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本文拟探讨国民总收入、货币兑换率及罪案率三项因素对访港旅客数目的影响程度。文章分析的时限从 1 980至 1 993年 ,其中列举中国内地、中国台湾、日本、美国、英国、加拿大、法国及德国八大主要来港客源地为实例。文章结论指出除了美国以外 ,作为收入指标的“国民生产总值”(或该地区生产总值 )对各客源地访港旅客数目的多少有着高度的影响。而“货币兑换率”则同样对各国有着重要影响。至于“罪案率”却拥有负值 ,显示游客对旅游地安全的顾虑会降低旅游需求。  相似文献   

赴港游G签注需中国签证,不得单独出境边防检查部门提示赴港的旅客,凡持赴港旅游G签注(团队旅游签注)者不得单独出境,须随旅游团集体出入境。同时,出行前务必仔细检查所持出入境证件是否有效,包括护照类国际旅行证件有效期、签证(签注)有效次数、期限、停留期等。  相似文献   

出入境须知: 1.所有旅客在抵达曼谷国际机场之前,都须填写海关申报表,申报携带入境的外币数额,违法者可能会被逮捕、控诉或没收超额部分的金钱。  相似文献   

出入境 无论你是否有任何东西需要申报,在进入美国前,都必须通关,美国的公民以及来自其他国家的旅客,都须遵守美国海关的法规。有时候这些手续十分费时,因此,耐心与礼貌能使你不必花费额外的时间来通关。为了更快速起见,先准备好打开你的行李。你必须遵守下  相似文献   

澳门酒店业经营绩效评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文借鉴弗瑞德等(Fried,etal.)的四阶段DEA模型,考虑外部环境对效率的影响后,估算澳门酒店业近十多年来的纯粹管理效率。实证结果显示,澳门酒店业1991~2008年间平均效率得分为0.947,即产出在不增加投入下仍有5.3%的改善空间。访澳旅客人次增加、澳门国际机场的启用是澳门酒店业经营有利的外部环境,而实际利率提高是澳门酒店业经营不利的外部环境。政府宜监控酒店业规模及改善旅游基建。  相似文献   

我国区域旅游空间结构演化的微观机理与动态模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在垄断竞争、规模经济、交通成本、消费者多样化偏好以及旅游产品和服务差异化的两区域旅游空间结构模型的基础上,提出了经济学演绎模型与基于自主体(agent)的计算实验相结合的研究路径,通过对旅游企业、消费者等大量微观自主体的相互作用来"动态地"观察和探讨沿海与内地两区域旅游空间结构变动的微观基础、影响因素和动态过程.本文认为,研究区域旅游空间结构及其演化机理,空间经济学演绎模型与推导→基于agent的地理计算→实证分析与计量检验,是一个值得探索的技术路线.  相似文献   

本研究通过在澳门返回香港的轮船上以随机抽样调查的方式调查了香港到澳门旅游的游客348人.通过SPSS软件分析,揭示了香港赴澳游客的基本特征、行为模式和对澳门旅游设施的满意度.通过对比到澳门旅游的内地自由行游客和团客,本研究发现,香港游客同内地自由行游客的消费模式比较接近,同团客差距较大.本研究对预测内地游客未来的消费模式有较大的意义.  相似文献   

大湄公河次区域旅游合作正如火如荼地进行,次区域旅游合作为云南省旅游业发展提供了千载难逢的机遇.认识云南国际旅游在整个次区域中的地位对云南参与次区域合作是非常必要的,只有充分认识到自己在整个次区域中所处的地位和不足,才能使今后的工作有的放矢,不断向旅游强省的目标迈进.本文基于次区域游客的离境调查,从旅游者情况(年龄结构、客源地)、游客的旅游特征(旅游目的、停留天数、旅游花费、入住方式、旅游方式)、游客评价(旅游资源/设施评价、满意度评价)三方面分析了云南省国际旅游在整个次区域中的地位.  相似文献   

上海是闻名国内外的商贾云集的地方,它汇江南苏杭的丰富物产、人文历史,又有体现各国风格的建筑群——外滩、明清的古代建筑群——豫园,交通便捷,工商发达,早就被世界称为远东第一大商埠。 现在上海已是国内外著名的经济中心,也是我国旅游业的重要中心城市,每年有大量的出入境旅客。1987年国外来上海的旅游者达77万,旅游辐射到祖国各地,通过旅游带动了文化、经济、信息的交流和发展,密切了各省市的联系。全国各省市每日到上海的流动人口估  相似文献   

澳大利亚幅员广大,是全世界第六大国家,岛屿面积也是全球之冠。来到这里可以拥有无尽空间,任意驰骋!澳太利亚的四季与北半球地方刚好相反,但大部份时间气候温和。在一年之中,大部份地方有3,000小时以上或七成时间都是阳光普照。与欧洲和北美洲极端的气候相比,澳太利亚的天气可说十分温和。来这个地灵人杰,气候适宜的国家自由自在地来个多元化的旅行,一定不要错过维多利亚州首府墨尔本。她是澳大利亚第二大城市。你可以亲身观看闻名于世的墨尔本杯(Melbourne Cup)赛马,世界一级方程式赛车;也可以乘上电车欣赏她的维多利亚式建筑,不论时装、烹饪文化、戏剧,还是画廊,花园都会让你感受到她的独特魅力。难怪她会成为澳大利亚人心目中的理想生活地,和每年吸引成千上万旅客的热门风景区。要尽情投入的玩个痛快,很多精彩景点实在是不容错过。只是想想就会让人兴奋不已,来!赶快起航吧。  相似文献   

内地赴澳门自由行游客特征研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
本研究通过在澳门边境检查站和富豪酒店随机抽样调查的方式获得的内地通过自由行方式到澳门旅游的游客样本478个。通过SPSS软件分析,揭示了内地赴澳自由行游客的基本特征、行为模式和对澳门旅游设施的满意度。通过对比2003年调查的随团到澳门旅游的内地游客,本研究发现,自由行游客同随团的游客相比有比较大的差别。  相似文献   

This study empirically identifies variations in traveling patterns underlying the second wave of the Chinese outbound tourism market. Targeting visitors to Macao (Special Administrative Region), this study examined respondents’ traveling behaviors with data collected from three continuous large-scale surveys. Results reaffirmed the conceptually repeated, but not empirically verified, viewpoint that the Chinese market is evolving. Specifically, there has been a surging interest in self-organizing trips with smaller groups, skipping pre-trip planning, and last-minute booking (i.e. walk-ins). Conversely, mainland Chinese showed less interest in gaming-related activities. Implications and suggestions are offered accordingly.  相似文献   

This study examines the important role of the servicescape in relation to customers’ cognitive (beliefs about servicescape quality), affective (affect and satisfaction) and behavioral responses (desire to stay) in the context of convention and exhibition centers in Macao. Unlike previous servicescape studies, we include two personal customer characteristics, namely perceived sacrifice and value-for-money considerations, as potential moderators of the relationship between customers’ satisfaction and the desire to stay. Overall, our results suggest that servicescape elements positively influence customers’ perceived quality of the service, their affect, customer satisfaction and desire to stay. Furthermore, this study reveals that value-for-money considerations enhance the positive impact customer satisfaction has on customers’ desire to stay in convention centers and that customers’ perceived level of sacrifice has a direct effect on their desire to stay. Theoretical and managerial implications are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper looks at how Macao, the world’s most densely populated city, deals with the COVID-19 disease, with a focus on government interventions and responses of the gaming concessionaires who operate integrated resorts. Macao was selected as the case not only because of the background of the authors, but also because Macao has been cited in many media coverage as a “good practice” example when it comes to fighting against this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Since there are already ample of articles on the background, development timeline, and overall commentary, this paper adopts a mixed approach by combining supplementary secondary data on the COVID-19 timeline in Macao (focusing on government interventions that can affect the tourism and hospitality industry) and primary qualitative in-depth interviews with senior management personnel (holding positions of Director or above) from major integrated resorts in Macao to get insights on industry strategic responses and expectation on future. A total of seven interviews were conducted with senior management members of five integrated resorts in May 2020. Four areas of responses were identified. They are 1. Survival; 2. The New Business Norm; 3. Business Rebound Strategies and 4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The findings indicate a seemingly utopian scenario among the major integrated resorts and gaming concessionaires in Macao towards their compliance and autonomous actions. The mechanism of this utopian-like scenario is explained by adopting the neo-institutional theory.  相似文献   

澳门于2005年成功申报世界文化遗产,揭开了澳门文化旅游发展中的重要一页。世遗旅游成为博彩之外澳门重点推介的旅游产品及线路。为了了解澳门世遗文化旅游3年中的发展,并为其进一步深度开发献计献策,笔者借助问卷调查并辅以参与式隐匿观察的方式研究了访澳游客对文化遗产旅游的感知。调查发现,世遗旅游整体知名度较高,但游客感知的差异性较大;澳门世界文化遗产的类型集中度高,但单个景点的亮点不突出;澳门世界文化遗产的需求差异度高,遗产旅游产品的层次性不强;澳门世界文化遗产的体验满意度不高,配套服务及设施亟待完善。为此,笔者提出澳门在世遗旅游深度开发方面,应该遵循"分区发展、以点带面,精品领先"的发展原则,并且在发展思路、运营模式、配套服务及设施以及产品体系方面实施策略创新。  相似文献   

Although the casino impact perception (CIP) of residents may influence their sense of place (SOP) and therefore the prosperity of casino destinations, little research has been conducted on such influence. The present study aimed to close the knowledge gap by investigating the presence of such influence in Macao, an important casino place in China and a leading casino center in the world. A structured questionnaire survey was administered to 500 Macao residents. The following results were obtained: (1) both SOP and its sub-dimensions were affected by CIP factors, (2) positive CIP factors had a stronger influence on SOP than did the negative ones, and (3) CIP factors were more important than the five socio-demographics (i.e. age, marital status, income, education, and occupation) as controlled variables in predicting SOP. This study contributes to the knowledge of the influence of CIP on SOP and provides useful policy implications for casino place management.  相似文献   

Potential linkages among tourism, inequality, and housing are addressed for an integrated analysis in this paper, with Macao treated as a typical case. Casino tourism, albeit performing as a major key to local economic growth, is ultimately vulnerable to external shocks to gambling demand, as evidenced by the current sharp downturn in Macao. We find that faster gaming growth leads to higher income inequality while at the same time both factors are responsible for soaring housing bubbles, which constitute the very source of social tensions as in Macao. Casino tourism if not well managed may not be a panacea for all development goals. The implication for policy derived from this study is that Macao must deal with underlying issues rather than apply palliative measures. Its market failures may necessitate government interventions to ensure social equity and sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

This paper uses a Markov switching model (MSM) to decompose Macao’s tourism cycle into high and low growth states (HGS, LGS) for the period of 2005Q2–2017Q2. The likelihood of the cycle maintaining HGS is 93% but the risk of staying in LGS is 80%. The Macao cycle is favorably asymmetric, with HGS (14.7 quarters) lasting much longer than LGS (5.1 quarters). Further, the paper combines structural regressions with the MSM to identify determinants of the Macao cycle, with useful policy implications derived from the regression results. We find that Macao’s tourism cycle is heavily affected by Mainland China’s business cycle and other external factors. Additionally, outward-looking marketing, albeit very costly, is found to be effective for keeping the local cycle in HGS.  相似文献   

Given the emergence of solo dining resulting from the changing family structure and increasingly individualised lifestyle in contemporary Chinese society, this study investigates solo dining in the setting of Chinese restaurants in Macao, including the solo dining motivations, behavioural characteristics, and experiences, taking into considerations the underlying social and cultural factors. Adopting a sequential exploratory mixed-method design, 18 interviews were conducted, followed by a survey with 493 local diners. Findings show that freedom of choice and satisfying hunger are the main motivations for solo dining, and some solo-friendly attributes, food-related attributes, and restaurant characteristics are considered as important elements. Solo dining is perceived positively, partly because its perceptions and experiences are shaped by the diners’ socio-cultural backgrounds and unique regional characteristics, in which solo dining is considered relatively common in Macao as opposed to extant literature that has suggested an essentialised assumption about Chinese group-oriented dining preference. Sociocultural insights and managerial implications are provided in catering to the growing solo diner market.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explore the nature of collaborative relationship between the local government and performers of Cantonese opera in Macao by using in-depth interviews and field trips. Based on the results, a framework has been developed to demonstrate how the local government and performers joint forces to preserve and promote Cantonese opera through tourism. The framework also suggested an approach to balance the power relationship between key players by revealing how the local government and performers interchanged their roles in different areas of the project. The study empirically confirmed the importance of sharing common goals and having sufficient communication and coordination between key players for effective collaboration.  相似文献   

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