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本文试图通过网罗式的搜集,分析吴江地区的新媒体广告发展的类型和特点,并通过此分析了解吴江新媒体广告的现状,从而提出吴江地区新媒体广告的未来发展策略.  相似文献   

姚林  方敏 《广告大观》2009,(1):38-40
2009年对中国广告业来说将“马太”效应明显倍增的年份,对此,许多业内人士已经有所感受媒体、广告主、广告公司都将在这一年经受残酷考验,平稳过度的市场因子会成为最后的赢家,并在未来两年获得先定优势。“马太”效应将以怎样的方式呈现,各大行业竞争态势将会如何演化,广告业内谁将在这场淘汰赛中逆势上行,本刊选取市场调研机构、学者、广告公司、新媒体的部分精彩观点,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

尼尔森作为对消费市场、对媒体,研究了86年的一家公司,在2008年倡导一个新创意的概念,要在新媒体、新环境、新营销的大背景下,为企业为市场,为广告服务的能力加以整合。环境的变迁,媒体的变迁,已经深刻影响到每个行业的参与者。  相似文献   

杨珺 《广告大观》2008,(3):28-29
各项调查报告显示,户外广告行业正处在一个高速发展的时期。近年来,户外广告市场每年都有20—30%的增长,户外广告市场的需求旺盛,带动了整个行业快速发展。同时,行业提供丰厚的投资回报和独特的增长空间,吸引资本不断涌入。  相似文献   

王晓娟 《广告大观》2009,(5):111-112
编前:目前,广告主考核电视媒介投放效果主要指标包括总收视点、传播广度、有效到达频次、广告千人成本等.其中收视率是左右企业广告投放的关键。但业界也逐步意识到。对于电视节目的广告创收而言收视率不是万能的。  相似文献   

Advertising value research is rooted in the view that advertising messages are potential communications exchanges between advertisers and consumers. Since some level of processing effort on the part of receivers is necessary for successful exchanges to occur, it is proposed that advertising processing decisions are based on initial, spontaneous, categorical evaluations that combine to form an expected advertising value (EAV) assessment. If sufficiently positive, individuals devote additional processing effort to the advertisement and more detailed ad-related factors become the focus. Once processing ends after some or all of an advert has been taken in, an evaluation of whether or not the effort was actually worthwhile - designated as outcome advertising value (OAV) - should be a measurable outcome. Factors that account for OAV and its relationship to attitude-toward-the-advertisement (A ad ) are also discussed.  相似文献   

The unique characteristics and universal popularity of social media enable consumers to experience their customer value and thus improve their psychological well-being. Hence, it is important for researchers to investigate how consumers experience their customer value in this new media and demonstrate how managers can use the ensuing knowledge for designing appropriate marketing strategies. This article is a step toward that direction. We explore the antecedents and consequences of customer value in social media so as to provide a deeper insight into consumer behavior and subsequently discuss its managerial implications. Specifically, we develop a model that incorporates psychological well-being as the endogenous variable, interdependence self-construal and independent self-construal as exogenous variables, and social value, content value, social identity, self-esteem, and flow as mediating variables. Based on data from a sample of 437 social media consumers collected by an online survey and through analysis of the data by SPSS 22.0 and Amos 22.0 programs, the study revealed that consumers can gain psychological well-being by either of two paths: consumers with a higher degree of interdependent self-construal will have a higher degree of social value experience, thus leading to a higher degree of psychological well-being through a positive mediating role of social identity; whereas consumers with a higher degree of independent self-construal will have a higher degree of content value experience, thus leading to a higher degree of psychological well-being through a positive mediating role of self-esteem. Managers can segment the consumers based on their self-construal and design appropriate customer relationship strategies.  相似文献   

The latest survey of worldwide adspend shows continued growth in most markets in 1997. The emerging markets of eastern Europe performed best, but there were the first signs of the effects on advertising of the Asian economic crises.  相似文献   

2008年互联网广告投放远远超过传统四大媒体的增长率。这一方面是由于奥运经济的刺激,在报纸、电视等传统媒体资源有限的情况下,互联网给跨国企业和中小型企业提供了无限商机。另一方面,带着草根性质的中国互联网在2008年正式成为官方认可的主流媒体,国家主席胡锦涛通过网络与网民对话,无形中提升了互联网的地位,使其得以与传统媒体齐头并进,  相似文献   

赵子忠 《广告大观》2008,(11):22-25
在奥运会召开之前,广电总局向奥组委赠送了1000部CMMB手机终端,这一官方的赠送活动使CMMB的身份再度提升,也预示着多媒体移动广播进入普通消费者已时日不远。  相似文献   

全行业点评:12月中国网络广告投放门户网站优势扩大,核心媒体价值更显。艾瑞咨询根据网络广告监测系统iAdTracker的最新数据研究发现 ,12月份中国网络广告投放份额媒体排行TOP10中,门户网站的绝对领先地位进一步巩固。艾瑞咨询认为,门户网站拥有庞大的流量和多元化的营销模式,具有较高的媒体价值。  相似文献   

魏先勇 《广告大观》2009,(5):113-115
结合本土广告公司媒介操作经验和国际性广告公司媒介操作经验,山东有线电视广告中心进行了总结性思考,提出“质化”与“量化”相结合考量的媒介操作形式,提倡将企业、媒介、消费者三方相关因素整合运用建立实战媒介操作系统,从而达到减少广告浪费率的效果。  相似文献   

全行业点评艾瑞咨询根据网络广告监测系统iAdTracker的最新数据研究发现,11月份中国网络广告投放份额媒体排行TOP10中,门户网站依然处于绝对领先地位.排在前四位的新浪、搜狐矩阵、腾讯和网易四大门户广告投放费用占TOP10总费用的75%以上。  相似文献   

陈刚  张卉  郭嘉 《广告大观》2009,(11):67-71
在对外出口量减少、国内城市人口消费需求增速放缓的大经济环境下,农村市场以其庞大的人口基数、日益增长的消费力,成为很多行业激烈争夺的新蓝海。国家统计局有关研究报告显示:“目前国内农村市场集中了我国最大的消费群体,全国13亿人口中,农村人口有8亿多,占总人口的70%。  相似文献   

编前:目前,广告主考核电视媒介投放效果主要指标包括总收视点、传播广度、有效到达频次、广告千人成本等,其中收视率是左右企业广告投放的关键。但业界也逐步意识到,对于电视节目的广告创收而言收视率不是万能的。  相似文献   

This study describes a general approach for measuring the elasticities and cross-elasticities of reach and frequency of advertising media schedules. The approach involves the approximation of a complex model, which combines logit choice behavior and stochastic model components, by means of a surface response methodology method. Using single-source UPC scanner data for an actual market situation, the paper highlights the steps for implementing the approach within a market environment that is characterized by asymmetric competitive advertising media effects.  相似文献   

认知心理学中的“时间总长假设”(Total Time Hypothesis)认为,人们掌握(主要指记忆)一定的信息所需要的时间是基本固定的。当总的时间长度固定时,对于这段时间的分配方式并不影响记忆的效果。本文对这个假设在广告行业中的应用进行了论证。文中所分析的数据采集于对美国观众在2002、2003和2006年进行的有关“超级碗”球赛广告的电话访谈。研究结果显示,当广告的时间总长固定时,广告重复的次数对广告的传播效果没有显著影响,从而印证了时间总长假设。文章对如何在广告媒体策划中应用这一结论也进行了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

This study explores the personality of Internet media and develops a multidimensional measurement scale to assess personality across diverse entities, including social networking sites, search engines, portals, and shopping sites. Through a series of qualitative and quantitative methods, including exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the present study identifies a set of 30 personality traits that represent five unique dimensions of Internet media personality: Intelligent, Amusing, Convenient, Sociable, and Confusing. This study found that different pairs of brand and Internet media personality dimensions yield different effects on attitude toward advertising brands. Practical implications for marketers and advertisers, as well as theoretical implications for advertising researchers, are discussed.  相似文献   

Digital advertising is set to become a serious challenger within the rapidly changing media landscape. Today there are concerns that advertising strategies based on models and experiences developed with traditional media may need to be reviewed in the digital market. To provide insights into how online advertising strategies might need modification, 21 in-depth interviews were conducted across organisations representing key stakeholders in the digital advertising market. findings identified five key trends relevant to advertisers including: a move towards permission-based advertising; higher levels of personalised advertisements; more three screen advertising campaigns; increased levels of interactivity and the development of performance-based metrics. In the context of these trends, nine propositions are posited concerning the effective formulation and management of digital advertising strategies.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of online display advertising and paid search advertising relative to offline advertising on firm performance and firm value. Using proprietary data on annualized advertising expenditures for 1651 firms spanning seven years, we document that both display advertising and paid search advertising exhibit positive effects on firm performance (measured by sales) and firm value (measured by Tobin's q). Paid search advertising has a more positive effect on sales than offline advertising, consistent with paid search being closest to the actual purchase decision and having enhanced targeting abilities. Display advertising exhibits a relatively more positive effect on Tobin's q than offline advertising, consistent with its long-term effects. The findings suggest heterogeneous economic benefits across different types of advertising, with direct implications for managers in analyzing advertising effectiveness and external stakeholders in assessing firm performance.  相似文献   

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