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每一个中国供应商最想要的是马上能够转化的询盘(Leads);他们抱怨最多的问题就是:有询盘没订单,花了钱没效果;他们现在最头疼的事就是B2B平台上价格竞争激烈;他们每天正在经历的事是发出的询盘回复石沉大海,杳无音信。然而,“有没有留意过,你有多少询盘是真正转化成为订单?”当这个问题被抛给外贸企业经营者时,几乎没有人能给出比较确切的答案的。  相似文献   

王振家 《光彩》2014,(6):31-31
正企业应该实施差异化战略,平台和产品都要避免同质化。张洁是上海一家跨境电商公司马帮的创始人,张洁自称马帮帮主,从事跨境电商十余年,是各大平台欢迎的明星卖家。马帮主要做服装、电子产品的跨境电子商务,95%的货源通过阿里巴巴或淘宝网采购。张洁对产品的货源地不太考  相似文献   

一、案情简介 2002年12月20日,厦门YT贸易有限公司(以下简称YT公司)与波兰ABC有限公司(以下简称ABC公司)签定一份HDPE塑料袋出口合同,其数量为3,000,000 PCS,总额为USD13,350.00 CIPWARSAW,可溢短装10%,不允许分批装运,支付方式为不可撤销的即期信用证.2003年1月14日,波兰ABC公司按合同规定通过波兰C银行(波兰ABC有限公司所在地银行)开来了信用证.装运期为2003年2月16日之前,交单期为装运后10天之内,信用证有效期内.  相似文献   

上一期中我们介绍了回复询盘前的准备工作,在做好了报价资料和沟通准备后,现在就让我们来看看如何回复买家的询盘. 网络询盘大多来源于邮件,如何在第一封邮件就吸引买家,将会在很大程度上影响到交易的成功率.因而,我们有必要介绍下电子邮件的写作要领.  相似文献   

在现有渠道文献中,国内外学者围绕渠道依赖进行了广泛研究,本文从依赖结构的测量、权力-依赖理论和依赖结构对交易关系的影响等三个方面对以往学者们的研究进行了述评,以期为更深入的研究渠道依赖理论提供理论依据.  相似文献   

西方对渠道理论的研究主要集中于渠道结构和渠道行为两大领域.研究渠道的结构,即探讨渠道是怎样构成的;研究渠道行为,即探讨渠道成员怎样认识、建立与处理渠道关系.在渠道行为研究领域中,渠道成员如何建立和利用权力,如何处理冲突,如何通过合作获取竞争优势,是西方渠道行为理论的研究重点.尽管营销渠道的冲突管理只是企业营销渠道管理的一个组成部分,但从某种程度上讲,它又是企业营销渠道管理的关键所在.因此,现代西方市场营销学者对此进行过比较系统的分析和研究.  相似文献   

国外营销渠道冲突研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方对渠道理论的研究主要集中于渠道结构和渠道行为两大领域。研究渠道的结构, 即探讨渠道是怎样构成的;研究渠道行为,即探讨渠道成员怎样认识、建立与处理渠道关系。在渠道行为研究领域中,渠道成员如何建立和利用权力,如何处理冲突,如何通过合作获取竞争优势,是西方渠道行为理论的研究重点。尽管营销渠道的冲突管理只是企业营销渠道管理的一个组成部分,但从某种程度上讲,它又是企业营销渠道管理的关键所在。因此,现代西方市场营销学者对此进行过比较系统的分析和研究。 一、冲突的定义 “冲突”(conflict)一词来源于…  相似文献   

西方对渠道理论的研究主要集中于渠道结构和渠道行为两大领域。研究渠道的结构,即探讨渠道是怎样构成的,研究渠道行为.即探讨渠道成员怎样认识、建立与处理渠道关系。在渠道行为研究领域中,渠道成员如何建立和利用权力,如何处理冲突,如何通过合作获取竞争优势,是西方渠道行为理论的研究重点。尽管营销渠道的冲突管理只是企业营销渠道管理的一个组成部分,但从某种程度上讲,它又是企业营销渠道管理的关键所在。因此,现代西方市场营销学者对此进行过比较系统的分析和研究。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《中国物价》2014,(8):8-10
国外研究普遍认为,外部需求减弱、人口增长速度趋缓、以及人均资本下降等因素将导致未来中国潜在增长率的下降。外部冲击和成本冲击作为影响潜在增长率发生变化的重要因素,同样值得关注。对于未来中国潜在增长率的变化程度,不同机构、不同专家的看法有所不同,但大都介于5%-8%之间。许多观点认为,未来全要素生产率的提高还有潜力可挖,随着城镇化进程的推动,以及不平等状况的改善,中国未来潜在产出增长率仍有一定的提升空间。改革,特别是结构化改革,成为影响未来的关键。  相似文献   

国外汽车营销渠道模式与本土化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析西方国家汽车营销渠道模式,结合中国国情得出以下认识:西方品牌专卖店的主流渠道模式不会成为中国汽车渠道的主流,而只是中高档车型的销售渠道形式;汽车连锁超市将成为中国汽车销售的主流渠道形式;集约型汽车交易市场将退出历史舞台;对于汽车园区应持谨慎态度;而电子商务则是提高企业竞争力的有效手段。  相似文献   

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1151-1159
Literature on organizational buying behavior pays little attention to ongoing search, i.e., information search activities that are independent of specific purchase decisions. This study employs ethnographic methods to investigate the nature of ongoing search in the context of trade shows. The study contributes to the literature on information search among industrial buyers by highlighting its bias in favor of search processes that lead to short-term purchases. The research findings have strong implications for trade show scholarship, as they cast a critical light on the “received view” on how to effectively select, manage and measure returns on trade show investments. This article offers a more complex and nuanced view of visitor behavior at trade shows and introduces a broader perspective on the significance of these events for their underlying markets.  相似文献   

The Indonesian government considers renegotiating gas prices for buyers in China's Fujian Province to adjust with the surging oil prices, local press said Saturday.  相似文献   


Food retailers have had difficulties increasing their private-label sales during non-recessionary periods. Conventional research leads us to believe it would be ineffective to use traditional segmentation to target prospective private-label buyers because sociodemographics and most psychographics are not strongly linked to private-label attitudes, purchases, or willingness-to-pay. Many studies have concluded that perceived risks are associated with private-label attitudes and are limiting private-label sales. This study explores a new approach to identify potential private-label buyers. The results from an internet panel survey of 605 adults were analyzed with binary logistic regressions. Several scales, which have rarely been employed in grocery shopper studies, were used to profile those individuals who perceive more risks from buying or using private labels. The characteristics of these individuals can help retailers and private-label marketers develop appealing product offerings and target prospective private-label buyers using various marketing tactics to grow their private-label businesses.  相似文献   

盘点2005年“金九银十”的汽车市场业绩,可以比较欣慰的感觉到,自04年二季度以来国家对汽车产业实施调整政策所起的良性作用初见端倪。这一点从购车人的心态上就能真切地体现出来。据2005年6月中旬才开业的天龙汽车汽配城统计,九、十两月新年销售达860辆,比七、八两月增长13.7%,其中1.3升以下的车型超过60%。购车者的心态总体上是平静的,可归纳为以下五种表现。  相似文献   

尽管发生了金融危机,但是买家仍然需要采购,只是购买行为发生了变化。而买家行为的变化,并不是“买得更少了”或者“要求的价格更低了”那么简单。  相似文献   

数据库营销是一个主动营销的过程,它通过对客户信息的管理实行批量化沟通。数据库营销能帮助你保留客户、提高客户的忠诚度,一些外部购买的数据库则可能是你大量客户的来源。外贸企业除了可以从外部购买、开发数据之外,更应该建立属于企业自己的数据库,这是一个长期累积的过程。  相似文献   

在复杂的市场营销过程中,营销人员和顾客之间的心理差距,极有可能引发双方的矛盾和冲突.从营销人员一方来看,他追求的是商场利益和自身利益,最关心的是如何把商品推销出去,而对顾客的购买与使用后的感受与实际效果并不是最关心;从顾客一方来看,他所需要的是可靠和满意的商品质量和良好的服务,最关心的是怎样才能选择到符合自身愿望的商品,以最小的支出获得最大的使用价值.这样,营销人员表现的迫切心情与顾客表现出的某种疑虑心理形成鲜明反差,再加上双方交流的短暂性和信息的不对称性,极易引起两者之间的不信任,并有可能产生矛盾冲突.所以,商场营销人员要尽力防止和避免冲突的产生,要以顾客的基本需要为契机,针对顾客的消费心理活动规律,因势利导,抓住顾客的心,建立良好的顾客关系.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to achieve a better understanding of the managerial behaviour of home buyers. Data for the study were obtained by means of a telephone interview with 152 households who had purchased a home during the first six months of 1981. Results report socio-economic characteristics associated with particular reasons for purchasing a home, with types of resources used, and with kinds and extent of life style and housing sacrifices experienced. The findings indicate that it is important the professionals dealing with families and individuals become sensitized to the types of reasons, resources, life-style and housing-feature sacrifices that families experience, and be familiar with the fact that different families, depending on their socio-economic characteristics, are likely to have somewhat different reasons, use somewhat different resources, and experience somewhat different sacrifices.  相似文献   

This article investigates the following propositions: a useful approach for building an organizational‐buying–behavior taxonomy might begin with classifying how buyers frame purchasing problems followed by how such frames affect subsequent perceptions and actions in the decision process. Unlike previous taxonomies of buying situations, direct questioning of organizational buyers is used to learn: (1) whether or not they identify different categories of buying problems; (2) if they do, what dimensions they use when framing buying problems; and (3) how do such frames influence their choices of value‐added service alternatives offered by suppliers. To test the propositions empirically, supplier choices are modeled with the use of buying‐decision exercises. A key result of this study is that the buyers’ framing of problems affects their preferences for vendor designs of value‐added customer services. Most likely, the framing of buying problems by organizational buyers is layered and more complex than related taxonomies found in the marketing literature. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Extant theoretical models suggest that greater consumer loyalty increases a firm’s market power and leads to higher prices and fewer price promotions (Klemperer, Quarterly Journal of Economics 102(2):375–394, 1987a, Economic Journal 97(0):99–177, 1987b, Review of Economic Studies 62(4):515–539, 1995; Padilla, Journal of Economic Theory 67(2):520–530, 1995). However, in some markets large, national brands that are able to generate more consumer loyalty than their rivals offer lower prices and promote more frequently. In this paper, we develop a two-period game-theoretic, asymmetric duopoly model in which firms differ in their ability to retain repeat, loyal buyers. In this market, we demonstrate that it is optimal for a firm that generates more loyalty to offer a lower average price and promote more frequently than a weaker competitor. Numerical analysis of a more general infinite period version of this asymmetric model leads to three additional results. First, we show that there is an inverted-U relationship between a weak firm’s ability to attract repeat, loyal consumers and strong firm profits. Second, we show that the relative ability of firms to attract repeat buyers affects whether serial and contemporaneous price correlations are positive or negative. Finally, we highlight the effect of dynamics on firms’ expected prices and profits.
Nanda KumarEmail:

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