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当前高校物流人才供求结构性失衡造成了高校物流人才就业的困境。那么怎样才能走出这个困境呢?只能调整院校物流人才的培养模式,提高物流人才的综合素质,通过学、企、研相结合的方式培养物流人才,构建高校物流人才培养的长效机制,才能满足市场对物流人才的需求。  相似文献   

论企业招聘物流人才的知识技能标准体系   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
陈韩梅 《物流科技》2005,28(5):67-69
物流企业发展的关键因素之一是物流人才.目前我国物流人才紧缺,从业人员受教育程度偏低、务实经验缺乏。为此,企业需建立招聘物流人才的知识技能标准体系,特应用型的物流人才招聘到自己的企业里,为企业创造第三利润提供人才保证。  相似文献   

我国的工业企业物流发展滞后,其中最重要的一个原因就是工业企业物流人才开发的落后。在职培训是培养物流人才途径之一,而别具一格引进企业所需物流人才更是有效解决物流人才缺乏的办法之一。[编者按]  相似文献   

近几年,随着产业结构的不断调整,智慧物流已成为物流业发展的新增长点,海南自由贸易试验区的建设对智慧物流人才提出了更高的要求。现阶段高校物流人才培养与企业需求失衡。本文主要通过对物流企业的用人需求调研,结合海南省物流行业的发展前景,分析出适应海南省物流行业发展的智慧物流人才应具备怎样的综合能力。  相似文献   

王超 《中外物流》2006,(5):21-23
由于物流企业实质上进入障碍低,近4—5年国内物流企业数量急剧增加.国外物流巨头纷纷登陆中国.国内物流企业竞争压力增大。近阶段.我国物流行业竞争加剧的速度远远超过我国物流企业改善管理的速度.而物流企业员工由于历史原因形成的低素质.低工资.低管理,低技术,我国现阶段“学院型”物流人才培养与我国物流企业急需“操作型”高素质人才差距很大.导致我国大中小型物流企业中高层人才短缺,管理滞后,电导致物流行业所说的本行业进入“洗牌”阶段。  相似文献   

物流复合型人才的能力素质与知识结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流业发展需要复合型物流人才,本通过分析我国物流企业人才的现状及物流业发展对物流人才的知识、能力要求,具体提出了物流人才培养方面的知识结构和能力素质要求,并对我国物流复合型人才的培养提出了具体的指导建议。  相似文献   

关于启动中国物流人才教育工程的几点思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
1我国物流业的快速发展对物流人才提出了迫切需求2001年是中国物流理论研究和物流实践极为活跃的一年,是多层次物流教学快速启动与发展的一年,也是我们物流界同仁努力拼搏、硕果累累的一年。物流产业的蓬勃发展必然导致对物流人才的迫切需求,目前物流专业人才已被列为我国12类紧缺人才之一。为应对这种形势,研究如何能快速培养物流企业所需要的各种层次的专业人才,教育界有义不容辞的责任。对物流人才的需求主要来自以下几个方面:第一,企业物流人才的需求。由于降低物流成本是企业的第三利润源已逐步形成共识,为了提高企业的…  相似文献   

湖北汽车工业学院物流管理专业紧紧围绕地方高校在应用型人才培养方面存在的人才供需结构失衡、专业建设不适应产业发展需要、课程设置与企业岗位不适应、应用型人才培养的路径不清晰等问题,开展物流管理人才培养的理念、模式、机制探索,逐步形成基于OBE理念的“3+3+6”的应用型物流管理人才培养模式的探索与实践。  相似文献   

21世纪,物流必将成为企业发展的"第三利润源泉",而我国的工业企业物流发展非常滞后,其中最重要的一个原因就是工业企业物流人才开发的落后.因此,开展我国工业企业物流人才开发研究具有积极意义.本文针对我国工业企业现代物流理念薄弱、基层物流操作人才和高级物流管理人才的全面缺乏,提出了重视普及物流理念、完善在职培训机制、别具一格引进人才等开发策略.  相似文献   

王志刚  张述成 《物流科技》2010,33(7):127-128
我国的物流产业进入一个高速发展时期。但随着全球化竞争和知识经济时代的到来.我国物流产业将面临着严峻的竞争和挑战,企业间的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争。国内企业如果没有科学、合理、有效的人力资源开发与管理方案,没有高素质人才,将无法适应这种形势。通过对我国物流企业的人力资源现状进行了解.着重探讨了适合我国物流企业现状的人力资源开发与管理模式。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic structure of a standard disequilibrium model. By assuming that the model variables are non-stationary time series with respect to ample empirical evidence, we find the following: 1) It is the exogenous variables rather than the price adjustment process that form the real adjustment force of the model; 2) Quantity disequilibrium and price disequilibrium are isomeric in the model, and follow a weakly stationary process when all the variables areI (1) nonstationary; 3) The disequilibrium process has a none-zero mean when the weakly exogenous variables of the demand equation do not cointegrate with those of the supply equation, corresponding to certain 'chronic disequilibrium' phenomena; 4) The isomerism between quantity disequilibrium and price changes makes it unnecessary to lean on the 'min condition' to characterise disequilibrium.  相似文献   

广西北部湾经济区中心城市引进东盟FDI的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从东盟引进FDI一直是广西北部湾经济区中心城市利用外资的一支重要力量。广西北部湾经济区中心城市利用东盟FDI存在着行业结构、产业结构、地区结构的不均衡。因此,广西北部湾经济区中心城市应紧抓新的机遇,明确其总体发展的思路和重点发展领域,政府、企业、金融机构应采取多样化措施,共筑平台,实施区域中心城市带动发展战略,加大力度引进东盟FDI。  相似文献   

在西安城市化发展进程中,人为的行政区划以及长期以来形成的制度安排使汉长安城遗址区在西安城市化发展过程中的非均衡结构十分显著.从补偿机制、财税政策、就业政策、文化产业链、组织管理机构等方面提出了遗址区的治理对策.  相似文献   

In this paper two different models of urban spatial structure are developed. The first is based on equilibrium analysis and the dynamics of the equilibrium solution are examined. The second is based on disequilibrium analysis and is formulated as a set of differential equations. The models are run to assess the effects of changing energy parameters, particularly in relation to transport costs, and it is shown that a range of different patterns of spatial structure emerge.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates several issues of estimation and hypothesis testing in the context of a single-market disequilibrium model. The paper attempts to shed light on the following four questions: (1) What are the small-sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator in various disequilibrium models? (2) How can one test the hypothesis of equilibrium vs. disequilibrium? (3) Can one reasonably estimate the unobservable demand and supply quantities from observable data? and (4) What are the consequences of using an equilibrium model instead of a disequilibrium one, or of using a misspecified disequilibrium model? Each of these questions is examined with the aid of sampling experiments.  相似文献   

We consider estimation and testing of linkage equilibrium from genotypic data on a random sample of sibs, such as monozygotic and dizygotic twins. We compute the maximum likelihood estimator with an EM‐algorithm and a likelihood ratio statistic that takes the family structure into account. As we are interested in applying this to twin data we also allow observations on single children, so that monozygotic twins can be included. We allow non‐zero recombination fraction between the loci of interest, so that linkage disequilibrium between both linked and unlinked loci can be tested. The EM‐algorithm for computing the maximum likelihood estimator of the haplotype frequencies and the likelihood ratio test‐statistic, are described in detail. It is shown that the usual estimators of haplotype frequencies based on ignoring that the sibs are related are inefficient, and the likelihood ratio test for testing that the loci are in linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a general class of non-normal density functions (dubbed Sargan densities) in the context of the ordinary regression model and the simple one-market disequilibrium model. Use of the normal density in disequilibrium models is unwieldy, especially for multimarket models, since the application of maximum likelihood methods requires numerical evaluation of multiple integrals. These difficulties are avoided with the Sargan densities, and based on both asymptotic results and limited sampling experiments, these densities appear to offer a promising alternative to the normal in disequilibrium models.  相似文献   

Robert E. Looney 《Socio》1987,21(6):353-362
Mexico's current crisis has its origins in a number of structural conditions that developed in the 1970s. This paper examines one of these structural impediments, the country's fiscal disequilibrium. An empirical analysis of the country's tax structure indicates that there is ample scope for major tax reforms geared to introducing more responsiveness into the country's tax collection system. Given that the government will have to reduce its budget deficit to comply with IMF stabilization requirements, the analysis indicates tax reform rather than expenditure reduction would be the most efficient policy in achieving this objective.  相似文献   

胡趣 《价值工程》2012,31(32):81-83
地铁线路与城市不同功能区位的结合,造成了地铁线路客流的不均衡。断面客流差异过大会造成客流少的区段能力浪费而客流量大的区段服务水平降低。本文分析了不均衡客流产生的原因,论述了大小交路套跑对不均衡客流的适应性,并从车底运用和满载率两个方面对大小交路套跑进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   

杨艳 《价值工程》2012,31(21):23-24
和其它商品需求相比,运输需求有其自身特殊的规律性。其中,运输需求在时空上的不均衡性对运输活动的实现提出了要求。本文对运输需求的不均衡性及典型运输方式的适应性进行了剖析,旨在说明合规律性的运输活动是满足运输需求的最佳途径。  相似文献   

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