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当前我国家族企业已陆续进入代际传承的重要阶段,企业CEO也出现了由一代、二代或外部经理人这三种不同来源的安排。不同来源的CEO从现金持有的交易动机、预防动机和代理动机出发,会选择不同的现金持有战略,从而影响企业的市场竞争力。文章以2010-2014年沪深两市A股上市家族企业为研究对象,研究现金持有水平与企业市场竞争力之间的一般关系,并根据家族企业的特殊性和差异性,推断家族企业现金持有是否同样具有竞争优势,还进一步研究家族企业不同CEO来源对现金持有竞争优势的影响。研究发现,家族企业的现金持有能够增强企业的市场竞争力,即家族企业存在现金持有的竞争优势。而且家族企业CEO的不同来源会对企业现金持有的竞争优势产生较大影响,具体说,家族创始人CEO由于维护社会情感财富和代际传承等原因,可能会损害企业现金持有的竞争优势,降低家族企业现金持有价值;家族二代CEO出于二次创业的动力,反而会加强企业现金持有的竞争优势;外部经理人担任CEO为了个人声誉和薪酬,也会显著加强企业现金持有的竞争优势。文章从家族企业这一特殊样本出发,丰富了家族企业现金持有竞争优势的研究,并从家族企业代际传承的视角,独特地研究了...  相似文献   

随着近年来国库现金的迅速增加,万亿国库现金波动对中央银行货币供给政策的影响日益突出。本文在中国中央银行经理国库的制度背景下,通过构建国库现金与货币供给的理论分析框架所做的研究表明,国库现金与基础货币、货币供应量都存在稳定的反向关系,国库现金的增减将导致基础货币和货币供应量的收缩和扩张。本文进一步以中国2000~2006年月度时间序列数据进行的经验分析显示,国库现金与各层次货币供应量之间存在长期的协整关系,国库现金是引起货币供应量变化的Granger因,国库现金的正向冲击导致货币供应量产生显著的负向反应,货币供应量由于国库现金增减而产生收缩和扩张效应。基于研究结论,本文根据当前中国具体情况提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

以我国2012-2015 年沪深两市A 股企业为样本,主要运用面板Tobit 随机效应方法,在研究现金冗余与研发投入关系的基础上,探讨了对高管实施股票期权激励及激励所处阶段对上述关系的影响。结果表明:现金冗余与研发投入正相关;股票期权激励正向调节现金冗余与研发投 入的正向关系;相对于处于股票期权激励草案公告前一年的企业,现金冗余对研发投入的促进作用在处于行权等待阶段的企业中会被削弱。在区分企业性质后,以上结论均在非国企中更为明显。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of the South African Child Support Grant (CSG) on child health, nutrition and education. Data from the 2008 South African National Income Dynamics Study are used to estimate the impact of the CSG on six different outcomes measuring child well‐being. We find a positive treatment effect of the CSG on children's height‐for‐age, progress through the school system, as well as household expenditure on food items using a continuous treatment estimator developed by Hirano and Imbens. Robustness analysis using the inverse probability weighting approach by Flores and Mitnik is also implemented. Although these estimates provide some evidence of a positive impact resulting from the CSG, they are not conclusive in showing that the cash transfers are spent mainly on improving the lives of beneficiary children, as the treatment effects are quite small.  相似文献   

The NLSY dataset is utilized to measure the extent of employer wage discrimination between white and black males during their first 5 years of post-school employment. We look at the respondent’s first job and the jobs 1 and 5 years after school completion. Oaxaca wage decompositions are employed to gauge the effect of discrimination. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find that the discrimination component of the wage gap falls over time. For the first job out of school the unexplained wage gap between blacks and whites is 35%. By year 5, the unexplained component falls to about 13%. Thus, while discrimination continues to play a role in explaining the white–black wage gap over time, its impact decreases as time in the labor market increases.
Francesco RennaEmail:

Covid-19 has infected and will continue to infect millions of people all over the world. The economic impact is predicted to be large and millions of people will be pushed into poverty. In this paper, we estimate the impact of Covid-19 on poverty in Indonesia. The economic impact is expected to be severe, reducing the economic growth rate projected for 2020 from about 5% to between 4.2% and –3.5%. We find that under the best-case scenario, the poverty rate will increase from 9.2% in September 2019 to 9.7% by the end of 2020, pushing 1.3 million more people into poverty. Under the worst-case scenario, the poverty rate will increase to 16.6%, close to the level seen in 2004 when the poverty rate was 16.7%. This means that 19.7 million more people will become poor, substantially reversing Indonesia’s progress in reducing poverty. The implication is that Indonesia will need to expand its social protection programs to assist the new poor as well as the existing poor.  相似文献   

本文以沪深股市的电力上市公司为样本,从公司治理、债务约束机制和自由现金流量相互关系的角度实证分析了电力上市公司的过度投资行为。探讨了公司治理结构、制度环境和债务在抑制过度投资中的作用。研究结论表明:(1)我国电力上市公司存在过度投资行为,但和自由现金流的关联度并不显著;(2)公司治理特征变量与自由现金流量的过度投资行为存在显著负相关关系;(3)债务约束效应在发电行业并没有发挥应有的作用,本文从制度的角度对这一现象进行了解释。  相似文献   

This paper applies the panel fixed effects with vector decomposition estimator to three FDI data sets to estimate the impact of time-invariant variables on FDI while including fixed effects. We find that the omission of fixed effects significantly biases the results, leading to contradictory predictions regarding the effect of trade costs and culture across data sets. After eliminating these biases, the differences across data sets largely disappear and many time-invariant variables consistently indicate the importance of vertical FDI. This suggests that some controversies in the literature may be driven by the extent to which unaccounted fixed effects biases vary across different data sets. JEL no.  F14, F23  相似文献   

世界主要经济体对中国的影响观点综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、美国近年来,中美两国已经无可争议地确立了作为世界经济增长主要动力的地位,全球经济越来越依赖于中美经济的增长。中美两国的经济增长贡献占全球的一半,[1]中国生产商和美国消费者是世界经济的主要动力。[2]双方之间贸易和投资的潜力很大。美国经济的走向及其调整、中美间的经贸发展对中国的经济增长乃至对世界经济都影响重大。1.美国经济失衡对中国的影响美国日益增长的对外收支赤字使全球经济走上了一条难以持续发展而且是危险的道路:美国是一个借贷消费的失衡结构,中国是一个高速投资和生产的失衡结构,两者形成了今天的全球经济失衡…  相似文献   

马迪  姜乃平 《科技和产业》2011,11(12):89-92
以我国民营上市公司2006-2009年数据为样本,分析民营企业董事会内部治理与自由现金流量的关系。研究得出以下结论:①我国民营上市公司董事会规模和董事长与总经理的两职分任与公司的自由现金流量不存在相关性;②董事会中的独立董事比例和董事会年度会议次数与企业自由现金流量呈现显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

现金股利政策与上市公司代理成本实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章采用多元回归的方法研究派现与上市公司三种不同代理成本之间的关系。实证发现,派现能降低股东与管理者的代理成本;派现与国有股、法人股比例成二次非线性关系;正常现金股利发放只是大股东获取公共收益的一种手段,不能缓解大小股东之间的利益冲突,降低大股东的私有收益。  相似文献   

国外公司现金持有行为的研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公司的现金持有行为是公司一项重要的理财行为,它综合反映了公司的财务战略和经营战略,并且与公司的治理状况也密切相关.国外学者在该领域积累了大量的研究成果,文章对其进行了综述.  相似文献   

Microfinance has become a staple of modern development policy as a means to facilitate anything from gender equality to growth. It can facilitate the sharing of health-related information among parents, promote the bargaining power of women in the household, aid in the development of important health-related infrastructure, and help households smooth consumption in the wake of unexpected economic shocks. Using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (1993–2000), we find that the presence of microfinance institutions in communities significantly improves the health of children.  相似文献   

以电力行业28家上市公司经营活动产生的现金净流量的五种状态为研究对象,对企业经营活动现金流量的质量做出评价,给公司经营者做出正确决策以及为投资者进行投资提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

基于对国内外文献的研究脉络的剖析,企业社会责任对消费者的影响之研究可分为认同一追随流派、价值感知一行动流派与沟通一影响流派等三个流派。分析表明:这些流派均已证实企业社会责任是影响消费者的态度形成、情感表达与未来的购买意图的重要因素。但由于使用的理论基础与研究范式各不相同,加上实证研究尚不足够,它们对于企业社会责任影响消费者心理与行为的路径及其背后的影响机制等重要问题的探讨却存在较大差异,这直接导致了研究结果的多元化。未来的研究应综合多学科的理论精髓,整合不同的研究范式,深入进行实证检验来构建更有前瞻性与解释能力的理论框架。  相似文献   

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