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记者:国家发改委和国家电监会决定8月下旬在中央电视台举办“全国科学用电知识电视大赛”(简称“电视大赛”),请您介绍一下,为什么要举办这次电视大赛?宋密:今年以来,党中央、国务院领导对加强电力需求侧管理工作作了多次重要指示。最近,国务院总理温家宝到国家电力调度中心考察时,要求今年迎峰度夏要做好六项工作,第一项就是强化电力需求侧管理。国家电监会为推动电力需求侧管理做了大量工作,与国家发改委联合印发了《关于加强电力需求侧管理工作的指导意见》等重要文件。举办这次电视大赛,就是为了贯彻国务院领导的指示精神,向社会公众广…  相似文献   

<正>电力需求侧管理是指通过实时监测用电客户负荷状况来实现移峰填谷、优化用电结构和平衡发供电关系的有序用电实时管理系统,通过该系统还可以发现用户用电异常或计量装置异常,是我们供电企业实现对用户安全监管和营销稽查的重要手段。负荷监控系统是实施需求侧管理最有效直接的技术手段,因此提高负控终端在线监测率具有十分重要的意义。造成负控终端离线的原因如下:  相似文献   

李蕾 《中国电业》2005,(8):48-48
在市场经济条件下,真正意义上的电力需求侧管理强调的是在提高用电效率的基础上取得电力资源的最优化配置,使用户获得最小的用电成本。  相似文献   

华网 《广西电业》2011,(4):59-60
为加强电力需求侧管理,做好有序用电工作,发改委制定了《有序用电管理办法》并于近日发布。《有序用电管理办法》全文如下:第一章总则第一条为落实科学发展观,加强电力需求侧管理,确保电网安全稳定运行,保障社会用电秩序,根据《中华人民共和国电力法》  相似文献   

深挖终端用户节能潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
需求侧管理开展以来,国家通过各种政策措施,引导用户高峰时少用电,低谷时多用电,提高供电效率、优化用电方式等,在缓解缺电压力、降低供电成本和用电成本方面取得了巨大的成绩。我国是一个十三亿人口的大国。居民用电在我国用电量中占相当比例。因此,深挖居民用电的节能潜力,对促进我国的需求侧管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理期待五大措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金汶 《广西电业》2005,(10):55-56
电力需求侧管理(Demand Side Management,简称DSM)是指通过采取有效措施.引导电力用户优化用电方式,提高终端用电效率.优化资源配置,改善和保护环境,实现最小成本电力服务所进行的用电管理活动。  相似文献   

陈庆华 《中国电业》2004,(12):54-55
面对快速增长的电力需求和电力紧缺的严峻形势,东台市供电公司通过强化需求侧管理,统筹协调,合理安排,保障了全市有序有效用电。  相似文献   

我国电力市场根据“中长期市场规避风险,现货市场发现价格”的原则建设。目前我国电力供应正处在相对紧张时期,各省按照“需求侧响应优先,有序用电保底、节约用电助力”次序开展电力保供工作,多省通过需求侧响应让用户调整负荷,而电力市场特别是现货市场并没有纳入电力保供的有效措施中。与需求侧响应中用户中断负荷的补偿标准相比,现货市场交易价格相对偏低。  相似文献   

刘玮 《中国电业》2003,(4):44-45
近几年我国部分地区再现缺电局面。其中既有总量性缺电因素.也有结构性缺电因素。解决的办法应该是在加快电源建设的同时。注重加强需求侧管理。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理(以下简称DSM),是一种通过采取有效措施,引导电力用户优化用电方式,从而提高终端用电效率,优化资源配置,改善和保护环境,实现最小成本电力服务所进行的用  相似文献   

Economies and Diseconomies: Estimating Electricity Cost Functions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper presents estimates of the variable cost function ofelectricity generation. The cost function is estimated using a two dimensional definition of capacity utilization. Because electricity cannot be conveniently stored, generation facilities follow the load across demand cycles. Capacity utilization can be captured empirically in two ways. One is generation relative to capacity when a unit is connected to the system; the other is thepercent of time the unit is disconnected. The estimated cost function shows that both dimensions affect average cost, which generally declines as capacity utilization increases.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the residential electricity price in most EU Member States has been increasing. Even after the introduction of significant reforms such as the liberalisation of the electricity market. This upward trend is in response to the development of different price components along the electricity supply chain. In order to identify and analyse these components for EU-Member States, a more detailed price apportionment than those offered by public sources like Eurostat and IEA is necessary. The methodology proposed in this study analyses the development of the residential electricity price and its main components between 2002 and 2012 for Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. The main drivers of the price trends observed for these four countries are subsequently identified, quantified and compared. Furthermore, the residential expenditure on electricity in each country is examined in connection with the evolution of residential electricity consumption. The results show how and to what extent the residential electricity price for the selected EU Member States depends on price components such as the electricity wholesale price, the gross margin, network expenditures, energy taxes and other levies related to the decarbonisation of the national energy system. Furthermore, this detailed analysis of residential electricity prices throughout the last decade provides a sufficient data basis to draw some prospective conclusions in terms of a short-term price outlook.  相似文献   

实施多种营销策略 扩大电力市场占有率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供电企业营销的4项重点工作是增加销售电量、合理合法执行电价、及时回收电费和加强供电服务,其中增加销售电量扩大市场占有率最为关键。分析了当前制约销售电量增加的主要因素,提出了扩大市场占有率的多种营销策略和途径。  相似文献   

用电检查面临的重点问题及反窃电措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电检查是供电营销管理工作的重要内容,而查窃电又是用电检查的重点和难点。基于多年用电检查工作经验,分析了当前供电业务中违章用电和窃电形势,论述了供电企业用电检查和反窃电工作的现状及面临的问题,结合供电企业工作实际,提出了查处窃电的相关对策。  相似文献   

In the past, Energy Utility Companies (EUC) in Germany bought their electricity demand with a strategy that used planned sales volumes as control factor for procurement. However, this approach has the disadvantage that the open position defined as the difference between electricity sold to the customer and electricity bought at the wholesale market is not monitored. Thus, the price risk is measured incorrectly. To avoid these unnecessary risks, we propose that optimal portfolio management in liberalised energy markets should constantly monitor electricity sales volumes and electricity bought. This approach has the advantage that the open position and thus the price risk can be computed continuously and can thus be managed and monitored. However, higher data requirements have to be fulfilled when this strategy is applied. Nonetheless, the process is manageable with modern IT-systems. The main ideas in this paper can be transferred to the gas market.  相似文献   

实施峰谷阶梯电价的计费方法及执行措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了浙江永康为了既保证基本生活用电水平又倡导节约用电和合理用电而执行峰谷阶梯电价的具体方法、阶梯电价计费方式和实施过程,以及居民用户在实施峰谷阶梯电价中采取的降低电费的相应措施;指出执行居民峰谷阶梯电价既有移峰填谷的作用又有促进节约用电的功能,并可引导人们改变用电习惯,是一项利国利民的电价政策。  相似文献   

Photovoltaics are one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world. Despite high costs and a limited energy yield, attractive support schemes particularly the German renewable energy law have paved the way for the strong market growth of this technology within the last decade. Here the question arises as to when photovoltaics will reach a competitive level in Germany without the support of subsidies. The prominent grid parity approach is simple and considered critical in this discussion. It is critical because of the different references regarding the costs of electricity generated by a newly installed PV system and the electricity price of private households, which consists of electricity generation, distribution, sales as well as taxes and duties on the one hand. On the other hand, there are different time references in the calculation of electricity generation costs and electricity prices of private households. Transferring the approach of Levelized Costs of Electricity (LCOE) to all power generation plants within the energy mix means a redefinition of the grid parity of photovoltaics will be carried out. Here the electricity generation costs of photovoltaics as well as the energy mix will be calculated in the same way. The LCOE calculation refers to the whole life cycle of every power generation plant. That is why a balance between the high investment costs of photovoltaics and the increasing operation costs of fossil fuelled power plants is made. It can be shown that the reaching of competitiveness of photovoltaics in Germany depends on structural changes in electricity generation and it is to be realized within the anticipated time frame until the year 2020.  相似文献   

In an online survey concerning the preferences for wind power generation in Germany respondents were also asked whether they purchase green electricity. If not, they were requested to state the reasons for not purchasing green electricity. In this paper we present the results using, among other things, a logistic regression analysis. Moreover, we also interpret the results with respect to German energy policy. The regression analysis shows, for example, that respondents who are not in favour of the climate policy of the German government are less likely to purchase green electricity. Overall, the results show that respondents do not principally oppose purchasing green electricity. Reservation towards green electricity is rather caused by insufficient information about green electricity and lacking motivation to change power contracts at the current supplier or to change even the supplier. However, as the sample of the on-line survey is not representative for Germany, the conclusions should be considered with some degree of caution. Nevertheless, the results show unused market potential for green electricity. This conclusion might be of interest for producers of green electricity and for the marketing of green electricity labels, because a substantial share of the identified obstacles can be eliminated with suitable marketing actions.  相似文献   

我区有丰富的煤炭资源,充分利用好煤炭资源,包含有煤炭资源的勘查、开采和利用的全过程.在勘查过程中,应注意寻找与煤共生、伴生的金属和非金属矿产;在开采过程中,应注意环境保护和资源的综合利用,充分利用煤矸石、矿坑疏导水等废弃物,变废为宝;在煤资源的使用过程中,要提高其使用效率,充分开发使用价值,如煤电转化、煤液化等等.注重特殊煤种的开发利用,实现更好的经济效益和环境效益.  相似文献   

编制投入产出表涉及大量的数据与计算,滞后问题严重。根据电力与经济呈正相关的原理,将已有的投入产出表及已知相关数据作为经济体的初始状态,以用电量及公布的宏观经济数据作为经济体运行的目标状态,采用ARE(智能体响应均衡)模型,模拟宏观经济的运行。并以用电量为约束的迭代算法让经济体达到目标状态,推出新的投入产出表。在ARE模拟中,各行业的模拟用电量与实际用电量之间的误差越小,得到的投入产出表精度越高。以此方法更新的投入产出表滞后期减少1~2年,可为其他经济模型研究及政策制定提供基础。  相似文献   

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