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This paper illustrates the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to test the ability of selected SAS No. 53 red flags to predict the targets of the SEC investigations. Investors and auditors desire to predict SEC targets because substantial losses in equity value are associated with SEC investigations. The ANN models classify the membership in target (investigated) versus control (non-investigated) firms with an average accuracy of 81%. One reason for the relative success of the ANN models is that ANNs have the ability to ‘learn’ what is important. The participants in financial reporting frauds have incentives to appear prosperous as evidenced by high profitability. In contrast to conventional statistical models with static assumptions, the ANNs use adaptive learning processes to determine what is important in predicting targets. Thus, the ANN approach is less likely to be affected by accounting manipulations. Our ANN models are biased against achieving predictive success because we use only publicly available information. The results confirm the value of red flags, i.e. financial ratios available from trial balance in conjunction with non-financial red flags such as the turnover of CEO, CFO and auditors do have predictive value. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are major contributors to the economy of most countries, but under the ‘credit crunch’ it has been suggested that many SMEs are facing a range of difficulties. In this context, it is increasingly important to consider the factors influencing the survival of SMEs. However, the research on SME default is surprisingly limited. We reviewed the media accounts of SME performance under the current economic downturn. We suggest that it may not be the ‘credit crunch’ and the restriction of credit itself that has an impact on SME survival, but rather the consequences arising from the recession. The difficulties may lie with downturn in trade leading to reduction in cash flow and turnover, and this may be exacerbated by a slowdown in the rate of payments for all businesses. These aspects feed through to the higher risk premium that may be charged to SMEs. The review of related literature on modelling SME default and their performance in previous recessions identifies aspects that are important for survival.  相似文献   

Small-medium enterprises (SMEs) encounter financial constraints when they try to obtain credit from banks. These constraints are particularly severe for innovative SMEs. Thus, developing models for innovative SMEs that provide reliable estimates of their probabilities of default (PD) is important because the PDs can also serve as ratings. We examine the role of innovative assets such as patents in credit risk modelling due to their signaling value. Specifically, we add to a logit model two innovation-related variables in order to account for both the dimension and the value of the patent portfolio. Based on a unique data set of innovative SMEs with default years of 2005–2008, we show that, although the value of the patent portfolio always reduces the PD, its dimension reduces the firm’s riskiness only if coupled with an appropriate equity level.  相似文献   

Modelling Credit Risk for SMEs: Evidence from the U.S. Market   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considering the fundamental role played by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the economy of many countries and the considerable attention placed on SMEs in the new Basel Capital Accord, we develop a distress prediction model specifically for the SME sector and to analyse its effectiveness compared to a generic corporate model. The behaviour of financial measures for SMEs is analysed and the most significant variables in predicting the entities' credit worthiness are selected in order to construct a default prediction model. Using a logit regression technique on panel data of over 2,000 U.S. firms (with sales less than $65 million) over the period 1994–2002, we develop a one-year default prediction model. This model has an out-of-sample prediction power which is almost 30 per cent higher than a generic corporate model. An associated objective is to observe our model's ability to lower bank capital requirements considering the new Basel Capital Accord's rules for SMEs.  相似文献   

The risk associated with lending to small businesses has become more important since regulations started obliging banks to use separate procedures in assessing SMEs' credit worthiness. However, current accounting-based models for SMEs do not account for the impact of market information on default prediction. We fill this gap in the literature by introducing a hybrid default prediction model for unlisted SMEs that uses market information of listed SMEs (comparable approach) alongside existing accounting information of unlisted SMEs. Our results suggest that the accuracy of this default prediction modelling approach in the hold-out sample, during the period of the financial crisis 2007-09 and for the entire sample-period, improves considerably. We conclude that the proposed hybrid model is a good replacement for existing standard accounting-based methods on SMEs' default prediction.  相似文献   

This is an extension of prior studies that have used artificial neural networks to predict bankruptcy. The incremental contribution of this study is threefold. First, we use only financially stressed firms in our control sample. This enables the models to more closely approximate the actual decision processes of auditors and other interested parties. Second, we develop a more parsimonious model using qualitative ‘bad news’ variables that prior research indicates measure financial distress. Past research has focused on the ‘usefulness’ of accounting numbers and therefore often ignored non‐accounting variables that may contribute to the classification accuracy of the distress prediction models. In addition, rather than use multiple financial ratios, we include a single variable of financial distress using the Zmijewski distress score that incorporates ratios measuring profitability, liquidity, and solvency. Finally, we develop and test a genetic algorithm neural network model. We examine its predictive ability to that of a backpropagation neural network and a model using multiple discriminant analysis. The results indicate that the misclassification cost of the genetic algorithm‐based neural network was the lowest among the models. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aims to shed light on the debate concerning the choice between discrete-time and continuous-time hazard models in making bankruptcy or any binary prediction using interval censored data. Building on the theoretical suggestions from various disciplines, we empirically compare widely used discrete-time hazard models (with logit and clog-log links) and the continuous-time Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) model in predicting bankruptcy and financial distress of the United States Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Consistent with the theoretical arguments, we report that discrete-time hazard models are superior to the continuous-time CPH model in making binary predictions using interval censored data. Moreover, hazard models developed using a failure definition based jointly on bankruptcy laws and firms’ financial health exhibit superior goodness of fit and classification measures, in comparison to models that employ a failure definition based either on bankruptcy laws or firms’ financial health alone.  相似文献   

We present an integrated statistical model for assessing risk and projecting financial losses on automobile leases. The model employs nonstationary Markovian state transitions for active leases and hierarchical logistic and regression equations for different outcomes on termination. The model reveals that lower residual risks may partially offset higher credit risk for customers whose credit scores predict higher risk of default. It also reveals a risk profile that differs through time from other secured credits such as mortgages. A three-year follow-up of forecasts versus outcomes for 39,500 leasing contracts shows that the model predicted rates of repossession better than standard roll-rate models with stationary transition probabilities. It displayed similar accuracy in predicting unscheduled terminations and insurance settlements.   相似文献   

We analyse a sample of 6 million firm-year observations of large corporations and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) spanning 6 European countries from 2005 to 2015, to determine the impact of leverage and different sources of funding on default risk. We find that financial leverage has a greater impact on the probability of default of SMEs than of large corporations. The difference in default probability between the top and bottom leverage quartiles is 1.24% for large firms and 2.87% for SMEs. This difference may be explained by the greater exposure of SMEs to short-term debt and their consequently higher refinancing risk. Indeed, we find that SMEs that recover from the state of insolvency may have similar leverage to defaulted SMEs; however their liability structure is significantly altered towards long-term debt and away from short-term debt. Our findings have important implications not only for bank regulators and policy-makers but also for credit risk modelling.  相似文献   

We examine the role of venture capital (VC) in small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) loans through samples on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ) in China. We find that VC backup can effectively improve SMEs’ access to bank loans, especially short-term loans, at lower costs, and loans without collateral. VC backed loans are also less likely to default and positively related to SMEs’ performance. Our findings further suggest that VC backup reduces the information asymmetry between banks and SMEs through both “hard” information of better-quality financial statement and “soft” information of SMEs’ creditability. Evidenced by enhanced SME financing conditions and bank efficiency in loan allocation, the combined debt-equity financing scheme can be a meaningful new ingredient in the financial infrastructure of the largest emerging market.  相似文献   

Bond rating agencies examine the financial outlook of a company and the characteristics of a bond issue and assign a rating that indicates an independent assessment of the degree of default risk associated with the firm’s bonds. Predicting this bond rating has been of interest to potential investors as well as to the firm. Prior research in this area has primarily relied upon traditional statistical methods to develop models with reasonably good prediction accuracy. This article utilizes a neural network approach to modeling the bond rating process in an attempt to increase the overall prediction accuracy of the models. A comparison is made to a more traditional logistic regression approach to classification prediction. The results indicate that the neural networks-based model performs significantly better than the logistic regression model for classifying a holdout sample of newly issued bonds in the 1990–92 period. A potential drawback to a neural network approach is a tendency to overfit the data which could negatively affect the model’s generalizability. This study carefully controls for overfitting and obtains significant improvement in bond rating prediction compared to the logistic regression approach. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The widespread adoption of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) suggests that intelligent software agents can now use financial information disseminated on the Web with high accuracy. Financial data have been widely used by researchers to predict financial crises; however, few studies have considered corporate governance indicators in building prediction models. This article presents a financial crisis prediction model that involves using a genetic algorithm for determining the optimal feature set and support vector machines (SVMs) to be used with XBRL. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms models based on only one type of information, either financial or corporate governance. Compared with conventional statistical methods, the proposed SVM model forecasts financial crises more accurately.  相似文献   

Although copious statistical failure prediction models are described in the literature, appropriate tests of whether such methodologies really work in practice are lacking. Validation exercises typically use small samples of non‐failed firms and are not true tests of ex ante predictive ability, the key issue of relevance to model users. This paper provides the operating characteristics of the well‐known Taffler (1983) UK‐based z‐score model for the first time and evaluates its performance over the 25‐year period since it was originally developed. The model is shown to have clear predictive ability over this extended time period and dominates more naïve prediction approaches. This study also illustrates the economic value to a bank of using such methodologies for default risk assessment purposes. Prima facie, such results also demonstrate the predictive ability of the published accounting numbers and associated financial ratios used in the z‐score model calculation.  相似文献   

Since 1966, researchers have examined financial distress prediction models to determine the usefulness of accounting information to lenders. These researchers primarily used legal bankruptcy as the response variable for economic financial distress, or included legal bankruptcy with other events in dichotomous prediction models. However, theoretical models of financial distress normally define financial distress as an economic event, the inability to pay debts when due (insolvency). This study uses a loan default/accommodation response variable as a proxy for the inability to pay debts when due. The purpose of this note is to empirically test whether or not using the inability of a firm to pay debts when due, loan default/accommodation, as a response measure produces different results than using legal bankruptcy as the response measure. The study's empirical results show that legal bankruptcy and loan default/accommodation financial distress prediction models produce different statistical results, thus suggesting that the responses measure different constructs. A loan default/accommodation model also fits the data better than a bankrupt model. Our results suggest that a loan default/accommodation response may be a more appropriate measure to determine which accounting information is most useful to lenders in evaluating a firm's credit risk.  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) faces much more severe financial constraints compared to large mature companies and it is more vulnerable to market imperfection. To alleviate SMEs’ financial constraints, Public Credit Guarantee Schemes (CGSs) have been introduced and widely used around the world. Having provided a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of the traditional CGSs, we introduce an innovative financing contract, referred to as equity-for-guarantee swap (EGS), with the aim of reducing SMEs’ financial constraints in a more effective way. We show that EGS effectively alleviates SMEs’ severe financial constraints as it transfers the information asymmetry between lenders and SMEs to that between insurers and SMEs We investigate how asset prices vary across time under the EGS contract and analyze insurers’ risk exposure, i.e. value-at-risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES), of participating in the EGS contract. Consistent with pecking order theory, SMEs tend to use debt financing first dispite the benefit of a boosted growth rate from private equity financing in our model.  相似文献   

本文通过将连续数值变量进行序别化转换赋值,并基于这些变量建立Log- it信用评分模型,通过使用统计量AUC值与条件熵比率来检验序别化转换前后所建立回归模型的违约预测力。结果发现,连续数值变量经序别化转换后可提高模型的违约预测力及其韧性。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis has shown that many financial institutions dealing with credit derivatives were exposed to severe unexpected losses. This indicates that systematic influences are decisively underestimated particularly with regard to structured products like securitized tranches of collateralized debt obligations. Our analytical study addresses these systematic effects: We provide a simple model which allows a closed-form comparison of both bonds and tranches with respect to their systematic risk. We demonstrate that the exposure to systematic risk of tranches may be many times higher than the exposure of bonds, even if both products share the same rating grade, e.g., an ‘AAA’ rating, measured by either default probability or expected loss. Particularly in economic downturns, default rates of tranches may be multiples of those of bonds. Our results help understand high default rates of tranches during the financial crisis and show that classical ratings are insufficient metrics for measuring risks of structured products.  相似文献   

科技型中小企业为提高社会创新水平和推动经济发展贡献重要力量,囿于其高投入、高风险的特点而需要更有力的金融支持,国外科技金融的相关经验与做法值得借鉴。文章采用比较研究方法,从科技金融体系的公共性和商业性两大金融属性,比较分析国外金融服务科技型中小企业的公共科技金融和市场科技金融二元融资模式,阐述其理论机制并总结其经验特征。针对我国科技金融存在的问题,提出金融支持科技型中小企业发展的基本建议。  相似文献   

During the subprime mortgage crisis, it became apparent that practical models, such as the one-factor Gaussian copula, had underestimated company default correlations. Complex models that attempt to incorporate default dependency are difficult to implement in practice. In this study, we develop a model for a company asset process, based on which we calculate simultaneous default probabilities using an option-theoretic approach. In our model, a shot noise process serves as the key element for controlling correlations among companies’ assets. The risk factor driving the shot noise process is common to all companies in an industry but the shot noise parameters are assumed company-specific; therefore, every company responds differently to this common risk factor. Our model gives earlier warning of financial distress and predicts higher simultaneous default probabilities than commonly used geometric Brownian motion asset model. It is also computationally simple and can be extended to analyze any finite number of companies.  相似文献   

For fixed income investment, the preponderant risk is the clustering of defaults in the portfolio. Accurate prediction of such clustering depends on the knowledge of default correlation. We develop models with exogenous debt and endogenous debt to predict default correlations from equity correlations based on a self-consistent structural framework. We also examine how taxes affect the prediction of default correlations based on the two models. The empirical analysis shows that the corporate taxes tend to decrease default correlations, while personal taxes could increase or decrease default correlations. Our default correlation model with exogenous debt does a better job of predicting default correlations for high quality bonds, while the one with endogenous debt predicts more accurately for lower rated bonds. Our studies not only theoretically improve the modeling of default correlation in the structural setting but also shed new light on various aspects of default correlations and thereby help financial practitioners price credit derivatives more accurately and formulate more effective strategies to manage default risk of credit portfolios.  相似文献   

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