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This paper details a method of surveying the travel behaviour and values of households within inner, middle and outer urban zones. This survey of 400 households in two North Queensland (Australia) cities provides details of 3500 urban trips, travel modes and choices linked to household location. Stratified sampling based on distance from the Central Business District shows pronounced methodological advantages. This simple and effective method shows that outer urban dwellers used about three times the amount of fuel as their more central counterparts, placing them at the vanguard of unsustainable urban travel, a great challenge for policy, developers and city planners.  相似文献   

An important aspect of current international travel and tourism is the degree to which they are becoming embedded as regularised and prescribed parts of the lives of individuals, families, and various organisations. At the individual and family levels, patterns of regularised international mobility often only manifest themselves on a time scale that far exceeds that of the reference periods normally used in long-distance travel surveys. Other methods are thus needed to address these issues. This paper discusses a particular method used in ongoing research into the international mobility of young Swedes. Students in the last year of upper secondary school are asked to formulate their international mobility biographies, i.e. all international trips conducted during their childhood and adolescence. The paper discusses the potential of such a ‘biographical approach’ to gathering information about various forms of the regularisation or institutionalisation of international mobility. The approach suggested is contextualised through a review of relevant biographically oriented concepts and approaches in the fields of mobility and tourism research. Methodological challenges involved in collecting information on travel behaviour retrospectively are then discussed, with reference to initial experience gained from research concerning the international mobility of young Swedes.  相似文献   

The mileage redemption strategy is a procedure used by many business firms to reduce air travel costs, in which the frequent flyer miles of traveling employees accumulated during business trips are applied to their future business trips to obtain “free” air tickets. This paper presents a framework that investigates how the frequent flyer miles can be used in the most effective way to reduce air travel costs by those firms that are either using the mileage redemption strategy or considering the use of the strategy. The framework can be implemented quite easily by a spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change poses considerable challenges to all societies and economies. One significant contributor to human-induced climate change is tourism transportation, particularly aviation. This paper addresses the relationship between climate change concerns, the energy-intensive nature of tourist consumption, and unrestrained tourist air travel behaviour in the context of Australia. Following Barr et al. [(2010). “A holiday is a holiday”: Practicing sustainability, home and away. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(3), 474–481], it seeks to understand public climate concern within the context of routine everyday (‘home’) lives and occasional tourist (‘away’) decision-making, with a specific focus on air travel. It draws upon 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted in Australia between March and June 2011. The findings highlight the contradictory nature of environmental concerns and consumption decisions in everyday and tourist contexts. This is evident in widespread domestic consumer practices that are motivated, all or in large part, by climate concerns, set against almost complete disregard and neglect of responsibility to modify existing air travel practices. Our results highlight the magnitude of the challenge involved in shifting deeply entrenched air travel behaviours despite the growing urgency of radical emission reductions. It also highlights the need to consider consumer responses to climate change not in isolation, but in relation to industry drivers and strong government policy interventions.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine how airlines' relationship selling, relational benefits, and relationship quality affect voluntary performance of travel agencies. Hypotheses on the relationship among these constructs were created based on relevant literature and validation using structural equation modeling was carried out. A questionnaire survey was conducted using stratified sampling on comprehensive travel agencies and Class A travel agencies in Taiwan. Among the 1000 copies of the questionnaire, 169 valid copies were collected and used to perform data analysis. Empirical results show that relational benefits and relationship selling can influence voluntary performance of travel agencies through the mediation of relationship quality, although neither has a direct effect on the latter, whereas, relationship quality has a significant and positive impact on voluntary performance of travel agencies towards airlines. It is evident that relationship quality plays an indispensable role in the connection between relationship marketing constructs (relationship selling and relational benefits) and voluntary performance. Results of this study may provide some insights for airlines in developing relationship management strategies towards travel agencies.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(6):325-334
In order to detect changes in daily average vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) induced by a large-scale TravelSmart intervention in Melbourne, a panel of households was asked to complete before and after surveys, which included week-long odometer readings. In contrast to results reported from previous TravelSmart applications, the Melbourne program did not induce a statistically significant change in the average daily VKT when measured 1 year after the intervention. Multiple regressions revealed that the variability in change in VKT was better explained by socio-demographic variables than by the TravelSmart treatment. The change in VKT was also found to be strongly negatively correlated with the average daily vehicle kilometres recorded in the before survey—indicating the possibility of the ‘regression-to-the-mean’ effect well known in the road safety literature. The conditions under which the regression-to-the-mean effect may create the illusion of a positive TravelSmart program impact on the reduction in daily average VKT are examined. It is concluded that, in the context of voluntary travel behaviour change evaluations, greater attention should be paid to instrument reactivity arising from the impact of the before travel survey on TravelSmart uptake and/or on change in VKT, and to regression-to-the-mean effects.  相似文献   

The second largest holy city of the world, Mashhad, attracts high volumes of tourists and pilgrims every year. Most visitors travel by private car and are a source of considerable funds for the local economy. Among road users, tourists as one of the major traveller categories in Mashhad city behave differently due to the particular trip purpose. The aim of this research is to model tourist's shifting modes of travel behaviour when policy measures, such as the parking and cordon fares, are implemented. The tourists’ preferences were examined using binary logit analysis when different options of travel cost and time scenarios were provided. Results indicate that travel time, parking cost, cordon cost, education level and vehicle price influence tourist's modal choice. In addition, the finding shows that congestion pricing will be more effective than a parking pricing strategy in encouraging switching of modes.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2003,10(3):223-233
In 1978 Gunn published a seminal paper which explained why implementation of policy is so difficult. The paper set out 10 conditions, which should be satisfied if perfect implementation is to be achieved. Whilst it is clear that perfect implementation is not possible in the real world, and Gunn has subsequently been criticised for his ‘top-down’ approach to decision-making, these conditions do, nonetheless act as an effective framework through which to evaluate good practice in the implementation of urban transport policy instruments. Two urban transport policy instruments, which form an increasingly important element of the Government's strategy in the UK for reducing the demand for private transport as set out in a New Deal for Transport (DETR, 1998), are travel plans and road user charging. Travel plans are a relatively recent policy instrument in the UK and seek to reduce trips to work by car by providing, through individual employers, a targeted, integrated package of incentives and disincentives to influence commuters' choice of mode of travel to and from the workplace. Road user charging, whereby motorists are charged for the road space they use in urban areas, seeks to reduce the congestion problem via the price mechanism, and has a longer history in the UK. To date the implementation of travel plans in the UK has been more widespread than that of road user charging. It is fair to say, however, that the widespread implementation of both urban transport policy instruments is a complex and sensitive area for decision-makers.The aim of this paper is firstly, to analyse travel plans and road user charging in the UK with respect to the conditions for perfect implementation put forward by Gunn and secondly, to highlight the elements of good practice, pertinent to the implementation of road user charging, in the process of the implementation of travel plans. Overall, the paper uses Gunn's theoretical framework as a basis for recommendations for better decision-making that will aid the wider implementation of both travel plans and road user charging internationally.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, smart card data have received increasing interest from transport researchers as a new source of data for travel behaviour investigation. Collected by smart card systems, smart card data surpass traditional travel survey data in providing more comprehensive spatial–temporal information about urban public transport-based (UPT) trips. However, the utility of smart card data has arguably yet to be exploited fully in terms of extracting and exploring the spatial–temporal dynamics of UPT passenger travel behaviour. To advance previous work in this area, this paper demonstrates a multi-step methodology in order to render more insightful spatial–temporal patterns of UPT passenger travel behaviour. Drawing on the Brisbane, Australia, bus network as the case study, a smart card dataset was first processed in combination with General Transit Specification Feed (GTFS) data to reconstruct travel trajectories of bus passengers at bus stop level of spatial granularity. By applying geographical information system-based (GIS) techniques, this dataset was used to create flow-comaps to visualise the aggregate flow patterns at a network level. The flow-comaps uncovered the major pathways of bus passengers and its variations over a one-day period. The differences within the flow-comaps were also quantified to produce weighted flow-comaps that highlighted the major temporal changes of passenger flow patterns along a number of stop-to-stop linkages of the bus network. The proposed methodology visually unveiled the spatial–temporal travel behaviour dynamics of UPT passengers and, in doing so, showed the potential to contribute to a new evidence base with the capacity to inform local public transport policy.  相似文献   

The long-term goal of containing average warming below the 2 °C limit requires deep cuts in emissions from all sectors. The fast growing global aviation industry has committed to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting is an integral element of the sector's strategy. Already, airlines offer voluntary carbon offsetting to those customers who wish to mitigate the impact of their travel. To ensure carbon offsetting can make a meaningful and credible contribution, this paper first discusses the science behind ‘carbon offsetting’, followed by the associated policy perspective. Then, against the context of different aviation emissions pathways, the paper provides empirical evidence of current airline practices in relation to offsetting mechanisms and communication. Building on these insights, the challenges of reducing aviation emissions and using carbon credits to compensate for ongoing growth are discussed. The paper concludes by proposing five principles of best practice for carbon offsetting that airlines can use as a basis to develop credible emissions strategies, and that could inform the sectoral framework currently being developed by leading aviation organisations.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(6):281-292
The past 20 years has seen a rapid growth across the world in the number, range and scale of voluntary travel behaviour change (VTBC) initiatives. These so-called ‘soft’ measures have challenged the assumption that modal shift is only possible through ‘hard’ system-based measures, or through regulation. Among the most high-profile VTBC initiatives is a household-based behaviour change technique known as Individualised Travel Marketing. This dialogue marketing approach was developed by Socialdata (under the brand name IndiMark®) in response to its own research suggesting that a lack of information and motivation, and incorrect perceptions of the alternatives to the car, were significant barriers to modal shift. IndiMark has been applied in more than 100 pilot and nearly 150 large-scale projects, targeting a total of more than three million people on three continents. A key factor in this widespread take up has been the consistent use of a detailed evaluation design, employing travel behaviour surveys before and after the IndiMark intervention, using Socialdata's KONTIV® survey method. This well-established design uses a self-administered, mail-back questionnaire, coupled with motivation by post and telephone to encourage high response rates (typically between 60% and 80%) helping to provide reliable data on mobility behaviour. This paper reviews the development of the IndiMark technique and the key features of its evaluation using the KONTIV® survey method. It draws on this experience to address key challenges in the evaluation of VTBC initiatives, and to identify the common threads of an integrated approach which might strengthen the case for all soft measures.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2006,13(3):240-253
This paper describes the results of an online survey that examined commuting patterns, potential for change and barriers and motivators affecting transport decisions in a University population (n=1040 students, n=1170 staff). Overall, 21.5% of staff and 46.8% of students at The University of Western Australia regularly used active modes, and potentially an additional 30% of staff and students would switch to active modes. The results suggested that reducing barriers to using active modes, in particular reducing actual and perceived travel time by bus and bicycle would have the greatest impact on commuting patterns. Some policy applications appeared to hold particular promise, including an implementation of a subsidised public transport pass (U-Pass), increased student housing on or near campus, increased cost of parking, and improved bus services and cycle networks.  相似文献   

Links between life stage and travel behaviour are explored using Scottish Household Survey non-motorised mode data for Edinburgh. Employing cluster analysis, the sample is split into ten population segments, largely based on life stage. The life stage of having children is shown to affect individual travel behaviour. Households with children present have distinctive travel behaviour characteristics: they are particularly car dependent, tend to own but not use bicycles, and favour leisure cycling trips. A concerted, targeted policy effort is recommended in order to reduce motor car usage and encourage non-motorised modes.  相似文献   

Current analyses highlight the relatively high contribution of holiday travel to greenhouse gas emissions. One response has been a growing ‘slow travel’ movement. Slow travel is an emerging concept which can be explained as an alternative to air and car travel where people travel to destinations more slowly overland and travel less distance. At first glance, slow travel might seem to preclude much international tourism, however, as an adaptation strategy, slow travel has the potential to reduce tourism’s overall carbon footprint. Data were collected using in-depth interviews with 15 UK participants before and after a holiday to another European country. The analysis explores the discourses used by both slow and non-slow travellers to justify modal choice in relation to climate change. Then, using a social practices model, the paper explores how holiday travel is constrained by both individual agency to act and the structures that exist within the travel and tourism industry. The paper concludes with some recommendations for the development of slow travel as a tourism adaptation strategy for a lower carbon future.  相似文献   

In an era when the transport sector is increasingly contributing to environmental damage there is a need to better understand the behavioural response of consumers. Theories such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Norm-Activation Model have had some success in explaining pro-environmental behaviours; this paper examines the application of these to air travel. It utilises insights from previous attitude behaviour research to develop a more detailed understanding of how normative influences, individual values and other psychological factors are affected by individual attitudes to air travel attitudes and how these influence behaviour. This informs recommendations for a policy response, which emphasises the need to bring air travel behaviour in line with other energy saving household behaviours.  相似文献   

The article uses the Gothenburg congestion charge scheme, implemented in 2013, as a case study to analyze the effects and perceptions of a policy instrument directly aimed to change the travel behavior of individuals. For the study, a survey was conducted including measures of commuting habits, attitudes (toward the congestion charge, the environment, automobility, and public transport), and satisfaction with travel, along with socio-demographic and geographical variables. The survey was distributed to a panel of 3500 car owners in the Gothenburg region before the implementation of the scheme, with a follow-up one year later. The analysis use group comparisons and a binary logistic regression analysis and results show that the difference in accessibility of different societal functions using private versus public transport affected the propensity to reduce car travel, whereas socio-demographic variables had a low statistical significance, with the exception of women who were twice as likely to reduce their car travel than men. All studied groups reported a more positive view of the scheme at follow-up, although this effect was more pronounced among those adapting their commuting behavior. In none of the studied groups did the implementation of the congestion charge scheme correlate with any significant change in satisfaction with travel.  相似文献   

A travel plan is a package of measures implemented by an organisation to encourage people who travel to/from that organisation to do so by means other than driving alone by private car. This paper advances two principal arguments: firstly, that the planning system and maximum parking standards as part of it are the main factors leading to travel plan development in England today; and, secondly, that the difficulties of using the planning system in this way means that there is a risk that many of these travel plans are unlikely to have a great deal of influence on travel patterns, making it more unlikely that they will achieve the predicted impact on travel behaviour change, as contained in the important study and report “Smarter Choices” (Department for Transport, 2004).This paper presents results from a survey of planning and transport authorities in England, which obtained a 62% response rate from the 139 authorities contacted. It also uses the results of 18 interviews with local authority and Highways Agency staff involved in securing travel plans through the planning process. The survey found that the planning process (as opposed to voluntary efforts) is indeed the main means by which travel plans are now secured. In addition, maximum parking standards were shown to have a major influence on travel plan formation for organisations going through the planning process. There are however reasons to doubt that all of the travel plans secured through the planning process are effective. This is because:
Many local authorities use only planning conditions and not the more flexible (but complex) obligations which would allow more complex travel plans to be secured.
There is a lack of monitoring of travel plans in many authorities.
There is evidence that in many authority areas there are travel plans in breach of legal agreements, but these breaches are not enforced, reportedly due to a lack of monitoring, resources, and other organisational issues.
The paper discusses the reasons for these findings and also makes a number of suggestions as to how the planning system could be improved as a means of securing travel plans.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of company car taxation on travel behavior. It focuses on a nationwide case study in Israel, which experienced a massive growth in the extent of company cars and which has implemented various policy changes in the taxation of company cars. A survey of 400 employees who have a company car and 230 employees who have only a privately owned car clearly points out the significant impact exerted by company cars on travel behavior, negatively affecting sustainable transportation development. The practice of and taxation policy in regard to the company car result in considerable extra mileage and encourage car usage by the employee's entire household. Changes in the taxation of a company car as well as in employer's policy toward company car usage may bring about a significant change in drivers' decisions regarding the willingness to have a company car and their travel behavior.  相似文献   

Mobile phone applications to monitor and influence one's behavior are numerous. Most developed appear to be health applications, but in the past decade, “persuasive technology” has also been leveraged and applied to promote sustainable travel behavior. We discuss the health applications and review and evaluate existing behavior change support systems (BCSS) designed to promote sustainable travel behavior. We extract the persuasive features embedded in these systems and evaluate their persuasive potential by using the persuasive systems design (PSD) model that has been used to evaluate BCSSs in the health domain. Our evaluation reveals that some features crucial for successful travel behavior change, such as tunneling, rehearsal, and social facilitation, are missing. Furthermore, we assess studies conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these BCSSs in changing behavior and find indications that effect sizes are mostly small though methodologically robust studies are largely missing; hence, no definitive conclusion yet can be derived. Based on these findings as well as literature related to public health where BCSSs appear to be further developed, we then derive three important suggestions on research needs and applications for further development of BCSSs in the transport policy realm.  相似文献   

Current road safety programs and thinking in Australia are constructed within a paradigm that tends to accept existing cultural arrangements. Such programs therefore, favour symptomatic solutions and technical and/or physical solutions as a way forward. Fundamental redesign of cultural arrangements is necessary in order to challenge the “culture of speed”. Our research is developing a holistic, social ecological model for reconnecting road safety with communities that value quality of life and slower ways of being. Improving road safety through reduction in the volume and speed of motorised traffic is integrally related to enhancing health and fitness, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving neighbourhood planning and community cohesion. In this regard, community-based travel behaviour change initiatives are deserving of much greater attention in the road safety area. As well as these changes at the personal and community scale, policy changes to urban and transport planning that address the broader issues of sustainability in an era of climate change and peak oil can also be linked to improvements in road safety.  相似文献   

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