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基于当前零售企业竞争日益激烈、日益重视顾客抱怨处理的背景下,零售企业处理顾客抱怨孤掌难鸣,因此,本文提供了零售企业营销“顾客抱怨”的第三个方向——供应商。探讨了零售企业向供应商营销“顾客抱怨”的必要性和价值。最后本文提出了零售企业向供应商营销“顾客抱怨”的相关建议。  相似文献   

基于当前零售企业竞争日益激烈、日益重视顾客抱怨处理的背景下,零售企业处理顾客抱怨孤掌难鸣,因此,本文提供了零售企业营销“顾客抱怨”的第三个方向——供应商。探讨了零售企业向供应商营销“顾客抱怨”的必要性和价值。最后本文提出了零售企业向供应商营销“顾客抱怨”的相关建议。  相似文献   

刘炼  张莹 《现代商贸工业》2007,19(11):15-16
服务失败不仅给顾客造成伤害,而且由此引发的顾客报怨、顾客流失、顾客投诉等后果必然对企业的经营和发展造成不良影响。因此,必须正确地对待服务失败,并采取有效的服务补救措施来最大限度的降低顾客的不满。提高服务补救水平,是保持顾客满意和提高顾客忠诚的一个非常重要的手段。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的今天,企业之间的竞争已经变成对顾客的竞争,可以说顾客是企业发展的基本条件,企业要想赢得忠诚的顾客,得到无限的发展,必须时刻牢记"高度的顾客满意创造高度的顾客忠诚",时刻为提高顾客满意而努力.  相似文献   

进入20世纪90年代以来,市场份额和利润的相关程度已大大降低,顾客的满意和忠诚成为影响企业利润高低的决定性要素。实践证明,消除顾客抱怨是增强顾客满意、培养顾客忠诚的有效途径。顾客抱怨的形式有许多种,如现场抱怨,打电话抱怨,写信抱怨,发送电子邮件抱怨等等,本文着重分析的是顾客的现场抱怨行为以及服务人员应如何处理此种形式的顾客抱怨,旨在提供一个处理现场顾客抱怨的模式。  相似文献   

在体验营销时代,顾客抱怨是任何一个企业都难以避免的,面对抱怨,有的企业流失了大量的顾 客,有的企业却赢得顾客忠诚。抱怨管理作为CRM(顾客关系管理)的重要一环,成为企业质量管理 体系的一个重要“插件”。正确处理顾客抱怨有着化腐朽为神奇的力量。  相似文献   

文章从服务营销理论引出服务营销所遵循的原则,通过"客人永远是对的"这一普遍观点引出营销的目的。顾客满意是文章主要认同的观点,而满意的顾客什么样?哪些因素影响顾客满意,如何才能让顾客满意是文章主要论述的问题,最后得出结论并指出顾客并不永远都是对的。  相似文献   

顾客满意的达成,大致可以概括为三个关键因素:一是优良的产品;二是成功的销售过程;三是高品质的售后服务。前两项相对企业来说,一般均容易满足顾客的需要,而竞争激烈的焦点是以怎样的服务来赢取顾客的心。由此看来,企业致胜的法宝不是具体的生产什么产品,销售什么产品,而是制造服务和销售服务品质。  相似文献   

顾客不满意的反应、影响及抱怨化解策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾客满意理论表明,产品或服务质量与顾客满意度之间有密切关系,而顾客不满意时会做出各种反应,有关调查表明顾客不满意对相关企业将产生负面影响.顾客发生抱怨的主要原因是产品问题和服务问题.正确对待抱怨的顾客并采取有效策略如耐心倾听、诚恳交谈、迅速处理、总结分析、提高产品和服务质量等,可以化解顾客抱怨并为企业赢得更多顾客.  相似文献   

陆鹏 《市场研究》2007,(2):53-55
<正>一、顾客抱怨管理的重要性与当前存在的问题分析在新的竞争形式下,企业竞争的核心是争取顾客,实现顾客满意与建立顾客忠诚成为现代企业追求的新目标。要实现顾客满意首先要明确顾客的需求,之后才能通过研制、开发、生产出令顾客满意的产品和服务,因此正确了解顾客需求是企业开展各项工作的立足点。  相似文献   

There has been much emphasis in recent years, both in the service quality and customer satisfactoin literature, on the need to understand customer expectations. Less attention has been given to the management of expectations. This paper reports on a recent study of expectations management practices in British service firms and offers a checklist for service firms to use in the evaluation of their expectations management practices. It also links expectations management practices to overall customer satisfaction and market share.  相似文献   

While the consumer affairs and services marketing literatures recognize the importance of input from customers, little is known about how customer feedback systems might operate, particularly in dealing with customer complaints. This paper offers an information processing model of the complaint information flow within the organization and poses hypotheses based on the suggested model. A new field study technique using a type of network analysis is used to empirically test hypotheses and discover barriers and facilitators to the flow of communications. The study provides insight concerning how complaint information flows through the organization after it has been received by a customer contact employee. The results provide support for the thesis that the role of complaint handler and manager in providing the service is at least as important as the role of the customer contact employee.  相似文献   

在社会认同理论的基础上,通过建立服务业企业社会责任与顾客忠诚的关系模型,研究发现企业社会责任对服务评价、消费者认同感有正面效应,服务评价、消费者认同感对顾客忠诚有正面效应,企业社会责任对顾客忠诚没有直接的作用,但通过服务评价、消费者认同感对顾客忠诚产生间接影响。  相似文献   


Given the critical need for retail firms to provide high quality customer service and satisfaction, this article investigates the importance of formalizing customer complaint handling policies and procedures with regard to its relationship to the ways in which retail companies receive, record, and respond to customer complaints. A survey of 184 firms from the retail environment of a midsized community reveals that the existence of such formalized procedures is significantly associated with firm size, better channels of communication with customers, mechanisms of recording customer feedback, and better-trained employees, which have been shown to relate to higher firm performance.  相似文献   

应用四种客户服务模式,阐述了客户服务涉及的相关主体、各主体间的信息流以及信息的不对称性,参考前人的相关研究成果,综合考虑企业客户服务流程以及客户服务担负的辅助决策功能,建立了包括虚拟客户服务中心、终端客户、中介组织和管理层辅助决策支持四部分的客户服务模式,以降低企业的综合客户服务成本,提高终端客户、内部客户、服务中介组织以及供应商的忠诚度和满意度。  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to ascertain the importance of customer orientation as a business strategy within the smaller services sector. The adoption of customer orientation is measured from the firm's point of view, and its effect on financial performance is analyzed. Customer perception is analyzed, using two variables, perceived value and loyalty. The sample consists of 100 Spanish rural tourism enterprises and 572 customers. The findings reveal that customer orientation has a direct effect on perceived value, and perceived value has a direct effect on loyalty toward the firm. Furthermore, customer orientation contributes to the achievement of financial performance.  相似文献   

在高度竞争的市场环境中,赢得顾客并与顾客维持长久关系是非常重要的,而这种长久关系的建立在很大程度上是以顾客满意为基础的。因此,如何提高顾客满意度、培育和维系忠诚的顾客群体是现代企业生存和发展亟待解决的重要课题。本论文提出了一个包含服务公平性、顾客感知质量、顾客感知价值、顾客满意感和顾客忠诚感概念模型及18项相关研究假设,并在武汉市20家酒店展开了问卷调查.最后采用规范的、科学的实证研究方法对此概念模型和研究假设进行了检验。  相似文献   

This is one of the first studies to explore customer retention in reference to the franchisee–customer relationship. A subsequent objective was to examine localization and standardization from a franchise unit and system-level perspective. Data was collected using a self-administered survey based on customers of pet grooming services in Australia. Findings suggest that the addition of a customer retention perspective reveals a greater depth to the franchisee–customer relationship. Importantly, this implies that there are additional factors likely to influence franchisee–customer retention within franchise outlets. We suggest that individual franchise units, in cooperation with local customers, should co-create local marketing initiatives.  相似文献   

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