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新闻传播是人类的重要社会行为.它不仅存在于人类精神活动的范畴,也贯穿于人类物质生产和经济活动的全过程.近代以来,在一般的新闻传播活动的基础上,形成了面向全社会进行传播的新闻产业.  相似文献   

肖瑶 《商》2014,(19):122-122
近年来,以互联网为载体的新媒体得到了飞速的发展。在新媒体环境中,政府危机公关面临着诸多挑战,如何正确处理新媒体与政府危机公关的关系已经成为政府研究的重要课题之一。只有加大政府的引导和监管力度、增强信息公开的力度与速度以及提升政府工作人员的危机意识才能在危机爆发时及时有效的引导舆论。  相似文献   

企业在危机公关管理中,信息的传播极其重要,这就要求企业首先要准备好要传播的信息,其次设立一个信息中心,进行信息传播,并且在传播中要始终坚持五个原则,才能使企业平稳迅速的度过危机。  相似文献   

甄珍 《商场现代化》2005,(32):24-25
企业在危机公关管理中,信息的传播极其重要,这就要求企业首先要准备好要传播的信息,其次设立一个信息中心,进行信息传播,并且在传播中要始终坚持五个原则,才能使企业平稳迅速的度过危机.  相似文献   

在现代商贸交易中,企业危机就像微机病毒一样花样翻新,冲破防火墙,致使企业这台主机瘫痪。企业的每一次危机都可能使企业走向失败,但同时也可能使企业变得更加成熟或另辟蹊径寻找更大的商机。能够发现并利用机会,获得成功是危机管理的精髓;不能正确地认清形势,使发生的危机进一步恶化,则是危机管理失败的特征。如何进行危机管理,并将企业化险为夷,是成功的企业管理者必备的管理技能之一。本文对企业危机管理过程中管理者应具有的忧患意识、社会责任意识和转化意识进行了解析,进而提出了企业进行危机管理的方法和策略,希望能给我国企业安装上预防危机发生的防火墙。  相似文献   

张宏文 《商场现代化》2022,(24):107-109
在新的历史背景下,互联网、移动互联网技术快速发展,新的传播形态不断出现,社会化媒体的多样化发展导致企业在处理危机公关时面临更大的压力,特别对于创业企业来说,公共关系团队一般建设不健全、经验缺乏,往往面临比成熟企业更大的风险。本文希望聚焦创业企业(这里主要指未上市的非公众型公司),探讨面临公众危机时的公关传播策略制定和应对。  相似文献   

赵波 《北方经贸》2014,(4):155+162-155,162
当前,随着社会的信息化发展,信息化技术的日渐成熟,信息的传播量变大,传播速度也不断加快,这种信息化的发展虽然有利于企业的发展,但是也为企业危机传播管理带来了新的、巨大的挑战。信息化飞速发展的时代背景下,企业危机传播管理问题频发,为更好的应对企业危机传播管理,企业应掌握信息化传播的特性,企业危机管理的要点以及信息化传播对企业危机管理的影响,合理地利用信息化传播手段,更好地进行企业危机的传播管理。本文就信息化传播特点进行了简单的分析,阐明了信息化传播对企业危机管理的影响,并重点探究了当前企业危机传播管理的应对策略。  相似文献   

“刘翔退赛”考验企业危机公关意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘翔因伤撼别第29届北京奥运会。面对突发事件,商家的经验和教训才最重要,刘翔是否依旧是赞助商的绩优股?从刘翔退赛事件看危机公关意识……  相似文献   

张帆  智颖 《中国广告》2010,(6):31-31
经济危机还没有真正过去,如何抓住后危机时代的市场机遇奋力一搏,是很多新媒体考虑的方向。高铁已经给经济带来了很大的变革,长三角、珠三角,关中城镇群(关中主要指西安),武汉城市圈经济格局正在改写。在咸宁市副市长的讲话中可以看到,由于武广高铁的开通,大批的广州客来进行投资,70%的投资都是外来投资者。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):485-508
Embedded traditional management systems can change under the influence of several forces. The 1997 Asian financial crisis was such an event. This paper empirically investigates changes in the human resource management, corporate culture, risk management and competitive strategy parts of management systems in the General Trading Companies of South Korea in terms of internal perceptions of impact on corporate performance. It finds both change and continuity, particularly in corporate culture. This indicates that cultural change in organisations is not an easy task, not least because it is associated with changes in the values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs and behaviour of people. It also shows the importance of disaggregating trends as there can be simultaneously change and continuity.  相似文献   

本文从企业生命周期的角度出发,分析企业处于生命周期不同阶段的生存危机,从而为企业加强危机管理,预防和避免危机的发生,提高企业适应环境变化的能力和竞争能力,及时而有效地采取相关措施提供参考.  相似文献   

危机管理理论探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外针对危机管理的研究已有将近50年,国内外学者一直在不懈努力着,本文对危机管理理论进行了基本的梳理,并对危机管理今后的发展趋势做出分析,提供了危机管理理论研究的新视角.  相似文献   

The year 2000 saw a sudden rise in failures of prominent Japanese retailers. With problems of corporate finance and governance being pointed out as early as the 1970s, the recent problems as well as the continuous rise of companies up to then have to be explained. This article contends that a major explanatory factor is the weakening of the existing stable relationships between retailers and financial institutions. Banks functioned as lenders, shareholders and providers of management resources. Changes in the banking sector led to changes in the relationship at the end of the 1990s. Problems in corporate governance surfaced that might result in a major reorganization of the Japanese retail scene.  相似文献   

In view of the multitude of factors which are at work it is evident that there is no one-way solution to the current problems of the EC. Rather a differentiated approach is required. In this context it is essential that the long-term economic and political goals of the Community are not “forgotten” over the need to find pragmatic answers to present-day difficulties.  相似文献   

张玉洁 《国际市场》2004,(11):57-58
毫无疑问,危机公关是近些年来的热门课题,罗伯特·希斯著的<危机管理>的多语言版本的畅销把危机公关意识输入了大小企业管理层的大脑,同时像<谁动了我的奶酪>此类书也大有唤醒个人的忧患意识之势.在去年的一场SARS过后,危机管理越来越受到社会各界的关注,其中也不乏成功案例,下面简述的强生和索尼两个案例,正是由于企业及时的反应力和以客户利益为首的观念,才把已经爆发的危机降到了极限,可谓是此类事件中的样板案例.然而只要稍微有些经济头脑的人,就会看到这些挽回的背后是以大把银子为代价的.  相似文献   


The omnichannel varies across countries due to different retail environments and retailers’ growth strategies. The Japanese big retailers’ omnichannel can be characterized by having multiple retail formats, such as department stores, general merchandise stores, convenience stores, specialty stores, Internet stores, and so on. They have grown by multiplying retail formats to appeal to different customer segments, and they have unique challenges in managing an omnichannel with many retail formats. These are (1) extremely wide variety of merchandise, (2) enormous quantity of data from transaction, inventory, logistics, and customers, (3) different organization structures and management, and (4) unique organizational capabilities in each retail format. From these challenges, we could propose further research issues as follows: (1) theoretical consideration of boundary-spanning functions among retail formats, (2) international comparative analysis reflecting the different conditions in each country, and (3) clarifying the characteristics of the omnichannel shopper in the Japanese omnichannel environment.  相似文献   

Corporate social policy can be viewed as three legs of a tripod: efficient production, stable employment, and a social and political environment that promotes high performance of both workers and managers. Social policy process consists of achieving a balance of corporate interest with other interests in the society. Each policy position taken by the firm alters its relationships with all other interests and creates a new balance. This entails the risk of creating unfriendly interests and losing the support of others, depending on the issue and shift in power. The substance of policy affects this balance according to varying degrees of risk ranging from low to high: provision of good pay and working conditions, and justice; participation in local community affairs, charitable and cultural contributions, corporate lobbying, and electing candidates. Social policy formation is, thus, the search for a balance of public policy and private interests. It is an experiment in governance; in mediating differences over values between public and private interests.  相似文献   

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