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Because GATT rules permit countries to take anti-dumping action, anti-dumping measures have come to be regarded as an integral part of the trade landscape. But is it really necessary to have both a domestic competition policy and an external anti-dumping policy, given that both policies aim to promote competition?  相似文献   

This paper uses 68 measures of trade policy and liberalization to ask if membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is associated with more liberal trade policy. Almost no measures of trade policy are significantly correlated with GATT/WTO membership. Trade liberalizations, when they occur, usually lag GATT entry by many years, and the GATT/WTO often admits countries that are closed and remain closed for years. The exception to the rule is that WTO members tend to have slightly more freedom as judged by the Heritage Foundation's index.  相似文献   

Developing countries have been increasing their participation in the formal institutions and proceedings of the multilateral trading system. A prominent example is their more frequent involvement as defendants and plaintiffs in GATT/WTO trade disputes. This paper provides an initial economic appraisal of developing country performance in the GATT/WTO dispute settlement system. We measure the economic resolution of these disputes through trade liberalisation gains, and our results suggest that developing country plaintiffs have had more success under WTO disputes than was the case under the GATT. We also document evidence on potential determinants of this success: the capacity for plaintiffs to make credible retaliatory threats and the guilty determinations by GATT/WTO panels. Finally, there is also some evidence that developing countries have recognised the importance of retaliatory threats and have responded by changing their pattern of dispute initiation under the WTO to better take advantage of the instances in which they have sufficient leverage to threaten retaliation and induce compliance with GATT/WTO obligations.  相似文献   

积极应对国际贸易新壁垒——反规避措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
反规避措施是进口国为了防止和打击生产商或出口商规避反倾销税的行为而采取的一种特殊的反倾销措施。加入WTO后,我国遭受反规避调查数量激增,而且一些发展中国家也对我国启动了反规避调查。反规避调查的实施,不仅影响了我国的出口贸易,也影响了对外直接投资和利用外资的效果,因此政府和企业都要采取一些积极措施应对反规避调查的影响。  相似文献   

Article VI of the GATT allows counter measures if goods are sold in a foreign market at a price below average production plus transportation costs. The present article analyses Article VI based on a simple game theoretic model with two countries and economies of scale in the production of one homogeneous good. It is shown that multiple equilibria exist under the WTO rule for some parameter values that do not exist without the rule. In some equilibria, the incumbent serves the entire market even if the entrant can produce at lower costs. The model supports the criticism of the anti-dumping rule as an instrument of protection by industrialized countries against competition from developing countries.  相似文献   

环境税收边境调整是征收环境税的国家针对进出口产品采取的一种单边措施,其目的是为了扭转国产品在国际竞争中的价格劣势。但是,这一措施可能会与WTO的最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则以及反补贴规则产生冲突。虽然WTO成员方可以援引GATT第20条例外条款,但是否能获得WTO专家小组或上诉机构的认同还是个未知数。对此,各国应同时从国际和国内两个层面寻找出路。  相似文献   

世贸组织框架下反倾销制度与竞争政策的协调   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对世贸组织反倾销制度与竞争政策的冲突问题,国际上提出了三种主要协调方案。文章分析认为在国际层面即在世贸组织框架下对反倾销制度与竞争政策的协调应分步骤进行:第一步先将世贸组织反倾销制度作改良处理,作为近期目标;第二步则应用竞争政策来解决倾销问题,作为最终目标。与此同时提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies the value of external commitment to policy reforms in the case of WTO/GATT accessions. The accessions often entail reforms that go beyond narrowly defined trade liberalization, and have to overcome fierce resistance in the acceding countries, as reflected in protracted negotiations. We study the growth and investment consequences of WTO/GATT accessions, with attention to a possible selection bias. We find that the accessions tend to raise income, but only for those countries that were subject to rigorous accession procedures. Policy commitments associated with the accessions were helpful, especially for countries with poor governance.  相似文献   

略论WTO反倾销协议中的现代营销思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯雁  李炼  刘军 《商业研究》2006,(10):1-4
国内学者对WTO反倾销规则进行了大量的法律与经济分析,但却很少涉及其中所蕴藏着的现代营销思想,尤其是对贸易中具有价格竞争优势企业所提出的道义上的责任以及促使之能够保持持续竞争力的善意忠告多有忽略。对此,探讨WTO反倾销协议对企业营销行为的导向,以期对于处在反倾销、反补贴与保障措施等多重阻击中的中国企业有所帮助和启迪。  相似文献   

中印两国同属发展中阵营中较受关注的反倾销手段使用国,其行为特征在诸多方面存在联系和差异。文章通过比较中印两国在反倾销规模、反倾销对象、反倾销行业分布、反倾销调查时间、反倾销调查结论、由反倾销引发的WTO争端六个方面的行为,揭示出两国自20世纪90年代以来的反倾销行为特征。  相似文献   

与GATT体制不同,WTO框架下保障措施贸易调查数量远高于GATT时期,并正在成为印度等发展中成员的"新宠",而由此引发的贸易摩擦不可小视。文章利用世界贸易体系经济学的研究方法,分析了保障措施制度设定的经济学基础,并以保障措施制度的演进过程为例,阐述了WTO多边贸易体系规则变动的内在机制,其许多共性对于后危机时代,新贸易规则不断涌现的今天有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

WTO贸易救济体系:1995~2010年回顾与评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反倾销、反补贴和保障措施构成了WTO多边贸易体制下的三大贸易救济制度和机制。通过对WTO有关这三类措施1995~2010年间的统计资料的多视角分析,我们发现:统计期内WTO成员的贸易救济呈现出"两高两低"的总体特征,且迄今仍以反倾销占统治地位,但近几年反补贴和保障措施呈上升趋势;从成员使用贸易救济的情况看,G20国家以及欧盟是使用主体,其中印度是全球反倾销和保障措施的最大用户,美国是全球反补贴的最大用户和反倾销的第二用户;而中国则是受全球贸易救济影响最大也最广泛的国家,不仅自1995年以来一直处在全球反倾销第一对象国的"宝座"上,而且也是近年来事实上的全球反补贴的第一目标国。更为突出的是,由于种种原因,中国还越来越成为保障措施特别是歧视性特保措施的牺牲品;最后,就产业影响而言,全球贸易救济措施的近一半是针对冶金和化工这两大行业的,其中以钢铁冶炼与制品为代表的贱金属及其制品行业受影响最大。  相似文献   

Traditionally the American steel industry is the most protected industrial sector in the USA and internationally it is the largest user of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings. At the end of 1994 a ruling from the GATT Panel settled the most recent trade dispute in the steel market. A number of the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings applied for by US integrated steel producers in 1992 remain in effect. The following paper outlines the latest trade dispute in the steel trade, beginning with an overview of the various rounds of protectionism to date, and seeks to analyse the background to and causes of the dispute.  相似文献   

近30年来国际反倾销案激增使得诸多学者对WTO关于反倾销的相关规定表示质疑。现行的乌拉圭回合《反倾销守则》尚存诸多缺陷。正处于转型时期的中国作为当前美欧等发达国家反倾销的主要对象,急需掌握反倾销动态博弈规则以及反倾销概率、高额关税、市场份额萎缩的预期及市场行为举证费用等可置信性威胁因素在动态博弈中的运用,以便在国际反倾销中争取积极主动的地位。  相似文献   

GATT/WTO多边贸易体制关于关税同盟和自由贸易区的纪律规定于GATT第24条。该条确立了自由贸易区、关税同盟和旨在建立关税同盟或自由贸易区的过渡性协议三种区域贸易安排的具体表现形式。根据WTO秘书处的研究报告,GATT第24条关于自由贸易区和关税同盟多边纪律,可以概括为三个条件:一是深度区域自由化的义务(内部标准);二是对区域外成员贸易保持中立的义务(外部标准);三是透明度义务。其中前两项为实体标准,第三项为程序性标准。纵观GATT第24条诸款,其第5款普遍被认为规定了自由贸易区和关税同盟的实体外部标准。实体外部标准所关注的是:虽然GATT的缔约方乃至WTO成员有权缔结自由贸易区和关税同盟,这种权利是有限度的,即,关税同盟和自由贸易区要对第三国的贸易保持中立,即不得以建立关税同盟和自由贸易区为名而使第三国的利益陷入不利。本文旨在系统而细致地研究GATT第24条规定的自由贸易区和关税同盟的实体外部标准。  相似文献   

From 1948 to 1994, the agricultural sector was afforded special treatment in the GATT. We analyse the extent to which this agricultural exceptionalism was curbed as a result of the GATT Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, discuss why it was curbed and finally explore the implication of this for EU policy making. We argue that, in particular, two major changes in GATT institutions brought about restrictions on agricultural exceptionalism. First, the Uruguay Round was a ‘single undertaking’ in which progress on other dossiers was contingent upon an outcome on agriculture. The EU had keenly supported this new decision rule in the GATT. Within the EU this led to the MacSharry reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 1992, paving the way for a trade agreement on agriculture within the GATT. Second, under the new quasi‐judicial dispute settlement procedure, countries are expected to bring their policies into conformity with WTO rules or face retaliatory trade sanctions. This has brought about a greater willingness on the part of the EU to submit its farm policy to WTO disciplines.  相似文献   

为了应对贸易自由化引致的产业损害或结构调整,美国建立了工人和企业TAA项目,旨在促进对进口竞争的积极调整。GATT/WTO体制无法处理结构调整与贸易政策之间的关系,所以没有专门制定旨在应对结构调整的TAA或产业调整援助规则。从《SCM协定》和《农业协定》角度,分别对工人、企业与农民TAA项目援助措施的合法性进行了整体论证,认为这三个TAA项目基本上是合法的并且可行的。  相似文献   

反倾销中非市场经济国家条款和中国的对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国成为反倾销重灾区的原因之一,就是一些国家仍然视中国为非市场经济国家。其实,多边反倾销规则中并不存在非市场经济国家条款,一些国家坚持非市场经济国家条款完全是出于保护主义的目的.我国应从政府、行业和企业三个层面联手努力,一方面继续推进市场经济方向的改革,完善法律体系,开展经济外交,另一方面加强行业自律、积极应诉并争取个案处理,以尽快化解歧视性的非市场经济国家条款。  相似文献   

The WTO promotes trade, strongly but unevenly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper furnishes robust evidence that the WTO has had a strong positive impact on trade, amounting to about 120% of additional world trade (or US$ 8 trillion in 2000 alone). The impact has, however, been uneven. This, in many ways, is consistent with theoretical models of the GATT/WTO. The theory suggests that the impact of a country's membership in the GATT/WTO depends on what the country does with its membership, with whom it negotiates, and which products the negotiation covers. Using a properly specified gravity model, we find evidence broadly consistent with these predictions. First, industrial countries that participated more actively than developing countries in reciprocal trade negotiations witnessed a large increase in trade. Second, bilateral trade was greater when both partners undertook liberalization than when only one partner did. Third, sectors that did not witness liberalization did not see an increase in trade.  相似文献   

国际贸易是受政治因素影响最大的经济领域之一,GATT/WTO的规则和体系实际上也反映了这种经济与政治交织的复杂性。国家利益的驱动使得各国政府在贸易政策运用方面处于选择偏向自由贸易或贸易保护的“两难境地”。GATT/WTO在倡导贸易自由化、建设开放的多边贸易体制过程中也不得不兼顾保障各国国家利益的要求,从而形成了以务实、折衷以及规则导向为特征的GATT/WTO理念,来支持和推动国际贸易发展中渐进的但又是持续的贸易自由化取向。  相似文献   

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