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This post-disciplinary article goes beyond orthodox labour economics and combines insights from the ‘socio-economics of labour markets’ (SELM), and critical realism (CR), to develop a SELMCR perspective, which is then used to create an alternative conception of labour market institutions and an alternative model of labour markets, i.e. the SELMCR model.  相似文献   

近几年来,由于我国人口绝对量大,农业剩余劳动力多,国有企业减员增效,产业结构正处于转型期,经济发展速度放慢,以及部分人就业观念滞后等因素影响,使得下岗、失业人员规模日益扩大,失业率不断攀升。面对严峻的就业、再就业形势,我认为应采取以下七个方面措施,转变观念拓宽思路,消除政策障碍,努力开创就业工作的新局面。一、政府要适当放松管制,消除就业的行政性障碍对政府来说,最大的利益就是税收和就业机会。不管是国有还是民营,只要能提供税收和就业机会,就是政府应该扶持的企业。政府对企业应该适当放松管制,减少行政干…  相似文献   

完善我国市场经济体制,必须以健全市场主体为核心.为了健全市场主体,应进一步创新关于市场主体的理论,同时必须采取一系列新的举措:改革和完善国有资产管理体制,健全国有控股和参股的市场主体;加快推进基础设施和公用事业领域的改革,扩大非国有市场主体的参与范围;以资本市场的建设为重点,完善生产要素市场体系,为市场主体提供完善的载体;转变政府职能,深化行政管理体制改革,为市场主体创造良好的外部环境.  相似文献   

大力发展国际工程承包和劳务合作,在经济全球化趋势日益加强的今天,对扩大出口、促进我国利用两种资源、两个市场和产业结构调整、缓解就业压力、促进我国对外经贸关系和国民经济的发展,日益发挥着重要而积极的作用。 一、苏州国际劳务合作及对外工程承包现状 从总体来看,苏州市开展国际劳务承包业已走在了全省乃至全国的前列。早在70年代末苏州市就跨出国门在外承包工程,成为江苏省第一支跨出国门的队伍。在进入新世纪之际,苏州对外经济技术合作又上新台阶。2000年新签对外工程承包劳务合同额12200万美元,同比增长7.6…  相似文献   

劳动力市场歧视的分析及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文首先介绍了劳动力市场歧视的概念、来源 ,然后就劳动力市场歧视的几种类型和中国的现状进行了全面系统的分析 ,最后提出了解决劳动力市场歧视问题的对策。文章主张 :通过反歧视教育、反歧视立法、反歧视补贴、创造劳动力市场充分信息、减少职业隔离、减少人力资本投资中的歧视 ,来解决劳动力市场歧视的问题。  相似文献   

国内外学者对于劳动力流动进行了大量深入的研究,成果颇丰.然而,由于历史的原因,我国在劳动力流动方面呈现出与其他国家不同的特性,目前,我国的劳动力市场尚未发展成熟,劳动力流动存在很严重的不合理现象.因此,结合我国的现实情况对其进行研究意义更加重大.本文试图结合以往学者的研究成果,构建基于劳动力市场分割的劳动力流动模型,对其进行深入的探讨,为实现劳动力的合理流动提供帮助.  相似文献   

Jaakko Pehkonen 《Empirica》1997,24(3):195-208
In 1994 the number of workers participating in active labour market programmes in Finland was 299,000. On average there where 125,000 workers in these programmes at any one time, the average length of participation in a programme being about 5 months. In relation to the 2.5 million-strong Finnish labour force, these figures are proportionally large. In 1994 the total expenditure on unemployment amounted to 6.7 per cent of GNP of which the share spent on active labour market programmes was about 25 per cent. The study investigates the displacement effects of active labour market programmes in the youth labour market in Finland. The two age groups analysed are 15-19-year-olds and 20-24-year-olds. The results, based on a VAR analysis of quarterly data from the period 1981.1-1995.2, suggest that the displacement effects of job-creation programmes may be substantial. The study cannot, however, provide any robust estimates of the likely size of such displacement effects on youth employment in Finland. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Newspoll reported in 2000 that by a margin of 70 to 28 per cent, Australians would prefer the gap between rich and poor to get smaller rather than have the nation's overall wealth grow as quickly as possible. This article examines the reasons for the increase in the dispersion of earnings, and changes in unemployment and workforce participation, which are central to this concern about inequality. The major finding is that the widening dispersion of earnings and changes in labour force status are principally due to changes in the structure of labour demand in favour of more skilled jobs. The article then considers what this changing job mix implies for policy directed to maintaining income inequality.  相似文献   

沈洪溥 《经济论坛》2003,(14):11-13
市政债券是地方债券的一种,是一个与中央政府债券(国债)相对应的债券。它是地方政府根据本地区社会经济发展状况和资金短缺程度,针对地方基础建设的需求,由地方政府承担还本付息责任,向社会公众发行的债务凭证。经验上看,债券的发行、募集资金的使用、本金和利息的兑付,整个流程的顺利操作也显示着地方行政主体的运作水平和城市治理的层次。一、国外当前市政债券发展的状况:以美国为例当前世界上,美国的市政债券发行规模最大、运作也最为规范。在那里,不仅地方政府,它的代理机构或者授权机构也可以发行这类债券,目前,美国市政债券的发行主体…  相似文献   

This paper develops a general equilibrium job matching model, which is used to assess the impact of active labour market policies, reductions in unemployment benefits and reductions in worker bargaining power on long-term unemployment and other key macro variables. The model is calibrated using Australian data. Simulation experiments are conducted through impulse response analysis. The simulations suggest that active labour market programs (ALMPs) targeted at the long-term unemployed have a small net impact and produce adverse spillover effects on short-term unemployment. Reducing the level of unemployment benefits relative to wages and worker bargaining power have more substantial effects on total and long-term unemployment and none of the spillover effects of ALMPs.  相似文献   

关系型契约特殊类别:超市场契约   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从契约理论的角度看,企业网络或企业与市场间中间状态,可以由“超市场契约”来描述,它是关系型契约的一个特殊类别,是拥有关键性资源的企业以管理输出和行使指挥权方式与其他相关企业的交易。私人可履约资本、合作的潜在丰厚收益和违约的机会成本,以及威廉姆森式的安全保证条款是促使企业间超市场契约可自我实施的条件。  相似文献   

Compulsory Superannuation and Labour Market Responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compulsory contributions to superannuation have significant second round effects on labour market outcomes. The effects of employer, employee and government contributions are compared and contrasted for markets with different degrees of wage flexibility. With a flexible wage, the market wage adjusts to offset most of the initial effects of the superannuation levies. However, compulsion means that many employees perceive the present value of the future retirement income to be less than the levy. The levies as a form of tax on labour lead to lower overall remuneration for employees and lower employment  相似文献   

The paper considers 'efficient bargains', with a union that weighs the utilities of its members unequally and negotiates over group employment levels. Such discrimination may lead to socially inefficient overemployment of the dominant group, and underemployment of the group suffering discrimination.  相似文献   

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