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In 1999, new monetary policy regimes were adopted in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, combining inflation targeting with floating exchange rates. These regime changes have been accompanied by lower volatility in the monetary stance in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, despite higher inflation volatility in Brazil and Colombia. This paper estimates a conventional New Keynesian model for these four countries and shows that: i) the post-1999 regime has been associated with greater responsiveness by the monetary authority to changes in expected inflation in Brazil and Chile, while in Colombia and Mexico monetary policy has become less counter-cyclical, ii) lower interest-rate volatility in the post-1999 period owes more to a benign economic environment than to a change in the policy setting, and iii) the change in the monetary regime has not yet resulted in a reduction in output volatility in these countries.  相似文献   

Central Bank Repo (Repurchase Agreement) is widely used as an indirect instrument of monetary policy and the same is implemented in India by institutionalizing a mechanism called Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) which allows banks and primary dealers to manage their liquidity requirement on day to day basis. Liquidity stress in the market has an impact on the short-term interest rate. Entities not having adequate securities balances borrow funds from inter-bank uncollateralized call market and the call rates are prone to liquidity shocks in the system. The spread between call and repo rates is likely to widen when there is liquidity stress in the market. The study tried to find the determinant of the spread. It found that LAF window activity as well as total money market activity has an impact on the spread. In order to understand if the spread behaves in a different manner when the system has excess liquidity vis-à-vis shortage of liquidity, a regime switching model using Goldfeld and Quandt’s D-method for switching regression was used. The tests found that the monetary policy is stable in both the regimes and the effectiveness of monetary policy in both the regimes is not statistically different.  相似文献   

This paper shows how interbank market fragmentation disrupts the transmission of monetary policy. Fragmentation is the fact that banks, depending on their country of location, have different probabilities of default on their interbank borrowings. Once fragmentation is introduced into standard theoretical models of monetary policy implementation, excess liquidity arises endogenously. This leads short-term interest rates to depart from the central bank policy rates. Using data on monetary policy operations, I show that this mechanism has been at work in the euro area since 2008. The model is used to analyze conventional and unconventional monetary policy measures.  相似文献   

The market-oriented approach promoted by the European Central Bank in the design of its refinancing operations creates incentives to credit institutions to use actively the interbank market to manage their liquidity needs. In this context, we examine the ability of the overnight segment to guarantee the timely provision of unsecured funds to banks to smoothly absorb their liquidity shocks. This paper specifically focuses on the speed of reversion of transaction costs and available depth to their equilibrium levels in this market for overnight unsecured funds. The reported evidence points to time-varying liquidity adjustments and identifies liquidity, market activity and the institutional setting of the ECB’s refinancing operations as significant determinants of the observed resiliency regimes. Our analysis also shows how the speed of mean reversion of market liquidity, by affecting the level and the volatility of the overnight market rate, also affects the anchoring of the yield curve in the euro area.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between monetary policy and investor sentiment across conventional and unconventional monetary policy regimes. During conventional times, we find that a surprise decrease in the fed funds rate leads to a large increase in investor sentiment. Similarly, when the fed funds rate is at its zero lower bound, research results indicate that expansionary unconventional monetary policy shocks also have a large and positive impact on investor mood. Together, our findings highlight the importance of both conventional and unconventional monetary policy in the determination of investor sentiment.  相似文献   

During financial turmoil, increases in risk lead to higher default, foreclosure, and fire sales. This paper introduces a costly liquidation process for foreclosed collateral and pro-cyclical recovery rates in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of the financial accelerator. Links between endogenous recovery rates, risk premia, and default risk generate a liquidity spiral, magnifying financial accelerator effects. We illustrate how collateral liquidation and monetary policy alter the real impact of financial shocks operating through macro-financial linkages; and the way a government subsidy on collateral liquidity and required liquidity buffers can help dampen the liquidity spiral by shoring up recovery rates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the presence of liquidity premia in the relative pricing of assets traded on the Spanish government securities market. First, a classification of bonds into four different categories based on their degree of liquidity is proposed. Second, liquidity premia are estimated introducing liquidity parameters in the estimation of the zero-coupon yield curve. Results suggest the existence of a liquidity premium for post-benchmark bonds (both strippable and non-strippable). The size of this premium is relatively small. In the case of pre-benchmark bonds, the lack of liquidity does not seem to be priced. It is also shown that these pricing discrepancies are robust to the impact of taxes on bonds.  相似文献   

Using daily data from thirteen euro area and four non-euro countries covering the years 2000 to 2018, we explore whether the Global Financial Crisis 2008–2010 and the introduction of unconventional monetary policy measures has led to a change in the financial market impact of euro area monetary policy. For this purpose, we construct a conservative measure of monetary policy innovations based on the heteroscedasticity-approach of Rigobon and Sack (2004), and investigate the response of national and euro-wide equity indices, derived volatility indices, as well as of government bond yields. We find that financial market participants respond more strongly to monetary policy after the Global Financial Crisis. Moreover, we find that cross-country differences in the responsiveness of government bond yields correlate with average national unemployment rates and with inflation rates, suggesting that monetary policy communication was more effective in countries that had faced a severe economic downturn.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of both conventional and unconventional monetary policies in the US and the Euro area on the mean and volatility of certain commodity prices. The analysis considers the prices of eight commodities, i.e. oil, natural gas, gold, silver, aluminium, copper, platinum, and nickel, while the methodology employs the EGARCH-X modelling approach. The empirical findings clearly document that (i) the direction of the impact of both conventional and unconventional monetary policy on commodity returns and commodity volatility is similar and (ii) the impact from unconventional monetary policy on both commodity returns and volatility is relatively more pronounced, while these findings hold valid, irrespective of the geographical region and commodity type. Further investigation of the disparity on the size of the impact through the prism of economic uncertainty reveals that unconventional monetary policy has a stronger effect on economic uncertainty, thereby offering an indirect channel of monetary policy transmission on commodity markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic linkages between monetary policy and the stock market during the three distinct monetary regimes of Burns, Volcker and Greenspan since the 1970s. Some major findings are the following. First, in the 1990s it appears that there was a disconnection between Federal Reserve actions (via the federal funds rate) and responses by the stock market. Second, the impact of inflation on the stock market did not surface as significant in the later parts of 1980s and the 1990s. And third, significant asymmetric effects of monetary policy on the stock markets were observed throughout each monetary regime but these were more pronounced during bear markets than bull markets. These results suggest that there was no consistent dynamic relationship between monetary policy and the stock market and that the nature of such dynamics was different in each of the three monetary regimes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a methodology for simultaneous recovery of the real-world probability density and liquidity premia from observed S&P 500 index option prices. Assuming the existence of a numéraire portfolio for the US equity market, fair prices of derivatives under the benchmark approach can be obtained directly under the real-world measure. Under this modelling framework, there exists a direct link between observed call option prices on the index and the real-world density for the underlying index. We use a novel method for the estimation of option-implied volatility surfaces of high quality, which enables the subsequent analysis. We show that the real-world density that we recover is consistent with the observed realized dynamics of the underlying index. This admits the identification of liquidity premia embedded in option price data. We identify and estimate two separate liquidity premia embedded in S&P 500 index options that are consistent with previous findings in the literature.  相似文献   

Using a novel no‐arbitrage model and extensive second‐moment data, we decompose conditional volatility of U.S. Treasury yields into volatilities of short‐rate expectations and term premia. Short‐rate expectations become more volatile than premia before recessions and during asset market distress. Correlation between shocks to premia and shocks to short‐rate expectations is close to zero on average and varies with the monetary policy stance. While Treasuries are nearly unexposed to variance shocks, investors pay a premium for hedging variance risk with derivatives. We illustrate the dynamics of the yield volatility components during and after the financial crisis.  相似文献   

本文首先对货币政策影响股市流动性的机理进行分析,在此基础上,尝试构建了一个新的股票市场流动性指标,通过引入MS-VAR模型,考察了货币政策在不同区制下对股市流动性的动态影响。基于MSIH(3)-VAR(4)模型和累积脉冲响应的结果表明,货币政策扩张有助于提高市场流动性,货币政策收紧,会导致市场流动性降低。但在不同区制下,影响程度存在显著差异,当股市处于膨胀期时,货币政策冲击对市场流动性的影响比股市处于低迷期时表现得更加明显。同时,股市收益率和股市波动率对股市流动性也存在显著影响。  相似文献   

Our objective in this paper is to determine empirically the extent to which fixed-income investors are concerned about the relative effects of equity volatility and bond liquidity in the cross-section of corporate bond spreads. Our tests reveal that while both volatility and liquidity effects are significant, volatility, representing ex-ante credit shock, has the first-order impact, and liquidity represented by bond characteristics and price impact measure has the secondary impact on bond spreads. Conditional analysis further reveals that distressed bonds and distress regimes are both associated with significantly higher impact of volatility and liquidity shocks. However, the relative impact of these effects varies conditional on the underlying bond attributes and overall market conditions.  相似文献   

欧洲央行拥有较为完善的常规流动性供给机制,面对危机状态下市场融资功能的萎缩,欧央行通过创新和运用多种非常规流动性供给工具,为金融机构和市场提供必要的流动性支持。文章系统梳理了危机前后欧央行常规和非常规流动性管理工具的操作方式和功能,评估了非常规货币工具在市场流动性、利率和经济方面的实施效果,并探讨了其对于完善我国流动性管理的几点启示。  相似文献   

Monetary policy announcements have a significant impact on financial market liquidity. This study provides a novel perspective on the factors driving this relationship in the market for 10-year Treasury note futures: Target rate surprises and the complexity of the monetary policy statement language are important determinants. Differences of opinion resulting from interpretation of complex language appear to result in more trading volume despite relatively low levels of liquidity (a negative liquidity-volume relationship), while large target rate surprises reduce trading activity (a positive liquidity-volume relationship). The dynamic changes over time, as unconventional polices are adopted by monetary authorities and, high frequency traders become more pervasive. Central bankers may aid market liquidity by minimizing surprises, and issuing statements that are easier to understand (with shorter sentences and more familiar words).  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to employ the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic in the mean (GARCH-M) methodology to investigate the effect of interest rate and its volatility on the bank stock return generation process. This framework discards the restrictive assumptions of linearity, independence, and constant conditional variance in modeling bank stock returns. The model presented here allows for shifts in the volatility equation in response to the changes in monetary policy regime in 1979 and 1982 to be estimated. ARCH, GARCH, and volatility feed back effects are found to be significant. Interest rate and interest rate volatility are found to directly impact the first and the second moments of the bank stock returns distribution, respectively. The latter also affects the risk premia indirectly. The degree of persistence in shocks is substantial for all the three bank portfolios and sensitive to the nature of the bank portfolio and the prevailing monetary policy regime.  相似文献   

From July to December 2011, the three-month EURIBOR-OIS and EURIBOR-Repo spreads quadrupled and reached 100 basis points due to a stabilization of the EURIBOR and a decrease in the overnight index swap (OIS) and Repo. Using a specific monetary policy announcements and financial indicators database, we find that the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) unconventional measures did not systematically have a calming effect: Asset buyout announcements decreased market strains, whereas interest rates and liquidity provision announcements did not. Moreover, liquidity provision seems to have a stressing effect. Our findings are consistent with the theoretical underpinnings according to which forward guidance crucially determines the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policies.  相似文献   

银行间货币市场是央行实施货币政策的重要平台,研究货币政策对银行间市场流动性的影响对于完善商业银行日常流动性管理具有重要意义。文章在设定银行间市场流动性测度指标与梳理货币政策工具对市场流动性的影响机制的基础上,分别使用事件分析法和时间序列模型对不同政策工具的影响效应进行实证分析,得出相关分析结论,并总结其对于完善商业银行日常流动性管理的启示。  相似文献   

A reduced form model for the join dynamics of liquidity and asset prices is proposed. The self-reinforcing feedback between credit creation and the market value of the financial assets employed as collateral in the bank loans (the so called financial accelerator) is modeled by a coupled non-linear stochastic process. We show that such non-linear interaction produces explosive dynamics in the financial variables announcing a regime change in finite time in the form of a market crash which can also be modeled by the same coupled non-linear stochastic process with inverted signs. Casting the financial accelerator dynamics into a highly stylized macroeconomic model, we study its macro-dynamics implications for real economy and for monetary policy interventions. Finally, by exploiting the implications of the proposed model on the dynamics of financial asset returns, we introduce an extension of the GARCH process, that can provide an early warning identification of bubbles.  相似文献   

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