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在既有的基于微观视角的包含两币的局部均衡模型中引入交易货币,发现国际贸易中计价货币选择的决定因素依次为:卖方市场结构、出口品差异化程度、出口国所占目标市场份额、其他出口商的计价策略和汇率的稳定性.在同质性商品的国际贸易中,计价货币的非同质性会导致货币垄断计价.其中,进口方货币的垄断计价地位较为稳定,出口方货币垄断计价情...  相似文献   

The large effect of currency union on trade volume has been well documented by Rose (2000). However, the effect of currency union on trade balance has hardly been previously reported. In this study, the effect of currency union is found to differ substantially across imports and exports when a developing country trade with developed country that anchors the currency. To ensure that the asymmetric effect does not come from the specific nature of countries that have adopted a common currency or endogeneity of currency union, we test the same hypothesis using nominal exchange rate volatility and real exchange rate level.  相似文献   

Tariffs, currency wars, and protectionism pose risks for Chinese firms. In theory tariff increases and exchange rate appreciations exert equivalent effects on export volumes. This paper estimates tariff and exchange rate elasticities for China’s exports. The results indicate that, while exchange rates matter, tariffs increases deter exports almost three times as much as equivalent exchange rate appreciations do. The results also indicate that China’s flagship industries such as electronics and machinery are exposed to tariff increases and exchange rate appreciations. The paper then considers how China can promote freer trade to mitigate risks and reduce uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relation between firms’ productivity and the different modes of participation in international trade. In particular, it accounts for the possibility that firms can not only export their products, but also internationally source their inputs, either directly or indirectly. Using a cross section of firm level data for several advanced and developing economies, the study confirms the productivity-sorting prediction according to which domestic firms are less efficient than those that resort to an export intermediary, while the latter are less productive than producers which export directly. We show that the same sorting exists on the import side. By considering firms involved in both exporting and importing activities, we also find that direct two-way traders are on average more productive than firms trading indirectly on one of the two trade sides. The latter are in turn more efficient than indirect two-way traders. Finally, we investigate the effects of source-country characteristics on the sorting of firms into different modes of international trade.  相似文献   

边贸结算的人民币化是国家推动人民币周边化、区域化,以实现国际化的路径之一。但是,新疆边贸结算货币在国家外汇管理局启动边贸本币结算的五年之后,美元依旧是最主要的结算货币,与其他边贸省份形成了较大反差。因此,本文在深入分析新疆边贸结算货币存在问题及原因的基础上,提出了推动新疆边贸结算人民币化的对策建议。  相似文献   

Cross-country differences in the choice of an invoicing currency in international trade is one reason for cross-country differences in estimated exchange rate coefficients in short-run balance of trade equations. If exports are invoiced in domestic currency while imports are invoiced in a foreign currency, a depreciation will increase the domestic currency value of outstanding import contracts, and may cause the balance of trade to fall in the short run. Countries with different invoicing patterns will have different effects on the short-run trade balance following a depreciation. We explore a simple theory of invoicing currency choice, drawing inferences regarding the likely choices for 14 countries. This allows a classification of countries according to the expected short-run balance of trade effect of a currency depreciation. Empirical estimates support the hypothesized groupings based on suggested currency invoicing patterns.  相似文献   

Japan has experienced several appreciation episodes. These appreciations may squeeze profit margins and lower export volumes. This paper investigates whether firms can weather appreciation periods by producing differentiated rather than commoditized products. To do this it investigates different sectors within the Japanese transportation equipment industry. Results from estimating pricing-to-market (PTM) coefficients indicate that firms producing differentiated products can pass-through more of exchange rate appreciations into higher foreign currency prices and thus better preserve their profit margins. Results from estimating trade elasticities are consistent with the PTM results and indicate that the automobile industry has exported much less than predicted after the yen depreciated in 2012. Finally, estimates of the stock market exposure across sectors indicates that the profitability of firms producing differentiated products is less exposed to appreciations. Producing differentiated, knowledge-intensive goods can thus help firms to survive endaka periods.  相似文献   

Since the 1997 Asian currency crisis, new interest has emerged in the formation of a common currency area in East Asia. This paper provides estimates of trade and welfare effects of East Asian currency unions, using a micro-founded gravity model. Counter-factual experiments to assess the effects of various hypothetical currency arrangements for East Asia suggest that an East Asian currency union will double bilateral trade in the region, but the resulting welfare effects will be moderate. However, if Japan, a major trade partner for East Asia, is included in the union, welfare effects increase substantially. The evidence thus suggests that certain regional currency arrangements in East Asia will stimulate regional trade rigorously and can generate economically significant welfare gains.  相似文献   

Integration and the Export Behaviour of Firms: Trade Costs, Trade Volumes and Welfare. - This paper analyses a model in which, because of fixed costs associated with exporting, only a proportion of firms in an industry engage in international trade. Economic integration (a reduction in trade costs) increases the proportion of firms trading and reduces the total number of active firms as relatively small non-trading firms are replaced by larger trading firms. There are welfare gains from integration, but because of the adverse effects of integration on the total population of firms these gains are smaller than in the standard model where all firms export.  相似文献   

本文首先总结了国际贸易结算货币的宏观前提条件和进出口商在贸易实践中的经验法则。继而通过收集全球41个国家1992~2007年的样本数据,从出口国货币、进口国货币和媒介货币计价结算三个视角进行实证研究。分析结果表明,除了汇率制度、货币的可兑换性等制度变量外,汇率的波动性、进出口贸易的规模、方向和结构也是影响结算币种选择的关键因素。因而,人民币国际结算若要取得重大进展,不仅要逐步完成资本项目的开放,完善汇率形成机制,还要努力实现贸易出口多元化,并致力于产品结构的优化升级。  相似文献   

The traditional way of assessing the impact of currency depreciation on the trade balance has been to estimate the elasticity of trade volume to relative prices. To this end, most previous studies used aggregate trade data. To shy away from problems associated with using aggregate data, recent studies have relied on bilateral trade data. Since import and export price data is not available on bilateral level, this study proposes an alternative way of assessing the impact of currency depreciation on bilateral trade flows. The models are applied between Japan and her nine largest trading partners using recent advances in time-series modeling.  相似文献   

Abstract: When trade liberalization was first embarked on in Kenya some 20 years ago, a key argument against it was that it would reduce domestic wages, as exporting firms sought to remain competitive versus, for example, the low‐cost Asian countries. A counter argument was that manufactured exports require more elaborate design, supervision, packaging and handling, and thus a more educated labor force than production for the domestic market. To attract such skills, exporting firms would need to pay higher wages than non‐exporting ones. This paper uses data from Kenyan manufacturing to study the impact of trade liberalization on earnings, distinguishing between exporting and non‐exporting firms. In particular, it investigates whether exporting firms paid a wage‐premium to their employees. The study uses manufacturing firm survey data from a World Bank regional project. The study has three important findings: (1) There was a large and significant effect of exporting on wages in the first decade of trade liberalization. During the first half of the 1990s, workers in exporting firms earned up to 30 percent more than those engaged in non‐exporting firms. The results are robust even after controlling for individual and firm‐level characteristics such as employee demographics, productivity, firm location and occupation. (2) After a decade of trade liberalization, exporting ceased to be a significant determinant of wages in Kenyan manufacturing, after controlling for productivity and firm location. (3) During the 2000s, casual or irregular employment became a more common feature of exporting firms. The results suggest that while higher wages were important in attracting skilled labor to exporting firms at the beginning of trade liberalization in the 1990s, domestic competition has since reduced the wage premium. Cost cutting pressures are instead reflected in the substitution of casual and low wage labor for permanent and better educated labor and in increased automation.  相似文献   

Taiwan experienced large depreciations of its currency, the New Taiwan (NT) dollar, in the late 1990s. The largest real depreciation, 13 per cent, occurred during the East Asian Financial Crisis. Since Taiwan was subjected neither to the economic turmoil of the crisis itself nor to the subsequent reforms, its experience provides a good opportunity for studying the effects of exchange rate changes on firm performance. This paper empirically examines the exchange rate effects on firm exports, domestic sales, total sales, value-added and productivity, by using data on firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange merged with customs trade data covering the period of 1992–2000. Our findings indicate that the real depreciation of the NT dollar led to an increase in exports, domestic sales, total sales, value-added, and productivity. In addition, we find that the productivity improvement induced by real currency depreciation may be a result of firm scale expansion.  相似文献   

This paper presents an updated meta-analysis of the effect of currency unions on trade, focusing on the euro area. Using meta-regression methods such as the funnel asymmetry test, evidence for strong publication bias is found. The estimated underlying effect for currency unions other than the eurozone reaches more than 60%. However, according to the meta-regression analysis, the euro’s trade promoting effect corrected for publication bias is insignificant. The Rose effect literature shows signs of the economics research cycle: reported t-statistic is a quadratic concave function of the publication year. Explanatory meta-regression (robust fixed effects and random effects), that can explain about 70% of the heterogeneity in the literature, suggests that results published by some authors might consistently differ from the mainstream output and that study outcomes are systematically dependent on study design (usage of panel data, short- or long-run nature, number of countries in the data set).  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate philanthropy on trade credit financing for listed private firms in China viewed from the heterogeneous perceptions of credit suppliers. A positive relationship is found between corporate philanthropy and trade credit financing, suggesting that in general firms donating more can obtain more trade credits. However, this relationship is significant only for those firms with positive free cash flows and no political connections. It is striking to find that such a relationship does not exist when firms have negative free cash flows or political connections. Moreover, the relationship between corporate philanthropy and trade credits is affected by the local social trust environment. A good social trust environment is amicable for firms to use corporate philanthropy in obtaining trade credits. The research findings have important policy implications. This paper makes valuable contributions to the current literature through highlighting the importance of supplier heterogeneous perceptions towards corporate philanthropy as well as the effect of the local trust environment on the effectiveness of philanthropy in trade credit financing of the Chinese listed private firms.  相似文献   

The proliferation of carry trade – a strategy of simultaneously shorting a low-yielding currency and longing a high-yielding currency raises the concern on its impact on global asset prices. In this exercise, we examine the implications of yen carry trade for stock markets in a few selected target currency countries. Three alternative proxies for carry trade activity – a currency-specific profit measure, a currency-specific futures position variable, and the Deutsche Bank G10 Currency Futures Harvest Index – are used. It is found that the three measures of carry trade display various degrees of influences on stock returns in Australia, Canada, Britain, Mexico, and New Zealand. The empirical carry trade effect is robust to the inclusion of three control variables; namely the US stock return, the VIX Index that represents market volatility, and commodity prices. Further, the estimation results suggest that the three measures of carry trade share some common information about stock returns in target currency countries.  相似文献   

This article seeks to provide a closer integration of the theory of optimum currency areas with the theory of international trade. A currency area is treated as a continuous variable ranging from zero to one: zero if there is no enlargement, and some positive value otherwise, corresponding exactly to the percentge of trade in the enlarged area. The benefits of widening a currency area are then regarded, in terms of conventional trade theory, as equivalent to a reduction in transportation cost. The costs of widening a currency area are seen, instead, with reference to open economy macroeconomics, as a drop in the speed of adjustment of the terms of trade to their long-run equilibrium level. On this basis, it is shown that the marginal benefits of enlarging a currency area fall, the marginal costs rise, and an optimum size arises. But this size depends heavily on the optimal composition of the members.CEPR  相似文献   

On the design of invoicing practices in international trade   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We advance an explanation for the choice of the invoice currency of international trade contracts on the basis of strategic bargaining considerations. The choice of the invoice currency originates in a situation in which each trader takes into account the other party's bargaining power. The latter depends on the individual discount factor, whether one is the first or second proposer, and whether one is on the short or long side of the market. Along these lines we explain the Grassman bias for trade contracts to be invoiced in the exporter's currency.  相似文献   

This paper uses the gravity model to investigate determinants of China's wood products trade from 1995 to 2004. The results suggest that trade partners' forest resource endowment and China's own logging restrictions policy affect its wood products imports and exports. China's exported wood products are shown to be inferior goods while China's imported wood products are labor intensive for the exporting countries. Due to rises in Chinese currency against other major currency, transportation costs, and foreign trade actions, China's wood products exports and imports may slow down. The results may have implications on trade and global forest resource conservation.  相似文献   

程玉坤  周康 《南方经济》2014,32(10):63-81
本文通过匹配2002-2006年中国工业企业数据库和中国海关进出口数据库,将各个出口企业贸易额分解为出口广度和深度两部分,研究多产品出口企业融资约束与出口行为之间的关系,研究发现:(1)融资约束阻碍了我国出口企业出口总额、出口深度以及平均出口广度的增长;(2)融资约束对民营企业的出口行为影响最大,之后是外资企业和国有企业;(3)与中东部地区相比,西部地区企业的出口行为对融资约束的敏感程度大得多。  相似文献   

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