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我国产学研合作的动因、现状及制度研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
秦军 《技术经济与管理研究》2011,(11):33-36
产学研合作是促进企业技术创新、构建国家创新体系的一项重要政策,良好的产学研合作机制可以使合作各方获得利益最大化。在产学研合作的实践中,合作各方由于出发点不同,参与动机也各不相同,企业偏重于技术创新中的风险分担、应对技术及市场的快速变化和掌握自主知识产权的需要,而高校和科研机构偏重于实现自身的价值和提高自身科研能力和水平的需要,在此基础上,进一步分析了我国产学研合作的现状,最后,加快产学研合作的制度建设,建立产学研合作法规体系;激励企业创新,加强信息化服务平台建设;完善产学研合作的利益分配机制;完善财政与金融支持体系,拓宽融资渠道等方面提出了产学研合作的保障措施。 相似文献
Karl M. Hillman Author Vitae Björn A. Sandén Author Vitae 《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》2008,75(8):1279-1302
By using socio-technical scenarios, we investigate how present policy choices may affect the development of alternative transport fuels in Sweden. One important choice for policy lies in the balance between general tax exemptions stimulating the market for alternative fuels, and funding of research and development more directly promoting new technology. The implications of this choice are illustrated with four diverging development paths until 2020. In the market-oriented scenarios, we illustrate consequences of breaking the dominance of entrenched technologies and demonstrating a growing market potential for alternatives, but also the risks with a large focus on first generation renewable fuels. In the technology-oriented scenarios, we point out the value of keeping variety among niches in this stage of the transition. In conclusion, if policy is implemented without taking the dynamic forces within the system into account, there is a risk that any measure leads the system into a dead end. But if policy strives to balance the development in different parts of the technological system while making use of various prevailing forces of change, a multitude of different efforts can contribute to the development of a more sustainable transport system. 相似文献
吴强 《技术经济与管理研究》2015,(2):34-37
文章的分析从教师视域出发,选择企业规模、经济实力、人力资源稳定性、战略目标、人才培养质量、师资水平、二级管理、文化兼容、政策支持、法律法规支持以及交流沟通平台建设11个测度变量,作为校企合作战略联盟长效机制达成的影响因素,通过问卷设计与调研,借助信度与效度分析、线性回归分析,得出企业规模、人力资源稳定性、人才培养质量、政策支持、交流沟通平台建设对校企合作战略联盟长效机制的达成具有显著的正相关性。基于此,文章最后提出企业应逐步扩大经营规模、维持校企合作参与人员的稳定性,高校要把人才培养放在首要位置,政府应搭建多渠道交流沟通平台、制定具体激励政策等建议。 相似文献
Cooperation and the efficiency of regional R&D activities 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
This paper investigates the relationship between the cooperativebehaviour of manufacturing establishments in a region and theefficiency of their R&D activities, using data for 11 Europeanregions. Some significant differences in the attitude towardsR&D cooperation as well as with regard to the efficiencyof R&D activities between the regions can be found. However,these two issues appear to a large degree to be empiricallyunrelated. Therefore, the role of R&D cooperation in regionalinnovation systems remains unclear. 相似文献
Ana Urraca-Ruiz 《Economics of Innovation and New Technology》2019,28(1):100-117
This paper explores the role of technological opportunity and cumulativeness in the evolution of technological specialization patterns (TSP) in catching-up processes. Concretely, I assume that opportunity induces mobility while cumulativeness leads to diversification and stability. The empirical analysis uses patent data indicators for nine Asian and Latin American countries between 1978 and 2012. The paper shows that, during economic liberalization (although with different timings), emerging countries caught up and redefined the path of technological accumulation for Asian and Latin American countries. With the exception of Hong Kong, all the countries increased their technology share, but they ran in different directions. Asian countries made greater relative efforts in dynamic technologies, while Latin American countries focused on stagnant technologies. In this sense, Asian countries achieved a more successful performance, building new technological bases and taking a technological leap in some of the more dynamic technologies. Meanwhile, Latin American countries left their technological bases unchanged. The paper also shows that, at the beginning of the catching-up cycle, the TSPs were turbulent. Afterwards, cumulativeness in the technological choice induced the diversification and stabilization of the TSPs. 相似文献
Michael Kriechbaum Alan C. Brent Alfred Posch 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2013,25(12):1422-1436
ABSTRACTCompared to large-scale renewable energy systems, distributed systems have diffused relatively slowly in recent years, particularly in developing countries. In this study, we analysed the barriers to the diffusion of distributed photovoltaics in South Africa by applying the technological innovation system framework. More specifically, we carried out an interview-based structural-functional analysis to identify underlying systemic problems, reveal their patterns of interaction, and analyse the implications of these patterns for the relationship among the key processes within the innovation system, the so-called system functions. We identified a variety of interlinked problems, shed light on the specific roles of different, mal-performing, system functions, and revealed constellations where specific functions blocked each other and, thereby, created lock-in situations. Although the findings reveal the complexity of the problems that are associated with the implementation of distributed energy technologies, they also indicate that these problems may be addressed successfully. 相似文献
Frederico Rocha 《Economics of Innovation and New Technology》2013,22(3):253-271
This paper aims to add evidence on the role played by firms' technological competencies in the determination of their intensity of cooperation with other firms. Using a database composed by patents jointly filcd by two or more firms in the European Patent Office, the paper confronts the hypotheses of complementary or substitutive character of technological cooperation in relation to intra-mural R&D. The results suggest that more technologically and productive specialized firms are more likely to cooperate and find no support for the hypothesis that greater level of R&D expenditure will induce greater reliance on technological cooperation. It is also suggested that firms cooperate with partners that hold cotilplenientary competencies. 相似文献
李涛 《技术经济与管理研究》2015,(6)
文章以自然界的生态系统结合lotka-Volterra模型为基础,分析了产学研共生演化过程中生成期、成长期、成熟期以及衰落期的阶段性特征与发展趋势,并在此基础上对产学研相互竞争、相互合作以及竞争合作共生演化的三个阶段进行了研究,梳理了学研方与产方多阶段博弈的行为,从而得出以下结论:忽略绝对优劣势,形成你追我赶的螺旋式上升的新常态;重视组织结构协同和过程协同,建立“政产学研资介”协同创新新型委员会;牢牢把握战略协同、知识协同和组织协同的逻辑关系;建立完善的政策支持、法律保障体系和科技信息沟通平台。只有在不断加强自身水平上保持产学研动态平衡,才能推进协同创新健康可持续运行并实现利益最大化。 相似文献
讨论国际外包模式下承包企业与发包企业间的合作关系类型及特征,并探讨了推动承包企业技术创新的知识获取、知识共享、知识创造路径,对合作推动承包企业技术创新进行了博弈分析,进而提出与发包企业的长期战略合作是承包企业技术创新的间接动力;指出在承包企业与发包企业彼此博弈过程中,在满足一定条件的情况下,双方长期选择(合作,创新)策略是最优选择。 相似文献
This paper considers three questions: (1) what is the role of financial markets in development, (2) why do some economies have such poorly developed financial markets, and (3) can government policy be used to promote financial market development? With respect to the first question, we formalize the widely-held notion that financial markets promote entrepreneurship, specialization, and learning-by-doing. However, if economic incentives for specialization are absent, financial markets may fail to form. This occurs when real interest rates are too low. We also discuss policies that can be used to promote financial market development. When these policies are successful, they will be growth promoting. Finally, we examine policies intended to manipulate returns on savings, which are often important components of “financial liberalizations”. We describe conditions under which such policies will be conducive to growth. 相似文献
金砖国家是世界科技创新的重要新兴力量,虽受到国际形势的影响其专利合作网络规模有所下降,五国之间的合作并不紧密,但它们的网络地位稳中有升、态势向好。中国在国际专利和论文合作网络中的活跃度和影响力均不断增强,具有信息和资源控制的巨大优势;俄罗斯与印度地位相似,但俄罗斯的国际专利与论文合作地位均有所提升,而印度的地位正在弱化;巴西在论文合作网络中相对较具优势地位,但在专利网络中巴西则与南非共同位于边缘区。 相似文献
新冠疫情全球大流行引起国际社会对未来粮食供应链安全问题的普遍担忧,部分国家奉行贸易保护主义,开始限制粮食出口,对全球粮食和食品供应产生不利影响。后疫情时代,稳定粮食供应链和食品安全成为全球关注的热点问题,以数字化技术为代表的农业新技术、新模式、新业态和新型食品技术的创新发展日益得到各国政府重视。本文对全球农业科技发展现状和后疫情时代发展趋势、以色列农业科技优势、中以农业创新合作现状以及未来推动双方农业领域创新合作的方向与路径进行了梳理、总结和思考。 相似文献
Technological paradigms,patterns of learning and development: An introductory roadmap 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
This paper presents an evolutionary microeconomic theory of innovation and production and discusses its implications for development theory. Using the notions of technological paradigm and trajectory, it develops an alternative view of firm behavior and learning. It is shown then how these are embedded in broader national systems of innovation which account for persistent differences in technological cappacities between countries. Finally, this bottom-up evolutionary analysis is linked with an institutional top-down approach, and the potential fruitfulness of this dialogue is demonstrated.We thank the discussants and participants at the workshop on Technology and Competitiveness in Developing Countries, Venice, 26/11/93, for their useful comments.The research leading to this work has benefited at various stages from the support of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, Progetto Strategico Combiamento Technologico e Crescita Economica) and of the International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA, Austria). 相似文献
Dietmar Harhoff 《Economics of Innovation and New Technology》2013,22(1):29-50
This papcr uses a new firm panel data set to explore the relationship between R&D and productivity in German manufacturing firms for the period from 1979 to 1989. The results confirm the view that K&D is an important determinant of productivity growth. In the cross-section, the elasticity of sales with respect to R&D capital is on the order of 14 per cent. Using fixed-effects estimators yields R&D elasticities of about 8 per cent. Assuming different depreciation rates for R&D capital has virtually no effect on these results. Differencing estimates improve considerably when growth rates are computed over longer time periods, suggesting that the divergence between time-series and cross-sectional estimates is driven by random measurement errors. The paper also considers differences between high technology and other firms. Cross-section and panel elasticity estimates of the R&D effect diverge considerably for the two groups, while the corresponding rate of return estimators display far less variation. There is some evidence that the R&D elasticity increased during the early 1980s, and that it fell sharply back to its 1979 value during the period from 1985 to 1989. 相似文献
晋升博弈中政府官员的激励与合作--兼论我国地方保护主义和重复建设问题长期存在的原因 总被引:366,自引:12,他引:366
过去大量的研究强调行政性分权和财政包干下地方官员的财政激励对区域经济发展及其互动的影响。本文建立了一个地方官员政治晋升博弈的简单模型 ,旨在强调地方官员的晋升激励对地区间经济竞争和合作的影响。由于政治晋升博弈的基本特征是一个官员的晋升直接降低另一个官员的晋升机会 ,即一人所得为另一人所失 ,这使得同时处于政治和经济双重竞争的地方官员之间的合作空间非常狭小 ,而竞争空间非常巨大。该模型理解我国区域经济竞争与合作问题提供了一个系统的视角和框架 ,它尤其有助于解释我国长期存在的地方保护主义、“大而全”的地区发展战略和地区间形形色色的产业“大战”和恶性竞争。 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe Finnish energy system is rather centralised and its governing regime is characterised as exclusive. Recently, pressure to move towards decentralised, small-scale energy production has increased. This article utilises a combination of ideas from technological innovation systems and regime destabilisation and analyses the prospects for the transition towards a decentralised energy system in Finland's socio-economic context. We argue that the transition towards a decentralised energy system requires both innovation facilitation and proactive destabilisation of the existing regime, and therefore these issues must also be included in energy transition analyses. 相似文献
Fernando Sánchez-Losada 《Spanish Economic Review》2001,3(3):211-221
The goal of this paper is to study the effects of centralized and decentralized bargaining patterns on wage inequality when
there are two different types of labor, skilled and unskilled. We present two models where labor is specialized between firms,
that is, there are two types of firms, each one employing one type of labor. We show that the revenue shares of the production
factors in each type of firm and the union power are crucial determinants of the relative wage. In contrast, the relative
expected wage is the same across models and bargaining patterns. 相似文献
低碳经济已经成为国际经济发展的新要求,因此,低碳技术开发日益受到世界各国的重视。太阳能技术是一种典型的低碳技术,我国经过10几年的发展,在太阳能领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,但因缺乏核心技术,目前面临着严峻的挑战。由于专利分析能客观地评价技术创新与合作水平,因此,为更好地促进我国太阳能技术的发展,基于专利分析法,对我国太阳能合作专利数据进行了分析。结果表明:我国太阳能技术的跨机构技术联系较少,"产学研"创新体系尚不成熟;政策扶持对于太阳能这种新兴低碳技术有较大的影响力;国内太阳能专利授权的技术领域主要集中在太阳能热利用,而在光伏领域的合作较少;太阳能合作专利存在较大的区域差异,应该进一步加强区域之间的技术合作和技术转移:应该加强国际技术合作。 相似文献