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亨利.詹姆斯在《德莫福夫人》中刻画了一个被忽视、被压抑的女性形象——德莫福夫人。她深受男权制统治的压抑和扭曲,但却一直努力为追求自我而进行本能的反抗。通过描写德莫福夫人对夫权制的反叛和颠覆的女性故事,作者亨利.詹姆斯表明了其鲜明的女性主义思想及其对男权社会的积极挑战。  相似文献   

世界经济处境艰难.遗憾的是,这也是责难开始之时--人们在寻找造成他们困境的替罪羊.中国被引人注目地当成了替罪羊:不管是被称为全球经济低迷的根源,或被认为是创造就业机会的磁石,中国正日益被与造成世界经济困境的重大问题联系在一起.  相似文献   

范涛  何国强 《开放时代》2006,(5):132-140
本文首先对“替罪羊”概念的缘起进行了解读,然后结合田野调查资料重点分析了大襟岛上的替罪羊习俗,认为该习俗和弗雷泽《金枝》中的描写有所不同,进一步丰富了“替罪羊”的概念。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以后,“撒切尔夫人还在世吗”这样的问题经常会出现在网络上。在生命的最后几年,尽管深居简出并受到老年痴呆症的困扰,撒切尔夫人还是被公众所记起。2011年。作为她的传记电影,《铁娘子》一片风靡全球,主演梅丽尔·斯特里普更是摘得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。这几年由于经济不景气和欧盟危机,撒切尔夫人在各种讨论中被不断提及,人们争议于她的理念。赞扬或谴责她当年的施政。撒切尔夫人去世了,有人哀悼有人欢庆。但尽管饱受争议,她的遗产却深远地影响了当今世界。当人们提及保守主义的时候,撒切尔夫人是最主要的代表人物,“撒切尔主义”也作为一种理念或者思想被写入政治学词典。在2013年4月8日以后,人们将不会再讨论撒切尔夫人的生死问题。但她的印迹却会伴随一代又一代人。  相似文献   

《简·爱》中的女主人公简的形象自强、勇敢和理性的象征,而另一个古怪、恐怖可怕的女人伯莎·梅森却往往被忽略或只是被看做推动故事情节的一个工具。但我们可以看到,正是这个疯女人伯莎·梅森这一形象反映出夏洛蒂·勃朗特在维多利亚时代的英国所感受到的社会对妇女的压力以及她的双重性格在《简·爱》中的曲折反映。  相似文献   

玛格丽特&;#183;撒切尔,1925年10月13日诞生于英格兰瑟姆镇一个经营杂货的小商人家庭,1979年当选为英国历史上首任女首相。在撒切尔夫人步人政坛时,“英国病”这一沉疴正在日益严重地缠绕着英国。她抱着振兴英国的决心走进了唐宁街10号,为英国开出了以提倡自由竞争、减少政府干预、控制货币发行量和回归家庭美德为特征的“撒切尔主义”处方。撒切尔夫人任英国首相长达11年,在社会经济各方面所采取的措施都对英国乃至世界产生了深远的影响,特别是她对福利改革的独特见解至今仍作为一种指导思想被各国所采用。  相似文献   

沈居安 《商周刊》2014,(8):63-63
从第五套人民币开始,在主辅纸币正面印制了统一的毛泽东头像,开始把领袖确立为人民币纸币上的人物。在此之前,第一至第四套人民币上印制了许多具有时代背景,反映政治社会和经济状况的大众人物,这些面容姣好的形象人物,通常被认为是制钞美术专家杜撰设计的,而其实他们大多都有真实人物写真原型,其中一些人的人生经历还留下了许多趣谈。  相似文献   

长期疲弱的全球经济现在进入了一个竞相指责的危险境地。指责别人而不是检讨自己的倾向正在增加。找出一个新的替罪羊几乎成了这些情绪的共同点,这个替罪羊就是经济迅速增长的中国……  相似文献   

英国前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔4月8日早晨因中风去世,享年87岁.她的发言人蒂姆·贝尔说,她去世时"很平静".撒切尔夫人于1979年至1990年间担任英国首相,是英国第一位女首相,也是19世纪初以来连续任职时间最长的英国首相.撒切尔夫人在政坛以作风硬朗著称,她的政坛生涯存在争议,支持者称赞她改变英国、实现国家现代化,而反对者则抨击她压制工会、加深社会贫富分化.  相似文献   

《红与黑》中的主人公于连是一个多侧面的人物,他意志坚定、精神充沛、充满激情,他一直在努力改变自己的命运,然而他人物特征中的矛盾性与复杂性,使他最终结束了自己的生命。艾玛是《包法利夫人》中那个为爱情而活,为爱情而迷失方向,为爱情而放荡堕落,最后为爱情而选择死亡的女主人公。分析了于连的形象特征和艾玛的爱情悲剧,对他们各自爱情悲剧作了更进一步的探究,阐释了谁是真正的悲剧。  相似文献   

Eveline is of one of the stories ofDubliners by James Joyce. This paper attempts to analyze the cause of the miserable life of the heroine and her mother, and concludes that they are the victims of patriarchal society whom are depicted by Joyce to raise women's feminism consciousness.  相似文献   

Road accidents have a major impact on the economy as well as society. In other words, such an event also has an impact on the affected individuals’ contribution back to society and state. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of traffic accidents on the economy. We evaluate the value or cost of a human life in traffic accidents. To estimate the cost, we need to know the income contribution of each individual via his or her employment or other earnings, i.e. his or her income-generating capacity for the remainder of his or her life, had the incident not occurred. Then we find the “present value” of such income, adjusted for the probability of such an event (fatality) happening. This is similar to the calculation of a pure insurance premium. Assessment of the economic impact caused by human life loss is dealt with using insurance-based methods. We calculate the burning cost of an insurance policy that provides coverage for the risk under investigation. It is of interest to the state and the family of the deceased to recover as much of this lost income as possible.  相似文献   

Marilyn Waring’s If Women Counted (1988) shows how national income accounting became infused with the patriarchal values dominant during its post–World War II development. This article revisits Waring’s analysis in the light of continued support of gross domestic product as a useful statistic. It explains the historical and personal context for her analysis, emphasizing postwar patriarchal values as well as Waring’s experience as a Member of the New Zealand Parliament (1975–84) and her active engagement with women in developed and developing countries. It illustrates the support If Women Counted gives to reformers and recognizes that change has occurred, including provision for satellite accounts in the United Nations System of National Accounts (UNSNA). Nevertheless, the paper concludes that Waring’s profound challenge to the central framework of UNSNA will continue as long as the system excludes unpaid household work and impacts on the natural environment from its core statistics.  相似文献   

素有"中国婚姻第一写手"之称的女作家王海鸰创作出版了系列婚恋题材小说,她用"冷静而近乎残忍"的写实手法阐述婚姻困惑从而引发社会思考。文章探析了她情感心理中对男人迷信的破灭、人生成功的喜悦及婚姻否定观对其小说创作主题的影响。  相似文献   

在中国宗法社会的演进与发展过程中,制度结构逐渐形成了一种以柔性制度为主、以刚性制度为附的制度安排,这种制度结构中的信用链条与信用制度表现出其特有的连接方式和约束条款.在这种文化观、伦理观的濡化和教化之下,在中国市场经济热潮覆盖的今天,信用制度结构框架仍有待重构与再建.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of sustainability and its implications for environmental policy analysis. It builds on the premise that present society holds a moral obligation to pass on a world of undiminished life opportunities to members of future generations. Maintaining life opportunities, in turn, can be achieved by maintaining or improving a diverse set of resources and capabilities that support a person's freedom to define and pursue her own conception of the good life. On an operational level, this framework points to the following guideline for environmental policy: Protecting the rights of future generations requires either the conservation of environmental resources or compensatory measures (including the provision of substitute technologies) that ensure the fair and proportionate sharing of net benefits over intergenerational time scales. In this framework, resource depletion is permissible only if (with reasonable certainty) it would generate a Pareto improvement relative to a baseline scenario involving strict resource conservation.  相似文献   

We study how culture and social structure influence bargaining behavior across gender, by exploring the negotiation culture in matrilineal and patriarchal societies using data from a laboratory experiment and a natural field experiment. One interesting result is that in both the actual marketplace and in the laboratory bargaining game, women in the matrilineal society earn more than men, at odds with years of evidence observed in the western world. We find that this result is critically driven by which side of the market the person is occupying: female (male) sellers in the matrilineal (patriarchal) society extract more of the bargaining surplus than male (female) sellers. In the buyer role, however, we observe no significant differences across societies.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2008,64(4):656-663
This paper examines the concept of sustainability and its implications for environmental policy analysis. It builds on the premise that present society holds a moral obligation to pass on a world of undiminished life opportunities to members of future generations. Maintaining life opportunities, in turn, can be achieved by maintaining or improving a diverse set of resources and capabilities that support a person's freedom to define and pursue her own conception of the good life. On an operational level, this framework points to the following guideline for environmental policy: Protecting the rights of future generations requires either the conservation of environmental resources or compensatory measures (including the provision of substitute technologies) that ensure the fair and proportionate sharing of net benefits over intergenerational time scales. In this framework, resource depletion is permissible only if (with reasonable certainty) it would generate a Pareto improvement relative to a baseline scenario involving strict resource conservation.  相似文献   

园林作为居住空间的特殊品类,是传统社会重要的女性教育空间,在园林画中多有体现。以传世的园林绘画为考察对象,结合文献史料,从女性的自然常识教育、劳动技能教育和文化艺术教育3个方面探讨园林空间对于古代女性健康成长与人格完善的作用。可以发现,园林空间在古代女性教育中占有特殊地位,它是女性认识自然世界的窗口、学习生活技能的场所,以及提高文化和艺术造诣的环境。  相似文献   

In this paper, the data from a socio—economic survey carried out in South Bohemia (a region of the Czech Republic) in the years 2003 and 2004 are used to estimate two models. The first model considers the health status of the individual to be an investment commodity, which enhances the productivity and the earning potential of the individual and thus his/her living standard. The second model considers the influence of health status of the individual on his/her life satisfaction and treats the health of the individual as a consumption commodity entering the individual preference function directly. In both models, the health status of the individual is significant in influencing dependent variables, living standard and life satisfaction respectively.  相似文献   

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