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We investigate the micro structure of the UK gilt market studying the behaviour of several gilt-edged market makers on the London Stock Exchange. Through a structural model of the price process we can test different microstructural hypotheses, concerning information asymmetries, transaction and inventory carrying costs, and market liquidity. Our results suggest that inventories do not alter the price process in the gilt market. Moreover, in contrast to customer orders, inter-dealer transactions possess an information content. Transaction costs in the inter-dealer market are also substantially smaller than those for external customers.  相似文献   

Prices and yields of UK government zero‐coupon bonds are used to test alternative yield curve estimation models. Zero‐coupon bonds permit a more pure comparison, as the models are providing only the interpolation service and also not making estimation feasible. It is found that better yield curves estimates are obtained by fitting to the yield curve directly rather than fitting first to the discount function. A simple procedure to set the smoothness of the fitted curves is developed, and a positive relationship between over‐smoothness and the fitting error is identified. A cubic spline function fitted directly to the yield curve provides the best overall balance of fitting error and smoothness, both along the yield curve and within local maturity regions.  相似文献   

Our study examines market sentiment and the importance of trading location in British American Depository Receipts (ADRs) traded in the US. Perfect integration between UK markets and UK ADRs is ruled out given that UK ADRs exhibit an intraday, U-shaped volatility curve. Both a variance decomposition analysis and an EGARCH model show that UK ADR returns are driven more by US market returns than US-traded UK ETF returns. These results indicate the existence of US market sentiment for UK ADRs and that trading location influences pricing behavior.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the ability of dividend ratios to predict the equity premium. We conduct an in and out-of-sample comparative study and apply the Goyal and Welch (2003) graphical method to equity premia derived from the UK FTSE All-Share and the S&P 500 indices. Preliminary in-sample univariate regressions reveal that in both markets the equity premium contains an element of predictability. However, the considered out-of-sample models outperform the historical moving average only in the UK context. This is confirmed by the graphical diagnostic which further indicates that dividend ratios are useful predictors of UK excess returns. Our paper provides a possible explanation of why dividend ratios might be more informative in the UK market by linking these findings to the disappearing dividend phenomenon. Finally, Campbell and Shiller (1988) identities are employed to account for the time-varying properties of the dividend ratio and dividend growth processes. It is shown that by instrumenting the models with the identities, forecasting ability can be further improved.  相似文献   

Net equity issuance (NEI) by firms has predictive power for US stock returns. This paper examines the NEI anomaly for UK stocks, using regression on firm characteristics and sorted portfolios with several factor models. The anomaly generalises to the UK only in part. We confirm the existence of a large NEI effect for small and midsize stocks, but not for large stocks. The repurchase effect, of positive abnormal returns following repurchases, is absent in the UK. We also find that the NEI effect in smaller stocks is not exploitable by investors, allowing for transaction costs.  相似文献   

Previous studies reach no consensus on the relationship between risk and return using data from one market. We argue that the world market factor should not be ignored in assessing the risk-return relationship in a partially integrated market. Applying a bivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity in mean (GARCH-M) model to the weekly stock index returns from the UK and the world market, we document a significant positive relationship between stock returns and the variance of returns in the UK stock market after controlling for the covariance of the UK and the world market return. In contrast, conventional univariate GARCH-M models typically fail to detect this relationship. Nonnested hypothesis tests supplemented with other commonly used model selection criteria unambiguously demonstrate that our bivariate GARCH-M model is more likely to be the true model for UK stock market returns than univariate GARCH-M models. Our results have implications for empirical assessments of the risk-return relationship, expected return estimation, and international diversification.  相似文献   

We propose a new model to estimate the term structure of interest rates using observed on‐the‐run Treasury yields. The new model is an improvement over models that require a priori knowledge of the shape of the yield curve to estimate the term structure. The general form of the model is an exponential function that depends on the estimation of four parameters fit by nonlinear least squares and has straightforward interpretations. In comparing the proposed model with current yield‐curve‐smoothing models, we find that, for the data used, the proposed model does best overall in terms of pricing accuracy both in sample and out of sample. JEL classification: E43, G12  相似文献   

Theoretically-driven, market-based contingent claims models have recently been applied to the field of corporate insolvency prediction in an attempt to provide the art with a theoretical methodology that has been lacking in the past. Limited studies have been carried out in order directly to compare the performance of these models with that of their accounting number-based counterparts. We use receiver operating characteristic curves to assess the efficacy of thirteen selected models using, for the first time, post-IFRS UK data; and investigate the distributional properties of model efficacy. We find that the efficacy of the models is generally less than that reported in the prior literature; but that the contingent claims models outperform models which use accounting numbers. We also obtain the counter-intuitive finding that predictions based on a single variable can be as efficient as those which are based on models which are far more complicated – in terms of variable variety and mathematical construction. Finally, we develop and test a naïve version of the down-and-out-call barrier option model for insolvency prediction and find that, despite its simple formulation, it performs favourably compared alongside other contingent claims models.  相似文献   

We estimate a macro-finance yield curve model for both the nominal and real forward curve for the UK from 1993 to 2008. Our model is able to accommodate a number of key macroeconomic variables and allows us to estimate the instantaneous response of the yield curve and so gauge the impact of Quantitative Easing on forward rates. We find that 10 year nominal interest rates on average are lower by 46 basis points which can largely be explained by three main channels: portfolio balance; liquidity premium and signalling but there is no sizeable impact on real interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the exact discrete model of Bergstrom (1966) first used in empirical finance by Brennan and Schwartz (1979) to estimate their two-factor term structure model to estimate other two-factor term structure models using the recent assumption in Nowman (1997) for single factor models. Following Nowman (1997) we use the exact Gaussian estimation methods of Bergstrom (1983–1986, 1990) to estimate two-factor CKLS, Vasicek and CIR models. We estimate the models using monthly UK and Japanese interest rate data and our results indicate that the estimation method works well in practice.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of board size on firm performance for a large sample of 2746 UK listed firms over 1981–2002. The UK provides an interesting institutional setting, because UK boards play a weak monitoring role and therefore any negative effect of large board size is likely to reflect the malfunction of the board's advisory rather than monitoring role. We find that board size has a strong negative impact on profitability, Tobin's Q and share returns. This result is robust across econometric models that control for different types of endogeneity. We find no evidence that firm characteristics that determine board size in the UK lead to a more positive board size–firm performance relation. In contrast, we find that the negative relation is strongest for large firms, which tend to have larger boards. Overall, our evidence supports the argument that problems of poor communication and decision-making undermine the effectiveness of large boards.  相似文献   

In this paper we adopt a ‘business model’ conceptual framework grounded in accounting to describe the processes and mechanisms of national economic development and transformation. We locate national business models within a broad econo-sphere where they evolve and adapt to information arising out of stakeholder/institutional interactions. These interactions congeal into reported financial numbers that are presented as current income flows (income, expenditure), balance sheet accumulations and changes in net worth (assets and liabilities outstanding). We employ financial data from national accounts to specifically describe how the US and UK national business models have become financialized as ongoing capitalizations run ahead of earnings capacity. This process of interminable re-capitalization is conditioned by variable institutional and sub-institutional sector characteristics. However, in financialized national business models the system of accounting takes on added analytical significance because it ‘transmits rather than contains’ and ‘amplifies rather than dampens’ adverse financial disturbance as capitalizations are recalibrated up or down in secondary markets.  相似文献   

This paper has four main aims. Firstly it attempts a critical appraisal of extant UK Z-score models and seeks to assess in each case their operational utility. Next two previously unpublished models are described which address respectively (i) the need for separate models for manufacturing and distribution companies, and (ii) the utility of the jackknife discriminant approach in practice. Then developments of the technique to enhance considerably its utility to the practitioner are described. Finally a brief review of how such approaches are currently being used in the UK and by whom is provided.  相似文献   

We address two empirical issues related to the long end of the yield curve based on euro swap rates. First, for maturities longer than 20 years we find evidence for an ‘excess’ downward slope that cannot be explained by convexity. Second, volatility at the very long end of the yield curve is larger than predicted by no-arbitrage models. We construct a model-based arbitrage-free extrapolation of the yield-curve and compare it to the regulatory discount curve. Because of near-zero mean reversion, there is no convergence towards an ‘ultimate forward rate’ and convexity effects cause the arbitrage-free extrapolations to have slightly downward sloping curves. The low level of mean-reversion also implies that the volatility of long-term rates does not decline relative to the 20-year volatility. Therefore, we conclude that the mean-reversion and resulting smoothing adopted by the regulatory curve is much too strong.  相似文献   

This work explores an original methodology to specify Gaussian dynamic term structure models and estimate them efficiently from time series data. The emphasis is on the cross-sectional dimension of the problem. The form of the term premium is chosen so as to take into account the recent contributions that provide evidence in favor of time-varying market prices of risk. A model based on a widely used family of forward curves is then estimated from time series of eight UK interest rates. An extensive diagnostic check is carried out to assess the fit of the model.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores the industry cost of equity capital for the UK. We replicate the Fama and French (1997) US analysis for UK industries, but additionally investigate the industry cost of equity capital obtained from a conditional CAPM, the Cahart (1997) four factor model, and the Al-Horani, Pope and Stark (2003) R&D model. In line with the Fama-French US results, the out of sample performance of all the models is disappointing Whilst the FF3F model has a somewhat higher explanatory power than the CAPM in terms of explaining past returns, the SMB and HML factor slopes show considerable variability through time. However, all our models of the cost of equity capital in the UK outperform a simple 'beta one' model, a result that has implications for the regulatory process. There is also some evidence to suggest that a conditional CAPM may be of interest to regulators. The new R&D model of Al-Horani et al. clearly has potential, in that over the limited period for which data is available it yields return errors not dissimilar to those found under the FF3F model, but exhibits slope coefficients on the fourth R&D factor that seem to be relatively stable.  相似文献   

German firms pay out a lower proportion of their cash flows, but a higher proportion of their published profits than UK and US firms. We estimate partial adjustment models and report two major findings. First, German firms base their dividend decisions on cash flows rather than published earnings as (i) published earnings do not correctly reflect performance because German firms retain parts of their earnings to build up legal reserves, (ii) German accounting is conservative, (iii) published earnings are subject to more smoothing than cash flows. Second, to the opposite of UK and US firms, German firms have more flexible dividend policies as they are willing to cut the dividend when profitability is only temporarily down.  相似文献   

We investigate whether accounting systems recognise bad news more promptly in earnings than good news, where news is proxied by changes in share price. The analysis is based on a sample of firm/years drawn from France, Germany, and the UK during 1990 to 1998. These three countries are the originators of three distinct legal traditions. Previous studies have argued that asymmetric recognition, one manifestation of conservative accounting, is sensitive to legal background and history. We find that in all three countries the contemporaneous association between earnings and returns is much stronger for bad news (i.e. when price changes are negative) than for good news, and although the results are strongest for the UK, and then France, the inter-country differences are not statistically significant. The stronger reaction to bad news is more pronounced for firms with relatively low capitalisation. We also find that the relative persistence of profits and losses are consistent with asymmetric recognition in France and the UK, but not in Germany, and that the more timely recognition of bad news is maintained even when we control for earnings persistence. When we extend the model to include price changes from previous periods, we see that the stronger reaction to bad news decays over time. The results from this model also suggest that 'pervasive' conservatism, unrelated to news, is observed in Germany and France, but the UK results are consistent with optimism. Although asymmetric recognition is generally strongest in the UK and weakest in Germany, and this broadly conforms to our expectations, the differences are less clear than the results from earlier periods.  相似文献   

The term structure of interest rates is often summarized using a handful of yield factors that capture shifts in the shape of the yield curve. In this paper, we develop a comprehensive model for volatility dynamics in the level, slope, and curvature of the yield curve that simultaneously includes level and GARCH effects along with regime shifts. We show that the level of the short rate is useful in modeling the volatility of the three yield factors and that there are significant GARCH effects present even after including a level effect. Further, we find that allowing for regime shifts in the factor volatilities dramatically improves the model’s fit and strengthens the level effect. We also show that a regime-switching model with level and GARCH effects provides the best out-of-sample forecasting performance of yield volatility. We argue that the auxiliary models often used to estimate term structure models with simulation-based estimation techniques should be consistent with the main features of the yield curve that are identified by our model.  相似文献   

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