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基于路径依赖的景德镇陶瓷产业集群   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
景德镇陶瓷产业集群历经元、明、清三朝的强力扶持,形成了独特的发展路径,一方面保证了景德镇在陶瓷产业中长期居于垄断地位,另一方面也使景德镇陶瓷产业集群成为政权的附属品,形成了路径依赖。从20世纪中叶开始,这种发展路径得到进一步强化,并最终形成锁定。改变路径依赖的可行方法是通过政府的强力扶持,解放思想,推动制度创新,为企业、企业家发展营造较好的软、硬件环境,将企业打造成独立的市场主体;企业主动适应环境变化,加强学习、模仿,努力创新。  相似文献   

中国经济发展进入新常态对江西省工业园区产业集群发展提供了新机遇与新要求,在此情况下江西省工业园区产业集群发展需要实现转型升级。研究表明:江西省工业园区发展表现出显著的小而全的特征,产业集群的数量较多但是规模不大,能够发挥引领作用的大企业较少;江西省工业经济发展还表现出显著的区域差异特征,已形成了中北部、赣东北、赣西和中南部四大区域增长极,成为推动江西省经济发展的重要力量。江西省工业园区产业集群发展要实现转型升级,这就要求江西省必须集中优势资源培育优势产业集群、发展绿色工业、深化两化融合以及加快园区体制机制改革。  相似文献   

深化开放中的锁定效应与技术依赖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从锁定效应的视角来分析对外开放对中国技术水平发展的影响。在一个新古典配置模型基础上,本文说明我国在开放进程中技术水平的发展具有路径依赖性,并以高技术产业1996~2006年的数据为样本,运用数据包络方法测量高技术产业技术进步、技术效率、技术变化等指标,揭示技术密集型产业中存在的技术变化锁定特征。本文通过建立计量模型,分时段对比研究深化开放时期高新技术产业锁定效应的传导机制,发现人力资本和研发资本是技术变化锁定的主要影响途径,这两类要素资源质的提高将有利于我国摆脱开放中锁定效应的影响。  相似文献   

本文运用路径依赖理论,根据产业集群产生的原因,在对产业集群案例研究的基础上,将产业集群划分为六种类型,并为不同类型的产业集群发展提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

揭示了促使产业集群形成的历史因素、基本因素和市场因素,并以北京顺义汽车产业集群为例,详细阐述了产业集群的作用.  相似文献   

文中系统分析了江苏省能源消费结构的基本现状,重点研究从传统能源转化到风电这一新能源过程中的路径依赖特征,具体分析了传统能源路径依赖形成的三个因素,即经济地域能源效应、技术变迁效应和制度变迁效应。同时,分析了路径依赖产生的一系列问题,如制约风电产业的路径转换、发展模式及产业结构调整,并对此提出了打破路径锁定状态的建议。主要通过推动思想观念转变,实施产业制度创新,以及构建风电技术创新支撑体系,完善风电政策法规的手段来实现路径创造。  相似文献   

产业集群与企业家的互动发展——以嵊州领带集群为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业的集群化发展是区域经济发展的重要组织形式,它的发展为企业家的成长和能力培养提供了肥沃的土壤和良好的条件。同时。企业家作为推动产业集群的特殊人力资源,通过其独特的商性以及社会网络推动了产业集群的演进。本文以嵊州领带产业集群为例,探讨产业集群与企业家的之间的互动发展过程,为达到两者双赢局面提供有益的视角。  相似文献   

2012年河南省出台的战略性新兴产业发展规划指出,集群发展是河南省战略性新兴产业发展的有力支撑。战略性新兴产业集群具有集聚性、网络化、创新性等基本特征,可以使用产业集群度作为衡量和判断战略性新兴产业集群发展阶段的指标,河南省战略性新兴产业集群演进分为五个阶段,并具有各自的发展特征。当前河南省应从产业集聚区的科学规划、产业政策、龙头企业培育、服务体系建设等方面着手,以产业集聚区作为战略性新兴产业集群发展的载体;要针对战略性新兴产业集群演进的不同阶段制定适应性政策,如完善风险投资机制、拓宽投融资渠道、引进和培养高层次创新型人才等,推动河南省战略性新兴产业集群发展。  相似文献   

企业的集群化发展是区域经济发展的重要组织形式,它的发展为企业家的成长和能力培养提供了肥沃的土壤和良好的条件.同时,企业家作为推动产业集群的特殊人力资源,通过其独特的商性以及社会网络推动了产业集群的演进.本文以嵊州领带产业集群为例,探讨产业集群与企业家的之间的互动发展过程,为达到两者双赢局面提供有益的视角.  相似文献   

产业集群能够加快企业技术创新的步伐,提升竞争优势、促进区域的经济发展。产业集群,它不仅具有一定的产业特性,也具有一定的区域特性。首先是在产业特性上,他可以细分为传统产业集群和高科技企业集群两个小类。本文首先阐述了产业集群的特性和优势,然后以山东省木材产业集群的发展为例,分析了产业集群与区域经济的发展的关系。  相似文献   

With plans underway for large‐scale urban agriculture and a proliferation of representations made of the city's vacant lots, Detroit, Michigan is increasingly understood as a particularly hybrid metropolis that complicates conceptual divisions between city and nature. This article looks at representations of urban nature found in Detroit, focusing primarily on the work by photographers and journalists over the past 5 years as part of a broader discourse on Detroit's decline. By drawing from urban political ecology and critical work on nature, this article argues that representations of the city suggest an ambivalence, both popular and scholarly, about the emergent ecologies found in cities like Detroit. But, ultimately, journalists and commentators see nature in the city as a reflection of the city's absence, rather than its materiality, and so representations of Detroit reflect dominant conceptual divisions between the city and the non‐human world. This article builds on work in urban political ecology and environmental history to argue that representations and discourses about nature are important in the production of just urban environments.  相似文献   

The diversification of US suburbs in terms of race, ethnicity and immigration has created invaluable opportunities for scholars to study technologies of translocality‐in‐the‐making. Translocal landscapes are described as spaces of ‘here' studded with ‘parts of elsewhere' (Allen and Cochrane, 2007 )—but which pieces of the landscape count as meaningfully ‘of elsewhere', how do those parts get there, and what range of meanings can they signify? This article is based on qualitative, in‐depth interviews and explores these questions in the context of an Arab Muslim ethnic enclave and retail district in an inner‐ring suburb of Detroit. The findings indicate that ‘parts of elsewhere' are more internally pluralized, multifunctional, multidirectional and aesthetically diverse than commonly recognized. The implications of these findings challenge scholars to develop more robust frameworks to explain how translocal geographies are produced, why they matter, and how they can be recognized.  相似文献   

和谐的高校学生事务管理文化对促进高校发展、提高管理水平、增强师生凝聚力、促进学生成长发展有着积极的影响效应,高校学生事务管理文化产生的凝聚与激励、熏陶与感染并重的作用,是高校管理效能提高的有效途径.本文在分析高校学生事务管理文化的和谐效能的基础上,提出了和谐的高校学生事务管理文化的构建原则,并从人本化的理念文化、科学化的制度文化、高效化的执行文化、专业化的团队文化、便捷化的环境文化等五个维度探讨了高校学生事务管理文化的建构路径.  相似文献   

文章分析了“官产学研金”结合对产业集群发展的推动作用,论述当前广西“官产学研金”结合的现状、存在的问题以及对广西区域产业集群的不利影响,并提出了相应的解决对策与建议。  相似文献   

The Chicago School of urban sociology has been criticized for its over‐reliance on organic and ecological metaphors. We propose that a useful updated integration of urban sociology and ecology could be achieved with the aid of complementary concepts, such as patch dynamics and assemblage, from both fields. In this exploratory article, we draw on more than 50 qualitative interviews conducted with residents of three different Detroit neighborhoods, together with field observations, photographs and documentary evidence, to examine both actual and metaphorical references to the natural world. We consider allusions to ‘drug infestation’ as well as other references to territorialization processes and associations with plants and animals that emerged out of our interviews and interactions with neighborhood residents. In conclusion, we maintain that social science may have much to learn from contemporary ecological research, and that a resituated ecological paradigm would challenge and benefit contemporary urban research.  相似文献   

Recent studies of public space in US central cities tend to focus either on (1) market‐driven placemaking (privatized parks, hipster shops) in gentrifying enclaves or (2) street cultures (community gardens, hip‐hop) in low‐income neighborhoods. Neither focus adequately frames the ability of African Americans to shape public space as the white middle class returns to central cities. In this case study of downtown Detroit, I theorize a dialectic: the history of clashes between racial capitalism and social movements in public space reappears in the contradictory design of market‐driven placemaking, which suppresses and displays cultures of resistance. White business and real‐estate interests showcase downtown spaces to counter news of disinvestment and suffering in low‐income neighborhoods. The legal and political legacies of civil rights and black power struggles—combined with consumer demand (black culture sells)—force them to involve black entrepreneurs, professionals and artists in placemaking. This placemaking subordinates the black urban poor, even as it incorporates their street cultures. The contradictions of placemaking shape possibilities for resistance, as shown in mundane subversions and street protests that use the downtown spotlight to call for social justice citywide. This analysis contributes to research on public space at a time when new movements are challenging public order in the financial core of US cities.  相似文献   

This article develops the concept of territorial stigma by analyzing how it can be cultivated at the level of political institutions across administrative divides. I consider the case of Detroit's regional water department, which until 2016 was owned and operated by the city and served over 120 suburban regional municipalities. I start by examining the cooperative city–suburban water system expansion in the 1950s and then analyze the rise of Detroit's first black‐led administration in 1974, after which the water authority became a key regional institution that provided an opportunity for white suburban leaders to organize against the city. I find that suburban leaders advanced their immediate goal of mitigating rate hikes by declaring the city to be greedy and inept, instead of acknowledging structural conditions that increased operational costs. This had the effect of reproducing racialized stereotypes at the political level, which had enduring effects. The argument builds on the existing literature on territorial stigma by (1) identifying state institutions as sites for the propagation of stigma and (2) considering stigmatized places in relation to their non‐stigmatized neighbors. The analysis integrates material‐structural and cultural‐symbolic factors in order to understand the perpetuation of regional urban inequalities.  相似文献   

产业集群经济是当前中国地方经济发展的一大特色,也是浙江模式的主要内涵之一.产业集群降低了生产商和出口商的生产、运输成本,大幅度提高了产品的生产效率,使出口商在国际贸易出口阶段节省了大量的人力、物力、时间和费用,从而有利于扩大生产、增加出口数量及对外贸易总额.  相似文献   

浅谈中心渔港在渔业经济的产业集群效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中心渔港在渔业经济产业集群发展中具有重要的效应。本文分析了传统渔港的不足,在此基础上对中心渔港建设的思考,提出中心渔港建设的对策建议;探讨中心渔港在渔业经济产业集群的效应,从构建中心渔港的产业集群平台,推动产业转型升级、结构优化、形成规模,从而带动相关产业发展和渔业经济可持续发展。期望本文的研讨,对加快中心渔港的建设有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

以低能耗、低污染、低排放为特征的低碳经济发展模式成为城市发展转型的方向.低碳目标下城市发展方式转型的关键在于产业结构调整和空间结构优化的协调.文章以杭州为例分析了低碳城市建设中二者协调的经验和问题,并得出启示和政策建议.  相似文献   

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