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开创京东方事业的16年间,我始终是一个惶者,天天如履薄冰惶惶然。我认为,只有惶者才有可能成为王者。放眼望去,而今的王者无一例外都曾是惶者。我之所以是一个惶者,是因为任何一个企业始终面临着两种替代之危:一种是产业替代之危,另一种是人才替代之危。  相似文献   

经济学理论认为,当买方可以用一种产品替代另外一种产品时,就会存在竞争。这种替代的意愿依赖于几个因素:比如产品价格、替代品的价格、产品的质量、消费者的收入以及不同产品能够在多大程度上为消费者提供相同的服务等。  相似文献   

<正> 就在白色污染将被逐出市场的同时,生产一次性无污染餐具成为江苏一个新的投资热点。在10月20日召开的江苏省一次性发泡塑料餐具替代品展示会上,有40多家厂家携带产品登场,其中南京市该类企业便有十几家。原来江苏省生产传统发泡餐具的企业只有5家。由于江苏省废除"白色"已进入实施阶段,所以很多企业,甚至个人都看好替代产品这一市场。  相似文献   

周筱 《现代商业》2012,(23):179
在现实生活中,会计信息除了依靠财务分析获得,还可以被其他信息所替代。本文主要从七个方面分析会计信息的替代信息来源。  相似文献   

开创京东方事业的15年间,我始终是一个惶者,天天如履薄冰惶惶然。我认为,只有惶者才有可能成为王者。放眼望去,而今的王者无一例外都曾是惶者。我之所以是一个惶者,是因为任何一个企业始终面临着两种替代之危:一种是产业替代之危,另一种是人才替代之危。  相似文献   

《经济参考报》报道石油紧缺和价格高昂迫使中国的研究机构和企业研究开发石油替代品。目前,安徽丰原集团等中国企业已基本掌握利用农作物精深加工全线替代石油产品的关键技术。  相似文献   

王东升 《三联竞争力》2007,69(12):38-39
一个企业所能遇到的最大的危机是,在无忧无虑几载辉煌之后,突然发现自己已经被来自地球遥远一端的企业所替代;一个企业很难摆脱的危机是,在被替代之后,费尽心机终于找到另一艘小舢板,但仅高兴半日,却发现这艘小舢板也在漏水,此时周围云水茫茫,呼救无门。  相似文献   

报纸电子版是报业运用新媒体的最初尝试,持续至今。报业对电子版寄予厚望,认为它能成为报纸的替代品;如今,它真的可能成为了报纸的替代品,但是在替代报纸的同时,电子版自身却没有成长起来,有被商业新闻网站替代的危险。  相似文献   

陈国权 《中国报业》2011,(11):57-59
报纸电子版是报业运用新媒体的最初尝试,持续至今。报业对电子版寄予厚望,认为它能成为报纸的替代品;如今,它真的可能成为了报纸的替代品,但是在替代报纸的同时,电子版自身却没有成长起来,有被商业新闻网站替代的危险。  相似文献   

直接投资与国际贸易的不完全替代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无直接投资贸易模型与完全替代 1.模型的假定 早在1957年,芒德尔在《美国经济评论》上就提出了他著名的贸易与投资替代模型。(1)只存在X、Y两个存在经济交往的国家,其交往基础是两国资源秉赋不同,设X国资本要素丰富,Y国劳动力要素丰富;(2)两国间的贸易往来以各具要素优势的产品为对象,两国以各自的比较优势  相似文献   

竞争力二元结构与成长模型:一个外生的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,在基于供应链竞争的综合议价能力和基于替代竞争的反替代能力所构成的企业竞争力二元结构矩阵中,存在粗放型和集约型两条演进路线,可使企业达到强势竞争力的状态。在粗放型演进情况下,企业从弱势竞争力开始,抢占竞争对手的市场份额,而在拥有较强的替代竞争力并占据一定市场份额以后,则注重培养自己的综合议价能力,保持企业长久稳定发展。在集约型演进情况下,企业从弱势竞争力开始,凭借其强大的综合议价能力快速演进到集约成长竞争力阶段,尔后则注重增强自身的替代与反替代竞争力。文章指出,企业在该矩阵中的定位反映了其竞争力的总体状况,并为企业竞争力发展战略提供决策依据与框架;企业应清楚认识或选择本企业的竞争力成长路线,并根据演进的阶段提出相应的发展对策,以推动企业竞争力从弱势竞争力状态向强势竞争力状态不断前进。  相似文献   

U.S. food retailing is a competitive sector that has undergone rapid changes. The U.S. market for organic products has expanded rapidly over the last decade, while local foods have become a more visible marketing strategy. Studies focusing on the marketing of these products by retailers are sparse and generally qualitative. This article is the first quantitative examination of the connection between the local and organic retailing. A sample selection model is used with data from a 2008 national survey of organic retailers to study supplier interactions and company characteristics that influence a retailer’s decision to procure local organic produce directly from farmers, and the rate at which they procure these products. The results show that the number of years a store has sold organic products and the size of the company, as well as aspects prioritized in choosing suppliers and past problems interacting with local suppliers, affect the outcomes.  相似文献   

If you think about the last television commercial for an Italian pasta brand you have seen, are you sure it is really Italian? In many cases, especially in the food sector, neither the company nor the product originate from the advertised country, meaning that the company is pursuing a foreign branding strategy and is trying to benefit from positive stereotypes customers have about the specific foreign country. By collecting both quantitative and qualitative data through a point-of-sale intercept survey, this article assesses the impact of alleged origins on customers’ willingness to buy (WTB) and willingness to pay (WTP) if the actual origin is disclosed. The sample consisted of 200 German customers who were asked to answer questions related to one of two hedonic products they had just bought. It is empirically shown that foreign branding has a positive impact on the brand’s performance. However, as soon as customers find out that they were misled with regard to the origin of the product, both their WTB and their WTP decrease. This study contributes to the knowledge on the role of products’ origins on customers’ WTB and WTP. In contrast to the vast majority of the studies in this field, the communicated origin of the product is based on a foreign branding strategy and not on the product’s actual origin. Consequently, it was possible to manipulate within-subject variables by disclosing the actual origin of the product. The results of our study suggest that foreign branding may be a successful strategy for companies to increase their customers’ WTB and WTP. At the same time, our results raise concerns about the suitability of foreign branding as a long-term marketing strategy, unless a company can successfully maintain its foreign image. Future research opportunities include the choice of consumers with a different cultural background, of other hedonic products or of utilitarian products.  相似文献   

Although marketers are increasingly developing strategies to promote environmentally-friendly images for their brands, little is known about green brand architecture strategies. The current study examines two sub-branding strategies and finds that when green products are dispersed across several sub-brands (vs. concentrated within one sub-brand), consumers are more likely to infer that the overall parent brand is environmentally friendly. The sincerity of the company’s sustainability efforts is found to mediate the effects of the sub-branding strategy on consumers’ eco-friendly beliefs of the parent brand. Specifically, consumers associate dispersed strategy (vs. concentrated strategy) with intrinsic motive (vs. extrinsic motive) of the company’s sustainability policy. As a result, dispersed strategy instead of concentrated strategy promotes spillover effects of sustainability to the parent brand, demonstrating the impact of brand structure on spillover to the parent brand equity. Managerial implications are discussed related to the automobile company’s sub-branding strategy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the link between the consumer perception that a company is socially oriented and the consumer intention to buy products marketed by that company. We suggest that this link exists when at least two conditions prevail: (1) the products sold by that company comply with ethical and social requirements; (2) the company has an acknowledged commitment to protect consumer rights and interests. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a survey among the clients of retail chains offering Fair Trade products. The results show that socially oriented companies can successfully leverage their reputation to market products with high symbolic values.  相似文献   

李乾文  赵曙明  蒋春燕 《财贸研究》2012,23(3):99-104,131
拥有大量内外部信息资源的高管团队(TMT),其社会网络不但可以提供公司创业的机会来源,也是企业现在绩效和未来绩效的影响因素。TMT的社会网络只有通过公司创业机制才能转化为企业绩效的价值创造过程。中国背景下的实证研究显示:TMT社会网络、公司创业都与企业绩效正相关,对于企业而言,要高度重视通过管理手段激励整个高管团队的所有成员去构建有效的内外部社会网络;公司创业的价值增值中介作用也得到证实,公司创业发挥着重要的资源整合作用,有价值的TMT内外部社会网络只有充分融入企业的产品或服务创新,以及深层次的战略更新过程中,为企业的价值增值服务,才能转变为企业绩效。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):326-342
To what extent should multichannel retailers integrate assortments across channels? Previous literature controversially discusses the question of which integration strategy is most successful but arguments are only conceptual, and no empirical assessment exists. This article presents a framework that (a) shows how customers’ perceived shopping benefits of variety, convenience, and reduced risk mediate the impact of multichannel assortment integration (full, asymmetrical, no) on patronage intentions and (b) differentiates the impact for retailer types based on substitutive, complementary, and independent assortment relations. Two large-scale experimental studies empirically investigate whether a dominant integration strategy exists in the context of full and simultaneous information (Study 1) and more uncertain and subsequent information accessibility (Study 2). We consistently find that full integration dominates no integration across assortment relations, but asymmetrical integration—the strategy that is most often realized by multichannel retailers—can have a detrimental impact for substitutive relations compared with no integration. Asymmetrical integration can be more beneficial than full integration for independent relations, while customer outcomes differ less for complementary relations. Researchers and managers can use our findings to understand how shopping benefits of variety, convenience, and reduced risk explain the different customer outcomes of multichannel assortment integration, depending on retailer type.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2013,56(5):583-589
Marketers may increase the chance of success for a new product launch by using a sub-brand name and a parent brand name simultaneously. In this article, we report the successful case of using two brand names—dual branding strategy—by practitioners in China for the Minute Maid Orange Pulp juice drink launch. A suggestive sub-brand name helps consumers recall the key benefits and features of the new product. A suggestive parent brand name communicates the benefits of the product category. A dual branding strategy addresses the problem of using only one brand name for a new product launch. After the successful launch of the first new product by a parent brand, marketers are able to launch other new products under other sub-brand names in the future to meet different consumer needs. Marketers may use the same parent brand to introduce different products to build scale for the brand, and are able to clearly differentiate the different product offerings under different sub-brand names. If a company acquires a brand from another company, a marketer may position the acquired brand as a sub-brand under the parent brand if the marketer has defined the business scope of the parent brand broadly enough and with a suggestive parent brand name.  相似文献   

农产品流通体制改革:政策演变与路径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国经济体制改革旨在用社会主义市场经济体制替代原有的计划经济体制,农产品流通体制改革具有显著的强制性制度变迁与诱致性制度变迁相结合特征,在经营形式和市场发展上更注重农产品流通的多种经营形式和市场制度安排。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study undertaken in an intensely competitive industrial market in which the sponsoring company needed to identify those segments of the market that would lead to sales growth. The marketing planning and segmentation literature is used to provide conceptual guidance in developing a viable marketing strategy. Commercially available data were combined with data obtained from a telephone survey to identify potential new customers and to test a series of hypotheses. The results of the study suggest that 1) awareness of the company by potential buyers, 2) the size of the buyer's firms, and 3) the geographic location of the buyer's firms are all related to the buyers' interest in the company's products and their willingness to receive both impersonal and personal communications from the company.  相似文献   

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