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王晓雷 《广告导报》2006,(8):104-104
前日,公司一同事透露正在为《三联周刊》写一篇关于广青和广中的文章,听来很是好奇,细问,原来广青就是广告青年,这广中自然是广告中年了。在以经验为金科玉律的行业,当然是中比青好,在广告这个崇尚新创意的行业,要是被冠以广中之名无异是变相夸你老了,老朽了,没有创意了。  相似文献   

中国广告协会标识委员会(筹)是中国标识业的行业组织,是由从事标识设计、制作、安装、维护、流通、科研等活动的各种所有制企业、机构和相关社团自愿组成的实行行业服务和自律管理的非营利性全国性行业组织。  相似文献   

吕华江 《广告大观》2005,(4):163-165
2004年6月14日周二广告不是一个能赚钱的行业,但绝对是改造思想的行业,这是我当初爱上广告的原因。  相似文献   

张慧娟 《现代商业》2013,(17):251-251
随着市场经济体制改革的不断深化,广告经营行业之间的竞争越来越激烈。要想在竞争中站稳脚步,就必须要分析财务管理中存在的问题,结合企业实际情况采取合理改善措施。本文采用实际调研的方式,分析该行业财务管理存在的问题,进而提出财务管理的改进措施。  相似文献   

姚林  方敏 《中国广告》2010,(2):56-58
行业资源变化趋势 在广告投放主要行业中,2009年1—10月TOP5投放行业全部上涨,这5个行业占了广告总额的54%,对广告市场的走势具有决定性的影响。其中,饮料行业以52.6%的高速增长态势成为最受瞩目的投放品类,且逼近食品行业广告花费,份额占比达到11%。  相似文献   

孟源 《广告大观》2007,(4S):41-42
有这样一种行业,他充满活力四射的热血“小杆子”,也充满着长江后浪推前浪的血雨腥风,他需要你日夜颠倒深思熟虑,而其中能成为教父级人物的却寥寥无几。如果你以为我说的是江湖,那你就错了,我说的是广告。在广告江湖摸爬滚打十几载,越发觉得没有比广告更像江湖的行业,同样的竞争强度,同样的致命吸引,引无数英雄竞折腰。  相似文献   

2006年度广告大类投放前三甲的分别是药品、化妆和浴室用品、零售服务行业,这三大类别的广告花费总额占到全部行业广告的51%以上。电脑及配件大类自2004年以来继续呈现下跌趋势。  相似文献   

随着通信技术的发展和网络的日益普及,病毒营销方法被越来越频繁的应用于企业的广告推广之中。以快消品行业为例,从病毒营销概念出发,结合国内外快消品企业应用病毒营销的著名案例,对病毒营销在快消品行业广告推广中的实际应用进行研究,总结出企业在应用病毒营销方法时的建议,为快消品企业应用病毒营销提供一些提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

央视 《广告大观》2004,(11):104-105
中央电视台黄金段位广告招标进人第十一个年头。十一年来,中央电视台黄金段位广告招标见证了中国经济的成长,助力了众多行业和企业的快速发展,被誉为中国经济的睛雨表,市场变化的风向标。  相似文献   

王文正 《浙商》2007,(10):92-93
作为传统媒体行业,广电行业的常规经营模式是通过收视率吸引广告客户,靠广告收益实现赢利。而好易购打造的全新形态的虚拟通路商业零售平台,则成为新一代广电人在新的经济形式下利用自身频道资源的优势探索出的新的盈利模式。[编者按]  相似文献   

价格战扩大了市场需求,促进了产品创新,强化了企业追求效率的激励.本文在剖析我国市场价格战认识的基础上,探讨了我国市场价格战的合理实施,主要涉及到:我国市场价格战的实施条件以及实施系统化.  相似文献   

ERP在企业财务管理中的合理应用浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高速发展的信息经济时代下,企业越来越认识到信息技术对企业生存、发展的重要性.所以,许多企业运用了ERP系统实现财务管理与生产管理、采购管理、销售管理、库存管理等功能的集成,来收集、优化、整合和配置各项信息与资源,达到提高企业经济效益的目的.本文对ERP在企业财务管理应用中存在的问题及怎样合理应用进行了初步阐述.  相似文献   

In determining when sexual behavior in the workplace creates a hostile working environment, some courts have asked, ‘Would a reasonableperson view this as a hostile environment?’ Two recent court decisions, recognizing male-female differences in the perception of social sexual behavior at work, modified this standard to ask, “Would a reasonablevictim view this as a hostile environment?” As yet, there is no consensus in the legal community regarding which of these standards is just. We propose that moral theory provides the framework from which business people can construct just procedures regarding sexually hostile environments. We argue that the natural duty of mutual respect of persons and the natural duty not to harm the innocent compels business people to identify sexually hostile work environments from the perspective of the reasonable victim, usually from the woman's perspective. Within the context of this moral framework, a training approach designed to reduce the incidence of sexually harassing behaviors in the workplace is proposed.  相似文献   

Online reviews by users have become an increasingly important source of information. This is true not only for new users of goods or services, but also for their producers. They extend the insight into the acceptance of new goods and services, e.g. at the point of sale, from a mere sales and usage quantity oriented point of view to a cause and effect oriented one. Since online reviews by consumers of many goods and services are nowadays widespread and easily available on the internet, the question arises whether their analysis can replace the more traditional approaches to measure technology acceptance, e.g., using questionnaires with TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) items. This paper tries to answer this question using IKEA׳s mobile catalogue app as an example. For comparisons reasons, data on the acceptance of the current version of this catalogue is collected in four different ways, (1) as answers to batteries of TAM items, (2) as assignments to pre-defined adjective pairs, (3) as textual likes and dislikes of users (simulating online reviews), and (4) as publicly available (real) reviews by users. The source for (1)–(3) is a survey with a sample of respondents, the source for (4) an online forum. The data is analyzed using partial least squares (PLS) for TAM modeling and text mining for pre-processing the textual data. The results are promising: it seems that data collection via surveys can be replaced – with some reservations – by the analysis of publicly available (real) online reviews.  相似文献   

本文通过分析水资源与经济和生态的各种关系,阐述了水资源合理配置的方法.  相似文献   

吴晓波 《广告大观》2008,(4):149-150
思考——影视广告的过去、现在与未来 1979年1月28日,第一条影视广告播出,距今已有28年。从中国影视广告的发展来看,未来隐藏在现实中,回顾中国影视广告的历史,目的在于梳理流变,预测未来。  相似文献   

培养学生的过程包括学习能力、学习技能、学习态度、学习品格、学习方法.对学生进行思维方法的培养与训练则是一个关键问题.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2021,64(5):621-630
The potential benefits of augmented reality (AR) to consumers include high levels of interactivity, exposure to an extensive virtual inventory tailored to their needs, high-quality customer support, and better integration between web- and store-based shopping experiences. The anticipated benefits of a successful AR strategy to a brand or retailer include higher inventory turnover, increased average sales, reduced sales costs, lower customer returns, higher levels of related-item selling, and better customer support outcomes. Despite these revenue- and loyalty-enhancing benefits, few companies use AR, develop a highly integrated AR plan, or incorporate AR into their marketing programs. This article focuses on the successful planning and implementation of AR through a six-step process: (1) Determine how AR can help achieve marketing objectives; (2) choose appropriate products, channels, and target markets for AR; (3) select among AR application types; (4) design AR apps; (5) evaluate alternative AR organizational formats; and (6) measure the success of AR programs.  相似文献   

The European Single Market program has put in place legislation that provides the free circulation of goods, capital, and people. Further, the recent implementation of monetary union provides a single currency and a common monetary policy in 11 out of the 15 Member States. Yet significant practical barriers to European integration remain. Legislation concerning taxation and company law is still primarily nationally based. More fundamentally from a business perspective, the European environment continues to be characterized by divergent industry structures and national cultures. Although there is considerable momentum for political and economic integration at present, this deep-seated national diversity remains strong and can hinder businesses from adopting an integrated approach toward the European Union. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Intereconomics - The Soviet Union has good prospects of becoming the dominant supplier of gold in the world, for its own mining reserves are large and the deposits in the Western world are nearing...  相似文献   

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