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精制高白彩印新闻纸问世 湖南岳纸公司研制成功了一种高白彩印新闻纸,并通过了湖南省经贸委组织的技术鉴定。 该纸采用该公司具有自主知识产权的当代清洁工艺生产的意大利杨APMP浆配抄,通过优化生产工艺,采用高速叠网纸机抄造。该纸白度高、抗张强度大、印刷适性好、表面强度高、不掉毛掉粉,完全能达到进口高速轮转印刷机的印刷要求,可替代进口产品  相似文献   

上海紫光公司 今年推出YR254卷筒纸 柔版印刷机 上海紫光机械有限公司继去年年底推出我国第一台高精度YR420卷筒纸柔版印刷机后,今年又研制开发出适合市场需求的YR254卷筒纸柔版印刷机。日前,这种印刷机在上海的工业博览会与全国各地的用  相似文献   

从技术上谈多元胶印机 多元胶印机是国内小胶印的精品,在技术上有以下优势: 多元胶印机采用高档的铸铁材料HT250作为墙板,墙板全部由加工中心完成,完全达到了大型印刷机所具备的精度等级。多元胶印机墙板的厚度已接近四开机的墙板厚度,足以保持胶印机稳定运转。  相似文献   

可降解可循环再生 的包装板材科研项目 本项目研究出一种新型绿色环保包装材料,在包装领域里它可以代替木材。所用的主要原材料为废旧再生塑料和废旧廉价天然纤维,同时使用绿色助剂来提高材料的力学性能。此种可降解可循环再生的  相似文献   

上海油墨泗联化工有限公司推出油墨新产品——彩英(CY)型冷固轮转胶印四色墨,适用于印刷具有较好吸收性的卷筒纸、报纸、书刊、杂志和电话号薄等印刷品。 该产品能满足各类高速冷固轮转胶印机对油墨的要求,具有优良的印刷适应性和稳定  相似文献   

施乐公司及其商业伙伴通过提供商业机会、改善当前工作流程、提高印刷控制向人们展示了数字印刷技术对印前技术的影响。 施乐的新型DocuColor DI系列胶印机,将印前扩展到数字印刷过程当中。DocuColor233 DI-4是一种初级的机型,有印刷区域较小、易操作、快速  相似文献   

陕西北人印机公司推出纸张凹版印刷机近年来,陕西北人印刷机械有限责任公司为适应“绿色包装”市场的发展趋势,为用户提供多种选择,推动中国包装工业发展.率先成功开发出国产高档纸张凹版印刷机.日前又将国产首台“丽乐包”专用印刷、压痕、打孔联机投放市场。  相似文献   

环保油墨Opis100问世 日本大阪印刷油墨公司最近推出了新型环保油墨“Opis100”。该油墨为单张纸胶印油墨,符合日本环境协会去年年未修订的绿色标志认定标准.它具有如下特点: (1)符合新修改的绿色标志“平版油墨V-2”标准;  相似文献   

Baldwin Technology Compa-ny,Inc.,是国际印刷工业印刷机配件和控制设备的主要生产厂家,将在Ipex 2002展会上展示新一代用户驱动综合解决方案,它是专为印刷业者提高生产效率并降低成本而设计的。  相似文献   

纸是我们最熟悉不过的东西之一。自从蔡伦改进造纸术至今,植物纤维一直是造纸的主要材料。但是,随着科学技术的不断发展,造纸中应用的原材料也在发生着改变。几年前,杜邦公司曾经推出了一种撕不破的纤维纸;现在,又一种突破性的技术问世了,这就是  相似文献   

上海紫光机械有限公司继去年年底推出我国第一台高精度YR420卷筒纸柔版印刷机后,今年又研制开发出适合市场需求的YR254卷筒纸柔版印刷机.日前,这种印刷机在上海的工业博览会与全国各地的用户见面了.  相似文献   

The role of firm information about product and financial markets is the subject of considerable research. Typically empirical research measures information through price dispersion. However, the dispersion represents an imperfect measure of information. Several studies utilize stochastic frontier estimation techniques to measure worker information about the labor market. This paper determines whether the frontier information measure can be applied to the measurement of firm information about product markets. Several intuitive hypotheses are tested concerning the relationship between firm characteristics and information investments. The results are consistent with expectations and provide support for using stochastic frontier techniques to measure firm information.  相似文献   

一、2000年电子信息产品市场走势电子信息技术的发展将对2000年电子信息产品市场产生三个方面的影响。(1)市场的主导产品和主流产品。电子信息技术发展对市场主导产品和主流产品的影响直接体现在改变市场的需求结构,如改变消费者偏好,改变某种产品市场需求量,等等。电子信息技术的飞速发展导致电子产品市场需求不断变化,这种影响又主要表现在三个方面:一是数字化技术的发展使得传统模拟技术产品受到冲击,导致模拟技术产品的市场需求逐渐减少,数字化产品的市场需求逐渐增加。在一些产品领域如家电产品中,数字化产品将成为市场的主导产品,并有…  相似文献   

胜利石油管理局质量监督检验所是下属于胜利石油管理局技术检测中心的质检机构 ,它的主要任务是对油田内部生产以及进入油田物资供应部门的各种产品进行质量检验 ,保证油田的安全生产。质检所日常检验所涉及的产品种类繁多 ,检测信息繁杂、松散 ,检测数据的保存、查询、汇总完全依靠人工完成 ,检测信息不能方便及时的共享 ,大大限制了质量监督对油田生产的作用。产品质量检验信息管理系统正是为适应质检所生产运行的管理以及检测信息的存储、汇总、查询、共享而开发的 ,可将质检所的各类检测报告及相关的数据纳入数据库管理 ,实现检验工作按…  相似文献   

The Role of Market Information in New Product Success/Failure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although no single variable holds the key to new product performance, many of the widely recognized success factors share a common thread: the processing of market information. Understanding customer wants and needs ultimately comes down to a company's capabilities for gathering and using market information. And another well-acknowledged success factor the integration of marketing, R&D, and manufacturing focuses on the sharing of information. In other words, a firm's effectiveness in market information processing—the gathering, sharing, and use of market information—plays a pivotal role in determining the success or failure of its new products. Brian D. Ottum and William L. Moore describe the results of a study that examines the relationship between market information processing and new product success. They also explore the organizational factors that facilitate successful processing of market information, and thus offer ideas for better managing the development of new products. The respondents—marketing, R&D, and manufacturing managers from Utah-based computer and medical device manufacturers—provided information about 58 new products, including equal numbers of successes and failures. The survey responses reveal strong relationships between product success and market information processing, with success most closely linked to information use. In other words, the gathering and sharing of information are important, but only if the information is used effectively. In 80 percent of the product successes studied, the respondents ultimately possessed and used a greater than average amount of market information. And in 75 percent of the failures, the respondents knew less than average about the market at project inception, and gathered or used less than the average amount of market information during the project. For the projects in this study, the integration of marketing, R&D, and manufacturing contributed not only to the sharing and use of information, but also to overall project success. However, the results of the study suggest that the way in which a project is organized plays only an indirect role in determining new product success—most likely by improving the processing of market information. From a managerial perspective, the most important variables identified in the study are market information shared, market information used, and financial success.  相似文献   

Firms are investing an increasing amount of time and resources to gather information about market and technology in new product development (NPD). Yet there is a lack of consistent understanding of whether such costly information generation activities can improve product outcomes. More importantly, it is unclear how the benefit of market information and technical information generation may differ and how they may jointly impact new product performance. This study examines the role of market and technical information generation in NPD in three ways: (1) It contrasts the effects of market and technical information generation on product outcomes; (2) it identifies conditions that moderate the effects of market and technical information generation and further investigates how the moderating effects differ for these two types of activities; and (3) it examines the joint effect of market and technical information generation to understand potential synergies between them. Using survey data at the NPD project level, we find that market information generation has an inverted U‐shaped effect on new product advantage, whereas the effect of technical information generation follows a U‐shape. Furthermore, these effects are moderated differently by two conditions: a firm’s R&D intensity that influences NPD projects’ need for different types of information, and the use of multidisciplinary teams that affects the degree to which information can be shared and utilized to improve product design. The findings provide important implications for organizational learning and shed light on how to manage information generation activities to achieve NPD success.  相似文献   

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