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The Invariant Quadratic Estimators, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (REML) of variances in an orthogonal Finite Discrete Spectrum Linear Regression Model (FDSLRM) are derived and the problems of unbiasedness and consistency of these estimators are investigated.Acknowledgement. The research was supported by the grants 1/0272/03, 1/0264/03 and 2/4026/04 of the Slovak Scientific Grant Agency VEGA.  相似文献   

A frequently occurring problem is to find the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of p subject to pC (CP the probability vectors in R k ). The problem has been discussed by many authors and they mainly focused when p is restricted by linear constraints or log-linear constraints. In this paper, we construct the relationship between the the maximum likelihood estimation of p restricted by pC and EM algorithm and demonstrate that the maximum likelihood estimator can be computed through the EM algorithm (Dempster et al. in J R Stat Soc Ser B 39:1–38, 1997). Several examples are analyzed by the proposed method.  相似文献   

On the analysis of multivariate growth curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth curve data arise when repeated measurements are observed on a number of individuals with an ordered dimension for occasions. Such data appear frequently in almost all fields in which statistical models are used, for instance in medicine, agriculture and engineering. In medicine, for example, more than one variable is often measured on each occasion. However, analyses are usually based on exploration of repeated measurements of only one variable. The consequence is that the information contained in the between-variables correlation structure will be discarded.  In this study we propose a multivariate model based on the random coefficient regression model for the analysis of growth curve data. Closed-form expressions for the model parameters are derived under the maximum likelihood (ML) and the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) framework. It is shown that in certain situations estimated variances of growth curve parameters are greater for REML. Also a method is proposed for testing general linear hypotheses. One numerical example is provided to illustrate the methods discussed. Received: 22 February 1999  相似文献   

A very well-known model in software reliability theory is that of Littlewood (1980). The (three) parameters in this model are usually estimated by means of the maximum likelihood method. The system of likelihood equations can have more than one solution. Only one of them will be consistent, however. In this paper we present a different, more analytical approach, exploiting the mathematical properties of the log-likelihood function itself. Our belief is that the ideas and methods developed in this paper could also be of interest for statisticians working on the estimation of the parameters of the generalised Pareto distribution. For those more generally interested in maximum likelihood the paper provides a 'practical case', indicating how complex matters may become when only three parameters are involved. Moreover, readers not familiar with counting process theory and software reliability are given a first introduction.  相似文献   

For Poisson inverse Gaussian regression models, it is very complicated to obtain the influence measures based on the traditional method, because the associated likelihood function involves intractable expressions, such as the modified Bessel function. In this paper, the EM algorithm is employed as a basis to derive diagnostic measures for the models by treating them as a mixed Poisson regression with the weights from the inverse Gaussian distributions. Several diagnostic measures are obtained in both case-deletion model and local influence analysis, based on the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function in the EM algorithm. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

This paper presents some two-step estimators for a wide range of parametric panel data models with censored endogenous variables and sample selection bias. Our approach is to derive estimates of the unobserved heterogeneity responsible for the endogeneity/selection bias to include as additional explanatory variables in the primary equation. These are obtained through a decomposition of the reduced form residuals. The panel nature of the data allows adjustment, and testing, for two forms of endogeneity and/or sample selection bias. Furthermore, it incorporates roles for dynamics and state dependence in the reduced form. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration which features our procedure and highlights the ability to test several of the underlying assumptions.  相似文献   

The length of repeated hypercalcemia free periods of patients with bone metastasis of breast cancer with at least one hypercalcemic event was modelled according to a generalized linear mixed model formulated in terms of transition probabilities and according to a latent variable model. In the former case the periods were assumed to be lognormally distributed with two variance components (patients and residue). In the latter case the conditional intensity given a patient was assumed to be the intensity of the Weibull distribution, while the random patient effect (frailty) was assumed to be drawn from a gamma distribution. In both cases the selection of only patients with at least one hypercalcemic event was taken into consideration. In both models the variance of the patient effect turned out to be negligible. For the second and later periods the Weibull appeared to fit better than the lognormal model. For the first period there was almost no information available.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a robust and efficient estimation procedure for the order of finite mixture models based on the minimizing a penalized density power divergence estimator. For this task, we use the locally conic parametrization approach developed by Dacunha-Castelle and Gassiate (ESAIM Probab Stat 285–317, 1997a; Ann Stat 27:1178–1209, 1999), and verify that the minimizing a penalized density power divergence estimator is consistent. Simulation results are provided for illustration.  相似文献   

Since the work of Little and Rubin (1987) not substantial advances in the analysisof explanatory regression models for incomplete data with missing not at randomhave been achieved, mainly due to the difficulty of verifying the randomness ofthe unknown data. In practice, the analysis of nonrandom missing data is donewith techniques designed for datasets with random or completely random missingdata, as complete case analysis, mean imputation, regression imputation, maximumlikelihood or multiple imputation. However, the data conditions required to minimizethe bias derived from an incorrect analysis have not been fully determined. In thepresent work, several Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out to establishthe best strategy of analysis for random missing data applicable in datasets withnonrandom missing data. The factors involved in simulations are sample size,percentage of missing data, predictive power of the imputation model and existenceof interaction between predictors. The results show that the smallest bias is obtainedwith maximum likelihood and multiple imputation techniques, although with lowpercentages of missing data, absence of interaction and high predictive power ofthe imputation model (frequent data structures in research on child and adolescentpsychopathology) acceptable results are obtained with the simplest regression imputation.  相似文献   

This work deals with parameter estimation for the drift of jump diffusion processes which are driven by a Lévy process and whose drift term is linear in the parameter. In contrast to the commonly used maximum likelihood estimator, our proposed estimator has the practical advantage that its calculation does not require the evaluation of the continuous part of the sample path. In the important case of an Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck‐type jump diffusion, which is a widely used model, we prove consistency and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effects of autocorrelation on parameter estimates of affine term structure models (ATSM) when principal components analysis is used to extract factors. In contrast to recent studies, we design and run a Monte Carlo experiment that relies on the construction of a simulation design that is consistent with the data, rather than theory or observation, and find that parameter estimation from ATSM is precise in the presence of serial correlation in the measurement error term. Our findings show that parameter estimation of ATSM with principal component based factors is robust to autocorrelation misspecification.  相似文献   

While jackknife and bootstrap estimates of the variance of a statistic are well–known, the author extends these nonparametric maximum likelihood techniques to the estimation of skewness and kurtosis. In addition to the usual negative jackknife also a positive jackknife as proposed by BERAN (1984) receives interest in this work. The performance of the methods is investigated by a Monte Carlo study for Kendall's tau in various situations likely to occur in practice. Possible applications of these developments are discussed.  相似文献   

Hedonic methods are a prominent approach in the construction of quality‐adjusted price indexes. This paper shows that the process of computing such indexes is substantially simplified if arithmetic (geometric) price indexes are computed based on exponential (log‐linear) hedonic functions estimated by the Poisson pseudo‐maximum likelihood (ordinary least squares) method. A Monte Carlo simulation study based on housing data illustrates the convenience of the links identified and the very attractive properties of the Poisson estimator in the hedonic framework.  相似文献   

The World Competitiveness Report (WCR), a report annually produced by the Institute for Management Development, which is based in Switzerland, is a study that rates and ranks the competitiveness of a certain group of nations (OECD countries plus some newly emerging economies) and is a widely quoted report in the international media, especially by government and public leaders. Although some ideas as to the methodology used in the rating and ranking of countries are given, the details are not provided in the WCRs. Therefore, the methodology used in the WCRs is in large part unknown to the public.An intelligent use of the WCR requires a rather sound understanding of the methodology by its potential users; politicians, company executives, and public policy makers. The objective of this paper is to uncover and understand the methodology of the WCR through exact replications of its rankings at all levels of aggregation. An estimation model based on mathematical programming is used to replicate the WCR rankings.  相似文献   

F. Brodeau 《Metrika》1999,49(2):85-105
This paper is devoted to the study of the least squares estimator of f for the classical, fixed design, nonlinear model X (t i)=f(t i)+ε(t i), i=1,2,…,n, where the (ε(t i))i=1,…,n are independent second order r.v.. The estimation of f is based upon a given parametric form. In Brodeau (1993) this subject has been studied in the homoscedastic case. This time we assume that the ε(t i) have non constant and unknown variances σ2(t i). Our main goal is to develop two statistical tests, one for testing that f belongs to a given class of functions possibly discontinuous in their first derivative, and another for comparing two such classes. The fundamental tool is an approximation of the elements of these classes by more regular functions, which leads to asymptotic properties of estimators based on the least squares estimator of the unknown parameters. We point out that Neubauer and Zwanzig (1995) have obtained interesting results for connected subjects by using the same technique of approximation. Received: February 1996  相似文献   

We present a nonparametric study of current status data in the presence of death. Such data arise from biomedical investigations in which patients are examined for the onset of a certain disease, for example, tumor progression, but may die before the examination. A key difference between such studies on human subjects and the survival–sacrifice model in animal carcinogenicity experiments is that, due to ethical and perhaps technical reasons, deceased human subjects are not examined, so that the information on their disease status is lost. We show that, for current status data with death, only the overall and disease‐free survival functions can be identified, whereas the cumulative incidence of the disease is not identifiable. We describe a fast and stable algorithm to estimate the disease‐free survival function by maximizing a pseudo‐likelihood with plug‐in estimates for the overall survival rates. It is then proved that the global rate of convergence for the nonparametric maximum pseudo‐likelihood estimator is equal to Op(n?1/3) or the convergence rate of the estimated overall survival function, whichever is slower. Simulation studies show that the nonparametric maximum pseudo‐likelihood estimators are fairly accurate in small‐ to medium‐sized samples. Real data from breast cancer studies are analyzed as an illustration.  相似文献   

We considerr ×c populations with failure ratesλ ij(t) satisfying the condition

The focus of this article is modeling the magnitude and duration of monotone periods of log‐returns. For this, we propose a new bivariate law assuming that the probabilistic framework over the magnitude and duration is based on the joint distribution of (X,N), where N is geometric distributed and X is the sum of an identically distributed sequence of inverse‐Gaussian random variables independent of N. In this sense, X and N represent the magnitude and duration of the log‐returns, respectively, and the magnitude comes from an infinite mixture of inverse‐Gaussian distributions. This new model is named bivariate inverse‐Gaussian geometric ( in short) law. We provide statistical properties of the model and explore stochastic representations. In particular, we show that the is infinitely divisible, and with this, an induced Lévy process is proposed and studied in some detail. Estimation of the parameters is performed via maximum likelihood, and Fisher's information matrix is obtained. An empirical illustration to the log‐returns of Tyco International stock demonstrates the superior performance of the law compared to an existing model. We expect that the proposed law can be considered as a powerful tool in the modeling of log‐returns and other episodes analyses such as water resources management, risk assessment, and civil engineering projects.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the class of stochastic blockmodels (SBM) and their applications to multi-subject brain networks. In our most recent work, we have considered an extension of the classical SBM, termed heterogeneous SBM (Het-SBM), that models subject variability in the cluster-connectivity profiles through the addition of a logistic regression model with subject-specific covariates on the level of each block. Although this model has proved to be useful in both the clustering and inference aspects of multi-subject brain network data, including fleshing out differences in connectivity between patients and controls, it does not account for dependencies that may exist within subjects. To overcome this limitation, we propose an extension of Het-SBM, termed Het-Mixed-SBM, in which we model the within-subject dependencies by adding subject- and block-level random intercepts in the embedded logistic regression model. Using synthetic data, we investigate the accuracy of the partitions estimated by our proposed model as well as the validity of inference procedures based on the Wald and permutation tests. Finally, we illustrate the model by analyzing the resting-state fMRI networks of 99 healthy volunteers from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) using covariates like age, gender, and IQ to explain the clustering patterns observed in the data.  相似文献   

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