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Ford Brown 《Applied economics》2013,45(15):1655-1668
A few studies have provided empirical support for the fact that the demand for international reserves experienced structural instability in 1973 and 1979 due to a change in exchange rate system and oil price shocks. Thus, under the current managed float due to exchange rate and oil price fluctuations, coefficient estimates could be time dependent. After showing that indeed, estimated coefficients are time dependent, the Kalman filter estimation method is employed and the reserve demand function for 19 industrial countries estimated. The Kalman filter approach incorporates the time-varying properties of coefficients estimates.  相似文献   

After a preliminary test (with generally negative results) of the interest parity assumption, an eclectic portfolio adjustment approach, which determines an exchange pressures variable (under a régime of a managed float) is constructed, for bilateral comparisons between the United States and its major trading partners taken individually. This approach to bilateral capital flows and managed exchange rate determination appears to function reasonably well, as judged by the empirical results. Interestingly, factors specific to individual exchange markets appear to play important roles in explaining bilateral capital flows and cross exchange rates, which would not occur in a Walrasian world, with global market clearing.  相似文献   

The way central banks react to exchange market pressure is likely to affect the subsequent economic development and the associated economic costs. In a situation of currency pressure the central bank can in principle decide to let the currency float freely, to maintain the peg or to implement a managed float policy, i.e. a mix of depreciation and intervention. As the central bank's choices are subject to self selection and endogeneity, we use propensity score matching to adequately cope with these methodical challenges. We find that monetary authorities have two options to keep down the economic costs in terms of output, namely stabilizing the exchange rate or letting the currency float freely. In contrast, a managed float under currency pressure is accompanied by the worst possible outcome with an average loss of gross domestic product (GDP) between 5% and 6%.  相似文献   

Quarterly data for Thailand are used in this article for the period 1965q3–2013q4 to investigate both the relationship between inflation and inflation volatility, and the impact of inflation volatility on economic growth. Inflation volatility is estimated by deploying the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) technique. A Granger causality test is then conducted to examine the causality between inflation and inflation volatility. The empirical results obtained are consistent with a number of theoretical propositions. First, the results are consistent with the Friedman–Ball proposition, which states that a rise in inflation raises inflation volatility. Second, there is evidence supporting the Holland proposition that inflation volatility lowers the rate of inflation. This is consistent with the view that central banks attempt to stabilize inflation with the rise in inflation volatility. Third, empirical results obtained by asymmetric GARCH models suggest that inflation shocks have an asymmetric impact on inflation volatility (i.e. a positive inflation shock has a larger impact on inflation volatility – as measured by the logarithm of the conditional variance of inflation – than a negative inflation shock). Fourth, inflation volatility has an adverse impact on economic growth. Finally, given the fixed/pegged or managed float exchange rate system, US inflation has been found to have a positive impact on inflation and its volatility in Thailand. This article discusses the implications of empirical findings on the design and enactment of monetary policy for price stability in Thailand.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of an empirical investigation into the objectives of daily foreign exchange market intervention by the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve System in the U.S. dollar-Deutsche Mark market. Tobit analysis is implemented to estimate the intervention reaction functions consistently. It is found that an increase in the conditional variance in daily exchange rate returns derived from a GARCH model estimated in the paper, led the Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve to increase the volume of intervention, both in case of dollar-sales and purchases on account of their leaning against the wind policy.We are grateful to the Deutsche Bundesbank, Hauptabteilung Ausland for kindly providing, on a confidential base, the daily data on the official interventions of the Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve, the latter only to the extent that they affected the net foreign position of the Bundesbank. Also, we want to thank Theo Nijman and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Opinions and errors are our own responsibility.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the effect of central bank’s foreign exchange interventions on the level and volatility of the Uganda shilling/US dollar exchange rate (UGX/USD) under an inflation-targeting regime. Utilizing daily data spanning the period 1 September 2005, to 31 December 2015, we estimate a foreign exchange intervention model within a GARCH theoretic framework. Empirical results indicate that foreign exchange interventions have had mixed impact on the volatility of the exchange rate. We find that inflation targeting is capable of curbing temporary exchange rate shocks. Empirical results indicate that while order flow is capable of reducing exchange rate volatility, an increase in the operating target rate, the 7-day interbank rate tends to exacerbate exchange rate volatility. Our empirical results are robust to alternative model specifications. We argue that inflation targeting is an effective monetary policy tool for curbing exchange rate volatility.  相似文献   

This paper provides additional empirical evidence on the topic of the effectiveness and the impact of Federal Reserve intervention on U.S. exchange rates. Using a daily measure of exchange rate intervention in the yen/dollar and mark/dollar exchange markets for the period January 3, 1985 to March 19, 1997, this paper finds a statistically significant impact of intervention on spot rates. A generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity exchange rate equation is used to measure the impact of intervention on exchange rate uncertainty. This study finds that intervention is associated with a significant increase in the interday conditional variance (uncertainty) of both bilateral spot exchange rates. This supports the view of Friedman and Schwartz that exchange rate intervention serves to destabilize the foreign exchange market by introducing additional levels of exchange rate uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of the nominal exchange rate in achieving disinflation under managed exchange rate regimes. Most previous empirical studies have not explicitly identified expectations in the wage and price setting behaviour of their econometric models, despite the importance of expectations both during a disinflation and in correcting misalignments. This has meant that costs due to nominal inertia and non-neutralities have not been addressed separately from questions of credibility. We present results for the UK economy using both a theoretical and empirical model in which firms and workers form rational expectations, but where there is also nominal inertia. We identify costs in using the exchange rate to change the inflation rate, and also the costs involved in correcting any disequilibria in the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

Most previous studies on the effectiveness of oral interventions (statements by officials in support of the exchange rate) focus on industrial countries. The present paper examines whether statements by Bank Indonesia officials (i.e. the central bank of Indonesia) during the period 2004–2007 have had any effect on the level and volatility of the rupiah–dollar exchange rate. Our exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models suggest that oral interventions have little impact on the level of the spot exchange rate, but increase the volatility of the spot exchange rate. Oral interventions indicating a stronger or weaker rupiah also have little influence on the level of the forward exchange rate while neutral statements lead to more volatility.  相似文献   


The volatility of reserve increment and the opportunity cost of holding reserves play prime role in models of optimal demand for foreign reserves. Most empirical studies find significant rise in the response of reserve demand to volatility during the era of high capital mobility. In contrast, we find that volatility measured as rolling standard deviation of reserve increment provides upwardly biased estimates whereas conditional volatility derived from GARCH models eliminates such bias and provides elasticity estimate closer to the prediction of buffer stock model (0.5). Though the time varying elasticity estimates derived from Kaiman filter exhibit a sharp rise during crises period, it does not exceed theoretical prediction. The RBI’s intervention policy seems to be asymmetric; leaning with wind when rupee depreciates and leaning against wind when rupee appreciates. This evidence seems to indicate that the policy of exchange rate stability had an in-built objective of providing a competitive edge to exporters.


This paper tests if the adequacy of reserves helps reduce exchange rate volatility in an environment of financial globalization, market‐determined exchange rate and macroeconomic imbalances. It exploits the difference in the period after 2010 when India did not accumulate reserves but faced higher capital flow pressures, relative to a previous managed‐float period marked by significant absorption of surplus capital flows. Along with other determinants, the sensitivity of rupee volatility is examined. The paper finds that adequate reserve holdings significantly reduce exchange rate volatility irrespective of the exchange rate regime; the effect is more through influence upon market sentiment and confidence than actual intervention. It contributes to existing evidence on the role of reserves in mitigating exchange rate volatility amid capital flow swings and offers insights into the policy environment depicted in the trilemma.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of exchange rate behaviour in a multilateral target zone. The model produces new economic insights beyond the well-known bilateral model of Krugman (1991), which is obtained as a special case. The paper also introduces a new class of stochastic processes in economics, namely multidimensional reflected diffusion processes.
Two main features characterize the economics of exchange rates in a multilateral target zone. (i) The restrictions on interventions imposed by cross-currency constraints: when one country changes its money supply, say because its exchange rate with a second country has hit its band, all exchange rates involving the currency of that particular country will be affected, regardless of their position within their respective bands. (ii) Cooperation in sharing the intervention burden: in general, the exchange rate between any two countries will depend on the fundamentals of third countries in a multilateral target zone. This is because if the monetary authorities intervene together, a shock in the fundamentals of any country will induce a revision of the expectation of future interventions of other countries.
The model reverts the counterfactual predictions of the bilateral model that the exchange rate steady-state density should be U-shaped and that its volatility should be a decreasing function of the distance of the exchange rate to the limits of its band. Thus, accounting for the multilateral feature of real-world target zones allows us to reconcile target zone models with the most salient empirical features of exchange rate behaviour.  相似文献   

Arguably, market stability is one of the primary reasons behind government intervention in the foreign exchange market. Whether or not the authorities achieve this goal is an empirical matter and testing of this issue is made difficult by the fact that government intervention and exchange rate volatility may be jointly determined. In this paper, the extent to which volatility drives intervention is considered using PROBIT analysis. The results suggest that while support for the hypothesis exists, volatility on its own does not to provide enough information to allow us to accurately forecast government intervention. A modified GARCH model is then tested which incorporates the impact of government intervention in the mean and conditional variance equation. The evidence presented suggest that the dynamics of market are different on the days where the central bank is active in the market.  相似文献   

We consider the effects of interventions by the Bank of Japan's (BoJ) on the intraday volatility of the US dollar/Japanese yen (USD/JPY) exchange rates and their spillovers to volatility of the euro/JPY exchange rates. We use 15‐minute data during the period 2000–2004 and employ multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) modeling and quartile plots of intraday volatility to analyze the intraday effects of the BoJ interventions on exchange rate volatility. The results indicate that the BoJ interventions decrease daily volatility of the USD/JPY exchange rate but increase the volatility of the euro/JPY series. On intervention days, the intraday volatility has different patterns to those on non‐intervention days.  相似文献   

In previous empirical work, the link between the interventions of the Bank of Japan (BoJ) and exchange rate volatility has mainly been analyzed by using data on press reports of BoJ interventions. We use official intervention data for the period 1993–2000 that were released only recently by the BoJ. We find a positive link between the interventions of the BoJ and the volatility of the yen/U.S. dollar exchange rate. We also find that those BoJ interventions that were not reported in the financial press were positively correlated with exchange rate volatility.  相似文献   

This article examines whether foreign exchange market interventions conducted by the Bank of Japan are important for the dollar–yen exchange rate in the long run. We rely on a re-examination of the empirical performance of a monetary exchange rate model. This is basically not a new topic; however, we focus on two new questions. First, does the consideration of periods of massive interventions in the foreign exchange market uncover a potential long-run relationship between the exchange rate and its fundamentals? Second, do Forex interventions support the adjustment towards a long-run equilibrium value? Our results suggest that taking periods of interventions into account within a monetary model does improve the goodness of fit of an identified long-run relationship to a significant degree. Furthermore, Forex interventions increase the speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium in some periods, particularly in periods of coordinated forex interventions. Our results indicate that only coordinated interventions seem to stabilize the dollar–yen exchange rate in a long-run perspective.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of the realignments throughout the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM). Motivated by the implications of optimising currency crisis models, we relate the probability of “crises” to a set of macroeconomic fundamentals. By using a conditional binominal logit model we show that regime switches are strongly influenced by movements in industrial production, foreign interest rates, competitiveness and imports as well as in foreign exchange reserves. These findings are consistent with the general propositions of recent currency crises models.  相似文献   

By using a suitable econometric model, this study shows that beyond factors postulated by theorists ‘social learning’ is a very powerful phenomenon for guiding developing countries in their exchange rate policy. We introduce two variables that fairly encapsulate features of learning among neighbours. The new variables, together with those advanced in theory are then used to determine choice of a managed float by analysing 1993 cross-section data from Asian developing countries.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the effectiveness of central bank intervention within a heterogeneous expectation exchange rate model for the Reserve Bank of Australia. The empirical evidence is gathered by applying a Markov‐switching approach to daily A$/US$ exchange data from December 1983 to April 2008. Our results support both chartist and fundamentalist regimes. It is shown that the two regimes are persistent and that the fundamentalist regime is riskier. Moreover, interventions when the chartist regime prevails increase the proportion of fundamentalists and thus exert a stabilising effect on the foreign exchange market.  相似文献   

Past literature of different strands has pointed to a potential asymmetry: while portfolio capital inflows are largely irrelevant to the economy, capital outflows can cause recession. In a model with a convex investment and portfolio balance adjustment cost, and endogenous credit‐in‐advance constraint, we find that investment is determined solely by opportunity cost of physical capital unrelated to portfolio capital inflows when the constraint is slack. However, once credit availability is tightened up by capital outflows, the negative liquidity constraint dominates the opportunity‐cost factor, causing an economic downturn. Financial fragility against capital outflows is an outcome of pecuniary externalities, which, however, can be moderated by prudential capital controls. Even when exchange rates float freely, capital controls ease the macro‐stabilizing burden of monetary policy, as they help shield the economy from financial instability. Prudential tax on foreign debt is most preferred, and works the best when the exchange rate float is managed.  相似文献   

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