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希腊债务危机的爆发,使其成为欧洲的阿喀琉斯之踵。当前全球经济再次探底的风险主要集中在欧洲的债务问题上,欧元区的前景愈发令人担忧。  相似文献   

欧洲债务危机表明,依据最优货币区理论的欧洲货币一体化安排在外来冲击下,由于区域经济结构失衡、市场机制调节无力,成员国突破财政约束、运用传统的财政刺激政策而货币政策又保持紧缩,则产生财政危机和公共债务危机的可能性就很大。欧元区要摆脱困境必须加强市场一体化建设,推进政治一体化建设,寻找新的调节机制和财政平衡机制。  相似文献   

樊娇 《现代经济信息》2012,(11):227-228
自2008年世界金融危机以来,希腊的主权债务危机不断加深,给希腊本国造成难以估计的损失,也给整个欧元区乃至世界经济的发展带来巨大影响。通过了解希腊债务危机的发展状况及其解决措施,分析危机演变的内外部深层原因,我们能更加清晰的对症下药,寻求经济的平稳恢复。同时,我国应以希腊为鉴,抓住市场机遇,努力发展实体经济,实施合理的财政政策和货币政策,从而实现国民经济稳健发展。  相似文献   

欧洲债务危机对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲债务危机还未过去,但对世界经济将产生深远影响。然而对中国更为重要的作用,在于警示。由于2008年金融危机以来,中国放开了地方政府融资平台,地方政府债务严重超标。欧洲债务危机为我们敲响了警钟,以欧债危机为研究对象,深入分析了当前中国出现地方政府债务问题,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

一、总述主权债务是指国家以自己的主权为担保,向外方借的债。  相似文献   

沈君克 《经济师》2012,7(2):84-86
2009年10月20日,希腊政府宣布其当年的财政赤字占GDP的比重高达成12.7%,公共债务占GDP的比重高达113%。随后全球三大信用评级公司标准·普尔、穆迪公司和惠誉公司相继下调对希腊主权债务的信用评级,欧洲主权危机首先在希腊爆发。紧接着,危机蔓延到了西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利和爱尔兰。引起这次危机的原因有:美国金融危机的冲击、内部经济失衡、高福利的社会保障制度和混乱的税收体系、统一的货币政策和分散的财政政策之间的矛盾以及国际投机者的恶意炒作等。  相似文献   

2007年美国金融危机爆发以后,又发生了欧洲债务危机。它是国际金融危机的延续和升级,属于第二阶段的危机;它已经影响到国际经济的总体走向,已经从消费者企业的微观层面蔓延到了政府的宏观层面,其危害性和严重性可见一斑。因此,围绕欧洲债务危机带给我国国际贸易的影响展开讨论,以期能够有针对性地提出一些解决对策,让欧洲债务危机对我国国际贸易的负面影响变得有限和可控,从而引领我国经济迈向更为广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

在美国次贷危机对全球经济的影响逐步消退之时,世界经济复苏之路又迎来新挑战,继国际评级机构下调希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙国家主权债务评级之后,近期又下调意大利国家主权债务评级,显示着欧洲主权债务危机出现进一步恶化的趋势,进一步影响着包括中国在内的世界经济的发展。本文对欧洲主权债务危机的成因做出了分析,并重点研究了对中国经济的影响和带来的启发。  相似文献   

2009年10月20日,希腊新一届政府宣布,其2009年财政赤字预计达到GDP的12.7%.公共债务占GDP的比例也预计达到113.4%.这两项指标均远远高于欧盟<稳定与增长公约>所规定的成员国财政赤字不能超过当年GDP的3%,以及公共债务不能超过当年GDP的60%的上限.随着希腊政府财政状况的显著恶化,三大评级机构惠誉、标准普尔,穆迪相继下调了希腊的主权信用评级.  相似文献   

朱一平 《经济》2012,(4):74-75
3月12日,希腊官方和私人部门债权人完成史上最大规模的债务互换,基于这一前提,欧盟正式批准对希腊的第二批贷款援助,希腊债务无序违约风险释放,然而未来十年债务问题仍将持续困扰希腊. 希腊获1600亿欧元完成债务重组 希腊官方和私人部门债权人达成债务互换协议,希腊债务无序重组风险暂时消除.根据债务互换协议,私人部门债权人削减其所持53.5%的希腊债务,即总额1070亿欧元的公债,相当于希腊国内生产总值的50%.该项协议将减少2012~~2020年间到期的1500亿欧元债务,使得2020年希腊公债GDP占比下降到117%.作为希腊获得第二批欧盟援助贷款前提的私人部门债务重组结束,3月12日欧盟签署对希腊第二笔1300亿欧元贷款援助协议.  相似文献   

欧盟是我国第一大贸易伙伴和第一大出口市场.随着欧债危机持续恶化,欧债危机已经席卷整个欧元区,由希腊蔓延至西班牙、意大利等国.在这场经济风暴中,我国对欧洲的产品出口也受到严重的影响.通过分析欧债危机的现状和原因,我们发现此次危机对我国对欧贸易的影响主要体现在欧元汇率、欧洲市场需求的萎缩和欧洲市场挤出效应等方面.欧元汇率持续下跌,给以欧元作为结算单位的中国企业带来很大的汇兑风险,许多中小企业出口利润都淹没在汇率风险中.而欧洲市场需求的萎缩和欧洲市场挤出效应使我国的对欧贸易严重受挫.我国外销企业只有及时调整产业结构、不断开拓市场和防范汇率波动风险,才能抵御欧债危机的影响.  相似文献   

欧债危机后,发达国家依靠紧缩的财政政策来弥补巨大的财政赤字和政府债务,各国也进入到了增税周期。发达国家通过强化税制公平、开征银行税、为中小企业和创新企业减税和加强征管的方法来增加税收收入。经济全球化下中国应顺应世界税制改革的趋势,借鉴成功经验完善中国的税收制度。同时一国的宏观经济形势是税制改革的基础,任何税制改革都不应脱离本国的实际情况。  相似文献   

为了尽快走出欧债危机,意大利政府提出了一系列改革方案,其中,研究和创新是重要的改革内容。具体的改革举措包括:简化公共研发竞争性基金资助程序,改革企业激励机制,为年轻研究人员提供专项资金,引入需求驱动型创新机制,出台一系列研发税收减免机制,推出新的创业文化支持创新型中小企业创业等。通过介绍意大利研究与创新体系的基本特点,并对欧债危机发生后意大利研究与创新体系的变化以及采取的重要创新改革举措进行分析和总结,以期对我国的创新决策提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Greece and its creditors concluded negotiations over a third bailout by signing a Memorandum of Understanding on 19 August 2015. The dominant view among most economic policy analysts and commentators seems to be that the actions of the Greek government in the months before the deal had been erratic and lacked coordination. In this paper we argue instead that the decisions of the Greek leaders, including asking the voters to reject the earlier terms demanded by the creditors in a referendum, can be rationally explained by the logic of brinkmanship. We develop a game-theoretic model to show that the actions of the Greek government are consistent with a strategy aimed at getting a better bailout deal.  相似文献   

欧债危机对中国的影响及国际货币体系的改革思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期,欧债危机愈演愈烈,已显现出向欧元区核心国家蔓延的态势。本文重点分析了欧债危机对中国的影响,在此基础上从短期和长期两个角度提出了中国面对欧债危机的应对之策。同时,作者分析了欧债危机对今后区域与国际货币体系改革的启示,并探讨了中国如何参与当前国际货币体系的改革。  相似文献   

In the 1980s Latin American countries ran into debt crisis. Heavy debt has been the shade that cannot be waved all the time. Commercial banks' expansionist thrnst into Latin America made these countries go deeply into the debt crisis. International Monetary Fund played an indispensable role in resolving the crisis. It might temporarily steady the financial situation of an area, but it was difficult to stem the enormous economical loopholes of these countries and couldn't solve the basic problems of economy, politics and society. It was unable to make the countries pass the crisis substantially.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop Minskyan financial fragility indices for the government sector and to examine the financial structure of the Greek government before and after the onset of the sovereign debt crisis in 2009. We provide empirical evidence that clearly shows the growing financial fragility of the Greek public sector in the 2000s. We also assess the effectiveness of the implemented bailout adjustment programmes in Greece and claim that the conducted austerity measures and fiscal consolidation have not significantly improved the financial posture of the Greek government sector. We argue that the implementation of fiscal and wage austerity in an economy that lacks structural competitiveness produces prolonged recession and unemployment with adverse feedback effects on the financial fragility of the government.  相似文献   

I argue that the Eurozone crisis is neither a crisis of European sovereigns in the sense of governmental over-borrowing, nor a crisis of sovereign debt market over-lending. Rather, it is a function of the “sovereign debt market” institution itself. Crisis, I argue, is not an occurrence, but an element fulfilling a precise technical function within this institution. It ensures the possibility of designating — in the market’s day-to-day mechanisms rather than analytical hindsight — normal (tranquil, undisturbed) market functioning. To show this, I propose an alternative view on the institutional economics of sovereign debt markets. First, I engage literature on the emergent qualities of the institutions “market” and “firm” in product markets, concluding that the point of coalescence for markets is the approximation of an optimal observation of consumer tastes. I then examine the specific institution “financial markets,” where the optimal observation of economic fundamentals is decisive. For the specific sub-institution “sovereign debt market,” I conclude that the fundamentals in question — country fundamentals — oscillate between a status of observable fundamentals outside of markets and operationalized fundamentals influenced by market movements. This, in turn, allows me to argue that the specific case of the Eurozone crisis is due to neither of the two causes mentioned above. Rather, the notion of “crisis” takes on a technical sense within the market structure, guaranteeing the separation of herd behavior and isomorphic behavior on European sovereign debt markets. By the same token, the so-called Eurozone crisis ceases to be a crisis in the conventional sense.  相似文献   

文章首先评估了欧债危机的发展现状,包括欧洲危机的演进历程、潜在冲击以及对欧洲银行业造成的挑战;其次剖析了当前应对欧债危机的各种政策选择,包括利用EFSF/ESM机制、IMF的参与、发行欧洲债券以及由ECB担任最后贷款人,并分析了各种政策选择面临的制约因素;最后展望了欧债危机的三种可能前景:财政一体化、欧元区解体以及维持现状,并指出财政一体化前景的概率最高。  相似文献   

Klaus Grobys 《Applied economics》2016,48(19):1759-1766
This article studies the profitability of a selection of prominent momentum-based strategies in the European Monetary Union (EMU). In contrast to past examples documenting the lack of profitability of unconditional price momentum in the most recent decade, the current research finds that unconditional price momentum yielded significant positive payoffs. There is evidence of option-like behaviour for strategies based on intermediate past performance. Surprisingly, there is no such evidence for the momentum strategy based on recent past performance.  相似文献   

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