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This case exposes students to strategy issues for an electronic business that is subject to a particularly complex set of laws and regulations. This note explains the teaching objectives of the case and how to use the case in class. Instructors can organize its discussion around four questions which guide the students from the analysis of the industry and a characterization of different forms of competition in sports gambling, to the strategy of BetonSports and the political calculations that serve as basis for this strategy. A more complete teaching guide is available from the authors upon request.  相似文献   

Efforts to estimate the effects of international trade on a country’s real income have been hampered by the failure to account for the endogeneity of trade. Frankel and Romer recently use a country’s geographic attributes — notably its distance from potential trading partners — to construct an instrument to identify the effects of trade on income in 1985. Using data from the pre-World War I, the interwar, and the post-war periods, we find that the main result of Frankel and Romer is confirmed throughout the whole century: countries that trade more as a proportion of their GDP have higher incomes even after controlling for the endogeneity of trade. We also find that the OLS estimate of trade’s effect on income is biased downwards in almost every sample year. However, this result is not robust to the inclusion of distance from equator (latitude).  相似文献   

Past research has yielded valuable insights into the drivers of traditional coupon redemption, but the applicability of these results to electronic coupons remains an open question. We investigate the determinants of electronic coupon redemption, employing a large panel dataset for five product categories (detergent, milk, cookies, shampoo, and orange juice) for the period 2003-2005. Our findings reveal that education and employment positively influence redemption rates and our analysis indicates that these findings are not due to unobserved individual effects. The focus is on comparing coupon-use discrepancies between national and private label brands when the characteristics of coupons are taken into account. A higher face value appears to be a critical element in electronic coupon format, and this gives rise to more purchases for nonperishables (shampoo and detergent). Results also show significant seasonal variations in milk and orange-juice coupon usage. Furthermore, the distance of consumers from the redemption location has a significantly negative effect, whereas the expiration date has no evident effect. The implications for electronic coupon research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A ground swell of nationalism in foreign countries may mean the end of the multinational firm; steps to accommodate to public sentiment in the host country offer only temporary relief, and the proposed. “supranational” corporation would still be considered an outsider. A new form of international business activity must evolve. One possibility is a management contract, whereby the Western firm supplies management skills and technical knowledge without the equity participation and direct control that have been the essence of traditional foreign investment. This device would remove the principal objection of host countries to direct investment from abroad—foreign ownership of local industry—and the foreign firm would benefit from some revenue—better than eviction.  相似文献   

This paper tests for the presence of non-linearities in the propagation of devaluation expectations among the countries that were members of the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS. We show that whenever it is possible to estimate a model for financial interdependence, a full-information technique to detect such non-linearities is more efficient than the limited-information estimator proposed, in a similar context, by Rigobon (2000). This happens, in particular, when the periods of market turbulence are relatively short. Our evidence suggests that non-linearities in the propagation of devaluation expectations were a general phenomenon in the ERM. Normally the non-linearity amounts to a stronger effect in the same direction, but sometimes, as in the Dutch case, it implies a significant effect in the opposite direction: evidence of flight-to-quality.  相似文献   

In this study, we use extreme bounds analysis to test the robustness of the hypothesis that regional trading arrangements (RTAs) are trade creating. Extreme bounds analysis provides a more rigorous test of specification uncertainty than traditional econometric theory by incorporating prior information and using a systematic approach to testing the fragility of coefficient estimates. The results show that the trade creation effect of most RTAs is fragile. Using a least squares estimator where all weight is attached to the sampling distribution, eight or more of the twelve RTAs considered are found to be trade creating. When the relative weight in the estimation is shifted from the sampling to the prior distribution, the number of RTAs that are trade creating falls to six at the 95 percent likelihood ellipsoid. Moreover, when we specify that not all RTAs are trade creating, four RTAs increase trade at the 95 percent likelihood ellipsoid. At the extreme bounds, when all weight is attached to the prior distribution, none of the RTAs are found to be trade creating. As a result, we conclude that the pervasive trade creation effect found in the literature reflects not the information content of the data but rather the unacknowledged beliefs of the researchers.  相似文献   

This article proposes the existence of two types of hope which differ in terms of self-regulatory goals: prevention hope and promotion hope. Consistent with the functional emotion approach and regulatory focus theory, we show that prevention hope generates more goal-directed behavior compared to promotion hope. Next, we replicate these findings in an advertising context. Results from three experiments show that prevention hope ads lead to more goal-directed consumer behaviors like (1) greater memory for product information, (2) greater willingness to test the advertised product, and (3) more intentions to focus on product information and undertake product-related action than promotion hope ads.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the empirical question whether the regional distribution of production factors within countries is ever so uneven that it triggers specialization of production that makes regions produce different sets of goods at different factor prices. Due to the different welfare effects of trade policy in a country with regional specialization, this is an important question. In addition, it is a question about the legitimacy of treating a country as a relatively homogenous unit. In answering these questions, I implement the concept of “lumpiness” as introduced by Courant and Deardorff [J. Polit. Econ. 100 (1992) 198]. I find that lumpiness or an uneven regional distribution of production factors that induces intranational specialization and different regional factor prices is not an issue for Japan, the United Kingdom and maybe not even for India.  相似文献   

Examining the relationship between factor endowments and production patterns using data from Japanese prefectures and from OECD nations, we find evidence of substantial production indeterminacy. Regressions of outputs on endowments yield prediction errors six to 30 times larger for goods traded relatively freely than for non-traded goods. We argue that a compelling explanation for these results is the existence of more goods than factors in the presence of trade costs. If so, regressions of trade or output on endowments have weak theoretical foundations. Furthermore, since errors are largest in data sets where trade costs are small, we explain why the common methodology of imputing trade barriers from regression residuals has produced counterintuitive results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates actual Venture Capital (VC) decision making as it occurs over time in its natural decision environment. Our qualitative analysis is based on a comprehensive, longitudinal data set comprising 11 years of archival data from a European-based VC firm. During this time, the VC managed two funds, reviewed a total of 3631 deals, and made 35 investments. By adopting this research methodology, we can overcome several limitations of post-hoc methods and experiments commonly used in this research stream, and also have the opportunity to tackle some fundamental, yet hitherto elusive research topics. For example, our findings reveal how the importance of decision-making criteria varies between different stages of the evaluation process. They also show how VC portfolio composition and VC management time serve as important, yet to-date largely neglected decision-making criteria. Implications for research and practice are outlined.  相似文献   

This article examines whether the involvement of stakeholders in the design of corporate codes of conduct leads to a higher implementation likelihood of the code. The empirical focus is on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). The article compares the inclusion of OSH issues in the codes of conduct of 30 companies involved in International Framework Agreements (IFAs), agreed upon by trade unions and multinational enterprises, with those of a benchmark sample of 38 leading Multinational Enterprises in comparable industries. It is found that codes of the IFA group have a higher implementation likelihood in OSH than the codes of the benchmark group. Further, European firms, culturally more used to stakeholder involvement, score higher than their US and Japanese competitors, and hence are more capable of addressing the safety and health issues in international supply chains. The implementation likelihood of codes seems closely related to the type of corporate CSR approach.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze whether regional economic integration across US states conditions local labor-market adjustment. We examine the mechanisms through which states absorb changes in labor supplies and whether industry production techniques are similar across states. There are two main findings. Firstly, states absorb changes in employment primarily through changes in production techniques that are common across states and through changes in the output of traded goods, with the former mechanism playing the larger role. In contrast, state-specific changes in production techniques, which are one indication of state-specific changes in relative factor prices, account for relatively little factor absorption. Secondly, industry production techniques are very similar across states, especially for neighboring states and states with similar relative labor supplies. Both sets of results are consistent with productivity-adjusted FPE across either large states or groupings of related states.  相似文献   

While reward programs have been widely used as a means to engender customer loyalty, it is not clear if the ends are justified. Some researchers argue that we do not fully understand the mechanism underlying reward programs and how it affects consumer acceptability of such programs. In this study, we examine two variables; timing (immediate vs. delayed) and type (direct vs. indirect) of rewards in two service conditions (satisfied vs. dissatisfied). We conduct the experiment in two service settings and the results indicate that when consumers are satisfied, they prefer delayed, direct rewards (of higher values) to immediate, direct rewards. However, when consumers are dissatisfied, they prefer immediate, direct rewards to delayed, direct rewards (of higher values). Interestingly, the preference for direct over indirect rewards is apparent only if the rewards are delayed (for the satisfactory service experience) or immediate (for the dissatisfactory service experience).  相似文献   

The use of computer models simplifies forecasting and planning for manpower needs by manipulating available data through mathematical techniques. At this point, models appear to serve a “reality testing” function for managers, and represent a new tool, a new source of feedback information in this difficult area of management responsibility. The author discusses forecasts of organizational needs for manpower (less amenable to modeling than forecasts of available manpower); manpower supply models (experience is more extensive in this area, and a number of models have been suggested); analysis of career movements of managers and professionals; and simulation models. The objectives remain constant: increased understanding of manpower levels and flows that may contribute to improved manpower planning.  相似文献   

Current speculation continues to imply that satisfaction and performance are causally related. While the performance-causes-satisfaction proposition is a more recent development, the contention that satisfaction causes performance remains more widely held. Recent research findings, however, offer only moderate support of the former view and reject the latter. The evidence indicates that the relationship is more complex: rewards constitute a more direct cause of satisfaction than does performance, and rewards based on current performance cause subsequent performance. Thus, the manager who wants to improve his subordinates' performance must, first, provide valued rewards of sufficient magnitude and then establish the necessary contingencies between effort and performance and between performance and rewards. Last, he needs to consider a range of nonmotivational factors.  相似文献   

Viewed over the long run, expenditures for environmental control may be the most productive for society, but they do not fit into the traditional concept of investment. They do not increase our capacity to produce consumer goods in the future. The authors describe the possible impact on the economy of pollution expenditures over the next ten years, using the figure of $7–8 billion annually for capital costs as a supportable estimate. If we invest in environmental control systems, the growth rate of GNP will be slower; the effect will depend first on the amount involved and on the underlying conditions of the economy. The authors discuss financing alternatives on the federal, local, and industrial levels and project the impact on the money market.  相似文献   

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