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This issue of “Tourism Tribune” in the hands of our readers is the first issue of the 20th Volune since its publication. In the past nineteen years, “Tourism Tribune”has witnessed great development thanks to the sincere trust from our readers and unremitting contributions from our writers.  相似文献   

Travel philanthropy is an evolving phenomenon. It owes its origins to rising frustrations with conventional aid and traditional philanthropic giving and is seen as development assistance enabling resources to flow directly from the tourism industry into community development and conservation initiatives. Philanthropists have long sought to achieve social transformation, and travel philanthropy in all its forms has evolved through the democratization of charity, as a kind of “doing good” through “giving back” whilst travelling. This paper evaluates values, practices and impacts of traditional, modern and post-modern philanthropy. Drawing upon evidence emerging from a longitudinal study, which involved the retrospective evaluation of personal diary entries, participant observations and semi-structured interviews about the transcontinental Plymouth–Banjul (car) Challenge (PBC), it exemplifies how an initiative can evolve across all three philanthropic approaches. It further debates critical understandings of the problematic travel philanthropy concept and its role in stimulating sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Measuring service quality in a reliable and valid manner is crucial. Accordingly, this study explores whether the tourism-oriented Importance-Performance construct is a theoretically sound measure of service quality. The conceptual analysis is followed by an empirical test of the construct's prediction capability within the realm of service quality/satisfaction framework in the tourism context of a large festival. Both the conceptual and empirical results clearly indicate that the validity of the Importance-Performance construct should be strongly doubted, and that tourism and hospitality managers as well as researchers would be better off avoiding the use of the Importance-Performance construct.  相似文献   

In many north-western European countries, the family practices of drinking and eating used to be largely located in the private domain of the home. This situation has recently begun to change, particularly in gentrified urban areas where middle-class families are growing in number and family outings in bars and restaurants are becoming more widespread. This paper examines the new practices of family consumption from two perspectives: the providers and the consumers. Entrepreneurs shape family-friendly spaces by reducing boundaries between eating, drinking and playing and by offering out-of-home pleasures in home-like environments for both parents and children. They balance between accommodating the families and retaining their childless clients. Families that consume in the food and drink spaces are primarily local middle-class families, and fathers and mothers equally participate. This study further reveals that leisure time spent with the family cannot always be classified as leisure time as a family. Parental involvement with the children differs. We distinguish leisured caring time with high parental involvement, own leisure time mainly directed at parents’ personal activities and social leisure time mainly directed at maintaining social relationships beyond the family. We discuss earlier research on the complicated character of family leisure related to the caring duties of parents. Empirical evidence comes from an exploratory study of ten consumption spaces in the inner city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Educators commonly promote English as beneficial to future employability, but students’ perceptions of the importance of English in the tourism and hospitality industry are often not considered. It is important that students’ perceptions are examined as gaining better insights could allow more positive attitudes to both English and the industry being fostered. This study investigated the perceptions of students (n = 71) enrolled at a university in Japan and found no statistically significant differences based on gender, country of origin, year of study, work experience, or future work intentions. However, it was indicated that communicative competence, confidence, English listening, and English speaking were the factors perceived to be most important by the students. Consequently, it is suggested that tourism and hospitality courses should incorporate components that focus mainly on these skills, but not to the detriment of English reading and writing, which were also perceived as important.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(2):134-136
Europe currently holds the primary position in the global travel market, but with the trend for long-haul travel increasing and the saturation of prime destinations and peak seasons, the intra-European market may well stagnate. Europe must compete with ever more successful non-European tourist destinations by developing more varied products which take advantage of shoulder seasons and less crowded destinations. Aggressive marketing within the USA, aimed at those segments of the population most likely to be attracted to Europe, may well offer the best chance for Europe to increase its share of the world tourism market.  相似文献   

在普吉岛Karon海滩的慵懒阳光下,整个《时尚旅游》团队在做一件很无厘头的事情——“文身”。用这种植物萃取的染料可以将喜欢的图案拓印在身体的任何部位,15天之后就可以洗去。本期《环游世界24天》的作者 Patrick J.Kelly 在智利的复活节岛也做了同样的事情,他选择了8个拉帕努伊象形图案,让文身师将图案刻满了整个背部。用这种方式他永远纪念曾经呼吸过的这个文化——并将终此一生求解这些奇特图案的意义。在24天内,Patrick 的足迹遍及5大洲,10个国家,10种文化形态,历程36000英里。这次名为“传奇所在:坐私人飞机环游世界最伟大的文化遗产”的旅行令人毕生难忘。这一次和你分享的第一部分中包括秘鲁马丘比丘、智利复活节岛、澳大利亚乌卢鲁巨石、巴布亚新几内亚和柬埔寨吴哥窟。  相似文献   


This study examines two southern Louisiana plantation museums: Laura and Oak Alley, using a framework that stresses the narrative power and politics of these heritage sites. Located a mile from each other along the Mississippi River, they present two similar yet different narratives of the antebellum American South. Laura places more emphasis on the enslaved who inhabited the plantation than does Oak Alley, whose narrative centers upon the opulence of the plantation home – that is, ‘the big house'. This study explores what visitors take away from their plantation tours. Specifically, it examines their thoughts about how the enslaved are represented at these two museums. The study's data come from visitors’ comments posted on the travel website TripAdvisor. The object of the study is to gain a greater understanding of what visitors learn about the history of the enslaved on these tours and how they participate, along with site managers, in the narrative construction of the plantation and negotiating the divide between tourism as amusement and tourism as memorial.  相似文献   

This article explores the phenomenon of allotment holding as a leisure practice, by drawing upon on a 2‐year field study conducted at the Sataf village allotment site near the city of Jerusalem. The findings indicate that plotting at the Sataf involves an ideological commitment to nature and environment‐friendly related themes. Accordingly, plot holding at the Sataf is termed an eco‐leisure practice. In addition, the findings indicate that plotting at Sataf is an individual rather than a socially oriented experience. These findings are interpreted with regard to all of the particular features and developments in Israel, the specific literature on allotment holding, the study fields of leisure and tourism, and George Simmel's philosophy of experience.  相似文献   


This research adds to the overall literature and academic understanding of early career progression of hospitality professionals. The results of an analysis of the career profiles of graduates of an undergraduate business school majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management indicate that there are five potential career paths for hospitality professionals graduating from this program. The groups are (1) Traditional Hospitality; (2) Stallers; (3) Nonhospitality; (4) Loyalists; and (5) Entrepreneurs. The findings indicate that there is substantial job movement in the first three years after graduation. Further, if promotion happens within the first 6 months to a year, graduates are more likely to stay with the organization. Finally, those that leave hospitality are likely to go into highly related fields such as health care and real estate.  相似文献   

Understanding the psychological mechanisms underpinning tourists’ voluntary adoption of behaviors that minimize harm to environments and communities that support tourism is critical for the sustainability of the industry. In this study, we examined the internal attributes that lead tourists to adopt three dimensions of pro-sustainable behavior drawing on the value-belief-norm model. We hypothesized that pro-sustainable behavior is reflected in three dimensions of intent related to behaviors that reduce environmental impacts, the consumption of local goods and services, and a willingness to sacrifice time and money to choose sustainable options. Additionally, hypothesized behavior to be a function of altruistic values, beliefs and Personal Norms. Data were drawn from a panel of active US tourists (N = 623). The hypothesized model predicting pro-sustainable behavior was tested using structural equation modeling techniques. Results demonstrate that the model adequately fit the data, and that Personal Norms account for a considerable degree of variance in tourists’ pro-sustainable behavioral intent. Biospheric values were found to influence behavioral intent mediated by value-belief-norm model constructs.  相似文献   

Increases in showroom headcounts are found to increase casino gaming volumes in two Las Vegas Strip casinos. This study examines long-standing assumptions regarding the indirect contribution of investment-intensive showroom entertainment. Such contributions are difficult to measure and the literature contains no rigorously derived estimates of gaming contributions from in-house entertainment venues. Despite the paucity of research, gaming companies are willing to invest staggering sums in showroom entertainment, based in large part on the belief that traffic from these venues will increase gaming volumes. Using estimates produced by time series regression models, the two showrooms produced average gaming win contributions of $11.28 and $19.32, per paid showroom attendee. Based on these estimates alone, extravagant investment in showrooms would have to be justified by other means. Future studies aimed at understanding the showroom contributions to non-gaming profit centers and the role of showrooms in the high-roller's patronage decision are both recommended.  相似文献   

Smell is considered to be the sense that is most closely attached to emotional reactions. This makes scent in the hotel environment an important atmospheric variable to study, because fragrances are expected to increase the likelihood of producing an emotional reaction from consumers. Capitalizing on smell’s ability to cue memories and conjure up emotions, the purpose of this research is to examine the emotional states evoked by various hotel scents in a hotel business in Hong Kong that uses scent throughout its premises. More specifically, this study intends to make a connection between the emotional states evoked by the hotel scents and how hotel businesses can make use of their guests’ emotional responses. Scent marketing is an overlooked subject in hospitality and tourism research.  相似文献   

The article critically reviews the conceptual issues which surrounds the measurement of service quality. Methodological issues are not addressed. The critique centres upon the gap model and its associated instrument SERVQUAL and argues that, despite progress, all the original problems remain in place. A conclusion which leads firstly, to the suggestion that the dimensions of the model might be re-tested using different scaling techniques and secondly, to the advocacy of the adoption of a wider psychological perspective and one which goes back to the fundamentals of evaluative processes.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide insights into the development of research on culture in the hotel industry by reviewing the existing literature. A total of 107 journal articles published between 1985 and 2010 were retrieved from 12 refereed journals, all of which could be accessed online. The papers were categorized into six major groups according to Pizam's (1993) hierarchy of cultures, and were further sorted by year of publication, source, subject area, region of focus, and the nature of the research. National culture, organizational culture, and cross-cultural comparison were found to be the most popular research topics. In contrast, few studies have investigated industry, occupational, and corporate cultures in association with hotel management studies, prompting concern for future research. In summary, this review paper offers a first and important attempt to understand the development of research on culture in the hotel management field and identifies future research opportunities.  相似文献   

This study integrated Value-Belief-Norm and Modified Norm Activation Model into a theoretical framework to identify the role of the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) in tourists’ pro-environmental decision-making process. Results of the structural model from 484 sample travelers provide a comprehensive view of travelers’ pro-environmental decision-making process. Findings highlight that the integrated model captures a conceptual foundation by better-predicting travelers’ pro-environmental behaviors with the NEP playing a critical role in facilitating predictive power improvement. This study expands the literature on the NEP in the environment and tourism research and suggests destinations for incorporation of the concept into developing promotional campaigns.  相似文献   

How many temples are there in the capital Beijing?No exact figure can be given,but one poeric line seens appropriate:"four hunbred and eighty temples existed in the Southern Dynasties,and many more towers were shrouded in smoke and rain."Only the time has changed and no perennial rain prevails in Beijig.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(2):102-104
Continuing development in the tourism industry will require the application of proper commercially based techniques. Governments and local authorities nowadays require a return on community investments. The commercial sector is able to create new tourism trends by identifying opportunities for new product development and thereby extending demand. Sound research and marketing to ensure that a product gives adequate financial return should encourage government investment and be of mutual benefit to both government and the tourism industry. Commercial principles can also be applied to protect a country's cultural heritage.  相似文献   

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