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由于设计、建设、施工、第三方咨询单位在数据生成工具选用和称谓习惯的不同,以及可能的拼写错误,同一种物资会出现不同的名称叫法。加上工程物资规格种类繁多,人工梳理或是一般性的菜单操作难以胜任快速高效的查找与对量工作。为此,有必要研究更为有效的解决方案。模糊匹配算法可以处理一系列数据歧义,例如字符颠倒、缩略语、单字或词组拼写错误、不规范的标点符号等,获得最接近的匹配结果。鉴于Excel在数据呈现与处理方面的广泛运用基础,在其强大的数据清洗、排序检索功能以及二次开发能力的加持下,能较为便利地实现字符串的模糊匹配。一般而言,模糊匹配可以使用Excel组合公式、内嵌的Power Query查询或是基于VBA代码的编辑距离法实现。以上三种方法有各自的优点和局限性,其中前两者虽易于上手但制约略多,VBA编程法强大但较难以掌握。文章通过对三种方法思路及关键步骤的阐述,结合图表范例演示,以更好地展示各自的适用情形。  相似文献   

国内生产总值是制定经济发展战略、规划、年度计划以及各种宏观经济政策的重要依据,研究国内生产总值预测方法具有重要的现实意义.考虑到通过简单非线性函数的复合可以实现对于复杂函数的映射,又有Sigmoid函数可以反映事物的一般规律,因此本文提出采用复合Sigmoid函数方法来预测GDP.以鄂尔多斯市CDP预测为实例,利用鄂尔多斯市1980~2006年国内生产总值数据,基于时间序列分析,以神经网络算法进行参数优化,建立了鄂尔多斯市GDP预洲的方程,取得了较好的预测效果,表明了复合Sigmoid函数方法对于GDP预测的适用性.  相似文献   

在细纱车间设置与空调送风相配套的车肚排风系统,一般都是在每列细纱机车肚底下与机台中心线相垂直的方向设置2条地排支风道,在各条地排支风道经过的每台细纱机车肚部位设置一个地面吸风口。2条地排支风道汇合后的地排总风道都位于距滤尘室最近的车间某一端,距每条地排支风道尾部机台吸风口都比较远。由于地排支风道一般都按升速梯形管道设计,自各吸风口吸人风量后,支风道内越是接近总风道的段落,风量、风速、吸风压力越大,而在距总风道越远的尾部段落,其风量、风速、吸风压力则越小,处于最远段落的部分机台吸  相似文献   

由于生产需要,经常需做联巷从已知巷道按固定倾角向斜巷(包括缓倾角)贯通,对于贯通点的计算,以往的计算方法或是计算过程复杂、计算量大;或是利用近似值,存在设计误差。这里提供一个算法,思路简单,计算过程简单,计算准确,便于使用。  相似文献   

葛伟 《施工企业管理》1999,(9):37-37,28
施工企业要经常按工程部位进行部位预算值与部位成本对比分析,年终要对完工工程及在建工程进行工程预算值与实际成本对比分析,同时要计算分析其他各种相关指标,手工分析工作量相当大,而利用ACCESS开发应用程序,可大大提高工作效率。 ACCESS易学易用,不必按照传统的程序设计方法编写复杂的程序,为用户预先设计了各种“向导”,用户只需按照“向导”提供的步骤,进行简单操作就可以完成各种复杂的工作。虽然ACCESS用起  相似文献   

前文中我们分析了ETO企业项目计划编制的主要特点,要实现ETO企业的信息化建设,解决计划编制问题是我们面临的首要问题。ETO企业的计划基础是“生产工令”,但由于产品结构过于复杂,靠人工编制里程碑计划,实现按关键资源排序并动态滚动更新几乎是不可能的。  相似文献   

在室内设计中,营造具有特色的、艺术性强、个性化的空间,往往需要若干种不同材料组合起来进行装饰,把材料本身具有的质地美和肌理美充分地展现出来。材料质感的具体体现是室内环境各界面上相同或不同的材料组合,所以,在室内环境设计中,各界面装饰在选材时,既要组合好各种材料的肌理质地,又要协调好各种材料质感的对比关系。装饰材料质感的组合,在实际运用中表现为三种方式:1、同一材料质感的组合。如采用同一木材饰面板装饰墙面或家具,可以采用对缝、拼角、压线手法,通过肌理的横直纹理设置、纹理的走向、肌理的微差、凹凸变化来实现组合构…  相似文献   

日前,SKF公司获得一份为2006年卡迪拉克新车型STS—V供应轮毂轴承单元的订货合同。SKF公司一直供应X—Tracker单元,这是一项新的轴承设计,有利于提高豪华车型所要求的性能、转弯能力和稳定性。X-Tracker是不对称的轮毂轴承单元,由双列角接触球轴承排列组成,外列直径更大,比内列的钢球更多,这种独特的设计大大提高了轴承的承载能力和使用寿命。  相似文献   

利用色调特性的3个配色方法 为了让顾客感受到漂亮的陈列,有各种方法,其中之一是利用色调的方法.色调也可以称为"调子".表现了色彩的情绪、风格等特性.把相同色调或相近色调的商品排列在一起,能使混乱的商品陈列产生统一感.营造出沉着有序的卖场气氛.  相似文献   

HSE体系审核是HSE体系运行的重要环节,作为一种管理手段,通过审核,可以及时发现体系运行中的问题,进而加以纠正或预防,实现体系的持续改进和完善。传统HSE体系审核标准一般采用定性的方式,它的不足之处就在于只能给出诸如"是"或"不是"、"符合"或"不符合"的结论,而对不符合的程度不能给出准确的界定。  相似文献   

莲纤维和香蒲纤维都是取自自然,对环境没有污染和危害。莲纤维均匀细长,制取方法可以采用人工或机械加工;香蒲纤维外表有刺节突起,内部中空,主干柄布满沟槽,干燥后纤维与蒲棒自动分离,制取方法简单。  相似文献   

The recently developed least-squares Monte Carlo (LSM) method provides a simple and efficient technique for valuing American-type options. The proposed method is applicable to the cases of compound real options, like the other numerical techniques such as finite difference and lattice methods, with the additional advantage to handle easily the cases of multiple uncertain state variables with different and complex stochastic processes. With this advantage, the LSM method is not only efficient for valuing multi-factor American options, but it can also be extended for valuing complex real investments having many embedded real options and involving multiple uncertain state variables. This article examines the applicability of the LSM method in valuing real capital investments. Two valuation examples have been provided to test the efficiency of the proposed method in both the valuation and the decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Many hazardous industrial chemicals are stored as liquidfied compressed gases. To evaluate the possible consequences of a pipeline rupture, hose break, or tank puncture, the safety or process engineer needs a means to estimate the two-phase (liquid and gas) flow rate. Recent technical advances by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Design Institute of Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS) have produced methods that can be used to compute the two-phase flow rate. These methods are simple and can be completed using a personal computer and a standard spreadsheet program such as Excel (Macintosh) or Lotus (DOS based). This paper presents the two-phase flow rate calculation method and shows how spreadsheets can be used for these calculations.  相似文献   

Past attempts to rationalize the many methods of technological forecasting have not been sufficiently practical; they have largely been based on an abstract sort of classification while their use has been of an ad hoc nature. This paper reviews the position and puts forward a rationale leading to a more logical classification of methods and a systematic approach to their use in practice. The proposed classification and systematic use of the many methods is based on the concept that a technological forecast has four prime elements or dimensions, qualitative, quantitative, time and probability. Only when all these elements are provided can a technological forecast be responsibly used in decision making in R & D and corporate planning.  相似文献   

A semiconductor supply network involves many expensive steps, which have to be executed to serve global markets. The complexity of global capacity planning combined with the large capital expenditures to increase factory capacity makes it important to incorporate optimization methodologies for cost reduction and long-term planning. The typical view of a semiconductor supply network consists of layers for wafer fab, sort, assembly, test and demand centers. We present a two-stage stochastic integer-programming formulation to model a semiconductor supply network. The model makes strategic capacity decisions, (i.e., build factories or outsource) while accounting for the uncertainties in demand for multiple products. We use the model not only to analyze how variability in demand affects the make/buy decisions but also to investigate how the correlation between demands of different products affects these strategic decisions. Finally, we demonstrate the value of incorporating demand uncertainty into a decision-making scheme.  相似文献   

We investigate, if it pays off for a company to invest into complex swing option algorithms. First, least squares Monte Carlo as a complex valuation algorithm is introduced and explained in detail. Using a simulation study and two backtest scenarios we then compare the output of this method with a simple myopic approach, and evaluate the results also from a business point of view. We find that myopic operation performs fairly well, but given a certain contract flexibility LSMC clearly prevails.  相似文献   

应用离子选择性电极法测定锌氨络合液中的氨氮,省去了其他繁琐的步骤,具有操作简便、结果准确、精密度高、检测范围广等优点。本试验利用两点标准测定方法,在应用氨电极的基础上结合pH计准确控制被测液体的pH值,在不同范围内进行了实样分析,并检测了回收率。  相似文献   

The notion of value and the principles and methods that buyers use to discover which supplier offering has more value needs to drive all business marketing activity. However, the concept of value and how to measure it is somewhat vague. The authors present a simple way to think about value. The research reports an exploratory empirical study of how the valuation model fits the views of purchasing managers and how purchasing agents view value and use it to make decisions. In general, the model posited appears to fit the view of purchasing agents, however, there is some digression and further research is needed.  相似文献   

Schoolwork, especially lessons in manual skills is often associated with various ergonomics stresses. These stresses are the result not only of school obligations but also of the physical working environment and inadequate lesson planning. Much can be done in this field if certain approaches are taken into consideration at the work planning stage. Thus we can use certain analytical methods, such as the Method of Temporary Observations (Multi-Moment Method) and OWAS (a method for the evaluation of postural load during work), when positioning stressful lesson factors. This can be done in a relatively simple way in the field of time rationalisation as well as in the field of dimensional work adjustment to pupils. Research results in this paper show that by using a planned directed approach in this field, it is possible to achieve, a higher level of efficiency with normal levels of fatigue.  相似文献   

Supplier segmentation means that the suppliers of a specific firm are categorized on the basis of their similarities. This supply-side business-to-business (B2B) segmentation is of special importance to companies with many suppliers. Supplier segmentation yields a manageable number of segments, each of which requires a separate strategy. Standard supplier segmentation methods have serious shortcomings, for instance because they fail to make a proper connection between supplier segmentation and other supplier-related activities such as supplier selection and development. Moreover, these standard methods typically use a limited number of segmentation criteria and different sets of criteria are suggested for each method. It is unclear for practitioners how to choose a particular method. The purpose of this paper is to form a practical tool for supplier segmentation taking into account all suggested segmentation criteria. The principal result of this paper is the design of a rule-based method to segment the suppliers of a firm based on two overarching dimensions: supplier capabilities and supplier willingness. The method is applied to a real-world situation to show how the results can be used in practice. A general sensitivity analysis procedure for fuzzy rule-based systems is proposed and then implemented, to identify the most important supplier capabilities and willingness criteria and to formulate better supplier development strategies. A major conclusion of the paper is that the fuzzy logic approach to supplier segmentation is simple to apply in practice, yet considers all available segmentation criteria and their inherent fuzziness in a way that is easily adaptable to a specific industrial context.  相似文献   

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