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我国某内地A出口公司,收到一份来自东南亚一个信仰佛教的客户对某种商品的询价,该商品是玉石雕刻的庙宇。这份询价对该商品的规格提出了比较详细的要求,包括尺寸、材料、C1F价格,数量很大,达数万个。A公司收到来电后,不知道哪里生产该产品。但是,过了两天,国外又发来一个传真:指出这种产品在A公司所在省的某个小县生产。A公司遂与厂家取得联系,厂家的报价很低,与客户的报价有很大的差距。A公司于是认为这笔交易极为有利可图,而且非常碰巧厂家的规格与国外的要求完全一致。由于巨大的差价,A公司对这种巧合没有产生丝毫的怀疑,就立即回复国外客户,双方很快进入实质性谈判,最终达成交易。  相似文献   

唐锐涛 《中国广告》2003,(2):97-102
作为全球排名前列的广告公司之一,智威汤逊深信:一个伟大的品牌,必须把对消费者的心理洞察与独特的产品特性天衣无缝地融合起来。然而,与了解产品的特性相比,了解目标消费群的心理,则艰巨得多。本文以中国的中等收入阶层为对象,以大量的研究调查和多年的行业经验为基础,通过贯穿中西古今的历史、宗教、文化等方面的对比与分析,以心理学的观点,阐释这一新兴群体的心理特征,从而希望为市场营销、乃至广告传播做出与时俱进的、甚或争议性的建议。  相似文献   

对中国男性人口过剩的规模、结构、影响因素及其发展趋势进行了标准化分析.研究表明1982与1990年男性人口过剩规模与比例已处较高水平.更为严重的是在未来几十年时间内中国男性人口过剩问题将日渐严重,性别结构因素的影响将逐渐增强,并最终成为男性人口过剩的首要影响因素,年龄结构与人口规律因素的影响将逐年减弱.婚姻市场也因此将受到前所未有的冲击.  相似文献   

现在我国产业界、司法界和学术界对专利、著利、商标等公开性知识给予保护比较重视。随着全球化竞争日益加剧,经济间谍窃取商业秘密频繁发生。保护商业秘密的非公开性知识产权已经成为全球性大趋势。完善保护商业秘密立法和加强司法,成为当前最迫切的任务,它对于维护我国公司国际经济利益和国家安全具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文以南通市物流业发展为切入口,结合对南通市多家大中小型物流公司以及南通市多家制造企业的走访所得资料,与南通市崇川区税务部门相关政府人员的访谈和调研资料,以解决南通市物流行业中所存在的问题量为着力点,从政府部门、物流业(新兴服务业)、各物流需求企业(制造业)三方面着手,全面反思物流业发展过程中存在的问题,针对政府对物流行业的引导措施不足,物流行业秩序混乱,制造业与物流业“两业联动”存在诸多牵制因素等问题提出了一些浅显的解决对策和发展思路。  相似文献   

刘鹤翔  刘建强 《创业家》2012,(4):102-103
1月,一条269公斤的蓝鳍金枪鱼被一家办司店以5649万日元(约合464万元人民币)拍得。商业价值刺激日本、欧洲和北非渔业公司,以及海盗和意大利黑下党近十年在地中海渔场的疯犴扫荡:由空巾的渔业侦察机领航,以配备有声纳系统的围网船实施捕捞。  相似文献   

中国书业在2003年发生的一切是国有、民营、外资三方竞争主体在多年市场热身后的第一次正式交锋。公平市场竞争的青天已经来临,火热市场竞争的夏天还会运吗?  相似文献   

谁的声音最高、影响力最大?在特定时代的环境里这是不言自明的事情,在此无意为2003年中国传媒界各色人等发出的不同声音按分贝数排序。与其说以下所做的是个声音榜,还不如说是个脱口秀的大杂烩。它好比中央电视台的春节联欢晚会,让读者一乐的同时或有所思,这个声音榜的目的就达到了。  相似文献   

吴迪  陈思  费腾  王锋 《消费导刊》2011,(11):47-50
随着经济的发展,环境恶化程度日益加深,物流业作为一种与人类的生产、生活密切相关的行业该如何选择其发展方向就成为一个关键问题。为保证社会实现协调可持续的发展,需要我们从环境的角度对现代物流体系进行分析,探讨物流活动发展路径,形成绿色物流管理系统。这也是21世纪新的物流管理趋势。本文将结合课题组对南通市崇川区绿色物流发展情况的实地调研记录,以及崇川区地税局及相关都门的座谈会记录,分析了崇川区当地绿色物流的发展状况、特点、瓶颈,并从不同角度探究国内外绿色物流发展的差异。分析探讨我国绿色物流发展前景,就现阶段进一步推动我国绿色物流的发展提出了适合我国国情的发展方向。  相似文献   

电子商务立法工作虽然没有突破性的进展,可电子商务还是要照常进行。目前一些地方,部门和企业纷纷开始对电子商务立法的探策和研宪。以首信公司为主体企业的首都电子商城所制定的《首都电子商城电子商务规则》,为电子商务法律环境建设工作做出了自己的贡献。  相似文献   

理论界与实务界对性自主权问题论及不多,在目前民法法典化的背景下研究性自主权具有其独特的价值。性自主权属于民事权利的范畴,其具体属性应当是具体人格权而非一般人格权。性自主权的基本内容应当包括性保持权与性决定权两个方面。性自主权应当在我国未来的民法典中得到规定。  相似文献   

蒋小文 《华商》2008,(3):166-167
Gender discrimination is a social attitude that is re- flected in language. The representation of gender discrimination in the English language has a variety of forms, and can be eliminated by vari- ous means. English teachers are supposed to observe these phenomenon, avoiding using sexual prejudical words and helping students to learn to use neuter words so that they can communicate with English native speakers effortlessly without hurting the latter. This thesis is tending to talk about the ways of removing sexism in English study.  相似文献   

Promotional advertisements from the February 2003 sweeps were content analyzed for verbal and visual elements of sexual content. Nearly one-third of the promos contained some aspect of sexuality, which represented an increase over previous years. Duration of the visual aspects of the promos did not predict exposure to the programs advertised, as measured by Nielsen ratings. However, intensity of the sexual content significantly predicted exposure to programs, but only after removing the effects of frequency on ratings.  相似文献   


In summarising the main findings of this study it appears that many hospitality properties in France and Sweden do not have policies regarding sexual harassment nor have the majority of respondents received any information about sexual harassment during their training. Perceptions of what constitutes sexual harassment and the likelihood of reporting possible incidents differ between nationalities and a large percentage of both male and female respondents have experienced serious acts of sexual harassment while at work.  相似文献   

利用2008年8月在安徽省CH市JC区27岁以上的农村男性调查数据,对中国性别失衡背景下的农村大龄未婚男性的自慰行为进行了深入研究。大龄未婚男性的自慰频度显著高于已婚男性,但性交频度和自慰性高潮均显著低于已婚男性。对于大龄未婚男性而言,自慰频度并不能替代性交频度,但却可能是正常或稳定性活动的有效替代;同时自慰频度能有效提高自慰性高潮,因而从一定程度上可以帮助大龄未婚男性释放性压抑,改善性福利。  相似文献   

This research explores the influence of religiosity on consumer perception of, and response toward, sexual appeals. The first study (survey, national sample; n = 423) examines the relationship between religiosity and consumer response toward sexual appeals using causal modeling. Study 1 finds that high intrinsic religiosity consumers exhibit more adverse ethical judgments toward the company’s use of sexual appeals and these judgments, in turn, result in inferior attitudes and purchase intent toward the advertised brand. To confirm and expand on these findings, the second study (experiment, young adult sample; n = 216) examines the influence of intrinsic religiosity on consumer response toward both sexual and nonsexual appeals. The results show that sexual appeals elicit inferior (superior) ethical judgments, attitudes, and purchase intent among consumers high (low) in intrinsic religiosity. In contrast, nonsexual appeals elicit (un)favorable responses from consumers who are (low) high in intrinsic religiosity.  相似文献   


Prior literature regarding offensive advertising relates mainly to western cultures. No work has been done on this area in an Asian context. The research in this article reports on a survey of Singaporean consumers. The survey aimed to identify what types of products and appeals consumers find offensive in advertising, the reasons why they find the advertisements offensive, and how this offensive advertising may affect their purchase intentions. The results found that advertisements relating to chat-line services and sexual diseases were the most offensive, followed by advertisements for dating services. Levels of offensiveness were clearly related to demographic variables such as gender and age. In terms of reasons for offensiveness, consumers were most concerned by advertisements that had a sexual connotation or evoked unnecessary fear.Levels of offensiveness also affected purchase intentions. Based on the results, the article recommends that advertisers and their agencies should think more carefully about the demographic profile of their audiences, how this profile might impact their audiences ?sensitivity“ to potentially offensive advertising, and how this sensitivity should be used as a guide when making media and message decisions  相似文献   

Women have the right to a workplace free from sexual harassment under Canadian provincial and federal human rights legislation. Canadian labour laws incorporate the right to a grievance procedure including binding arbitration where arbitrators must interpret and apply human rights legislation. This paper analyzes co‐worker sexual harassment cases in order to assess how well arbitrations protect the right of unionized women to a harassment free workplace. Results indicate that women complainants were often subjected to aggressive gendered cross‐examinations and the application of gendered jurisprudence that largely ignored the impact of gendered power relations in the workplace. The conclusion is that women's experiences in arbitrations are likely a deterrent to filing formal complaints, effectively undermining rather than protecting their rights. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With increasing social awareness of unethical advertisements in today's advertising, this study explores consumers' ethical judgements about the use of sexual appeals in advertising in a Chinese context by replicating LaTour and Henthorne's study. It specifically focuses upon responses on the Reidenbach-Robin multidimensional ethical scale, attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand and purchase intentions. The results show that sexual appeal was evaluated as the most frequent use in Hong Kong print advertising and they were also perceived as the most attractive instrument. Similar to LeTour and Henthorne's findings, regardless of respondent's gender, the use of a strong overt sexual appeal was not well received by Chinese consumers and resulted in less favorable attitude toward the ad itself and the purchase intention than using mild sexual themes. However, the degree of sexual content used in advertising has no direct influence on brand attitudes. Due to the conservative nature of Chinese culture, the advertisers should be careful in the use of sexual appeal for Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

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