非营利组织的发展途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自组织理论是系统论的有机组成部分,它是研究一般系统和组织的基本结构和规律的理论.本文运用自组织理论的基本原理分析了我国非营利组织的现状,从提高自适应性、建立开放系统、非线性机制、远离平衡态四个方面提出了非营利组织的发展途径,用于解决非营利组织自组织能力不强、封闭僵化、活力不足和创新缺少动力等问题.  相似文献   

This study used the partial least squares (PLS) and structural equation modeling (SEM) tool to examine factors influencing collaboration among tourism operators in an island economy. It also measures the impact of collaboration on network performance. Statistical results confirm that communication and commitment impact on collaboration while collaboration in turn positively influences performance. Collaboration also mediates partially the impact of communication and commitment on performance. The results, besides indicating the suitability of the PLS in statistical analysis, has also contributed to a better understanding of tourism networks in an island economy in Penang which hitherto has not been tested. Findings are useful for policy makers, tourism associations and practitioners to enhance Malaysian tourism. Limitations and suggestions for future research are also included.  相似文献   

Lifecycle management of assets is essential for cost-effective maintenance and long-term economic viability. Properly maintained infrastructure provides significant economic advantages. Neglecting maintenance leads to lower productivity and imposes costs on users. Furthermore, delayed maintenance significantly increases total costs associated with repair or replacement. Lifecycle asset management should be used in the public sector to manage large-scale assets such as transportation infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. Yet, state governments have had little incentive to provide proactive maintenance. To address the infrastructure capital investment backlog, particularly acute in transportation, government priorities need to be coupled with long-term economic accountability. In addition, funding and financial reporting mechanisms should be created to ensure effective and efficient lifecycle asset management decisions. Public-private partnerships (PPP) also need to be fostered to help address regional deficiencies in infrastructure.  相似文献   

Centrally planned economies usually prefer larger plants and firms to smaller ones. After the twin oil shocks of 1973 and 1980 it is widely recognized that strengthening the small-firm sector is a prerequisite to revitalize the Hungarian economy. One of the striking conclusions of this paper is that the small-business sector in the Hungarian economy is smaller than that of any other industrialized country.  相似文献   

Streaming media platform opens new ways for celebrity endorsement. Based on the researches related to celebrity endorsement and match-up hypothesis, this study explores the influences of various matches on the consumer attitudes within the context of live streaming shopping with internet celebrities in China. Results suggest that product-source fit affects the perceived source attractiveness and trustworthiness, while product-content fit affects utilitarian and hedonic attitude toward the content. Source trustworthiness, hedonic attitude and self-product fit increased the intention to buy. This study develops and tests an integrative model of internet celebrity endorsement by investigating congruence effects on live streaming viewers.  相似文献   

The paper documents the importance of leasing in the UK retail sector and estimates the potential balance sheet impact of new accounting proposals to bring all leases onto lessees' balance sheets. Off-balance sheet operating leases are shown to be a major source of finance, and far more important (3.3 times higher) than on-balance sheet long-term debt; by contrast, finance leases are immaterial. Operating leased assets, the major part of which is ‘land and buildings' (98%), represent a significant proportion (28%) of reported total assets. Capitalization of operating leases would have a major impact on nine key performance ratios and would alter the ranking of companies markedly. The findings suggest that operating leases need careful consideration is estimating retailers’ financial risk, in comparing cross-national performance and in research studies of capital structure decisions.  相似文献   

The growth strategies pursued by the vast majority of developing countries considerably neglect the agricultural sector. The following article discusses the main determinant factors for this discrimination, namely the shortcomings of macroeconomic as well as sectoral and project policies.  相似文献   

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