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In October 1996, The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) adopted trading halts for individual stocks, collectively known as "circuit breakers", to reduce the stock market volatility. This paper reviews the existing circuit breakers literature and developed five hypothesis--"Magnet Effect", "Cool off-Heating (C-H) Effect", "Information Hypothesis", "Volatility Spillover Hypothesis" and "Trading Interferences Hypothesis"--which could be tested empirically not only in the Dhaka Stock Exchange but any stock exchanges around the world. This paper also suggests most appropriate econometric models for empirical testing. GARCH for inter day data and Event Study methodology for intra day data. Moreover, to test the robustness non-parametric tests need to use along with parametric one. Considering the stock market bubbles in 1996, it has been found that it was optimal for the regulators to adopt this trading halt, but not for the market. It failed to protect the market. However, this might be the consequences of misconceptions about the purpose and effectiveness of circuit breakers. Despite many arguments contrary to this mechanism and absence of any conclusive empirical evidence for a fragile stock exchange like DSE, it may be useful sometimes to replace the "invisible hand of the marketplace" with the "visible hand of the market regulators".  相似文献   

The creation risk investmentof the high and new technology enterprise isthe way to finance:and invest for the business period. After we putting the capital into the high and new. technology project.that is in the devetopment stage, the enterprise can, acquire high, increase, by the. support and assistance 'of, the. capital and management. After the enterprise grew up, it can achieve high benefits by selling stock, attorning the enterprise, and dealing property rights, etc. Finally it secedes form the enterprise invested. The purpose of total analysis in the respective stage for the business investment cause including cause prosperities, object, risk, is to comprehensively understand the effect on the anticipation ratio of the benefit, investment distribution, the stock property proportion which is offered by the activity content, and the emphasis of the assessment in the respective stages of the creation risk investment cause.  相似文献   

Specific changes in land use can, and often do, occur when any social economic system moves from one form to another. When traditional societies transit from traditional land uses to philosophically determined land uses, as in the case of the introduction of sooialism or the transition from system of planned economy to a market system, such changes seem concentrated and perhaps exacerbated. Certainly, such circumstances provide the opportunity to see the process of social philosophy and its impact upon land use in a telescoped fashion. The discovery and explanation of these elements might provide some insight into basic human behavior, and its relationship to social controt and how people organize space both with and without control. This paper presents the results of observations of changes in land use as they have occurred during the course of transitional economic development in Beijing, China for the past decade, it suggests three new generic categories that can be applied to any culture or society.  相似文献   

When using the Data Development Analysis method for analyzing the efficiency of different firms, it is common to put all similar DMU together for measurement in order to figure out the efficiency values of various DMU. However, such an analysis may easily neglect the source property of an individual DMU, meaning that the differences among various DMUs derive from different environmental backgrounds, e.g. environment variables such as economic civilization, laws and regulations, and political backgrounds. Applying the Metafrontier model can overcome the barriers resulting from the environment variables, and it can analyze and measure the differences among various DMUs which have different source properties. It can also be used for measuring the difference between each group of DMU and all DMUs. Therefore, this study adopts the DEA method, assuming variable returns to scale to evaluate and comparatively analyze the business performance of life insurance industries in Taiwan and Mainland China based on "BBC input orientation". When evaluating the business performance, the operating management echelon is affected by uncontrollable external environment variables. Thus, this study applies the Four-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis to discuss the impact of environment variables on business performance and re-measures the business efficiency of life insurance industries in Taiwan and Mainland China after adjusting the input variables. The demonstration period adopted by this study is from 2003 to 2005, and the research subject comprises 43 companies in Taiwan and Mainland China, among which, there are 19 companies in Taiwan and 24 companies in Mainland China, and there are 129 sets of sample data. It is assumed that the discount rate is ? (), is set as 3% in this paper), and figured out the change of each life insurance company in technical efficiency in the inter-period accumulative years from 2003 to 2005.  相似文献   

The "middle income trap" is a significant theoretical and practical issue closely related to the economic and social transition and sustainable development of a country. This paper explores the essence of the "middle income trap" and ways to avoid it. It reveals that the inner nature of the "middle income trap" lies in the institutional transition dilemma, which results essentially from a lack of reasonable and clear definitions of governance boundaries between government and market as well as government and society. This lack of boundaries causes coexistent and interrelated government inefficiency, market distortion/failure and social anomie, leading to a stagnant transition from a factor-driven to an efficiency-driven and further innovation-driven economy. Moreover, this paper proposes that the proper way to avoid the "trap" can be found in the reconstruction of the state governance mode, that is, to transition from a development-oriented and omnipotent government to a public service-oriented and limited government, from factor-driven to efficiency-driven and further innovation-driven development, and from a traditional society to a modem civil society through defining reasonable and clear boundaries between government and market as well as government and society. Thus, reconstruction can establish a state public governance mode featuring the interactive role of government, market and society, and achieve the modernization of state governance systems and capacity.  相似文献   

With China taking its reform and opening policy, the private economy has been developed rapidly now, especially going public. It is discovered that there are two ways of entering China's stock market: one is direct listing; the other is indirect listing. Private enterprise studied in this paper excludes state-owned economy. Since 1996 in China, a number of private listing corporations have been going increased year by year, and indirect listing has become the main form of private enterprises' access to stock market. In the paper, the author made a substantial evidence analysis on the 53 private corporations, which have entered China's stock market by the end of 1998. By means of the SHAZAM regression test analysis, the author draws a surprising conclusion: as far as private listing companies are concerned, state-ownership enterprise's efficiency is more satisfied than private ones. This indicates that improving the management of private enterprise has already been on the agenda.  相似文献   

Nowadays, many countries and regions use the human resources development as the major approach in holding the initiative in competition. The Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Area implements the strategies for revitalizing the area through establishing science and education learning organization and developing the entire learning in Management Committee. In accordance with the fundamental of mathematics "The arithmetical mean is equal to or larger than its geometric mean to any positive real number", it submits "the theoretical model of proportional development advantage of the same element in the same level" in order to solve "the problem that a few people behind in the department block the development of the High-tech Area", realize every member's common progress and each department's proportional development, and finally make the effect of Rare Earth High-tech maximum by strengthening team cooperation and producing a multiplier effect.  相似文献   

The reformation of the economy system has led the functional departments and status of the enterprises into the variance state. Under the condition of the market economy, the kernel of the enterprises' functional department has diverted to that of marketing decision-making, which faces to market and meets with the need of consumption. Assuredly, the kernel of marketing decision-making is to prognosticate the future market requirement quantity of the production of enterprises accurately, so that it can ensure and realize the maximum of the enterprises' profit to increase. Applying the proof to test demonstration analytical method of economics and adopting the multi-regression technique, this paper analyzes the enterprises' production requirement quantity decision-making of the GMC (Global Management Challenge) and changes a great many of uncontrollable factors to the controllable ones of the enterprises. So, it can make the forecast order form closer to the actual prices of the future market requirement quantity in the production marketing decision-making of the enterprises and realize the optimizing combination and the working object with the minimum of the cost and the maximum of the profit. And it can insure the realization of the profit increase of the enterorises mostly in the life-cvcle of the production.  相似文献   

China's supermarket sector has been growing with a high rate for ten years. Relying on the advantages of new formats and adapting to the economic change of China, several China's supermarket companies have replaced the traditional department stores to become the leading player in retail industry of China. Although the interesting phenomenon shows that although these supermarket companies have the inherent problems of shortage of capital and weaknesses in management, their expansion is more emphasized on sizes and speeds. Being weak in management and over squeezing ,margin from suppliers that might lead their position to be vulnerable. Their market share is taken by different competitors, more notably by foreign giant retailers. Competition will become more fierce and complex. Merging, making joint ventures with foreign investors, expanding into chain and fuU-format retailer, hunting for skillful people would be the key strategic options to keep the sector's growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of familial reference groups on individuals' product and brand decisions for products across two kinds of culture. The study is addressed through an examination of intergenerational influences across the two different cultures. The results of the study lend support to the original approach and also provide an insight look into how reference group influence may vary depending on different culture context. The paper also provides very useful advice for marketers when they apply western marketing concepts in China market.  相似文献   

随着城市旅游的异军突起,城市旅游景观逐渐成为都市旅游的新宠。在旅游者游览要求持续增涨、鉴赏品味不断提高的情况下,如何提升城市旅游景观的景观价值和文化内涵,成为城市旅游规划和城市景观设计面临的一大问题。针对城市人工水体旅游景观这一独特的旅游资源,提出了如何选用与水体景观搭配适宜的四种观赏鱼种(红尾副鳅、锦鲤、锦鲫和胭脂鱼)来增强景观品质的方法,以作参考。  相似文献   

蒋年云 《开放时代》2002,25(6):85-90
确立国有企业的利益主体地位不能单纯地注重在所有制的性质上,而应立足于财产的占有方式。由国有企业产权运动历史发展的四个特征规定,在再生产的过程中,其本身必然地会发生财产主体的背离。国有企业利益主体二重化是国有产权的异化,同时二重化的利益主体又是统一的,并对代表全民的国家利益主体进一步地规定。国有企业利益主体二重性跟马克思提出的“在协作和对土地及靠劳动本身生产的生产资料的共同占有的基础上,重建个人所有制”的预测是一致的。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是新时期大学生思想政治教育工作的排头兵,对大学生的健康成长起着至关重要的作用。辅导员队伍的专,Jk4~C、职业化建设有利于增强辅导员的归属感,对于提高辅导员的综合素质、拓展辅导员的职业发展空间、提升辅导员的职业声望、稳定辅导员队伍具有积极的作用。抓住当前辅导员队伍建设中的薄弱环节和存在问题,探索辅导员队伍建设职业化、专家化的实施路径,以期提高辅导员思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

我国监事会弱化是公认的.通过对财务总监、内部审计、审计委员会和监事会职能的剖析,证明了多头监督,不便于建立经济监督责任制.监事会成员地位低、外部代表少、机构空、权威差,根源于原有的监督结构没发挥作用,从强化监事会组成与监督责任出发,本文提出内部审计和审计委员会并入监事会,扩大监事会成员,增强监事会权威,建立统一、独立的公司内部经济监督体系,加强"新三会"与"老三会"的联系、沟通,完善公司治理结构.  相似文献   

会计工作与会计资料的真实、完整是企业搞好经济管理工作的立足点。论述了会计信息失真的成因,以及单位负责人在本环节的重要作用,并提出了解决这一问题的对策。  相似文献   

公共政策的经济学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴鸣 《经济问题》2004,(5):12-14
任何一项公共政策的制定和实施都需要付出一定的代价,关键在于这种代价能不能承受,值不值得承受。经济学与公共政策有着密切的联系,即使是一些看起来与经济问题无关的公共政策,如果细心分析总是可以发现其中的经济学逻辑。这一逻辑告诉我们,公共政策是通过比较其成本和收益而产生的,公共政策存在的理由在于它的社会成本小于以市场和企业自行解决的方式来解决问题。  相似文献   

赵福厚 《现代财经》2004,24(3):7-11
在跨国公司的研究领域中,对于子公司的生存与发展问题,各国学者使用多种研究工具和方法进行研究。1999年波金绍等人通过研究提出了四大流派的理论。对此,有必要借鉴四大流派理论和近几年的研究成果对其形成的原因做进一步的分析。  相似文献   

当老年产业受制于市场的不成熟、不完善而无法顺利形成良性互动式发展趋势时,由政府介入解开市场与企业间的“死结”就成为一种必然的要求。政府应针对不同性质的领域采取不同的对策。对老年产业竞争性领域的政府对策和非竞争性领域的政府对策问题作了分类研究,并着重对老年产业竞争性领域提出了发展思路和可以采取的具体对策措施。  相似文献   

本文在回顾企业理论演进史的基础上.比较与评述了各流派企业本质理论的主要观点。本文认为,各流派对企业本质的认识,从分析与讨论的焦点来看,集中体现为生产、交易与契约3个概念;而从认识与方法论来看.主要包括分工、交易成本与熊彼特传统3个角度。因此,对企业本质的认识还远未结束。  相似文献   

高校党外干部是国家干部人才队伍的有机组成部分,是高校统战工作的重点。加强高校党外干部管理,是坚持和完善中国特色政党制度的需要,是推动社会主义民主政治建设的需要,是推动高校统战工作和高等教育事业发展的需要。探索高校党外干部科学化管理的具体途径,构建高校党外干部科学化管理的体制和机制,具有重要的政治价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

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