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The present study applies motivated reasoning and costly signaling theory to examine whether consumers transfer stereotypical race-related attributes to their evaluations of companies' socially responsible advertisements. The study compares corporate socially responsible advertisements featuring different model races and cultural cues in order to meet consumers' motives to impress others by supporting CSR initiatives. Results (N = 754) of a 2 × 2 × 4 experiment reveal that strong ethnic identifiers among Asian Americans are more likely to make a costly signaling behavior when ads feature a white model with white cultural cues by attributing higher social status to whites' images, which is mediated by conspicuous consumption motives. Interestingly, ethnic identification among white Americans is also a strong predictor in making costly signaling behavior with socially responsible products.  相似文献   

Eco-labels are being used more frequently in the marketplace. Recently, carbon-neutral labels have emerged on product packaging and advertisements as a popular form of eco-label. How consumers view these specific labels is of both conceptual and practical interest. Therefore, in a mixed-experimental design building on congruity theory and Deighton's two-step model of advertising effectiveness, the authors examine how consumers view the credibility and environmental concern of companies who use these labels, as well as their resulting purchase intentions. A 2(product) × 2(label) × 3(information) mixed design was used to examine consumer perceptions and behavior intentions. Product category (environmentally neutral vs. environmentally harmful) was a within-subjects factor; the presence/absence of the carbon-neutral label and information (positive/negative/control) was both manipulated between-subjects factors. Results show that the presence of a carbon-neutral label in an advertisement, regardless of the type of product, leads to more favorable perceptions of company environmental concern. However, there is a more pronounced increase in consumer perceptions of company environmental concern for an environmentally harmful product than for an environmentally neutral product.  相似文献   


In this paper, we show that individuals’ self-regulatory focus and imagery processing affect the persuasiveness of metaphorical advertisements. Study 1 show that metaphorical advertisements enhance persuasion only among individuals who are promotion focussed. They attenuate brand evaluation among prevention-focussed individuals. In Study 2, a regulatory fit between message frame and regulatory focus results in more favourable brand evaluations only among promotion-focussed individuals when a promotion-framed metaphorical advertisement is presented. In Study 3, the level of imagery processing mediates the interaction effect of metaphorical advertisements and regulatory focus on brand evaluation. Study 4 reveals that brand evaluation is enhanced when promotion-focussed consumers view a metaphorical advertisement without interpretative cues. However, the brand evaluation of prevention-focussed consumers is enhanced when they view a metaphorical advertisement with interpretative cues.  相似文献   

Message framing readily lends itself to marketing communication and advertising persuasion strategies. However, past research yields contradictory and inconsistent predictions as to whether positive or negative frames are more persuasive. This study examines the most appropriate message framing to present to consumers in print advertisements for health care products. Two experimental studies are conducted to investigate the moderating effects of product functions: perceived innovativeness and perceived risk on the processing of framed advertising messages. Findings of Study 1 indicate that messages for familiar products should be framed differently depending on perceived product functions (prevention vs. detection), but gain‐framed messages are more persuasive for both new prevention and detection products. Results of Study 2 suggest that a mixed‐framed message (combining gain and loss) could enhance message effectiveness only when subjects have prior experience. Similar to the role of product function, product perceived risk is found to moderate the framing effects on message effectiveness. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

New technologies enable practitioners to communicate scents in advertisements on various media. The current research examines the importance of matching scent cues to the advertised product, and the joint effect of scent and other cues such as colour on consumer responses to advertising. A 4 × 2 experimental design was conducted, where participants (N = 603) were presented with scented colour print advertisements. Three hierarchical responses were measured: emotional response, attitude, and purchase intention. Findings reveal that higher congruence between scent and the advertised product heightens positive consumer response. Furthermore, this research stresses the significant joint effect of scent and colour cues, and supports the incongruence approach, suggesting that combining scents that are poorly congruent with other sensory cues enhance consumer response. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In a 2 (ad tone: emotional versus rational) × 2 (ad’s regulatory focus: prevention versus promotion)× 2 (viewer’s self-regulatory focus: prevention versus promotion) between-subjects experimental design, the effectiveness of fair trade campaigns is tested. The results show that, in the case of a rational ad, regulatory congruence (versus incongruence) effects were found (though only for prevention focused people), whereas in the case of an emotional ad, regulatory incongruence (versus congruence) effects were found (though only for promotion focused people).  相似文献   

This study investigates Egyptian consumers’ attitudes towards surrealism in advertising held by a sample of 976 participants. An experimental approach was taken to establish the interaction between Surreal advertisements and product category attitudes. This interaction was found to be statistically significant. A 2 × 2 anova was conducted to evaluate the effect of sex on attitudes towards surrealism in advertising. The results indicated a significant interaction between advertisement type and sex. However, the impact of surrealism in advertisements on persuasion, as measured by consumers’ attitudes towards the advertisement and brand, was not found to be moderated by consumers’ social class/income. These results lend strong support to the advertisement adaptation hypothesis and suggest that advertisements produced in one country cannot be standardized or directly translated for use in another, particularly if they are culturally different.  相似文献   

Prior research has distinguished between ad message frames that are promotion‐focused (i.e., eager‐sounding and achievement‐oriented) and those that are prevention‐focused (i.e., vigilance‐hued and safety‐themed). In three studies, the authors investigate the relative persuasiveness of promotion‐ versus prevention‐focused messages in the context of different decision tasks (i.e., acquisition vs. forfeiture) and different types of featured products/attributes (i.e., hedonic vs. utilitarian). Studies 1 and 2 focus on message structures conducive to imagery‐based processing. The results show that promotion‐focused messages are relatively more persuasive than prevention‐focused messages in acquisition tasks than in forfeiture tasks in the case of hedonic products (and products with salient hedonic attributes). Relative persuasiveness of the two message frames is not affected by decision task in the case of utilitarian products (or products with salient utilitarian attributes). Study 3 uses message structures suited for analytical processing. In this study, interestingly, the relative persuasiveness of prevention‐focused (vs. promotion‐focused) messages is greater in forfeiture tasks than in acquisition tasks in the case of utilitarian products. Relative persuasiveness of the two message frames is not affected by decision task in the case of hedonic products. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research on message framing has focused on the effect of overall valence on persuasion, since most studies compare positively versus negatively valenced frames that are anchored by the same end‐state. Unlike previous studies, this paper investigates the role of end‐states, or outcome focus, in message framing by using two positively valenced, factually equivalent message frames that are anchored by opposing end‐states: the presence of gain (P/G) frame versus the absence of loss (A/L) frame. It is proposed that anticipated feelings and persuasion are greater when the end‐state of the message frame is motivationally compatible with a consumer's regulatory focus, either chronic or situational. The major hypothesis is that the P/G frame leads to the anticipation of more intense positive feelings and subsequently produces greater persuasion when promotion focus versus prevention focus is salient, whereas the opposite holds for the A/L frame. Furthermore, it is proposed that the effect of motivational compatibility on persuasion is mediated by the anticipation of positive feelings. These hypotheses are generally supported in two experiments. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


This study assesses consumer perceptions of advertising messages for two proenvironmental products by examining the effectiveness of environmental versus personal benefit appeals and .99 versus .00 price endings. The authors borrow from Prospect Theory and Mental Accounting Theory to explain consumers' perceptions of psychological pricing and product attributes. In addition, the moderating role of environmental skepticism is assessed as it relates to the effectiveness of environmentally friendly advertisements. Results indicate that consumers feel that some products advertised with environmental appeals are more costly, but are not perceived as lower quality as compared with products advertised with personal benefits. Findings also indicate a price ending × appeal interaction for two different products, but the effects vary between the products. Finally, environmental skepticism is found to moderate perceptions of the message appeal. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

This study ascertains the extent to which consumers achieve highest value-for-money under different conditions. Perfect Information Frontier Approach is applied to examine the influences of providing consumers with information on their purchase decisions, with allowance for the joint effects of prior product knowledge and product involvement on the provided information. A 2 (provided information: simple vs. complex) × 2 (prior product knowledge: novice vs. expert) × 2 (involvement: high vs. low) factorial design was employed. Data from 282 survey respondents illustrate that experts were more likely to be persuaded by complex product information than by simple information, while novices reacted similarly to both simple and complex information. The effects of providing complex information to involved novices and providing simple information to involved experts showed the least impact.  相似文献   


The impact of sales promotion in boosting short-term sales is well established in the literature. While there are ample studies on the impact of sales promotion on conventional products in western countries, there is very scant research on the effect of promotions on green products and almost nonexistence research in emerging economies. This research addresses this gap by doing a comparative assessment of economically equivalent bonus pack sales promotion and price discount sales promotions on green versus non-green products through two experiments designed as a 2 (green product motivation: hedonic vs. utilitarian) × 2 (promotional frame: price discount vs. bonus pack) × 2 (discount level: low vs. high) between-subjects study, and 2 ( product types: green, non-green/control) × 2(promotional frame: price discount, bonus pack) between-subjects study. This research further examines the mediating role of sale proneness in the purchase process. The findings of this research indicate that buyers' preferences for promotion are quite varied for the purchase of green versus non-green products, and the price discount increases sale proneness which exerts a negative impact on product purchase willingness. Accordingly, this study has some theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The structural alignment literature suggests that people place more weight on alignable (vs. nonalignable) attributes when evaluating competing options. The present research proposes that consumers' regulatory orientation moderates this process. Specifically, consumers differentially weight alignable versus nonalignable attributes depending on whether they are prevention or promotion-oriented. Results of four studies indicate that prevention-oriented consumers who tend to construe information at a more concrete level rely more on alignable attributes when evaluating two options as compared to promotion-oriented consumers who tend to construe information at a more abstract level, and are influenced more by nonalignable attributes. The authors further show that consumers' construal level and differential ease of processing the two types of attributes mediate the influence of regulatory orientations on their relative weighting of alignable versus nonalignable attributes and product evaluations.  相似文献   

This study draws upon congruence theory, identification theory, and attribution theory as a means of examining how celebrity endorsement works. The study proposes that the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement may be influenced by the following three factors: congruence between a celebrity endorser and endorsed brand/product, identification with a celebrity endorser, and consumers’ attribution styles (i.e., internal vs. external). To test the proposed hypotheses, the study employs a 2 × 2 × 2 between-subject factorial design. A total of 317 college students participated in the study in return for course credits. The study findings suggest that congruence, identification, and consumers’ attribution styles indeed have impacts on consumers’ attitude toward ad, brand, or purchase intention. The study also finds that there is a relationship between congruence (low vs. high congruence) and attribution styles (internal vs. external). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how serial order and information format jointly determine consumers' preferences of tour packages. The results showed that the option viewed first in a sequence was preferred (vs. not preferred) when the information format facilitated (vs. inhibited) narrative processing. Preference shifts to the first viewed option due to narrative processing was prominent among consumers with defensive attitudes to self-threats and in circumstances where the first option was challenged by an attractive alternative. Three experiments were conducted and showed that narrative processing enhanced attachments to the first option if consumers simulated the experience, which in turn motivated them to be consistent in subsequent evaluations. Managerially, these findings suggest that in addition to emphasizing the importance of occupying the first position in a series of advertisements and products, marketers should also facilitate experience simulations rather than focusing solely on the attributes of luxury tours.  相似文献   

In this research, we propose that promotion- (vs. prevention-) focused consumers should prefer a novel product design, an effect that we attribute to increased processing fluency. In addition, we propose that the effect of consumers’ regulatory focus should be moderated by product type, such that promotion- (prevention-) focused consumers should prefer more (less) novel designs only for utilitarian products; for hedonic products all consumers should prefer a novel design regardless of their regulatory foci. We obtain empirical evidence for these predictions across four experiments that use different operationalizations of regulatory focus and product type. We conclude by discussing the theoretical contributions and managerial implications of our research.  相似文献   

This aricle examines the matchup hypothesis or the notion that the congruence in advertisements between spokesperson characteristics and product attributes is related to observed variations in source credibility, product evaluations, perceived product gender, and other measures of advertising and communication effectiveness. Schema theory is used to interpret the results of previous inquiries into the matchup hypothesis, and the results of two experiments that provide additional insight into how schema might be changed by a spokesperson/product match are reported. Areas of future research into the matchup hypothesis on schema theory implications are discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A 3 × 2 experimental design was used to examine the impact of message appeal (fair labor, sex, or a combination of fair labor and sex) and message source (company advertisements or third-party publicity) upon Gen Y consumers' (N = 258) intent to patronize the retailer, American Apparel. Results supported models of hierarchical effects of advertising on patronage intention as well as the inclusion of external variables in the theory of reasoned action. Findings revealed that Gen Y consumers' attitudes toward ad, attitudes toward brand, and purchase intentions toward American Apparel varied by exposure to message appeal in advertisements viewed. Participants' evaluations of source credibility, attitudes toward brand, and purchase intentions toward American Apparel were influenced by message source. Additionally, purchase intentions toward American Apparel were directly predicted by attitudes toward American Apparel and indirectly by perceptions of source credibility. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined whether selfregulatory goals addressed in advertising claims influence product preferences and category– brand associations. Experiment 1 provided evidence for the hypothesis that the fit between an advertising claim and consumers' regulatory focus has an impact on product preferences. Participants were more likely to prefer products presented in an advertisement with a claim compatible with the experimentally induced focus. Experiment 2 demonstrated that regulatory focus also has an impact on category– brand associations. Category–brand associations were stronger when the claim of a target brand was compatible with the regulatory focus at the time category–brand associations were measured. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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