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渔业是我国大农业的重要组成部分.利用辽阔的海洋和内陆水域发展水产品生产,对保障食物安全,增加渔(农)民收入,建设小康社会有重要意义.渔业生产具有节地、节水、节能、节粮和自然增殖等特点.目前我国渔业发展总体态势良好,综合生产能力增强,经济运行质量提升.但仍需创新思路,真正树立起科学的发展观,在资源与环境管理等方面继续加强,为保障食物安全做出新的贡献.  相似文献   

对稳定发展粮食生产的几点思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文结合近年来我国粮食发展的情况,提出稳定发展粮食生产的措施包括:制定法律法规,落实粮食安全责任;实行补贴制度,促进种粮农民增收;健全服务制度,提高粮食生产的组织化水平;建立考核机制,充分发挥行政推动作用;完善宏观调控办法,营造粮食生产的政策环境。  相似文献   

Wood D 《Land use policy》1993,10(2):91-107
In discussing land use in tropical forest regions, there is an emphasis on the following topics: the need for the expansion of cropping areas, the precedent for use of the tropical forest for cropping based on past use patterns, the pressure from conservationists against cropping, debunking the mythology that forests are "natural" and refuting the claims that forest clearance is not reversible, the archeological evidence of past forest use for agricultural purposes, abandonment of tropical land to forest, and rotation of forest and field. The assumption is that the way to stop food importation is to increase crop production in the tropics. Crop production can be increased through 1) land intensification or clearing new land, 2) output per unit of land increases, or 3) reallocation to agriculture land previously cleared and overgrown with tropical forest. "Temporary" reuse of land, which reverted back to tropical forest, is recommended. This reuse would ease population pressure, and benefit bioconservation, while populations stabilize and further progress is made in international plant breeding. The land would eventually be returned to a forest state. Conservation of tropical forest areas should be accomplished, after an assessment has been made of its former uses. Primary forests need to identified and conversion to farming ceased. Research needs to be directed to understanding the process of past forest regeneration, and to devising cropping systems with longterm viability. The green revolution is unsuitable for traditional cropping systems, is contrary to demands of international funding agencies for sustainability, and is not affordable by most poor farmers. Only .48 million sq. km of closed forest loss was in tropical rainforests; 6.53 million sq. km was lost from temperate forests cleared for intensive small-scale peasant farming. The use of tropical forest land for farming has some benefits; crops in the wetter tropics are perennial, which would "reduce seasonal soil tillage, increase nutrient cycling, and remove a lower proportion of biomass." Water availability would not be a problem. Low soil nutrient levels could be increased with cutting and burning or fertilizer. The key is proper and careful management, particularly under intensive cropping systems such as rice production or extensive long fallow shifting cultivation.  相似文献   

加强森林经营 促进绿色增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从增强生态承载能力、挖掘林业潜力、促进农民增收的角度阐述了加强森林经营对于促进绿色增长的重要意义,介绍了我国开展森林经营工作的主要政策措施以及森林经营实践取得的突破性进展,并从编制长期规划、制定制度规范、建设技术标准、开展模式总结等方面提出了进一步加强森林经营的政策措施。  相似文献   

Returns to research are thought to be robust under alternative supply elasticity assumptions. We show, both conceptually and numerically, how advances in approximating social benefits make returns to research sensitive to the supply elasticity. Despite this greater sensitivity, these advances retain conceptual and practical advantages. We make recommendations for dealing with the increased sensitivity.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the levels of assistance received by producers of the major agricultural crops and animal products in Australia from Federation to the end of World War II. We outline the history of government assistance to the sector after Federation. Six measures of assistance are examined. Then the nominal rates of assistance from these measures are calculated for 20 agricultural products, 14 of which are classified as exportables and 6 as importables. From these product measures of assistance, we construct a series of the production‐weighted average nominal rate of assistance for the group of exportable products and for the group of importable products and for the whole sector. Our results show that, from the time of Federation, the pattern of assistance to the sector discriminated persistently and heavily against the exportable agricultural products.  相似文献   

主持人:林耘同志,您好。邓大才先生的文章是您推荐给我刊编辑部的,这里面有什么特殊的原因吗?林耘:邓大才先生的文章,确实是我推荐给《粮食问题研究》编辑部的。对5年来粮食流通体制改革的成败得失,目前确实仁者见仁,智者见智。我认为,邓大才先生的这篇文章,代表了许多同志的观点,值得推荐给更多的同志阅读,以期引起更多的同志思考5年粮改的成败得失与经验教训,改进粮食工作。主持人:我们知道,近两年来,您一直潜心研究粮食流通体制改革问题,那么,您同意邓大才先生的观点吗?林耘:我注意到,邓大才先生就粮改问题发表了不少文章,有很多观点确实…  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的建立和发展,应运而生了许多以资本关系为纽带的企业集团公司(母子公司).如何发挥集团公司(母公司)的核心作用,对子公司的财务实现有效的监督和控制,是当前集团公司面临的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

影响农民增收的一些长期性、根本性因素并未克服和消除,农民增收还有比较大的脆弱性和波动性。只有建立了农民增收的长效机制,才能从根本上解决农民增收难的问题。笔者认为,仅统筹城乡不够,应该树立全面统筹的思想,从更宽的领域、更高的层面、更新的视野来审视农民增收问题,以寻求对策。  相似文献   

《票据法》自1996年1月1日施行至今已五年多了,但票据行为仍存在一些问题。笔者经常接待一些到银行咨询有关票据知识的客户,这些客户对票据的相关知识还未能真正掌握,尤其是在票据背书转让方面存在问题较大,应记载的事项记载不全,背书不连续,背书种类不清,从而使票据不能及时流通转让和请求付款,退票拒付的现象时有发生,给持票人造成业务上和经济上的损失。笔者结合《票据法》及相关法规,就票据背书的有效性谈一点意见,可供参考。 一、哪些票据可以背书转让 1.票据的种类。根据《票据法》第二条规定,票据是指汇票、本票和支票。…  相似文献   

2007年11月19日嘉宾简介弗朗西斯科·波纳米:高级策展人,当代艺术博物馆,芝加哥。塔瓦德罗斯:馆长、作家。卢杰:长征艺术馆馆长。百纳德·师凯奇:柏林世界文化中心。亚历山大·门罗:资深亚洲艺术策展人,古根海姆博物馆,纽约。弗朗西斯科·波纳米:我想先从key这个词说起,和昨天的讨论主题联系起来。首先解释一下这次座谈会的主题写后殖民说再见,我想拿歌手麦当娜的歌词,根据广州三年展的主题修改一下,作为今天开讲的起头:我是生活在全球化世界里的后殖民时代的女孩。在为双年展和博物馆做完策展后,我对这句歌词非常有同感:一个生活在全球化世界里的后殖民时代的女  相似文献   

文章认为 ,在市场经济条件下 ,地勘单位职工应树立“竞争上岗意识” ,充实和发展新形势下的主人翁精神。对于如何树立“竞争上岗意识” ,文章提出了五个提倡和五个消除 ,即 :提倡改革意识 ,消除守旧意识 ;提倡竞争意识 ,消除等待意识 ;提倡效益意识 ,消除“大锅饭”意识 ;提倡法律保护意识 ,消除听人摆布意识 ;提倡素质意识 ,消除求人照顾意识。  相似文献   

灌溉用水权确权到户是水资源资产管理的重点与难点,涉及数亿农户的权益,有关工作仍处于早期探索阶段。在大量调研的基础上,对该不该、能不能确权到户,管理能否到位等关键问题进行了探讨。研究认为:从国家发展战略、政策导向、技术流程、供水管理等多个视角考虑,灌溉用水权应当尽快确权到户,技术上完全可行,服务管理可以基本得到保障。建议将灌溉用水权确权到户作为新时代深化水利改革的重要内容,与农业水价综合改革、规范取水许可等工作有机结合,积极稳妥有序推进。  相似文献   

在当代中国社会政治经济发展中,保证政府权力在法律范围内行政,以保障公民之正当权益,加强人权保障和救济,具有重要意义。鉴于当前行政执法在人权保障问题方面还存在不少问题,行政法制建设应当把保障和促进公民权利作为核心内容。一是要加强行政法制建设,提高人权保障法制化水平;二是要严格依法行政,提高人权保障意识;三是重视侵权责任追究,落实侵权法律救济。  相似文献   

《企业会计准则--借款费用》规定,专门借款所发生的借款费用在满足三个条件后,可予以资本化,即(1)资产支出已经发生;(2)借款费用已经发生;(3)为使资产达到预定可使用状态所必要的购建活动已经开始.在三个条件同时具备的情况下,借款费用才允许资本化,三个条件缺一不可.然而许多企业在进行借款费用的会计核算时,常会出现这样那样的错误,从而影响会计核算的质量.究其原因,往往是在进行借款费用的资本化计算时,一些关键问题模糊,造成了一些不必要的差错.笔者认为,企业在进行借款费用资本化计算时必须注意分清以下几个问题.  相似文献   

Declining populations in rural and regional areas have become a high political priority in Australia. Calls for measures to support rural communities have been prompted by substantial population declines in some country areas. In Europe and the USA, similar political pressures to halt population losses in rural and regional areas are also apparent; often as a component of the multifunctionality of agriculture. The question addressed in the present paper is whether or not the Australian tax‐paying public would be willing to pay to avoid losses of people from rural and regional areas that may result from environmental protection measures. As an integral component of two recent non‐market, environmental valuation exercises using Choice Modelling, the value of the benefits associated with the maintenance of rural populations has been estimated. The results demonstrate that a positive existence value is held primarily by urban dwellers for rural population levels.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to understand if company trustworthiness and the type of cause-related marketing (CRM) campaigns (strategic vs. tactical) affect purchase intention and company image of a yogurt producer, under the control of socially responsible consumer behavior, general trust, income, attitude toward the CRM campaign, and initial company image. The study applies a quantitative (experimentation) research to test the proposed model. MANCOVA was applied with data obtained from 600 respondents who were selected by a two-stage cluster sampling method. The research model is partially supported. Company trustworthiness and CRM type are found to affect only company image and without any interaction effect. Being a highly trustworthy company applying a CRM campaign has more positive influence on company image than a less trustworthy one. Additionally, a strategic CRM campaign creates more positive influence on company image than a tactical one. The findings are further deliberated with the managers of the two selected companies with focus group discussions.  相似文献   

一个时期以来,不少地方以招商引资为名,大肆非法压低地价。一亩地一元价、零地价,比比皆是。有的堂而皇之地登入地方党委、政府的红头文件;有的赫然见之于地方的招商引资手册,并美其名曰“优惠政策”;有的甚至醒目地印于地方招商官员的名片背面,还称赞为“招商意识强”。随之而来的是大片土地被圈占,大量土地资产流失,令人痛心。党中央、国务院明察秋毫,及时出台《国务院关于深化改革严格土地管理的决定》,对非法压低地价招商行为亮起红灯,开出一剂猛药,这对有效遏制非法压低地价招商,制止土地资源浪费,防止土地资产流失,具有十分重要的意义…  相似文献   

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