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人力资源规划是人力资源管理的一个基础模块。文章结合人力资源规划的相关理论,以北京市S地勘单位为分析对象,对其人力资源规划进行了研究。依据其发展战略,对其人力资源规划的现状及其问题进行了系统分析,在此基础上提出地勘单位人力资源规划改进完善的建议:(1)制定职工晋升计划;(2)建立具有针对性的培训计划;(3)拓宽人才渠道;(4)完善薪酬激励机制;(5)完善人力资源信息系统,建立人员接替模型。  相似文献   

文章论述了开展地勘单位升级对实现地质工作发展战略、对深化地质工作改革、对加强地勘工作管理的重要意义;文章具体提出了地勘单位升级的考核指标、基本条件和必备条件;文章认为要抓好地勘单位升级,必须领导重视,有专门机构去抓,各职能专业密切配合,制定切实可行的规划,以及充分做好升级准备。  相似文献   

文章对股份制和我国股份制试点情况作了介绍,并对地勘单位实行股份制的可行性作了分析,认为对地勘单位进行规模化的股份制改造势在必行,是地勘单位求得生存和发展的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

属地化管理后的地勘单位要融入当地的区域经济发展 ,必须找准自己的立足点和切入点。对西部省区的地勘单位来说 ,要调整产业结构 ,旅游业是一个很好的选择。文章分析了地勘单位发展旅游业的必要性和可能性 ,指出地勘单位要进入旅游业 ,可从地质旅游资源的调查、评价入手 ,逐渐介入开发、经营 ,使旅游业成为地勘单位又一个稳定的支柱产业。  相似文献   

地勘单位改制转企并逐步建立现代企业制度 ,分配制度的改革是其重要的组成部分。传统的地勘单位分配制度已经明显不适应地勘单位改革与发展。加深对地勘单位分配制度的认识 ,探索建立一套适应时代要求的、符合地勘单位特点的、科学合理的分配制度 ,对于进一步推进地勘单位改革具有事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

本文对当前地勘单位在开拓地质市场、发展多种经营中有关借贷问题进行了探讨。近年来,随着经济体制改革的深化,地勘单位逐步走上了面向社会、开拓地质市场、发展多种经营的道路,取得了显著成效,使其生存和发展环境发生了显著变化。改革的实践向地勘单位提出了一个新的问题,即如何进行借贷经营?如何借好、用好和管好借贷资金。  相似文献   

地勘单位改革的真正难题在于难以找到地勘单位改革的有力规制支持、难以准确区分公益性地质工作和商业性地质工作、难以把握地勘单位改革的时机、难以弥补文化大革命后三十年的地勘工作滞后损失、难以统筹地勘单位改革的声音等.对地勘单位改革的走向判断及政策建议:(1)地勘单位改革不能是全部企业化;(2)地勘单位改革需要循序渐进进行,不宜下猛药;(3)地勘单位改革要有明确的时间表;(4)地勘单位的优惠政策要具有可操作性;(5)允许大型矿山企业和地勘单位互相购并,允许资本入股地勘单位.  相似文献   

《地勘单位会计制度》(财会字[1996]15号)颁布施行以来,对推动地勘经济的改革与发展起了重要且不可或缺的作用。但由于执行的时间跨度较长,已不能完全适应和解决地勘行业不断深化的改革和发展所提出的新要求、遇到的新问题。文章在对《地勘单位会计制度》颁布以来的执行情况、执行中遇到的问题、修订的相关建议等进行调研的基础上,从6个方面对执行情况进行了总结和评述,汇总分析了执行过程中遇到的11个方面需要解决的问题,结合当前和今后一个时期地勘经济改革与发展的需要,提出了对现行《地勘单位会计制度》修订的相关建议。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会决定指出,“紧紧围绕市场在资源配置中起决定性作用深化经济体制改革”和“加快事业单位分类改革”。文章对国有地勘单位改革发展、地质工作的能否由市场配置资源以及基金项目扩大化的问题进行了深入阐述。现行的全供预算政策在事业单位分类改革过程中具有过渡性、不确定性,对地勘单位事企分开、分体运行实践也应持观望态度,地勘企业要通过合法合规的方式“反哺”地勘事业单位,增强地勘单位改革发展的系统性、整体性、协同性。  相似文献   

新形势下,地勘单位发展面临巨大的挑战,转型升级是最好的出路。以服务为引领,以创新为驱动,发展测绘事业,将能够带动地勘单位多元化发展。文章从测绘地信发展市场需求入手,分析了地勘单位测绘地理信息产业的发展现状和存在的问题,从人才、装备、技术、项目等四个方面提出了地勘单位测绘地理信息产业的发展规划。建议:地勘单位应结合自身实际,以传统地质项目为依托,发展以无人机航测、三维激光扫描为基础手段的测绘地理信息高端装备,发展以遥感技术、地理信息技术、SAR技术为核心的测绘地理信息新技术,发展以标准化项目管理、优秀项目团队、优质项目服务为目标的地勘单位测绘地理信息产业,以适应新时期国家重大战略和经济社会高质量发展的需求。  相似文献   

以探索城市发展战略规划的发展趋势为目的,通过对城市发展起重要作用的总体规划、战略规划及近期建设规划在工作内容、编制特点、发挥的效用等方面进行比较,认为战略规划在区域层面上的优势不可替代,应上升为区域规划层次才能起到解决城市自身发展问题的作用;对战略规划提出完善措施。  相似文献   

关于及早谋划战略性新兴矿产发展的思考与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从世界经济格局、中国经济社会发展趋势、人类社会发展史方面看,战略性新兴矿产都具有关键性、战略性作用。根据已有专家学者的研究成果和国外的有关表述结合我国实际,建议将支撑战略性新兴产业所需的重要矿产资源简称为“战略性新兴矿产”,其定义应由相应法规或国家规划确定。战略性新兴矿产名录应该是动态可变的。要对战略性新兴矿产勘查开发作出战略性、政策性谋划,将其列入国家战略,健全相应法规,统一规划,开展战略调查评价;把新能源勘查开发利用提到更高的战略高度;适时调整对钨、锡、锑、稀土、石墨、锂、萤石等重要矿产管理思路和调控政策;加强基础理论研究和技术攻关;实施“走出去”战略。  相似文献   

随着我国矿产资源供需矛盾的加大,增强矿产资源后备保障能力.建设重要矿产资源战略接续区,逐渐成为我国矿政管理的重要诉求。在新一轮矿产资源规划中构建重要矿产资源战略接续区规划体系,对保障我国矿产资源供应安全意义重大。重要矿产资源战略接续区是从国家的宏观需求和发展战略出发,保障大宗短缺矿产资源持续供应的地区。其特点是具备良好的资源禀赋条件和特定的时空范畴。主要矿产资源战略接续区规模体系按行政区域可分为国家级、省(市、区)、市级和县级规划;按规划对象和功能可分为总体规划、专项规划和区域规划,其特征是整体性、层次性和开放性。规划程序包括明确规划目标、资料收集准备、区域条件分析、规划编制、保障措施制定、规划实施、规划实施评价等步骤。其基本内容包括国家级战略接续区规划的内容。  相似文献   

A relatively recent body of literature has looked critically at the role of car parking in urban areas, showing that a significant determinant of the extent of parking space is the planning system. Of particular importance are statutory minimum off-street parking requirements for new developments. If parking and parking policies are significant to urban outcomes, one question that follows is − how active a role (if any) has strategic urban planning had in car parking? In this paper we ask if, and in what ways, car parking has been a stated strategic planning interest over the course of nearly a century of planning for one city − Melbourne, Australia. Our approach has three parts: a content analysis of strategic planning documents over time; a corresponding analysis of statutory policies on the ground; and reflection on what this means for the relationships between strategy and policy.We find that extensive car parking, treated as a public good, was once specifically planned as a critical component of facilitating a car-based city. We show that car parking has receded as a strategic policy issue over time, but that statutory minimum parking requirements introduced in the 1950s continue to be entrenched. Even with more recent strategic plans seeking to curtail car use and increase urban densities, minimum parking policies originally introduced to achieve the opposite effects have remained largely intact. We argue that parking has a significant role in urban form but is, in our case study city, illustrative of gaps between strategic and statutory planning, and between planning practice and research. Whereas post-war planning instigated policy approaches to car parking as a means of planning for car use, strategic planning in Melbourne now plans around parking − the elephant in the scheme. The findings have implications for other intensifying cities with a history of minimum parking policies; as well as for cities now undergoing rapid motorisation.  相似文献   

Research on the impact of formal strategic planning on firm performance has yielded mixed results. In this study, approximately 200 executives in five food processing industries were surveyed to examine the relationship between formal strategic planning and financial performance. A multiple indicator measure of strategic planning was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis. Results of the strategic planning–performance model indicate that use of strategic planning tools has a positive impact on financial performance as measured by the 3-year average pretax return on assets.  相似文献   

Recently the term green infrastructure has come to shape professional and scientific debate, political strategies and practical approaches concerning green space development, particularly in urban areas. Actors from all fields of spatial development and planning are referencing this as an emergent approach, which is expected to have a considerable environmental and socio-economic impact. The wide and ubiquitous use of the term in planning debates fosters an impression of agreement in its definition and meaning. Yet several theoretical studies and manifold practical observations confirm a variety of definitions and meanings of this “new” approach in the scientific, political and practical arenas, ranging from simply a buzzword to a mature approach. Clearly, this confusion in meaning has a practical relevance for planning. It seems wise, therefore, to raise awareness and deepen our understanding of the different conceptions of the term green infrastructure. This paper aims to systematically analyse and clarify the contextual, geographical and temporal origins of green infrastructure, as well as its impact on rationales, semantic content and main purposes for spatial planning. To this end, a content analysis of relevant literature has been conducted to reveal the strands which influence the current debate as well as the application of green infrastructure in planning practice. These results are used to derive key statements as a foundation for further critical reflection and conscious application of the term green infrastructure within spatial planning.  相似文献   

In the years 2006–2014, urban planning reform was seen as the major remedy against housing shortage in Sweden. The present government has the continuation of such reform on its agenda, but as of yet has made no proposals; instead, other housing policy measures have been introduced.In light of the uncertainty as to the future course of urban planning reform, possible future steps can be discussed. This article accordingly investigates whether German urban planning law and implementation could provide interesting reference points for discussion of further urban planning reform in Sweden, and if so, what parts of the German experience should be the center of attention.The article covers three aspects of German planning that influence the uncertainty, duration, and cost of residential planning as well as social goals addressed through planning: planning law, focusing on facilitated planning procedures of German planning law, measures taken in the organization of planning authorities to make development planning more efficient, and planning-related city demands for affordable housing.The conclusions encompass proposals for the further reform of the Swedish planning process in the form of a facilitated and accelerated development planning procedure for housing projects, as well as the introduction of private initiative in development planning. Further improvements to the organization and incentives of planning authorities are proposed. More research is required into municipal demands for affordable housing in the form of inclusionary zoning; such research should draw on the extensive international experience of such zoning, relating it to a Swedish pilot project.  相似文献   

对开创农业区划工作新局面的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
作者介绍了农业部新农村建设工作,认为社会主义新农村建设为农业区划工作提供了发挥作用的新舞台,提出了采用战略提升方式为农业区划工作提供新的发展动力的思路,在此基础上结合2006年农业区划工作重点,谈了对当前农业区划工作的认识,分析了农业区划工作面临的形势和任务、发展战略以及工作设想,最后指出科研事业单位是开创农业区划工作新局面的重要力量。  相似文献   

海洋战略资源开发对山东半岛蓝色经济区建设具有战略意义。但在开发过程中,存在着对海洋战略资源的界定不清晰、海洋经济区的规划以及海洋产业布局中海洋战略资源无法得到有效利用、科学技术本身作为一种战略资源还没有得到充分重视、相关法律法规相当不健全等问题。针对这些问题,作者提出应该采取树立大海洋战略资源观念、协调发展各海洋产业、遵循开发与保护并举的原则,政府应建立健全海洋法律法规体系等对策建议。  相似文献   

构建适于西部地区农村发展的村级规划体系、编制实用型村庄规划,对于实施乡村振兴战略和农村人居环境整治工程具有重要的理论探索和实践意义。文章在剖析西部地区村级规划编制中存在的"缺位或流于形式、实用性较差、无视规划用地"等问题基础上,采用对比分析法,厘清村级层面各类规划相互关系,进而提出村级规划体系构建的原则与框架。研究表明:(1)西部地区村庄规划体系建立与规划编制迫在眉睫;(2)现有主要村级层面规划中,乡村振兴战略规划是村庄产业发展导向与战略功能定位,村土地利用规划是村庄用地空间布局与管制规划,共同构成多元化完整的村庄规划体系;(3)"一张图"融合、战略定位先行、公众参与等是构建实用型村级规划体系的基本原则;(4)村级规划体系的逻辑架构为"双结构""双理念"和"5维导向",实施模式以"1+N模式";(5)西部地区村级规划应以多个村落共同编制为主要形式,同时探索留白机制,提高规划弹性。  相似文献   

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